Boele De Raad

Boele De Raad
University of Groningen | RUG · Department of Psychology

professor emeritus


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Publications (147)
We have already seen the broad outlines of the grand perspectives on personality in Chapters 1-3 and Chapter 4 surveyed the humanistic reaction against them. We discussed how these earlier perspectives had a major influence on current-day conceptions of personality, especially by providing general descriptions of the nature of the mind. Although th...
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Human social behavior is a function of peoples’ personalities and individual differences. As humans engage in social behaviors, peoples’ traits and other unique attributes come out and get noticed, and community members may feel tempted to talk about these attributes and either encourage them or discourage them: words are created and they become pa...
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This study was an endeavor to map out a personality trait structure of the Swahili language that may be used to develop indigenous eastern African personality assessment instruments. We followed the psycho-lexical approach where we not only identified trait terms from the Swahili dictionary but also from free descriptions collected from indigenous...
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The Big Five factor model is one of the most frequently used models in modern personality psychology. It captures personality in terms of five broad dimensions, namely Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability/Neuroticism, and Intellect/Openness to experience, discovered through a series of psycho-lexical studies. We trans...
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In individual applications, in which the client is the primary audience for the outcome of a personality assessment, integrated reporting is needed in communicating the result. With multidimensional questionnaires, the usual reporting in terms of a profile of separate scale scores is insufficient from that communicative point of view. We present a...
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We investigated whether NEO-PI-R Openness to Experience (Costa & McCrae, 1992) and its six facets could be identi-fied in the natural trait lexicon. To represent the NEO-PI-R Openness, a list of 113 items was selected from a lexically derived trait list developed for the eight-factor trait model of De Raad and Barelds (2008). We used ratings from t...
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In this study, we describe the taxonomy of personality descriptive trait terms in the Albanian language according to the psycho-lexical procedure, in two parts. In the first part the selection of trait terms from a standard Albanian dictionary took place, largely according to standard procedures. This resulted in a useful set of 607 personality rel...
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In de praktijk van de toegepaste persoonlijkheidspsychologie pleegt het resultaat van een zelfbeoordeling ter beschikking te worden gesteld aan iemand anders, die adviseert of beslist over die persoon, met het oog op selectie of behandeling. Dat is een problematisch scenario, waarin wederzijdse misleiding aan de orde van de dag is. In het intra-ind...
Ashton and Lee (2020a) declare their belief in HEXACO as the optimal model of traits. They fail, however, to deliver a coherent line of reasoning, use detailed side-issues to tackle big problems, are relaxed about giving true facts and fare bt examples, instead of systematic studies. We point at different issues, such as the rhetorical style, the u...
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We investigated a two-dimensional structure of traits in eleven trait-taxonomies. Ratings from 7,104 participants on 4,642 trait variables were used. We studied exploratory two-factor (PCA) results, hierarchies of solutions with two and five factors, second-order structures of solutions with five factors, and confirmatory analyses. Moreover, we did...
This research tested the utility of an emic-etic approach to personality assessment in predicting three behavioral domains: Social adaptation, Risky social behaviors and Status striving and social affirmation. In this regard, two studies were conducted. The aim of the first study was to develop a personality measure of a psycho-lexically based six-...
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Objective: We aim to replicate the previously published structure that was based on a taxonomy of traits according to psycho-lexical principles (Szirmák & De Raad, 1994). Method: The original list of 561 trait terms was used and administered to 1,503 participants, in part through using a paper version, and in part using an online version of the lis...
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We developed the Lithuanian taxonomy of personality traits according to the psycho-lexical approach. This was done in two studies. First, trait descriptive terms were selected from a Lithuanian dictionary. This selection led to a list of 435 personality-relevant adjectives was thus collected. This list was reduced to the more useful terms and ultim...
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We identified 1,746 personality-relevant trait-adjectives in a Romanian dictionary, of which 412 were classified as descriptors of dispositions by 10 judges. Self-ratings were collected from 515 participants on those 412 adjectives, and the ratings were factored using PCA. Solutions with different numbers of factors were analysed. The two- and thre...
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The aims of the paper are to provide the optimal structure of personality–descriptive terms in the Serbian language, and to address crucial procedural issues in psycho-lexical studies. In Study 1, a non–restrictive methodology for the selection of personality descriptors was applied. In Study 2, we compared the structures obtained using a standard...
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Background: The relationship between conscientiousness, mental health and mental illness has been an issue for the last two decades. Aims: By using a dual model of mental health, the present study examined a non-linear relationship between conscientiousness and healthy or non-healthy symptoms in two different cultures. Method: Participants in this...
