Bettina KönigUniversity of Kassel
Bettina König
4th International workshop on System Innovation towards Sustainable Agriculture:
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Publications (57)
Serious Games (SG) have shown potential as transformative tools in sustainability research. Despite the diverse and widespread adoption of SG as multifunctional tools within collaborative forms of knowledge production, their contribution to transformative research processes is underexplored. Likewise, the selection, alignment, and integration of ap...
Ongoing land use change, including both land abandonment and agricultural intensification and expansion, not only present a threat for biodiversity and ecosystem health but also for the persistence of cultural landscapes. However, farmland abandonment and the resulting loss of traditional cultural landscapes is an under-researched topic in the lite...
Diese Broschüre fasst die Ergebnisse einer wissenschaftlichen Studie zusammen, die im Rahmen des ginkoo-Projektes durchgeführt wurde. Die ginkoo-Projektgruppe widmete sich sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Fragen, ob und wie ,Nischenlösungen‘ im Landmanagement, bspw. im Ökolandbau, sowie in anderen regionalen oder unternehmerischen Initiativen größere...
Im vorliegenden Diskussionspapier wird mit der „Kartierung von Nachhaltigkeitstransfer“ eine Methode zur Sichtbarmachung von - und Reflexion über Nachhaltigkeitstransfer vorgestellt und diskutiert. Dabei stehen die Entwicklung der Methode sowie unsere Erfahrungen bei deren Anwendung im Rahmen eines Workshops mit einem Fachbereich der Hochschule für...
To effectively tackle sustainability transformation challenges, it's essential to adopt a multifaceted approach that targets the underlying structures and systems that contribute to them. This involves incorporating diverse knowledge and exploring numerous avenues for change while recognizing that transformation is a collective process that involve...
Relevant known and crisis-induced obstacles, possibilities and ideas for solutions in within the transformation to more organic agriculture should be discussed. The results could potentially be taken into consideration in the participants' projects as well as in politics and business. A discussion of various topics and perspectives in the World Caf...
The COVID-19 pandemic has jolted societies out of normality, possibly creating new conditions for sustainability transformations. What does this mean for sustainability research? Because of the scope of the crisis, researchers have been heavily involved: not only have they had to speed up the pace of scientific production to provide urgently needed...
The COVID-19 pandemic has jolted societies out of normality, possibly creating new conditions for sustainability transformations. What does this mean for sustainability research? Because of the scope of the crisis, researchers have been heavily involved: not only have they had to speed up the pace of scientific production to provide urgently needed...
Die vorliegende explorative Studie verfolgt das Ziel, Nachhaltigkeitstransfer als spezifische Form des Transfers insbesondere in den Bereichen Lehre und Forschung an der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE) empirisch zu erfassen und sichtbar zu machen. Hierzu wurde ein heuristisch abgeleitetes Konzept für den Nachhaltigkeitstran...
Der 2011 gegründete Verbund für Nachhaltige Wissenschaft (NaWis) strebt die Stärkung transdisziplinärer Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaften an Hochschulen und Forschungsinstituten an. Mit der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde wird die NaWis-Runde seit September 2021 durch eine Institution gestärkt, der wie kaum einer anderen deutschen Hoc...
Das Forschungszentrum [Nachhaltigkeit – Transformation – Transfer] ist eine wissenschaftliche Einrichtung der Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE), gefördert vom Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur (MWFK) des Landes Brandenburg. In diesem Diskussionspapier werden die Forschungsansätze des Forschungszentrums dargel...
Dominant agricultural and food systems lead to continuous resource depletion and unacceptable environmental and social impacts. While current calls for changing agrifood systems are increasingly framed in the context of sustainability transitions, they rarely make an explicit link to transition studies to address these systemic challenges, nor do t...
��� ����� �� ����� ���������� �� ������� ���� �� The issue of plant protection on private land is currently caught between a growing awareness of the environment and real action. While the application of pesticides in agriculture is a thematic field of regulation and monitoring, the private sector is comparably a grey zone. Here, monitoring activit...
Der Beitrag stellt Ergebnisse von zwei explorativen Kundenbefragungen vor zur Wahrnehmung, Nutzung und Bewertung der Unverpacktabtei- lung im Biosupermarkt aus Kundinnen- und Kundensicht. Dafür wurden im Juli und September 2018 in zwei verschiedenen Berliner Filialen von Biosupermarktketten je circa 100 Kundinnen und Kunden befragt. Anhand der Erge...
