Birgit Boss

Birgit Boss
Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart · Bosch Connected Industry



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Publications (91)
In diesem Kapitel wird eines der Basiskonzepte von Industrie 4.0 vorgestellt, die Verwaltungsschale. Die Verwaltungsschale schafft die für Industrie 4.0 notwendige herstellerübergreifende Interoperabilität und stellt die digitalen Informationen für intelligente und nicht-intelligente Assets bereit. Sie bildet insbesondere den kompletten Lebenszyklu...
Digital twin technology has matured, and especially the Asset Administration Shell – as the basis for implementing interoperable digital twins – is well established. However, some questions that need to be considered when operating data spaces have not been in focus so far: which kind of infrastructure is needed? And which of the standardized inter...
Teil des Artikels von Bernd Reder ist ein Interview mit Birgit Boss zum Thema Semantik im Kontext digitaler Zwillinge. Weitere Stichworte: Semantik, Industrial Digital Twin Association (IDTA), Asset Administration Shell, Standardisierung, Interoperabilität
Digital Twins and the Asset Administration Shell in the context of Catena-X, its open source project Tractus-X and related activities. Additionally the decentralized digital twins registry architecture of Catena-X is presented.
Digital Twins in Data Ecosystems like Catena-X and Manufacturing-X. Interoperability and Semantics are key. The Asset Administration Shell is the implementation of interoperable digital twins.
Episode 3 is about the Metamodel of the Asset Administration Shell
Introduction to the Eclipe Top Level Project Digital Twin and its relationship to Industrial Digital Twin Assocation (IDTA)
Editorial für Ausgabe 10 2023: Digital Twin & Asset Administration Shell
The article describes the different parts of the Specification of the Asset Administration Shell V3.0.
Digital Twins erreichen die nächste Stufe: Sie sind der Enabler für den unternehmensübergreifenden Datenaustausch in Datenräumen. Catena-X, der Blueprint für jeden Datenraum, ist dabei wegweisend.
Technical Report
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Specification of the metamodel of the Asset Administration Shell
Catena-X und Manufacturing-X sind als Schlagworte jedem bekannt, der sich mit Digitalisierung in der Industrie befasst. Im CIIT-Techtalk am 17. Februar ist die Expertin für Digitale Zwillinge und semantische Interoperabilität, Frau Dr. Birgit Boss, zu Gast. Interoperable digitale Zwillinge sind in beiden Initiativen ein wichtiger Baustein für den D...
Technical Report
The modeling of products begins with the modeling of product aspects. Although mature public property dictionaries exist, such as IEC CDD and ECLASS, individual needs can hardly be satisfied based on public repositories alone. Companies often want to define their product characteristics using public standards so that the syntax is interoperable and...
Using a real-world example, we will show you how interoperable digital twins (implemented as Asset Administration Shell) allow for data exchange between different companies – and explain why open standards are the key to success.
There is no question that digital twins are an important and much-discussed enabling technology for digital transformation. Industrie 4.0 goes the next step and focusses on interoperable digital twins. Only then, cross-company use cases can be solved. Many use cases require data sharing between a large number of different companies of all sizes and...
Technical Report
The free whitepaper Industry 4.0 Core Information Model, by the Open Manufacturing Platform’s Semantic Data Structuring Work Group, addresses the challenges by presenting a standardized conceptual information model based on the IEC 62264 standard for the manufacturing domain. The Industry 4.0 Core Information Model provides a common and standardize...
Technical Report
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The aim of this document is to make selected specifications of the structure of the Administration Shell in such a way that information about assets and I4.0 Components can be exchanged in a meaningful way between partners in a value creation network. This part of this document therefore focuses on the question of how such information needs to be p...
Digitale Zwillinge sind unbestritten ein Enabler für viele datenintensive Anwendungen im Bereich Industrie 4.0, die auf unterschiedlichste heterogene Datenquellen zugreifen müssen. Oft sind mit diesen Anwendungen neue Geschäftsmodelle und Ökosysteme verbunden, speziell wenn die Daten aus firmen- und herstellerübergreifenden Datenquellen kommen. Spä...
There is no question that digital twins are an important technology for this century. Industrie 4.0 goes the next step and focusses on interoperable digital twins. Only then, cross-company use cases can be solved. Many use cases require data sharing between a large number of different companies of all sizes and countries. In this presentation exis...
Technical Report
In this document APIs for enabling the access to the information an Asset Administration Shell provides are defined. Since an API can be specified in different technologies like HTTP/REST, MQTT and OPC UA the specification offers a technology neutral specification of the interfaces. Whereas in part 1 of the specification series of the Asset Admini...