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We replicated an earlier psycho-lexical study of personality traits in Hindi. The previous study gave results that deviated from the mainstream of lexical studies. This time an extended list of 357 trait descriptors was administered to 1,250 participants. Half of them provided self-ratings and the other half provided peer-ratings on these same part...
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We reply to each of the issues raised by Schwartz in a commentary on our article on a comparison of value taxonomies. We discuss two approaches, mentioned in that commentary, the lexical approach and the theory-driven approach, especially with respect to their capacities in covering the domain of values and with respect to the representation of imp...
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A dictionary is the tangible repository of the common stock of words, although dictionaries comprise at best 10% of the full lexicon. Part of the lexicon is made up of the words used to describe what people do and what people are like. The psycholexical approach to personality focuses on this subset of words and on its exploitation, or what can be...
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We described the development of a taxonomy of Persian personality-descriptive terms in two studies. In Study 1, judges scanned Persian dictionaries and several Persian novels for person-descriptive terms. The resulting set of person-descriptive terms was classified into different categories of description, including the category of dispositional tr...
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This study aimed at finding the kernel structure common to three different value taxonomies in European languages (Dutch with 641 values and 634 participants, Austrian with 496 values and 456 participants, and Spanish with 566 values and 532 participants). Values from those three taxonomies were translated into English, thus forming the basis for t...
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The psycholexical origin of the Big Five model is sketched, theoretical considerations that have guided the development of the model are given, different structural representations are described, critical notions reported, and cross-cultural findings and its usefulness reviewed. The importance of a paradigm for furthering the field is emphasized, a...
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We examined how the use of personality descriptive terms from word categories other than adjectives affect the factor structure. Use was made of the previously published (2008) Dutch trait structure comprising eight factors: (versions of) the Big Five factors, and three new factors, labeled Virtue, Competence, and Hedonism. This 2008 structure lend...
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person-talk in everyday life: pragmatics of utterances about personality (dissertation, 1985)
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The psycho-lexical approach was used to identify virtues in a Spanish population. A total of 209 descriptors were identified as virtues and administered to 485 participants, who were instructed to indicate the extent to which each virtue term applied to them. Principal Components Analysis revealed seven factors: Self-confidence, Reflection, Serenit...
The purpose of the present study is to find the common kernel of different trait taxonomic studies and find out how the individual structures relate to this common kernel. Trait terms from 11 psycholexically based taxonomies were all translated into English. On the basis of the commonalities in English, the 11 matrices were merged into a joint matr...
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Many studies investigated cultural differences in values, most notably by Hofstede and Schwarz. Relatively few have focused on virtues, a related and important concept in contemporary social science. The present paper examines the similarities and differences between nations, or blocks of - culturally related - nations on the perceived importance o...
The psycho-lexical approach is extended to Hindi, a major language spoken in India. From both the dictionary and from Hindi novels, a huge set of personality descriptors was put together, ultimately reduced to a manageable set of 295 trait terms. Both self and peer ratings were collected on those terms from a sample of 511 participants. Factor anal...
The aim of the present study is to determine the structure of values in the Spanish population and its relation to the Big Five personality traits. Using a psycholexical approach, 566 words were identified as values and administered to a sample of participants who were instructed to rate the extent to which they were guided by each value. Principal...
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The present paper examines the relative influence of religion and nation on conceptions of virtues. In a first study, conducted in the Netherlands, 926 respondents of different profession, age, sex, and religious background rank ordered a list of 15 virtues. A comparison of Dutch Muslims and non-Muslims showed a remarkably high resemblance in their...
Following the psycholexical approach, a list of 153 virtue descriptors was selected from a previously constructed list of trait-terms, under the assumption that virtues form a subset of traits. The virtue list was administered to 400 participants (self- and other-raters), who had to indicate the extent to which each term applied to them or to the o...
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Two psycholexically based taxonomies of values found in Dutch and in German are compared, and a joint structure is presented. The datasets consisted of self- and other-ratings of 634 participants on 641 Dutch value descriptors and of self-ratings of 456 participants on 496 German value descriptors. For both taxonomies factor solutions with one up t...
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We reply to Ashton and Lee’s (2010) comments on our paper on the cross-cultural replicability of trait factors (De Raad et al., 2010). More specifically, we comment on the interpretation of congruence coefficients, the distinction between Agreeableness and Honesty–Humility in three languages, and the inclusion of a lexical study that has a differen...
