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1. 1996-2002, I found that the charge distribution of electrostatic equilibrium does not satisfy the thermodynamic equilibrium (Boltzmann formula).
2,2009-2018, in the gravity field, the gas density is not uniform, and there is the average potential energy U (h) in space. According to Einstein's understanding of convection balance, the relationship between the equation of state and the internal energy is established.
3,2018-2020, statistical mechanics with density as parameter.
Publications (144)
(1) This article studies the asymmetric harmonic oscillator with four degrees of freedom. Solve the mode (resonance state) to obtain the relative amplitude of each particle, and the ratio of vibration kinetic energy is equal to the ratio of the square of the relative amplitude. At the moment of thermal equilibrium of the oscillator, the total vibra...
1,The uncertainty of equilibrium states and the second law of thermodynamics cannot determine the direction of thermodynamics.
The number of intersection points between the triple point isotherm and the adiabatic line of water is n>2, according to the second law of thermodynamics: n<2。
The regular statistics described in this article only use molecular volume as a parameter, and calculate the probability of each phase point through a set of molecular volume and pressure as points in the phase space. Starting from this, calculate the average values of macroscopic pressure and potential energy, as well as thermodynamic relationship...
1,Carnot efficiency is independent of the working fluid, which means that physical concepts are detached from physical entities.
2,Thermal engine system: Pistons, containers, heat sources, etc. are all designed to serve the working fluid, and studying thermal engines is studying the working fluid. The Carnot efficiency is independent of the working...
Using statistical mechanics with molecular volume as a parameter to calculate the second virial coefficient of gases can accurately fit the second virial coefficient of argon. For the dilute gas Ar at a temperature of 75 K, the volume occupied by the nearest neighboring state of molecules is 45.08 cm³/mol. While for liquid argon at a temperature of...
The calculation results of the first and second laws of thermodynamics are different.
The calculation method of the second law of thermodynamics involves data piecing together, resulting in a compromise between theory and experiment. It is believed to cause differences between the two, and this method is widely adopted.
Two suns appear in the therm...
In the second law of thermodynamics, there are two "dQ": dQh is only related to the temperature (Th) of the heat source, and dQm is only related to the physical properties of the working medium state (volume Vm and temperature Tm). During theoretical derivation, these two "dQ" cannot be switched casually.
Using mathematics to prove that the entropy change of a dual gas cycle is not equal to 0
There is heat exchange between two real gases at the same temperature. According to the first law of thermodynamics, the temperature changes of V1 and V2 in adiabatic cycles are not equal to 0. When the temperature change of the cycle is less than 0, thermal work conversion is achieved. Set a single heat source and restore the initial temperature T...
Using statistical mechanics with molecular volume as a parameter, the volume change of a liquid near the triple point can be calculated. In the computational domain, molecular interactions can be simplified as modified harmonic oscillators. Through appropriate simplification, the differential of volume with respect to pressure and temperature can b...
A, The benefits of using the first law of thermodynamics instead of the second law of thermodynamics to calculate the conversion of thermal work:A1, Improved applicability: from Carnot heat engine to any heat engine. A2, More comprehensive output: from a single Carnot efficiency to all thermodynamic quantities (E, P,W,Q,η...)。A3, From empirical spe...
By modifying the constant in the harmonic oscillator wave function in a stable electric field to a to-be-determined function that only contains time and substituting it into the Schrödinger equation, which contains polynomials of the X coordinate, the coefficients of each polynomial are 0, and only the to-be-determined function is included. Through...
Radiation is remote and macroscopic energy transfer, which is easy for humans to control, thus achieving type 2 perpetual motion machines.
As shown in the figure:
1,Two identical small buckets are arranged symmetrically, with openings facing each other. The radiation rate at the bottom of the bucket is ε=1, and the rest is ε=0.
2,The two bottoms radiate energy and absorb radiation:q=ε σT^4*S.
3,The force acting on the small bucket is: F=2εσT^4*S/C.
4,The speed of the small bucket incr...
容器内有气体:N0,NO2,CO,CO2,O2, 由于O2可以同时参与两个化学反应,可以产生5个关联的方程,化简后得到一元九次方程,就会有多个平衡解,而热力学第2定律要求平衡态是唯一的,系统会处于非平衡的化学状态。
Four Dirac first-order differential equations and quantum commutation relationships are reduced to an 8-order differential equation.
