Biagio Lucini

Biagio Lucini
Swansea University | SWAN · Department of Mathematics

Ph.D. (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)


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January 1997 - December 1999
Scuola Normale Superiore
  • PhD Student
October 2001 - September 2003
University of Oxford
  • Marie Curie Fellowship
October 2003 - September 2005
ETH Zurich
  • PostDoc Position
January 1997 - December 1999
Scuola Normale Superiore
Field of study
  • Physics
November 1991 - July 1996
University of Pisa
Field of study
  • Physics


Publications (303)
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We demonstrate that the update of weight matrices in learning algorithms can be described in the framework of Dyson Brownian motion, thereby inheriting many features of random matrix theory. We relate the level of stochasticity to the ratio of the learning rate and the minibatch size, providing more robust evidence to a previously conjectured scali...
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Investigating the dynamics of learning in machine learning algorithms is of paramount importance for understanding how and why an approach may be successful. The tools of physics and statistics provide a robust setting for such investigations. Here we apply concepts from random matrix theory to describe stochastic weight matrix dynamics, using the...
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We report the results of an extensive numerical study of the $Sp(4)$ lattice gauge theory with three (Dirac) flavors of fermion in the two-index antisymmetric representation. In the presence of (degenerate) fermion masses, the theory has an enhanced global $SU(6)$ symmetry, broken explicitly and spontaneously to its $SO(6)$ subgroup. This symmetry...
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We report progress on our lattice calculations for the mass spectra of low-lying composite states in the Sp(4) gauge theory coupled to two and three flavors of Dirac fermions transforming in the fundamental and the two-index antisymmetric representations, respectively. This theory provides an ultraviolet completion to the composite Higgs model with...
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During training, weight matrices in machine learning architectures are updated using stochastic gradient descent or variations thereof. In this contribution we employ concepts of random matrix theory to analyse the resulting stochastic matrix dynamics. We first demonstrate that the dynamics can generically be described using Dyson Brownian motion,...
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First-order phase transitions in the early universe have rich phenomenological implications, such as the production of a potentially detectable signal of stochastic relic background gravitational waves. The hypothesis that new, strongly coupled dynamics, hiding in a new dark sector, could be detected in this way, via the telltale signs of its confi...
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The family of SU(2) theories with matter transforming in the adjoint representation has attracted interest from many angles. The two-flavour theory, known as Minimal Walking Technicolor, has a body of evidence pointing to it being in the conformal window with anomalous dimension $\gamma_{*}\approx0.3$. Perturbative calculations would suggest that t...
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We measure the masses of the pseudoscalar flavour-singlet meson states in the $Sp(4)$ gauge theory coupled to two Dirac fermions transforming in the fundamental representation and three Dirac fermions in the antisymmetric representation. This theory provides a compelling ultraviolet completion for the minimal composite Higgs model implementing also...
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Spectral densities encode non-perturbative information crucial in computing physical observables in strongly coupled field theories. Using lattice gauge theory data, we perform a systematic study to demonstrate the potential of recent technological advances in the reconstruction of spectral densities. We develop, maintain and make publicly availabl...
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Spectral densities encode nonperturbative information that enters the calculation of a plethora of physical observables in strongly coupled field theories. Phenomenological applications encompass aspects of standard-model hadronic physics, observable at current colliders, as well as correlation functions characterizing new physics proposals, testab...
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We provide the first extensive, numerical study of the nontrivial problem of mixing between flavor-singlet composite states emerging in strongly coupled lattice field theories with matter field content consisting of fermions transforming in different representations of the gauge group. The theory of interest is the minimal candidate for a composite...
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In 4 4 -dimensional pure compact U(1) U ( 1 ) lattice gauge theory, we analyse topological aspects of the dynamics of monopoles across the deconfinement phase transition. We do this using tools from Topological Data Analysis (TDA). We demonstrate that observables constructed from the zeroth and first homology groups of monopole current networks may...
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We study the finite-temperature behaviour of the $Sp(4)$ Yang-Mills lattice theory in four dimensions, by applying the Logarithmic Linear Relaxation (LLR) algorithm. We demonstrate the presence of coexisting (metastable) phases, when the system is in the proximity of the transition. We measure observables such as the free energy, the expectation va...
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We provide an extended lattice study of the SU(2) gauge theory coupled to one Dirac fermion flavour ($N_{\mathrm{f}} =1$) transforming in the adjoint representation as the continuum limit is approached. This investigation is supplemented by numerical results obtained for the SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac fermion flavours ($N_{\mathrm{f}} =2$) t...
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We demonstrate that the update of weight matrices in learning algorithms can be described in the framework of Dyson Brownian motion, thereby inheriting many features of random matrix theory. We relate the level of stochasticity to the ratio of the learning rate and the mini-batch size, providing more robust evidence to a previously conjectured scal...