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We tested the hypothesis that only 3 factors of personality description are replicable across many different languages if they are independently derived by a psycholexical approach. Our test was based on 14 trait taxonomies from 12 different languages. Factors were compared at each level of factor extraction with solutions with 1 to 6 factors. The...
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The study analyzed Homer’s Iliad, an epic work which contains hundreds of personages many of which are described in quite some detail. Part of those descriptions is formed by the so-called epithets through which major characters in the Iliad are dramatically and psychologically depicted. All traitepithets in the Iliad are identified, listed, and tr...
With the availability of a personality relevant situation taxonomy (Ten Berge & De Raad, 2002), a burning question ahead is whether systematic inclusion of situation references in personality questionnaires does improve their descriptive and predictive capacities. In this paper, the reliability question was addressed, and we investigated for which...
In this study terms of abuse are investigated in 11 different cultures. Spontaneous verbal aggression is to a certain extent reminiscent of the values of a certain culture. Almost 3000 subjects from Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Croatia, Poland, Great Britain, USA, Norway, Greece, and The Netherlands were asked to write down terms of abuse that th...
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Following the psycholexical approach, several thousands of potential value descriptors were selected from the Dutch lexicon. This set was subsequently reduced according to criteria of relevance to a list of 641 values. The value list was administered to 634 participants (self- and other-raters), who had to indicate the extent to which each value wa...
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A list of 2,365 personality descriptive items was selected from a computerized database of the Dutch language. The list included terms from various word classes, such as trait adjectives, trait nouns, and trait verbs, and from expressions in which the meaning was drawn from a combination of words. The items were administered to 1,466 participants,...
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Er zijn verschillende methodes om persoonlijkheidskenmerken van mensen te beschrijven, maar slechts één doorstaat de toets van wetenschappelijke kritiek: de 'Big Five', die uitgaat van een vijftal eigenschapsdimensies, of 'factoren': I Extravert / Introvert II Vriendelijk / Onvriendelijk III Zorgvuldig / Onzorgvuldig IV Emotioneel Stabiel / Ins...
This study proceeds from an earlier one that examined the ‘Big Five’ factors (Peabody & De Raad, 2002). That study considered the substantive nature of five factors from six European psycholexical studies. The results supported Big Five Factor III (Conscientiousness), but Factors I (Extraversion) and II (Agreeableness) often split into two factors....
In this study terms of abuse are investigated in three different cultures. Spontaneous verbal aggression is to a certain extent reminiscent of the values of a certain culture. One hundred and ninety-two male subjects from Spain, Germany and the Netherlands were asked to write down terms of abuse that they would use given a certain stimulus situatio...
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In this paper it is explored to what extent emotional intelligence can be expressed in terms of a standard trait model. Two studies were performed. In Study 1 a total of 437 items from several emotional intelligence questionnaires were used. The items were classified into the categories comprised by the Abridged Big Five Circumplex (AB5C) model. Th...
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Standard psycholexical studies of personality structure have produced a similar 6-factor solution in 7 languages (Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish). The authors report the content of these personality dimensions and interpret them as follows: (a) a variant of Extraversion, defined by sociability and liveliness (though not b...
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The psycholexical approach to personality structure in American English has led to the Big Five factors. The present study considers whether this result is similar or different in other languages. Instead of placing the usual emphasis on quantitative indices, this study examines the substantive nature of the factors. Six studies in European languag...
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The psycholexical approach to personality structure in American English has led to the Big Five factors. The present study considers whether this result is similar or different in other languages. Instead of placing the usual emphasis on quantitative indices, this study examines the substantive nature of the factors. Six studies in European languag...
A taxonomy of situations was constructed that categorizes situations by means of ratings of one's ability to deal with those situations. A principal components analysis of self- and other-ratings yielded four components of situations: I, situations of pleasure; II, situations of individual adversity; III, situations of interpersonal conflict; and I...
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The text provides a uniquely comprehensive overview of the wide range of questionnaires, inventories, and adjectives scales available for assessing personality, as described by the Big Five model and related concepts. Each chapter is written either by test authors themselves, or by other renowned experts, and the book thus provides the best possibl...
Dit boek gaat over het psychologisch gesprek: een gesprek tussen mensen waarin de menselijke persoon centraal staat. Het is geen bespreking van communicatieve technieken (bijvoorbeeld: Hoe breng je iemand tot bedaren?), maar een systematische reflectie op die communicatiemiddelen en op de situatie waarin die middelen worden aangewend (bijvoorbeeld:...