Gas radiation and absorption occur throughout the entire space, and gases at different locations absorb energy from remote radiation. Different amounts of radiation absorbed by gases at different locations result in temperature differences. The second law of thermodynamics is invalid.
: 1)气体的辐射和吸收是在整个空间进行,定义体辐射强度、体吸收强度、面辐射强度。2)根据爱因斯坦辐射理论推出:气体的体辐射强度随着密度和温度的增加而增加。气体的体吸收强度随着温度的增加而减少。这种相反的变化意味气体辐射不能套用基尔霍夫公式。3)辐射是远程的能量传递:气体内部的面辐射强度与空间位置有关,进而造成体吸收强度随空间位置变化,辐射的远程能量传递造成温差,孤立体系不能达到热平衡,热力学第2定律失效。
Gas radiation and absorption occur throughout the entire space, and gases at different locations absorb energy from remote radiation. Different amounts of radiation absorbed by gases at different locations result in temperature differences. The second law of thermodynamics is invalid.
There is a radiating gas (CO2) in the blackbody cavity, which can absorb and radiate specific spectra, thereby affecting the intensity of blackbody radiation. When the temperature is low, the gas absorbs more radiation and the radiation intensity is less than the value calculated by the Planck formula; At high temperatures, gas radiation is greater...
There are two types of real gases (1,2) inside the container, which are separated by a piston. There is heat transfer between the gases, with the same temperature and pressure. The ratio of volume 1 to 2 derivatives is not 0, which will make the cyclic integral of entropy not 0 and entropy lose its thermodynamic meaning. The entire second law of th...
1,Non conservation of particles leads to the failure of the second law of thermodynamics.
2,Does non conservation of particles require an energy cost? No need.
3,These particles are photons.
4,Photon non conservation is a content of quantum mechanics, can the second law of thermodynamics outperform quantum mechanics?
See image for details
This article introduces a new statistical method: first, molecular gases are grouped according to their molecular distances, and each gas molecule in the group occupies the same volume. The micro entropy of each gas group is mainly determined by the number of molecules. Considering energy constraints, particle number constraints, and molecular volu...
本文介绍了一种新的统计方法:首先将分子气体按照分子距离进行分组,组内每个气体分子占有的体积相同。每组气体的微熵主要决定于分子数目,考虑能量约束,粒子数约束,分子体积约束,按照熵极大(最可几率)原则,得到以分子体积为参量的统计力学。对于分子相互作用势能:两个分子A,B之间的势能为u, A和B各自具有的势能为u/2。每个分子周围有16个分子,每个分子具有势能为8u.这一统计力学可以推出以下和试验符合结论:钢球模型气体压强:
This article uses molecular distance as a parameter to measure the pressure and internal energy of ideal gases, steel ball model gases, and square well gases, which meets theoretical expectations and experiments. The pressure of the gas in the steel ball model is P=RT/(V-b), while existing statistical theories have obtained P=RT/(V-4b), which is su...
Simulate the mutual radiation of gases with different densities. Due to the small gas density, absorption coefficient, radiation intensity, and density are proportional. Calculations show that areas with high gas density have high radiation intensity and low temperature, while areas with low gas density have low radiation intensity and high tempera...
The radiation power f * T^4 [W/m3], 1.2 * f * T^4 [W/m3], absorption rates of 0.2 [1/m], 0.1 [1/m], wall temperature of 293.15K, emissivity=0 in two calculation domains,The thermal conductivity of two media is equal to 1 [w/m2K]. and there is a temperature difference in the calculation system: the temperature in areas with strong radiation is lower...
两个计算域的辐射功率f*T^4[W/m3], 1.2*f*T^4[W/m3],吸收率为0.2[1/m],0.1[1/m],器壁温度293.15K,发射率=0,计算系统存在温差:辐射强的区域温度较低,辐射强的区域温度较低,温差10K以上。热力学第0定律和第2定律都是错误的。这样现象是客观存在的:比如相同条件下,二氧化碳和水蒸气的辐射功率会大于氧气和氦气。这种不对称的辐射条件是任意工程设置的,不受热力学第2定律的和第0定律的约束。
Using molecular distance as a parameter to calculate the potential energy of non-polar low-temperature liquids, due to the low temperature, the molecules are mainly distributed at the lowest potential energy, and the interaction is approximately linear oscillator. There are 16 molecules around a molecule, with an average of 8 interaction potential...