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We report the findings of our extensive study of the spectra of flavored mesons in lattice gauge theories with symplectic gauge group and fermion matter content treated in the quenched approximation. For the S p ( 4 ) , S p ( 6 ) , and S p ( 8 ) gauge groups, the (Dirac) fermions transform in either the fundamental, or the 2-index, antisymmetric or...
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We report the results of lattice numerical studies of the S p ( 4 ) gauge theory coupled to fermions (hyperquarks) transforming in the fundamental and two-index antisymmetric representations of the gauge group. This strongly coupled theory is the minimal candidate for the ultraviolet completion of composite Higgs models that facilitate the mechanis...
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Restricted Boltzmann machines (RBMs) are well-known tools used in machine learning to learn probability distribution functions from data. We analyze RBMs with scalar fields on the nodes from the perspective of lattice field theory. Starting with the simplest case of Gaussian fields, we show that the RBM acts as an ultraviolet regulator, with the cu...
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We provide the first determination of the mass of the lightest flavor-singlet pseudoscalar and scalar bound states (mesons) in the Sp(4) Yang-Mills theory coupled to two flavors of fundamental fermions, using lattice methods. This theory has applications both to composite Higgs and strongly interacting dark matter scenarios. We find the singlets to...
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Symplectic gauge theories coupled to matter fields lead to symmetry enhancement phenomena that have potential applications in such diverse contexts as composite Higgs, top partial compositeness, strongly interacting dark matter, and dilaton-Higgs models. These theories are also interesting on theoretical grounds, for example in reference to the app...
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When studied at finite temperature, Yang-Mills theories in 3+1 dimensions display the presence of confinement/deconfinement phase transitions, which are known to be of first order—the SU(2) gauge theory being the exception. Theoretical as well as phenomenological considerations indicate that it is essential to establish a precise characterization o...
Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are well-known tools used in Machine Learning to learn probability distribution functions from data. We analyse RBMs with scalar fields on the nodes from the perspective of lattice field theory. Starting with the simplest case of Gaussian fields, we show that the RBM acts as an ultraviolet regulator, with the cu...
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The sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic presented governments, policy makers and health services with an unprecedented challenge of taking real-time decisions that could keep the disease under control with non-pharmaceutical interventions, while at the same time limit as much as possible severe consequences of a very strict lockdown. Mathemati...
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Symplectic gauge theories coupled to matter fields lead to symmetry enhancement phenomena that have potential applications in such diverse contexts as composite Higgs, top partial compositeness, strongly interacting dark matter, and dilaton-Higgs models. These theories are also interesting on theoretical grounds, for example in reference to the app...
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We review the current status of the long-term programme of numerical investigation of Sp(2N) gauge theories with and without fermionic matter content. We start by introducing the phenomenological as well as theoretical motivations for this research programme, which are related to composite Higgs models, models of partial top compositeness, dark mat...
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When studied at finite temperature, Yang-Mills theories in $3+1$ dimensions display the presence of confinement/deconfinement phase transitions, which are known to be of first order -- the $SU(2)$ gauge theory being the exception. Theoretical as well as phenomenological considerations indicate that it is essential to establish a precise characteris...
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We provide the first determination of the mass of the lightest flavor-singlet pseudoscalar and scalar bound states (mesons), in the $\rm{Sp}(4)$ Yang-Mills theory coupled to two flavors of fundamental fermions, using lattice methods. This theory has applications both to composite Higgs and strongly-interacting dark matter scenarios. We find the sin...
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We review the current status of the long-term programme of numerical investigation of $Sp(2N)$ gauge theories with and without fermionic matter content. We start by introducing the phenomenological as well as theoretical motivations for this research programme, which are related to composite Higgs models, models of partial top compositeness, dark m...
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We investigate the use of persistent homology, a tool from topological data analysis, as a means to detect and quantitatively describe center vortices in SU(2) lattice gauge theory in a gauge-invariant manner. We provide evidence for the sensitivity of our method to vortices by detecting a vortex explicitly inserted using twisted boundary condition...
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Phase transitions in a non-perturbative regime can be studied by ab initio Lattice Field Theory methods. The status and future research directions for LFT investigations of Quantum Chromo-Dynamics under extreme conditions are reviewed, including properties of hadrons and of the hypothesized QCD axion as inferred from QCD topology in different phase...
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Extensions of the standard model that lead to first-order phase transitions in the early universe can produce a stochastic background of gravitational waves, which may be accessible to future detectors. Thermodynamic observables at the transition, such as the latent heat, can be determined by lattice simulations, and then used to predict the expect...
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Sp(2 N ) gauge theories with fermonic matter provide an ideal laboratory to build extensions of the standard model based on novel composite dynamics. Examples include composite Higgs along with top partial compositeness and composite dark matter. Without fermions, their study also complements those based on SU( N c ) gauge theories with which they...