This study implements the first steps to be taken in the construction of a taxonomy of situations from a trait psychological perspective. Taking the AB5C model of personality characteristics (De Raad et al., 1992) as a point of departure, a collection of situations that is linked to the personality domain was obtained, and subsequently subjected to...
This paper reviews literature on traits and emotions focusing on both structure and management, or ‘having’ and ‘doing’. The cognitive perspective of this paper implies that traits and emotions are viewed as provisions to frame people and their behaviours in situations in meaningful ways. The focus on the structure of traits thus implies considerin...
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This book describes the origin, history, rationale, procedures, developments, models, and practical applications of the so-called Big Five factors, providing a concise but thorough insight into the Big Five model of personality and its emergence from the lexical trait approach to personality structure. This integrated text includes a critical descr...
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In this article we review studies of situations and situation taxonomies from the perspective of trait psychology. Objections to trait psychology are discussed and several refutations are recapitulated. The relation between traits and situations is analysed, as well as the affinity that both concepts demonstrate. Some taxonomic properties are discu...
During the last few decades the personality domain has witnessed several major controversies, including the person-situation debate and the debates on accurate reflection versus systematic distortion, on nomothetic versus idiographic approaches, on nature-nurture, etc. Within these controversies several sharp contrasts and pendulum movements have s...
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The initial set of words used for his study was taken from a computerized database of the Dutch language, Celex, the Center for Lexical Research in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. That set of words consisted of 130,778 lemmas. The Celex database was primarily built on Van Dale Groot Woordenboek der Nederlandse Taal (Kruyskamp. 1970), and is therefore to...
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The Five-Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI) assesses the Big Five factors of personality, both for self-ratings and for others ratings. It consists of 100 brief and concrete statements, and can be administered in 10–15 min. In addition to the five factor scores, the FFPI may be used to assess 40 bipolar facet scores that arise as blends of the Big...
In this study we investigate the usefulness of the instinct-conception for personality trait-research. Of particular interest is the effectiveness-connotation of instincts for personality conceptualizations. In its kind, the study forms an indirect test of the so-called psycholexical approach and its main result, the Big Five personality trait fact...
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In this study the structure of interpersonal behavior is investigated according to the principles of the so-called psycholexical approach. As bases for this study, data from a taxonomy of interpersonal behavior verbs and a subset of data from a taxonomy of interpersonal trait verbs was used. The interpersonal trait verbs were selected from a set of...
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This article discusses the rationale, content, structure, status, and cross-cultural assessment of the Big Five trait factors, focusing on topics of dispute and misunderstanding. Taxonomic restrictions of the original Big Five forerunner, the "Norman Five," are discussed, and criticisms regarding the lexical hypothesis are refuted. The main issue o...
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Two existing selection procedures are distinguished, exemplified in the Dutch and German trait taxonomies. The characteristic features of the two approaches are identified in two independently constructed Italian taxonomies. We test the two approaches for their effects on the resulting trait structures and place the findings against the background...
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Data sets from seven original trait taxonomies from different languages, American English, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Czech, and Polish, are used for a crosscultural study. The taxonomic procedures, involving culling trait terms from the various lexicons and the construction Of representative samples of trait terms, are briefly discussed. F...
Data sets from five original trait taxonomies from different languages, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, American English, and German, are used for a cross-cultural study. Factor structures, presumably Big-Five structures, within these languages, based on ratings from about 400–800 subjects on approximately 500 trait variables per language, are used for...
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We compare Big-Five factor structures found in Dutch, American English, and German, and present a joint structure. The data consist of self- and peer ratings of 600 subjects with 551 Dutch trait-descriptive adjectives, 636 subjects with 540 English adjectives, and 802 subjects with 430 German adjectives. On the basis of 126 common items, we assess...
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Discusses the construction of a personality questionnaire which utilizes the psycholexical approach to personality trait description. The principles and theoretical notions leading to the Big 5 trait model are discussed, and a brief description is given of the recently developed Abridged Big-5 Circumplex Model (AB5C) of the 5 factors. The AB5C trai...
OVER MENSEN GESPROKEN... Was Don Quichot een dwaze, wereldvreemde romanticus die tegen windmolens vocht? Of een onrealistische ridder? Dan komt hij terecht in het hokje impulsief, babbelziek er, kletserig. Overheerst de wereldvreemdheid, dan wordt liet ontvlambaar, onbeheerst en romantisch. Wij kiezen voor het laatste. Anderen vinden hem voornamel...


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