用试验证明:铁磁流体是不稳定的,非平衡的,周围的磁场是变化的(测得磁场变化:542.5 ~ 544.3uT),变化的磁场可以对外辐射能量,铁磁流体温度降低,这一热传递不需要温差条件,热力学第2定律失效。
Discontinuity (artificially) of The Thermophysical Properties of NIST affects the second law of thermodynamics:
1) Scientists create Type 2 perpetual motion machines;
2) Scientists have discovered new laws of phase transition.
3) Scientists don't need to create a bunch of fake things for the second law of thermodynamics.
Sudden change of wetting angle destroys Hydrostatic equilibrium of capillary liquid column, and the second law of thermodynamics fails.
1,In Figure 1, glass is hydrophilic, water tends to move upwards, paraffin is hydrophobic, and water tends to move downwards, forming convection.
2,The liquid level at point A is concave, and that at point B is co...
According to the test fitting, the second Virial coefficient of the Equation of state is: B=(b+c) RT-cRT*exp (Ea/(RT)). This formula has high precision for Ar, CO, CO2, H2O, CCl2F2, which indicates that this formula can be applied to polar and non-polar gases, and has universality. Use the equivalent volume method to derive this formula.Then the eq...
According to the test fitting, the second Virial coefficient of the Equation of state is:
B=(b+c) RT-cRT*exp (Ea/(RT)). This formula has high precision for Ar, CO, CO2, H2O, CCl2F2, which indicates that this formula can be applied to polar and non-polar gases, and has universality. Use the equivalent volume method to derive this formula.
Two different Real gas (A, B) participate in the Thermodynamic cycle. There is heat transfer between gases, maintaining the same temperature. There are three variables to describe the system Va, Vb, T, and Thermodynamic process will be carried out in three-dimensional space. Due to the cyclic integral of entropy being 0, it will result in 3 differe...
Double gas Thermodynamic cycle achieves 100% efficiency of heat engine
There are three physical variables in the two gas Thermodynamic cycle. The Thermodynamic cycle is carried out in a three-dimensional space, which requires multivariate functions and the first law of thermodynamics. It is smooth in logic reasoning in Mathematical physics and simp...
Keywords: entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, free energy, Condensed matter physics, theoretical physics.
This is a two gas Thermodynamic cycle designed by me, which includes two Adiabatic process and one Isothermal process, and the heat engine efficiency is 100%。
Two real gases participate in the Carnot cycle, and their work satisfies equation (1): dW=P1 * dV1+P2 * dV2=0. The first law of thermodynamics is transformed into: dE=dQ There are differences in the internal energy of the two gases. In the isothermal process, heat can be absorbed or released, and in the adiabatic process, temperature change can be...
Two different working fluids (two containers) participate in the Carnot cycle: including high-temperature isothermal change, low-temperature isothermal change, and two adiabatic process. During the cycling process, there is heat exchange between working fluids to ensure the same temperature. The method of doing work is artificially set (dW=Pa * dVa...
The Dirac equation has the same form of rotation transformation and isospin transformation in space. The interaction behind the local rotation transformation of Dirac equation is constructed by using the method of Young Mills theory. The characteristics of particles correspond to interactions: mass corresponds to gravitational field, charge corresp...
Two real gases participate in the Carnot cycle, and their work satisfies equation (1): dW=P1 * dV1+P2 * dV2=0. The first law of thermodynamics is transformed into: dE=dQ There are differences in the internal energy of the two gases. In the isothermal process, heat can be absorbed or released, and in the adiabatic process, temperature change can be...
The second law of thermodynamics is not strictly closed and definite,Various interpretations can be produced.
1) In this paper, the free energy is determined as the parameter of thermodynamic probability calculation. 2) Calculate the elastic fluctuation energy according to the volume fluctuation. 3) Fluctuation energy varies with the density, temperature and composition of gas in space, resulting in the difference of elastic fluctuation energy. Its transmi...
The helium and carbon dioxide in the container are mainly carbon dioxide in the lower part of the container, and are near its critical point, so the fluctuation energy of the gas is large. The upper half of the container is mainly composed of helium, which is a conventional gas with small fluctuation energy. The fluctuation energy of the lower part...
