Bjorn OlsenUppsala University | UU · Department of Medical Sciences
Bjorn Olsen
Professor, Senior Consultant
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August 2007 - present
Publications (480)
Migratory birds play a dual role as potential reservoirs of tick-borne pathogens, and potential dispersers of pathogen-containing ticks during their migratory journeys. Ixodes ricinus, a prevalent tick species in Northern and Western Europe, serves as a primary vector for Anaplasma phagocytophilum—a bacterium with implications for human and animal...
Influenza A virus (IAV) pandemics result from interspecies transmission events within the avian reservoir and further into mammals including humans. Receptor incompatibility due to differently expressed glycan structures between species has been suggested to limit zoonotic IAV transmission from the wild bird reservoir as well as between different b...
Cross-species transmission of influenza A virus (IAV) from wild waterfowl to poultry is the first step in a chain of events that can ultimately lead to exposure and infection of humans. Herein, we study the outcome of infection with eight different mallard-origin IAV subtypes in two different avian hosts: tufted ducks and chickens. We found that in...
Background: Birds can cross geographical and environmental barriers and thereby facilitate dispersal of tick-borne pathogens both as carriers of infected ticks and as reservoirs of pathogenic microorganisms. Ixodes lividus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) is an endophilic tick in the Palearctic region that is highly specialized on its host, the European sand ma...
Identifying the species that act as hosts, vectors, and vehicles of vector-borne pathogens is vital for revealing the transmission cycles, dispersal mechanisms, and establishment of vector-borne pathogens in nature. Ticks are common vectors for pathogens causing human and animal diseases, and they transmit a greater variety of pathogenic agents tha...
Current diagnostics for patients with lingering symptoms categorized as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) have their limitations and may be difficult to interpret. The aim of this exploratory study was to evaluate the feasibility of protein biomarker profiling as a diagnostic platform for this category of patients and to compa...
Avian influenza A virus (AIV) is ubiquitous in waterfowl and is detected annually at high prevalence in waterfowl during the Northern Hemisphere autumn. Some AIV subtypes are globally common in waterfowl, such as H3N8, H4N6, and H6N2, and are detected in the same populations at a high frequency, annually. In order to investigate genetic features as...
The migratory behavior of wild birds contributes to the geographical spread of ticks and their microorganisms. In this study, we aimed to investigate the dispersal and co-occurrence of Francisella and spotted fever group Rickettsia (SFGR) in ticks infesting birds migrating northward in the African-Western Palaearctic region (AWPR). Birds were trapp...
The tick-borne bacterium Neoehrlichia mikurensis can cause persistent asymptomatic bloodstream infections, but transfusion-mediated transmission has not been reported. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of N. mikurensis in blood donors, and recipients of blood components from N. mikurensis-positive donors were traced.
Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are a threat to public health globally, yet the role of the environment in the epidemiology of CRE remains elusive. Given that wild birds can acquire CRE, likely from foraging in anthropogenically impacted areas, and may aid in the maintenance and dissemination of CRE in the environment, a spatiotempora...
The tufted duck is a non-model organism that experiences high mortality in highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks. It belongs to the same bird family (Anatidae) as the mallard, one of the best-studied natural hosts of low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Studies in non-model bird species are crucial to disentangle the role of the...
Avian influenza A virus (AIV) is ubiquitous in waterfowl, and detected annually at high prevalence in waterfowl during the Northern Hemipshere autumn. Some AIV subtypes are globally common in waterfowl, such as H3N8, H4N6, and H6N2, and are detected in the same populations at high frequency, annually. In order to investigate genetic features associ...
The ecology of the vertebrate host contributes to the geographical range expansion of ticks. In this study, we investigated which tick taxa that infest and are dispersed by birds along African-Western Palaearctic flyways during northward migration, and whether bird ecology was associated with tick taxa.
Materials and methods:
Bartonella spp. are emerging pathogens transmitted by arthropod vectors, possibly including ticks. We have investigated signs of bartonellosis in Swedish patients with presumed tick-bite exposure and symptom duration of at least 6 months.
Serological testing for Bartonella henselae and Bartonella quintana was performed in 224 pa...
Migratory birds can cross geographical and environmental barriers and are thereby able to facilitate transmission of tick-borne pathogens both as carriers of infected ticks and as reservoirs of pathogenic microorganisms. Ixodes ricinus is one of the most abundant tick species in the Northern Hemisphere and a main vector of several Babesi...
Persistent symptoms attributed to presumed tick-bite exposure constitute an unresolved medical controversy. We evaluated whether Swedish adults who met the criteria for post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS) exhibited characteristics distinguishable from adults who did not, but who displayed similar symptoms and disease course afte...
Background: The tufted duck is a non-model organism that suffers high mortality in highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks. It belongs to the same bird family (Anatidae) as the mallard, one of the best-studied natural hosts of low-pathogenic avian influenza viruses. Studies in non-model bird species are crucial to disentangle the role of the ho...
