Borka MalcicUniversity of Novi Sad · Department of Pedagogy
Borka Malcic
Ph. D
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Borka Malcic currently works at the Department of Pedagogy, University of Novi Sad. Borka does research in Higher Education, Adult Education, Teacher Development and Sport Pedagogy. Their most recent publication is 'PROFESIONALNI RAZVOJ NASTAVNIKA KROZ KONCEPT HORIZONTALNOG UČENJA I NASTAVNIČKIH FORUMA'.
Publications (27)
The analysis of students’ attitudes and perceptions represents a basis for enhancing different types of activities, including teaching, learning, assessment, etc. Emphasis might be placed on the implementation of modern procedures and technologies, which play an important role in the process of digital transformation. Among them is artificial intel...
This empirical research aimed to investigate the convicts' opinions of education programs in penitentiaries. Data were collected from a convenient sample of 100 male prisoners detained in a high-security ward of the correctional institution in Sremska Mitrovica. The research aimed to examine the convicts' educational needs, as well as their assessm...
Motivacija za bavljenje tematikom obrazovanja u penalnim ustanovama proizašla je iz potrebe da se analiziraju aktuelni obrazovni programi u SAD-u, Švedskoj i Srbiji kako bi se uvidele progresivne ideje i radilo na jačanju obrazovne platforme u ustanovama za izvršenje krivičnih sankcija Republike Srbije. Kao polazne osnove iznete su istorijska persp...
Kurikulum, kao značajni dokument škole, predmet je brojnih istraživanja i rasprava u obrazovno-vaspitnom procesu. Kada govorimo o kurikulumu, nezaobilazno je razjasniti i osvetliti i pojam skrivenog kurikuluma. On se definiše kao diskrepancija između onoga što podrazumeva službeni kurikulum i onoga što se odvija u školama. Skriveni kurikulum u znat...
Teacher autonomy encompasses in its essence the (self)activity of the teacher, the right and opportunity to make decisions and choices, and finally accepting the consequences that come with those decisions. Accordingly, autonomy represents one of the core competences of the modern teacher and it is being increasingly in the focus of numerous pedago...
The purpose of the current study was to test psychometric characteristics of the Self-assessment Instrument for Teacher Evaluation - SITE II (Akram & Zepeda, 2015), namely, to determine the factor structure of the instrument which would enable us to conduct a research of the teacher self-evaluation. The study sampled 310 teachers of upper-primary s...
This study explored the factor structure of the short form of the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES-Sf) using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM), as well as bifactor models based on these two approaches. A total of 295 elementary level teachers (80% females) completed measures of interest f...
U ovom radu analiziramo mogućnost povećanog stepena razvoja sindroma sagorevanja kod studenata u toku Covid-19 pandemije. Sindrom sagorevanja kod studenata objašnjavamo kao kombinaciju osećaja fizičkog i mentalnog premora usled studija, smanjenog interesovanja prema fakultetskim zadacima i smanjene efikasnosti pri ispunjavanju akademskih obaveza. D...
Teacher reflection is becoming increasingly important in cultivating a responsible, critical, and autonomous work of teachers in practice. Little research has been conducted in Serbia, and these are predominantly theoretical. There is no validation of metric tools that could be applied in researching teacher reflection. The aim of the research illu...
Teacher reflection is becoming increasingly important in cultivating a responsible, critical, and autonomous work of teachers in practice. Little research has been conducted in Serbia, and these are predominantly theoretical. There is no validation of metric tools that could be applied in researching teacher reflection. The aim of the research illu...
Building on the fact that the teacher is one of the essential factors of attaining
goals of contemporary school, and that through his doings he forms and transfers the
system of values and culture, his reflection represents an important factor of the
development of contemporary school. The paper presents an overview and a critical
evaluation of con...
Assessing and understanding the determinants of sports-recreational interests play an important role in designing and conceiving effective curriculum and syllabus of physical education, as well as public health strategies at national level. In this study, 19 independent variables were classified into four groups. The dependent variable sports-recre...