"ds=0", the equilibrium state can be found.;"d2s", the fluctuation size can be calculated.Different substances make up the research object, and the fluctuation of each position is different, which will cause the movement of fluctuation energy, and then lead to the temperature difference and destroy the so-called thermodynamic equilibrium. This fluc...
The second law of thermodynamics is not consistent with the experiment, but scientists believe that the second law of thermodynamics is correct. Scientists have been kidnapped by the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamics is subjective correctness, not objective correctness. This subjective accuracy is reflected in the arran...
This paper introduces a new statistical method: firstly, molecular gases are grouped according to the molecular distance. Each gas molecule in the group occupies the same volume. The microentropy of each group of gases is mainly determined by the number of molecules. Considering energy constraints, particle number constraints, and molecular volume...
Figure 1.1 is just a screenshot of the obvious literature, and the discrepancy between the second law of thermodynamics and experiments is widespread. Physicists did not give a solution, leaving the wound of the second law of thermodynamics to exist. Scientists are obsessed with the repeatability of empirical phenomena described in the second law o...
1. Worship of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
2. Correctly evaluate science:2.1.Rational appreciation,2.2. Instrumentalism
3. The theoretical defects of the second law of thermodynamics
4. The second law of thermodynamics is inconsistent with the experiment.
5. The quantitative calculation of the second law of thermodynamics mostly increases...
1.The second law of thermodynamics lacks stability
2.The entropy conservation of thermodynamics lacks symmetry support.
3.The second law of thermodynamics does not agree with the test
The prolonged and unusual drought in many habitable areas in 2022 is a wake-up call that humanity must accelerate the transition to energy use. At this time, the second law of thermodynamics is still restricting people's thinking. The following is an analysis of the difficulties of the second law of thermodynamics. The second law of thermodynamic...
摘 要:用Matlab生成均匀分布的随机数,用相邻数之差表征分子之间的随机距离,通过对随机距离进行统计,得到一维气体分子距离的概率密度分布,经过推广,得到三维气体体密度的概率密度分布。借助一维钢球模型气体的体积计算,得到压强和气体距离特征值的关系。(主要更新3维分子几率分布)
The development of statistical mechanics with molecular distance as a parameter is summarized. On this basis, the formula of the second virial coefficient of the equation of state is calculated by using the square potential well. The experimental data of the second virial coefficient of argon and carbon monoxide are very accurate and conform to the...
The position fluctuation (position distribution) of one-dimensional ideal gas is analyzed by Einstein method, and the variance distribution shows a parabola distribution: large in the middle, small at the edge. Matlab is used to generate the molecular position distribution with uniform distribution, and its variance distribution is consistent with...
The position fluctuation (position distribution) of one-dimensional ideal gas is analyzed by Einstein's method, and its variance distribution shows a parabola distribution: large in the middle, small at the edge. Matlab is used to generate the molecular position distribution with uniform distribution, and its variance distribution is consistent wit...
1)Mathematical treatment of Carnot heat engine: the properties of working medium are physical equations, and the temperature of heat source is the mathematical boundary of the equation.
2)Carnot's law is expressed as: The result (efficiency) of a thermophysical equation (heat engine) is only related to the boundary (heat source temperature) of the...
1) 把卡诺热机数学处理:工质属性,规律是物理方程,热源的温度是方程的数学边界。
2) 一个热物理方程(热机)的结果(效率),只与方程的边界(热源温度)有关,与工质属性(方程本身)无关。
3) 卡诺定律变成低级的数学错误。由此建立的热力学理论自然错误。下节是实验案例。
The second law of thermodynamics is a physical disaster
1,The second law of thermodynamics violates the Physical requirements of "symmetry and conservation"
2,Entropy increase Negates the Physical Basis Of Entropy conservation.(Who would believe that physical quantities are not conserved for a while and conserved for a while?)