Dabbling and diving ducks partly occupy shared habitats, but have been reported to play different roles in wildlife infectious disease dynamics. Influenza A virus (IAV) epidemiology in wild birds has primarily been based on surveillance programs focused on dabbling duck species, particularly mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ). Surveillance in Eurasia h...
Birds can act as reservoirs of tick-borne pathogens and can also disperse pathogen-containing ticks to both nearby and remote localities. The aims of this study were to estimate tick infestation patterns on migratory birds and the prevalence of different Borrelia species and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in ticks removed from bird...
Influenza A virus (IAV) pandemics result from interspecies transmission events within the avian reservoir and further to mammals including humans. Investigating molecular virus–host interactions dictating this process and the adaptations to the new hosts that follow is vital to understand zoonotic IAV spread. Receptor incompatibility has been sugge...
Candidatus (Ca.) Neoehrlichia (N.) mikurensis is an emerging tick-borne pathogen of humans that is closely related to Ehrlichia and Anaplasma species. This strict intracellular bacterium escapes detection by routine microbiologic diagnostic methods such as blood culture leading to considerable under-diagnosis of the infectious disease...
Introduction Birds can act as reservoirs of tick-borne pathogens and can also disperse pathogen-containing ticks to both nearby and remote localities. The aims of this study were to estimate tick infestation patterns on migratory birds and the prevalence of different Borrelia species and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in ticks removed from bi...
Birds can act as reservoirs of tick-borne pathogens and can also disperse pathogen-containing ticks to both nearby and remote localities. The aims of this study were to estimate tick infestation patterns on migratory birds and the prevalence of different Borrelia species and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in ticks removed from bir...
The prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies on June 17–18, 2020 was investigated in two residential areas of Stockholm, Sweden. Among the residents in Norra Djurgårdsstaden, a newly built upper- and middle-class area of Stockholm, 4.1% of study participants had SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies, while in Tensta, a highly segregated low-income area, 30% of t...
The COVID-19 pandemic is growing and spread in the Swedish elderly care system during April 2020. The increasing number of employees on sick-leave due to COVID-19 creates severe logistic problems. Some elderly care homes therefore started to screen their personnel to secure the safety of the elderly and to avoid unnecessary quarantine of potentiall...
Ticks (order: Ixodida) are a highly diverse and ecologically important group of ectoparasitic blood-feeding organisms. One such species, the seabird tick (Ixodes uriae), is widely distributed around the circumpolar regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. It has been suggested that Ix. uriae spread from the southern to the northern circump...
Increasing evidence indicates immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) after covid-19, but it remains unclear for how long the protection remains. Serology testing seems to have a higher sensitivity than molecular diagnostics from 8 days after onset of symtoms, and should be part of risk assessment and epidemiol...
Ticks (order: Ixodida) are a highly diverse and ecologically important group of ectoparasitic blood-feeding organisms. One such species, the seabird tick ( Ixodes uriae ), is widely distributed around the circumpolar regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. It has been suggested that Ix. uriae spread from the southern to the northern circu...
Low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) virus of subtype H9N2 is the most frequently detected subtype among domestic poultry and is a public health concern because of its zoonotic potential. Due to the multiple and complex routes of LPAIV H9N2 between geographic regions, little is known about the spatial diffusion of H9N2 virus to, within, and from E...
Anaplasma phagocytophilum (AP) has vast geographical and host ranges and causes disease in humans and domesticated animals. We investigated the role of northward migratory birds in the dispersal of tick-borne AP in the African-Western Palearctic.
Ticks were collected from northward migratory birds trapped during spring migration of 2010 at two loca...
Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) continue to impose a negative impact on animal and human health worldwide. In particular, the emergence of highly pathogenic AIV H5 and, more recently, the emergence of low pathogenic AIV H7N9 has led to enormous socio-economical losses in the poultry industry and resulted in fatal human infections. While H5N1 remains...
Avian influenza A viruses (AIVs) have a broad host range, but are most intimately associated with waterfowl (Anseriformes) and, in the case of the H13 and H16 subtypes, gulls (Charadriiformes). Host associations are multifactorial, but a key factor is the ability of the virus to bind host cell receptors and thereby initiate infection. The current s...
Individual staining scores 0 – <1% stained cells, 1 – 1–10% stained cells, 2 – 11–25% stained cells, 3 – 26–50% stained cells, 4 – 51–75% stained cells, and 5 – >75% stained cells. N/A, not applicable. n, number of stained individuals.
Gulls (Larus spp.) have frequently been reported to carry Escherichia coli exhibiting antimicrobial resistance (AMR E. coli); however, the pathways governing the acquisition and dispersal of such bacteria are not well‐described. We equipped 17 landfill‐foraging gulls with satellite transmitters and collected gull fecal samples longitudinally from f...
The breeding consequences of virus infections have rarely been studied in avian natural breeding populations. In this paper we investigated the links between humoral immunity following a natural flavivirus infection and reproduction in a wild bird population of collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). We analyzed plasma from 744 birds...