Technical Report
This submodel template aims at interoperable provision of contact information in regard to the asset of the respective Asset Administration Shell. Central element is the provision of properties, ideally interoperable by the means of dictionaries such as ECLASS and IEC CDD (Common Data Dictionary). The purpose of this document is to make selected sp...
Many IIoT projects are not scaled further due to the lack of agreement on and implementation of common standards. However, IIoT will only be commercially successful if we break down these barriers. Learn more about the relevance and first successes of "open manufacturing".
Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung von Fertigung und Logistik braucht vor allem Daten. Digitale Zwillinge sorgen dafür, dass aus diesen Daten nutzbringende, universell verständliche Informationen werden – und das nicht nur für Maschinenbetreiber vor Ort, sondern auch für Maschinenbauer und Softwareentwickler. Schon während der Produktentwicklung...
Digital Twins, Asset Administration Shell, ECLASS, BAMM Aspect Meta Model
Technical Report
A publication of the Open Manufacturing Platform Semantic Data Structuring includes tools and methodology that organizations with a high level of technical and business maturity can implement. For these organizations, investment in such solutions will reduce integration costs, enable rapid decision-making in a changing production environment, and...
Die fortschreitende Digitalisierung von Fertigung und Logistik braucht vor allem Daten. Digitale Zwillinge sorgen dafür, dass aus diesen Daten nutzbringende, universell verständliche Informationen werden – und das nicht nur für Maschinenbetreiber vor Ort, sondern auch für Maschinenbauer und Softwareentwickler. Schon während der Produktentwicklung...
Technical Report
A Digital Twin System forms the basis for comprehensive digitization of production and logistics by gradually creating consistent data homogeneity and interoperability. Any asset — it can be an actual physical asset like a drilling machine but also something virtual like a web service — has a digital representation with consistent semantics, calle...
Technical Report
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The aim of the Asset Administration Shells is to enable partners in value creation networks to exchange meaningful information by conforming to a specified set of standardized information elements. Furthermore, Asset Administration Shells will be capable to interact with each other directly without a leading system and connecting them to a cloud in...
Presentation YouTube Video:
Der Einsatz von Industrie-4.0-Lösungen erfordert Interoperabilität, damit Komponenten, Geräte und Anwendungen nahtlos über Unternehmen, Branchen und Länder hinweg kommunizieren können. An dieser Stelle setzt die Verwaltungsschale (AAS; engl. Asset Administration Shell) an. Sie hilft, digitale Zwillinge für Industrie 4.0 zu implementieren und ist di...
In diesem mehrteiligen Beitrag werden die Entwicklungen der Verwaltungsschale im Hinblick auf die Abbildung komplexer Strukturen in der Produktion diskutiert („Verbundkomponente“). Der nachfolgende erste Teil zeigt auf, wie sich die Entwicklungen der Plattform Industrie 4.0 auf die Herausforderungen in Planung, Engineering, Betrieb und Wartung zukü...
Digitale Zwillinge sind unbestritten ein Enabler für viele datenintensive Anwendungen im Bereich Industrie 4.0, die auf unterschiedlichste heterogene Datenquellen zugreifen müssen. Oft sind mit diesen Anwendungen neue Geschäftsmodelle und Ökosysteme verbunden, speziell wenn die Daten aus firmen- und herstellerübergreifenden Datenquellen kommen. Spä...
Technical Report
This document has been developed by the Task Force “Secure Asset Administration Shell” of Plattform Industrie 4.0. The Task Force consists of members from the Working Groups “Reference Architectures, Standards and Standardisation” and “Security of Networked Systems” (see below). This document summarizes the com-mon understanding of the Task Force,...
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To accelerate the development of Digital Twins within or across companies, there is an inevitable need for open standards for Digital Twins, as well as Open Source implementations to promote the agile development and adoption of those standards. Alongside the IIC and Plattform Industrie 4.0, as the importance of this topic has grown, multiple new o...
Digital twins transform raw data into comprehensible and accessible information for domain experts and software developers. How this is achieved is explained in this presentation by using the Asset Administration Shell as example for implementing a digital twin.
What is a Digital Twin? Why Digital Twins? Why Standardization? Why Asset Administration Shell?
Technical Report
This document specifies the interfaces as well as the APIs in selected technologies for the Asset Administration Shells and its submodels.
Technical Report
The aim of this document is to make selected specifications of the structure of the Administration Shell in such a way that information about assets and I4.0 Components can be exchanged in a meaningful way between partners in a value creation network. This part of this document therefore focuses on the question of how such information needs to be p...
Technical Report
This Submodel template aims at interoperable provision of information describing the nameplate of the asset of the respective Asset Administration Shell.