3,The second law of t...
dH/dV=0 ==》dP/dT*T+dP/dV*V=0 (3)
P=RT/(V-b)-a/T^0.5/V/(V+b) (4)
本文研究了一维相互作用气体,分子作用势:分子距离<9长度单位,分子作用力为常压缩力,分子距离>10长度单位,分子作用力=0。按照这一力学势能构建608个分子的一维气体,施加不同的初始速度,计算结果符合理论预测:压强比例系数 ,和能量因子 位于2附近,其物理意义是Ek=0.5kT,和统计力学一致。
Questions (129)
Scientists believe that entropy is the direction that governs thermal motion, erasing the dominant role of classical physical science (determinism, entropy reduction).
1. Linear electromagnetic oscillator (LC circuit, CO2 molecule, H2O molecule): Energy storage and conversion have frequency characteristics. This depends on classical physical science, which to some extent governs the direction of thermal motion.
2. The spatial distribution of linear electromagnetic oscillators can be artificially arranged (in the technical field), affecting the spatial and temperature distribution of thermal energy (generating temperature differences), which violates the second and zero laws of thermodynamics.
3. Scientists believe that entropy is the direction that governs thermal motion, erasing the dominant role of classical physical science (determinism, entropy reduction).
4.See image for details
5.Mechanical oscillators can also generate temperature differences and entropy reductions, please refer to the link for details
The second type of perpetual motion machine is simpler and more practical than internal combustion engines.
1) When gas collides with an elastic oscillator, this energy exchange exhibits frequency selective characteristics (resonance). The vibrational kinetic energy of elastic molecules at different positions varies, leading to different kinetic energies of gas molecules and resulting in different temperatures. Please refer to Section 2 of the article for details.
Water is at the triple point, and the working fluid includes water, ice, and water vapor. The system volume remains unchanged, maintaining energy exchange with the large heat source while keeping the temperature constant. The equilibrium state has the following equation:
There are two equations, three unknown variables,, and an infinite number of equilibrium solutions in a system. The three-phase distribution of matter cannot be determined, and thermodynamics requires that the equilibrium state of a system be unique, which is inconsistent with physical facts. The thermodynamic direction advocated by the second law of thermodynamics will also be lost, such as volume expansion, which cannot determine whether it is the evaporation of liquid water or the transformation of ice into water vapor.
- Screenshot from classic work: "Properties of Gases and Liquids"(See the picture for details.)
- Scientists use the second law of thermodynamics (Clapeyron equation) to calculate the heat of vaporization and directly use it as a test value, demonstrating their trust in the second law.
- Later, with precise experimental values, scientists found that the experimental values did not match the theoretical values. The second law betrays the trust of scientists.
- The theory does not match the experiment, and scientists dare not speak ill of the second law of thermodynamics. They are a bit afraid of the second law.
- Einstein: Entropy theory is the first law for the entire natural science. Scientists dare not criticize the second law, even if the theory and experiment do not match.
1,The second law of thermodynamics proves that isotherms and adiabatic lines cannot intersect at two points.
2. Water is at the triple point, and the working fluid includes water, ice, and water vapor. Adiabatic compression working fluid, water vapor liquefaction releases heat, ice melts into water, absorbs heat, and the temperature remains unchanged.
3. The above discussion indicates that isotherms and adiabatic lines are collinear and have countless intersection points,
4. The second law of thermodynamics is inconsistent with experiments and is incorrect.
Use the Carnot heat engine (son) to prove the equivalence of the two statements of the second law of thermodynamics (father). Is it logically reasonable? Students do not have a logical sense of seniority and take this seriously.
Quantum mechanics also has two forms, matrix mechanics and wave dynamics, and scientists use mathematical transformations to prove their equivalence.
Can the equivalence proof of the second law of thermodynamics be similar to quantum mechanics?
- Stanford University supports using the second law of thermodynamics to piece together data and teaches this method to students. The students are very happy to learn knowledge.
- What is the second law of thermodynamics for data scrape? As shown in the attached figure, it is to use the second law of thermodynamics to scrape experimental data for E and P, and output E and P that comply with the second law of thermodynamics. Scientists believe that E and P that comply with the second law of thermodynamics are the best. Please refer to the attached diagram for details.
- The attached figure also discusses the calculation of thermal work. Currently, there are two methods for calculating thermal work: 1) requires the first law of thermodynamics+E, P experimental data, and 2) requires the first law of thermodynamics+second law of thermodynamics+E, P experimental data. Scientists believe in the second method to obtain different calculation results. why? No reason was given.
E=E (V, T) - internal energy
P=P (V, T) - Pressure