A lack of knowledge of naturally occurring pathogens is limiting our ability to use the Antarctic to study the impact human-mediated introduction of infectious microorganisms have on this relatively uncontaminated environment. As no large-scale coordinated effort to remedy this lack of knowledge has taken place, we rely on smaller targeted efforts...
Species identification of Campylobacter strains based on partial (1,313 bp) 16S rRNA gene sequences.
Species identification of Campylobacter strains based on atpA gene sequences.
Reference sequences are indicated by species names. Bootstrap values shown at nodes represent support in >95% (black), >85% (grey) and >75% (white) of 1,000 replicates, respectively.
Inferred Campylobacter species, host species, year, region, location, sample type and method of Campylobacter species determination for all samples.
Introduction: During a research expedition in 2012, faecal samples were collected from feral reindeer and kelp gulls on the main island of South Georgia in the Sub-Antarctic region of the Atlantic. The samples were analysed for bacteria of the genus Yersinia with the aim of identifying isolates to the species level. Materials and Methods: A total o...
The tick-borne bacterium Candidatus (Ca.) Neoehrlichia (N.) mikurensis is a cause of “fever of unknown origin” because this strict intracellular pathogen escapes detection by routine blood cultures. Case reports suggest that neoehrlichiosis patients may display serological reactivity to Anaplasma (A.) phagocytophilum. Since Anaplasma serology is pa...
Wild birds of Anseriformes and Charadriiformes are natural reservoirs of influenza A viruses (IAVs). Occasionally, IAVs transmit and adapt to mammalian hosts, and are maintained as epidemic strains in their new hosts. Viral adaptions to mammalian hosts include altered receptor preference of host epithelial sialylated oligosaccharides from terminal...
Influenza A virus (IAV) is ubiquitous in waterfowl. In the northern hemisphere IAV prevalence is highest during the autumn and coincides with a peak in viral subtype diversity. Although haemagglutinin subtypes H1–H12 are associated with waterfowl hosts, subtypes H8–H12 are detected very infrequently. To better understand the role of waterfowl in th...
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacterial pathogens threatens global health, though the spread of AMR bacteria and AMR genes between humans, animals, and the environment is still largely unknown. Here, we investigated the role of wild birds in the epidemiology of AMR Escherichia coli. Using next-generation sequencing, we characterized cephalospor...
Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus RNA was detected in immature Hyalomma rufipes ticks infesting northward migratory birds caught in the North Mediterranean Basin. This finding suggests a role for birds in the ecology of the Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus and a potential mechanism for dissemination to novel regions. Increased surveillance is warran...
Campylobacter jejuni is the primary cause of bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide, infecting humans mostly through consumption of contaminated poultry. C. jejuni is common in the gut of wild birds, and shows distinct strain-specific association to particular bird species. This contrasts with farm animals, in which several genotypes co-exist. It is u...
Antibiotic resistant bacteria present a growing global healthcare challenge. Previous research demonstrates that wild birds harbor extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae and may contribute to their dissemination. We aimed to assess prevalence and temporal variation in the detection rate of ESBL-producing bacteria in urban...
Introduction: Advances in the development of nucleic acid-based methods have dramatically facilitated studies of host–microbial interactions. Fecal DNA analysis can provide information about the host’s microbiota and gastrointestinal pathogen burden. Numerous studies have been conducted in mammals, yet birds are less well studied. Avian fecal DNA e...
Urbanization is intensifying worldwide, and affects the epidemiology of infectious diseases. However, the effect of urbanization on natural host-pathogen systems remains poorly understood. Urban ducks occupy an interesting niche in that they directly interact with both humans and wild migratory birds, and either directly or indirectly with food pro...
Extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae are a public health concern due to limited treatment options. Here, we report on the occurrence and the molecular characteristics of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae recovered from wild birds (Kelp gulls). Our results revealed Kelp gulls as a reservoir of vario...
Analysis of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) detected in Antarctica reveals both the relatively recent introduction of an H5N5 AIV predominantly of North American-like origin, as well as the persistence of an evolutionarily divergent H11 AIV. These data demonstrate that the flow of viruses from North America may be more common than initi...
Surveillance of influenza virus in humans and livestock is critical, given the worldwide public health threats and livestock production losses. Livestock farming involving close proximity between humans, pigs and poultry is often practised by smallholders in low-income countries and is considered an important driver of influenza virus evolution. Th...
Disease prevalence in wildlife is governed by epidemiological parameters (infection and recovery rates) and response to infection, both of which vary within and among individual hosts. Studies quantifying these individual‐scale parameters and documenting their source of variation in wild hosts are fundamental for predicting disease dynamics. Such s...
Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus transmitted by Aedes mosquitos. The virus was discovered in 1947 in the Zika forest in Uganda. Symptomatic disease is usually mild and is characterized by maculopapular rash, headache, fever, arthralgia and conjunctivitis. Fatalities are rare. There is neither vaccine nor curative treatment available. In Ma...