Technical Report
This Submodel template aims at interoperable provision of technical data describing the asset of the respective Asset Administration Shell.
Technical Report
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The Asset Administration Shell can support assistance and engineering tasks by not only providing standardized and machine interpretable data but additionally providing information about its offered functionality. This whitepaper describes the means of capability and skill to achieve this added value. One prerequisite is the semi-formal description...
Technical Report
The interoperable retrieval of engineering data is crucial to the implementation of Industrie 4.0. To this end, it is imperative that the requirements for interoperability are specified for both the contents and the data that are transferred and for the formats and protocols. Interoperability also includes the security measures with which confident...
Technical Report
Der interoperable Bezug von Engineeringdaten ist ein Element zur Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0. Die Anforderungen an Interoperabilität sind dabei sowohl an die übertragenen Inhalte und Daten zu stellen als auch an die Formate und Protokolle. Die Interoperabilität schließt die Security-Maßnahmen mit ein, mit denen Vertraulichkeit, Integrität und Verfü...
Technical Report
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) and Plattform Industrie 4.0 explore in their joint whitepaper the technical aspects of the digital twin. These were identified by the IIC in relationship to the Asset Administration Shell. The paper also examines, whether the Asset Administration Shell can support digital twins in use cases beyond manufactur...
Technical Report
These criteria help providers in the market to decide which products can already be labelled as Industrie 4.0-capable today. At the same time, companies can use these criteria as a guide for product development. For customers, the ZVEI definition provides clarity about the performance and features that Industrie 4.0 products1 should provide. This e...
Technical Report
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This whitepaper provides practical guidance on digital twin, including the definition, benefits, architectures and the necessary building blocks to implement one. We illustrate the relationships between an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) system and its twin with use cases.
In diesem Kapitel wird eines der Basiskonzepte von Industrie 4.0 vorgestellt, die Verwaltungsschale. Die Verwaltungsschale schafft die für Industrie 4.0 notwendige herstellerübergreifende Interoperabilität und stellt die digitalen Informationen für intelligente und nicht-intelligente Assets bereit. Sie bildet insbesondere den kompletten Lebenszyklu...
Die Verwaltungsschale (engl. Asset Administration Shell - AAS) setzt sich als Implementierung des digitalen Zwillings für Industrie 4.0 immer mehr durch. Der erste direkt umsetzbare Baustein liegt mit der Spezifikation des Informationsmodells „Verwaltungsschale im Detail“ seit Ende 2018 vor. Das ist eine wichtige Etappe und erst der Anfang: Von der...
인더스트리 4.0 구현에 필요한 기본 컨셉 가운데 하나가 AAS이다. AAS는 인더스트리 4.0을 위해 필요한 서로 다른 제조업체들 간의 상호운용성을 제공하며, 지능적 및 비 지능적인 Asset의 정보를 디지털 형태로 제공한다. 이는 실물을 대신해 표현되는 제품, 기기, 기계 및 설비 등 - 소위 Asset - 의 전체 생애주기(Lifecycle) 동안 상태 모두를 표기하며, 제조 전체 가치 창출 사슬을 지원한다. 디지털로 표현되는 AAS는 인더스트리 4.0 범주 안에서 자율 시스템 및 인공지능(Artificial Intelligence, AI) 이용을 위한 기반이 된다. AAS는 인더스트리 4.0에서 디지털 트윈의 구...
Technical Report
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The publication provides valuable information on the Asset Administration Shell: It describes the information content and serialization formats of an Asset Administration Shell. It specifies a technology-neutral UML model, an XML and JSON schema and mappings for OPC UA, AutomationML and the Resource Description Framework (RDF). It includes a defin...
How to deploy asset administration shells, the implementation of digital twins for industrie 4.0 on the edge.
Technical Report
Für Kunden bietet die ZVEI-Definition Klarheit über die Leistungen und Features, die Industrie-4.0-Produkte mitbringen sollten. Dieser Leitfaden ist eine Weiterführung des Leitfadens von 2019 und löst diesen ab.
Technical Report
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This SPEC is important for industry 4.0 applications: DIN SPEC 92000 – “Data Exchange on the Base of Property Value Statements”. So far, there is no standard which determines how the exchange of information in an industrial IT system can be modeled and handled efficiently. This DIN SPEC 92000 describes two models, with which the exchange of propert...
Die erste Spezifiaktion für Entwickler liegt mit der Verwaltungsschale im Detail vor. Sie wurde auf der SPS Drives 2018 erstmals vorgestellt. Referenzen auf die semantischen Beschreibungen der Properties sind dabei ein wichtigstes Konzept. Dafür bietet sich eCl@ss an. Der Vortrag diskutiert den aktuellen Stand der Verwaltungsschale und von eCl@ss s...
