Boris Garro

Boris Garro
Centro de Excelencia en Reumatología / Clínica De Día Jockey Salud / Clínica Delgado · Rheumatologist

Master of Business Administration


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Rheumatologist - Immunologist: ORCID: Master of Business Administration in Health Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) professor Principal investigator Centro de Investigación Clínica en Salud Full faculty ISCD and trainer in densitometry Nailfold Capillaroscopy trainer Centro de Excelencia en Reumatologia - CEO Biologic therapy in rheumatic diseases Osteoporosis and densitometry trainer
Additional affiliations
January 2009 - April 2016
  • Researcher, Rheumatologist
May 2001 - March 2015
Clínica Ricardo Palma
  • Rheumatologist
January 2001 - present
Centro de Investigación Clínica en Salud Jockey Salud
  • Biologic therapy in peruvian patients with rheumatic diseases
  • This will be a descriptive research about security postmarketing


Publications (22)
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Cambios adaptativos en el embarazo de una paciente con artritis reumatoide, dificultades en la concepción, tratamientos permitidos en la preconcepción, gestación y postgestación. Actualizada con referencias importantes.
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Modelo de Telesalud en el Marco de la pandemia del Covid 19, aplicable a cualquier especialidad; en este caso Telereumatología.
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Capillaroscopy is a non-invasive and safe tool which allows the evaluation of the morphology of the microcirculation. Since its recent incorporation in the 2013 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for systemic sclerosis together with its assessed role to monitor disease progressi...
Background: Odanacatib, a cathepsin K inhibitor, reduces bone resorption while maintaining bone formation. Previous work has shown that odanacatib increases bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with low bone mass. We aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of odanacatib to reduce fracture risk in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis...
Conference Paper
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Capillaroscopy: Value of this technique in the prediction of alteration of pulmonary functional tests in patients with systemic sclerosis, prediction of digital ulcers and bone quality alteration. It is a presentation within the VI International Course on Nailfold Capillaroscopy & Musculoskeletal Sonography in Rheumatic Diseases
The two co-authors of the mentioned above article were incorrect. The correct are authors should have been “P. A. Beltrán” instead of “P. A. B. Roa” and “J. F. Diaz-Coto” instead of “L. Diaz Soto”.
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Introduction Biologics have improved the treatment of rheumatic diseases, resulting in better outcomes. However, their high cost limits access for many patients in both North America and Latin America. Following patent expiration for biologicals, the availability of biosimilars, which typically are less expensive due to lower development costs, pro...
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The most accurate diagnostic method is presented for the evauation of sarcopenia, with images and who can use this technique. ESPAÑOL Se presenta la técnica más exacta para el diagnóstico de SARCOPENIA, con imágenes, además se muestra qué personas pueden hacer uso de esta técnica
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What you have to know to indicate biologic therapy
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Respuesta a las una paciente con enfermedad reumática en terapia biológica pueda seguirla usando durante el embarazo. About the use of biologics (bDMARDs) in pregnancy
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Es posible usar medicamentos biológicos en los pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas durante el embarazo ?
Conference Paper
Background Tofacitinib is an oral JAK inhibitor for the treatment of RA. Tofacitinib can be given as monotherapy or with csDMARDs. Published data on real world (RW) tofacitinib use in Latin America (LA) are limited. We characterise the patient (pt) population starting tofacitinib and gain insights into the safety profile in the RW LA setting. Meth...
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This presentation is about how to recognize de injuries in sacroiliac joints by MRI in Spondyloarthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. Rheumatologist point of view
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FRAX interpretation and the consensus about Trabecular Bone Score (TBS)
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For the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the care of patients with chronic diseases currently experiences fragmentation in attention, generating poor performance of health services. Thus, comprehensive health care strategies arise to mitigate these problems; one of them are Centers of Excellence (CoEs), which aim to obtain high quality resu...
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It explains how osteoporosis is diagnosed by densitometry and the presence of vertebral fractures. The mechanism of action of new drugs in osteoporosis treatment is also explained in schemes
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All precautions and care they need to know before, during and after treatment with biologics is based. I show adverse events found in the first 100 patients randomly chosen found in biological therapy
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A pesar de tener un tratamiento estándar en Artritis Reumatoide, un buen grupo de pacientes no llegan a estar en remisión (ausencia de inflamación) de síntomas y siguen con la progresión del daño de sus articulaciones con el riesgo de discapacidad, incluso menor tiempo de vida. Pero la aparición de la TERAPIA BIOLÓGICA, significó un cambio de vida...
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Clinical cases with biologic therapy
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This presentation is only for personal use.
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It is a presentation of 2008, but completely valid


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