Polazeći od teorijskih razmatranja doživljaja roditeljske kompetentnosti u svetlu
promena koje odlikuju savremeno društvo i izazovnih zadataka koji se pred roditelje
postavljaju, cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju određeni faktori samoprocene pedagoške
(ne)kompetentnosti roditelja za roditeljsku ulogu. Uzorak je činilo 575 ispitanika, očeva
i maj...
Polazeći od činjenice da prosvetni radnici u školama često nisu upoznati sa načinom rada centra za socijalni rad, u radu su apostrofirana pitanja putem kojih se operacionalizuje fenomen vođenja slučaja u centrima za socijalni rad i analizirana je uloga voditelja slučaja u cilju bolje saradnje socijalnih službi i obrazovnih ustanova. U Srbiji je vođ...
Компетентан родитељ је онај који се у својој улози осећа добро, при чему се доживљај његове компетентности одражава на све сфере његовог живота. У Србији је рађен незнатан број истраживања са овом тематиком, а не постоје ни валидације инструмената које би омогућиле спровођење истраживања педагошке компетентности родитеља. Циљ истраживања је утврђив...
Education for sustainable society should enable young generations to acquire knowledge, skills, and develop values for solving environmental and social challenges in the coming decades. The aim of research was to examine the influence of modern ecological programmes on the socio-emotional development of preschool children and determine their contri...
The aim of study was to investigate the effects of parents' perceptions of neighborhood safety on outdoor physical activities of preschool children. This was investigated based on a moderating role of a child's gender and parents' age. The results showed that the association of parents' perceptions of neighborhood safety on outdoor physical activit...
Polaznu osnovu istraživanja predstavlja značaj fizičkih aktivnosti na svim uzrastima za biopsihosocijalne karakteristike pojedinca. Cilj je bio da se ispita uticaj fizičkih aktivnosti u detinjstvu na sportsko-rekreativna interesovanja kod odraslih. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da su se ispitanici u sport uključivali oko osme godine, da se velika...
Interesovanja predstavljaju relativno trajnu usmerenost aktivnosti pojedinca prema određenom objektu. Iako značajna u svim uzrastima, u odraslom dobu interesovanja predstavljaju dispozicije ličnosti. Na složenost fenomena interesovanja, pored samog definisanja, ukazuje i postojanje velikog broja karakteristika interesovanja. U radu su sa teorijskog...
Interesovanja predstavljaju relativno trajnu usmerenost aktivnosti pojedinca prema određenom objektu. Iako značajna u svim uzrastima, u odraslom dobu interesovanja predstavljaju dispozicije ličnosti. Na složenost fenomena interesovanja, pored samog definisanja, ukazuje i postojanje velikog broja karakteristika interesovanja. U radu su sa teorijskog...
Rad je usmeren na analizu i istraživanje evaluativnog aspekta visokoškolske nastave i uloge nastavnika kroz percepciju studenata. U teoriji savremene nastave značajno se menja i uloga nastavnika. Posebno u paragdigmi učenja („učeće društvo“), uloga nastavnika se pomera na preparativnu fazu nastave, a u neposrednoj realizaciji nastave uloga nastavni...
This study aims to examine the attitudes of pupils of early adolescent age towards physical education (PE), and perceive if there is any significant difference in positive attitudes towards physical activity (PA) as a function of pupils' gender, age, academic success and pursuing PA during their leisure time. The research was carried out on a sampl...
Vizija celoživotnog učenja i kontinuiranog profesionalnog razvoja zahteva nastavnika koji će znati kritički da razmišlja, koji je osposobljen za refleksiju i samoevaluaciju, koji zna da potraži ili osigura preduslove za razvoj svakog pojedinačnog učenika, koji podstiče i podržava učenike u procesu učenja i razvoja. Od nastavnika se očekuje kontinui...
The functioning of every educational institution is determined by the curriculum whose orientation shapes the aims, content, strategies and procedures of accomplishing the process of education in a special way. One of the aspects of the development that occupies a significant place in the pre-school curriculum is physical education and its activiti...
The aim of this study is to determine the motivational structure of youths for practicing
sports. The research included 60 participants, of both sexes, all aged between 13 and 16. The
survey method was applied. The research results showed the following facts: that intrinsic
motivation is the main instigator for practicing sports and 58.33% of the p...