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We present an update of our ongoing study of the SU(2) gauge theory with one flavor of Dirac fermion in the adjoint representation. Compared to our previous results we now have data at larger lattice volumes, smaller values of the fermion mass, and also larger values of $\beta$. We present data for the spectrum of mesons, baryons, glueballs, and th...
Lattice Field Theory can be used to study finite temperature first-order phase transitions in new, strongly-coupled gauge theories of phenomenological interest. Metastable dynamics arising in proximity of the phase transition can lead to large, uncontrolled numerical errors when analysed with standard methods. In this contribution, we discuss a pro...
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Topological Data Analysis (TDA) is a field that leverages tools and ideas from algebraic topology to provide robust methods for analysing geometric and topological aspects of data. One of the principal tools of TDA, persistent homology, produces a quantitative description of how the connectivity and structure of data changes when viewed over a sequ...
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Extensions of the standard model that lead to first-order phase transitions in the early universe can produce a stochastic background of gravitational waves, which may be accessible to future detectors. Thermodynamic observables at the transition, such as the latent heat, can be determined by lattice simulations, and then used to predict the expect...
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Sp($2N$) gauge theories with fermonic matter provide an ideal laboratory to build extensions of the standard model based on novel composite dynamics. Examples include composite Higgs along with top partial compositeness and composite dark matter. Without fermions, their study also complements those based on SU($N_c$) gauge theories with which they...
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We study Yang-Mills lattice theories with Sp(Nc) gauge group, with Nc=2N, for N=1,…,4. We show that if we divide the renormalized couplings appearing in the Wilson flow by the quadratic Casimir C2(F) of the Sp(Nc) group, then the resulting quantities display a good agreement among all values of Nc considered, over a finite interval in flow time. We...
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Chimera baryons are an important element of strongly coupled theories that provide a microscopic origin for UV complete composite Higgs models (CHMs), since they play the role of top partners in top partial compositeness. In a particular interesting realisation of CHMs based upon an underlying $Sp(4)$ gauge theory, such exotic objects are composed...
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In this contribution, we report on our study of the properties of the Wilson flow and on the calculation of the topological susceptibility of $Sp(N_c)$ gauge theories for $N_c=2,\,4,\,6,\,8$. The Wilson flow is shown to scale according to the quadratic Casimir operator of the gauge group, as was already observed for $SU(N_c)$, and the commonly used...
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We perform numerical calculations of masses and decay constants of the lightest (flavoured) pseudoscalar, vector and axial vector mesons in the $Sp(4)$ lattice gauge theory with three Dirac fermions in the antisymmetric representation. The corresponding continuum theory plays an important role in certain ultra-violet complete realisations of compos...
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Standard local updating algorithms experience a critical slowing down close to the continuum limit, which is particularly severe for topological observables. In practice, the Markov chain tends to remain trapped in a fixed topological sector. This problem further worsens at large $N$, and is known as $\mathit{topological}~\mathit{freezing}$. To mit...
For Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions, we propose to rescale the ratio between topological susceptibility and string tension squared in a universal way, dependent only on group factors. We apply this suggestion to SU(Nc) and Sp(Nc) groups, and compare lattice measurements performed by several independent collaborations. We show that the two se...
We investigate the use of persistent homology, a tool from topological data analysis, as a means to detect and quantitatively describe center vortices in $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ lattice gauge theory in a gauge-invariant manner. The sensitivity of our method to vortices in the deconfined phase is confirmed by using twisted boundary conditions which inspire...
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We consider the Sp(4) gauge theory coupled to Nf=2 fundamental and nf=3 antisymmetric flavors of Dirac fermions in four dimensions. This theory serves as the microscopic origin for composite Higgs models with SU(4)/Sp(4) coset, supplemented by partial top compositeness. We study numerically its lattice realization, and couple the fundamental plaque...
In commonly used Monte Carlo algorithms for lattice gauge theories the integrated autocorrelation time of the topological charge is known to be exponentially-growing as the continuum limit is approached. This topological freezing, whose severity increases with the size of the gauge group, can result in potentially large systematics. To provide a di...
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We study Yang-Mills lattice theories with $Sp(N_c)$ gauge group, with $N_c=2N$, for $N=1,\,\cdots,\,4$. We show that if we divide the renormalised couplings appearing in the Wilson flow by the quadratic Casimir $C_2(F)$ of the $Sp(N_c)$ group, then the resulting quantities display a good agreement among all values of $N_c$ considered, over a finite...
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For Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions, we propose to rescale the ratio between topological susceptibility and string tension squared in a universal way, dependent only on group factors. We apply this suggestion to $SU(N_c)$ and $Sp(N_c)$ groups, and compare lattice measurements performed by several independent collaborations. We show that the...