The implementation of eco-innovations can be a strategy to combine economic benefit and reduce negative environmental impact. German greenhouse production is highly energy intensive, as heating and energy account for the second largest cost factor. Thus, the sector wants to develop and implement eco-innovations to speed up the process towards incre...
Published in: Ökologisches Wirtschaften
Ein Wandel in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit erfordert Innovationen in vielen Bereichen wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Handelns. Ein neues Instrument erleichtert die Steuerung der notwendigen Innovationsprozesse.
The implementation of eco-innovations can be a strategy to combine economic benefit and reduce negative environmental impact. German greenhouse production is highly energy intensive, as heating and energy account for the second largest cost factor. Thus, the sector wants to develop and implement eco-innovations to speed up the process towards incre...
Land management is one of the core fields where urban and rural areas shape sustainability through their direct and indirect interconnections. Within the funding program of the so called Transdisciplinary Innovation Groups for a sustainable land management, the German Ministry of Science and Education has provided special conditions for nine transd...
Despite the increased efficiency through differentiation of markets and division of labor, food systems are also confronted with large negative social and environmental impacts. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the agriculture and food sector have the potential to (further) develop innovative solutions to contribute to sustainability but...
Due to the cyclic or systemic nature of both aquaponics and organic production, organic certification appears to be a natural step for a researcher, system designer or commercial-oriented aquaponics producer to engage in. However, the underlying principles and justifications of aquaponics and organic production differ considerably between respectiv...
"Nachhaltige Landmanagement-Lösungen sind vor allem dann tragfähig, wenn sie nicht nur von „denen da oben“ entschieden werden, sondern wenn sie unter Anhörung der Beteiligten faktenbasiert, transparent und nachvollziehbar getroffen werden. Aber das ist nicht einfach, denn zur Lösung von Landnutzungskonflikten müssen viele unterschiedliche Aspekte u...
"Land ist, gemessen an den vielfältigen Nutzungsansprüchen, eine knappe Ressource.
Dementsprechend ist Land nicht nur wertvoll, sondern auch teuer – und
wird immer teurer. Diese Verteuerung verstärkt den ökonomischen Druck auf die
Landnutzung, trägt dazu bei, dass Effizienz und Erträge weiter gesteigert werden
müssen, und befeuert den strukturellen...
Management ist nicht alles. Systemlösungen brauchen "radikale" Kritik und Reflexion-Ein Zwischenruf Der vorliegende Band gibt viele Hinweise, Tipps und praktische Erfahrungen, wie man konkrete Landnutzungskonflikte "richtig" managen kann. Er stellt Instrumente, Methoden und Strategien vor, um die sehr unterschiedlichen Aufgaben des nachhaltigen Lan...
Food insecurity remains a persistent problem, affecting one-third of Tanzania’s population. Mutually reinforcing factors that
make the situation more acute include high human population growth combined with the impacts of climate change affecting
agricultural productivity. This situation explains why the development and implementation of solutions...
Aquaponics is an approach of coupling two technologies: recirculation aquaculture (fish-farms) and hydroponics (soil-less cultivation of crops). While it is perceived as a way to contribute to more sustainable food systems, the technology is still in its infancy, with several challenges. This paper describes current conditions of development and id...
Global environmental, social and economic challenges drive the need for new and improved solutions for food production and consumption. Food production within a sustainability corridor requires innovations exceeding traditional paradigms, acknowledging the complexity arising from sustainability. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how to di...
International aquaponic production has increased over the past decade, but less is known about research activities and production facilities operating in Europe. We conducted an online survey to get a better idea about research and production in Europe, focusing on five areas of aquaponics (i.e., demographics, facilities used, fish and crops produc...
Aquaponics is an evolving closed-system food production technology that integrates recirculating aquaculture with hydroponics. In this paper we give a brief literature overview of the sustainability aspects of aquaponics by discussing its social, environmental, and economic impacts in different potential settings. The technology might be applied to...
The agriculture and food sectors are increasingly sensitive of unintended side effects in agricultural production. Approaches for sustainability-led changes in production, however, often fail to appropriate the value created for a long term establishment in the market.