Technical Report
These criteria help providers in the market to decide which products can already be labelled as Industrie 4.0-capable today. At the same time, companies can use these criteria as a guide for product development. For customers, the ZVEI definition provides clarity about the performance and features that Industrie 4.0 products1 should provide. This e...
Technical Report
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The aim of this document is to make selected specifications of the structure of the Administration Shell in such a way that information about assets and I4.0 components can be exchanged in a meaningful way between partners in a value creation network. This part of this document therefore focuses on the question of how such information needs to be...
Technical Report
Bei den Anforderungen und Zielen der Cybersicherheit kommt besonders der sicheren Zugriffssteuerung für Industrie 4.0-Komponenten zwischen Herstellern, Betreibern und Integratoren eine hohe Bedeutung zu. Die in Industrie 4.0 notwendige Zugriffssteuerung geht deutlich über bisherige lokale Systemgrenzen hinaus. Besonders kleine Unternehmen sind hier...
Technical Report
Die vollständig digitalisierte und vernetzte Produktion der Zukunft, Industrie 4.0, hält unaufhaltsam Einzug in die Fabriken. Beinahe inflationär erscheint die Verwendung von Begriffen wie „IoT Ready“, „RAMI-4.0-konform“ oder auch „Industrie-4.0-Siegel“. Daneben bieten Beratungsunternehmen an, Produkte und ganze Unternehmen auf ihre Industrie-4.0-T...
Conference Paper
Setting up a new product line generation in a mature domain, typically does not start from scratch but takes into consideration the architecture and assets of the former product line generation. Being able to accommodate legacy and 3rd party code is one of the major product line qualities to be met. On the other side, product line qualities like re...
When introducing AUTOSAR, Bosch had to tackle naming issues. This is not only discussed in the context of the development of a single electronic control unit (ECU) or an ECU product line, but in the context of a company dealing with many different ECU product lines and developing the software of an ECU product line in cooperation with the OEM or th...
Conference Paper
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Product lines are usually built for the long term in order to repay the initial investment. While long-term stable software systems are already hard, if they are developed individually, it is even harder for complete product lines. At the time a new product line is created, the details of future product line characteristics are typically not known,...
Conference Paper
Business and cooperation models in the automotive domain are becoming more and more complex and flexible. The following two models and their impact on software architecture will be discussed in more detail: 1) delivery of code relevant artifacts from the OEM (original automobile equipment manufacturer) to the Tier1 (supplier of OEM) and the other w...
Conference Paper
Durch die steigende Komplexität von Steuergeräte-Software, die Wiederverwendung von SW-Komponenten in verschiedenen Produkten einer Produktfamilie sowie den steigenden Anteil zugelieferter Software verstärkt sich die Anforderung, die Konfiguration der zeitlichen und sequentiellen Ausführung von Prozessen in Tasks systematisch und formal je SW-Kompo...
Conference Paper
Software engineering in the automotive domain faces outstanding challenges in terms of quality, cost, and functional complexity. To ensure process and product excellence, Bosch Gasoline Systems (GS) introduced a process improvement program based on Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and adopted the product line approach (PLA). Business st...
Recently, the call for database management systems (DBMS) with uncertainty capabilities is getting stronger. Many of the existing approaches to modeling uncertainty in database management systems are based on the theory of fuzzy sets. High performance is a necessary precondition for the acceptance of such systems by end users. However, performance...
Die Qualität von Entwürfen kann verbessert werden, wenn Inkonsistenzen mit Zielvorgaben und sonstigen Entwurfsentscheidungen rechtzeitig erkannt und somit frühzeitig korrigiert werden können. Dies kann durch eine integrierte Verwaltung und Überprüfung dieser Bedingungen durch das Datenbanksystem selbst erreicht werden. Entwurfsentscheidungen könne...
Conference Paper
Im technischen Entwurfsbereich können große Teile von Anwendungsprogrammen, dei für die Überprüfung der Datenkonsistenz zuständig sind, in das Datenbanksystem verlagert werden. Die Erweiterung von Datenbanksystemen um eine Konsistenzprüfungskomponente ermöglichst eine wesentliche Verkürzung der Überprüfungszeit. Dadurch kann der Datenaustausch zwis...
Conference Paper
Next generation database applications-for example, design; environmental and scientific applications-have to cope with incomplete and uncertain data and queries. Many of the approaches to modeling uncertainty in databases are based on fuzzy set theory. However, for fuzzy data access and vague query evaluation the usual access methods are no longer...


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