Previous studies building on resource based theories suggest that competitive a...
To meet worldwide challenges such as restricted natural resources, climate change, food-security or higher consumer demands, innovative solutions in agriculture and its subsectors are required. In order to make agricultural innovation systems more effective, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of innovation processes. Nonetheless, innovati...
In the precision farming (PF) literature on innovation activities, it becomes
apparent that only individual aspects of the entire PF innovation process chain are considered,
namely, the knowledge transfer and the adoption of PF applications. Therefore, this study
seeks to analyze the innovation mechanisms in the entire PF innovation process chain....
Up to now consumers get no detailed information about fruit and vegetables at the point of sale, such as the origin, the kind of production, the current freshness or the optimum produce handling after purchase. Although recent studies show that these product information are of high relevance for consumer decision. The aim of the project " Freshness...
In order to master global challenges like food security, climate change and sustainable use of natural resources etc. not only inter- and transdisciplinary knowledge, but also an in-depth understanding of innovation mechanisms in agriculture is required, as well as process and coordination competence, to support sustainable innovation pathways.
Technology development for sustainable land use is key for planning the future of European regions. Our objective was to provide planners with a tool for invention assessment that can be applied to find the best development options and to allocate resources efficiently and effectively. Based on traditional stage gate processes linked with a systems...
With project-based research becoming a major form of research organisation, coordination and management has become an important task in interdisciplinary research collaborations and a key determinant of their success. Yet little theory-based information is available regarding the decisive determinants of project management success and the functions...
Innovations of agricultural suppliers, producers and retailers are directly or indirectly shaping sustainability within the agro food web. If sustainable innovations targeted at the key challenges agriculture is facin
g worldwide, such as food security, climate change, sustainable use of natural resources etc. should be promoted, knowledge about cu...
Agricultural innovations are meant to master global challenges such as climate change. However, they are often subject to highly controversial societal debates, such as in the case of genetic engineering or certain forms of animal production. This paper provides insight in the extent to which these conflicts are rooted in the conditions and process...
Dieser Leitfaden erklärt die Zusammenhänge, Hintergründe und Vorgehensweisen für
Veränderungen im Wertschöpfungssystem Obst und Gemüse. Er soll Betriebe und Berater
dabei unterstützen, die Umstellungsentscheidung zukunftsorientiert in die Wertschöpfungsketten
einzupassen, um von der steigenden Nachfrage nach heimischem
Bio-Gemüse profitieren zu kön...
Knowledge and technology transfer is traditionally considered as the two-sided relation between science and practice. Newer approaches consider it more broadly as expert-laymen communication in the sense of transdisciplinarity. While inter- or transdisciplinary research approaches are more and more common, development of an effective cross-discipli...
Contemporary policy making calls for scientific support to anticipate the possible consequences of optional policy decisions on sustainable development. This paper presents an analytical framework for ex ante assessment of economic, social, and environmental impacts of policy driven land use changes that can be used as an aid to policy making. The...
The paper aims at describing the environment, actors, practices and dynamics in the context of the European Commission's Impact Assessment procedures into which a quantitative ex-ante policy assessment tool of land use changes has to be introduced. Both fields - Impact Assessment and land use modelling tools - Are only now evolving. The institution...
Land use includes those human activities that exhibit a spatial dimension and that change the bio-geophysical conditions of land. Land use policy making at European level aims at fostering sustainability pathways of natural resource use and rural development through the decoupling of economic growth from environmental degradation while supporting s...
The principle of multifunctionality considers simultaneously a variety of social, economic and environmental
goods and services related to land use. It is thus a key to sustainable development of land and rural areas. Land
use policies seek to support the economic competitiveness and sustainable development of rural areas. For an
efficient Impact A...
This article illuminates barriers in the decision making process of vegetable growers whether they should convert to organic farming principles or not. It is shown how structural developments of the conventional and organic fresh vegetable market influ- ence the individual decision behaviour of producers. Einleitung und Zielsetzung: Die für eine Ma...
The adoption of innovative and more environmentally sound production techniques by horticultural growers is important to meet consumer's and societies' expectations about a more environmental production process. However, previous investigations in horticulture and agriculture show that the adoption rate especially of environmentally favourable prod...