Bertrand Sonnery-CottetCentre Orthopedique Santy · Sport Medicine, FIFA medical Center of Excellence
Bertrand Sonnery-Cottet
Dr Sonnery-Cottet is an exclusive Sport Surgeon, highly specialized in Knee ligament surgery.
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January 2003 - present
November 2000 - November 2002
Publications (450)
Significant progress has been achieved in knee ligament surgery over the past 30 years due to an improved quality of the ancillary material and a better knowledge of the pathophysiology of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Three distinct periods may be outlined in the evolution of ACL reconstruction over the years: while the 1980s were marked b...
During arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, intra-articular visualization can be compromised by the interposition of the infrapatellar fat-pad (IPFP) between the scope and the notch. In this technical note, we describe our technique of using lateral higher arthroscopic portal, starting arthroscopy with the resection of the ligamentum mucosum and perfor...
During arthroscopic ACL reconstruction, intra-articular visualization can be compromised by the interposition of the infrapatellar fat pad (IPFP) between the scope and the notch. In this technical note, we describe our technique of using lateral higher arthroscopic portal, starting arthroscopy with the resection of the ligamentum mucosum and perfor...
It has been suggested that an increased posterior tibial slope (PTS) and a narrow notch width index (NWI) increase the risk of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. The aim of this study was to establish why there are conflicting reports on their significance. A total of fifty patients with a ruptured ACL and 50 patients with an intact ACL were...
Septic arthritis of the knee after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a rare complication. Its prevalence and characteristics have never been reported among professional athletes.
To report the prevalence and the characteristics of septic arthritis after ACL reconstruction in professional athletes and a general population of patient...
Meniscal ossicles are an unusual finding and a rare cause for knee pain. They are often initially diagnosed as a loose body, chondrocalcinosis or meniscal calcification within the knee joint. Few cases have been reported in the literature. We present a case of a meniscal ossicle with an associated femoral cartilage lesion, in a healthy 26-year-old...
Meniscal ossicles are an unusual finding and a rare cause for knee pain. They are often initially diagnosed as a loose body, chondrocalcinosis or meniscal calcification within the knee joint. Few cases have been reported in the literature. We present a case of a meniscal ossicle with an associated femoral cartilage lesion in a healthy 26-year-old m...
Los injertos del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) son intervenciones corrientes destinadas a restaurar la estabilidad de la rodilla afectada por una ruptura ligamentosa y, de este modo, a prevenir el desarrollo prematuro de lesiones degenerativas. Desde hace algunos años y gracias a un mejor conocimiento de la biomecánica del LCA, han empezado a de...
Gli innesti del legamento crociato anteriore (LCA) sono oggi degli interventi abituali che mirano a restaurare la stabilità del ginocchio compromessa dalla rottura del legamento e prevenire così la comparsa prematura di lesioni degenerative. Da qualche anno, grazie a una miglior conoscenza della biomeccanica del LCA, hanno cominciato a svilupparsi...
Surgical treatment of PCL tears is often indicated after conservative management failure and it is known to be challenging with unpredictable outcomes. This study aims to describe and to evaluate the outcome of an arthroscopic PCL anterolateral bundle reconstruction using a quadriceps tendon autograft. Our hypothesis is that knee stability and func...
Biological integration of the tendon graft is a crucial prerequisite for successful ACL reconstruction. Histological studies showed that the human ACL remnants contain a cellular capacity for healing potential. The goal of this technical note is to describe an ACL reconstruction technique, using ACL remnants as a biological sleeve for the graft. In...
Impaired postoperative range of motion remains one of the most frequent complications after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
This study was undertaken to determine the preoperative factors associated with prolonged range of motion deficit after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3.
Between January...
Biological integration of the tendon graft is a crucial prerequisite for successful ACL reconstruction. Histological studies showed that the human ACL remnants contain a cellular capacity for healing potential. The goal of this technical note is to describe an ACL reconstruction technique, using ACL remnants as a biological sleeve for the graft. In...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical and operative characteristics of cyclops lesion in a consecutive series of patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) double-bundle reconstruction.
Included were 387 patients who underwent an ACL double-bundle reconstruction with quadriceps or hamstring tendons and were followed up at 6...
La reconstruction du ligament croisé postérieur (LCP) n’est pas encore une chirurgie standardisée et les programmes de rééducation associés à cette procédure sont mal définis. L’objectif de cette étude est de rapporter les résultats d’une série consécutive de patients ayant bénéficié d’une même technique de reconstruction isolée du LCP et ayant sui...
Reconstruction Surgery of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) has not yet been fully standardized, and associated rehabilitation protocols have not been clearly defined. The aim of this study is to report the results of a consecutive series of patients who underwent the same surgical technique for isolated PCL reconstruction and we...
In this chapter, isolated lateral meniscectomy performed on patients with otherwise relatively healthy cartilage will be discussed. Lateral meniscectomy is technically a relatively simple procedure because the lateral compartment can easily be opened, but problems may arise in the short, medium, or long-term follow-up.
Les greffes du ligament croise anterieur (LCA) sont aujourd’hui des interventions courantes visant arestaurer la stabilite du genou compromise par la rupture ligamentaire et prevenir ainsi l’apparitionprematureedelesionsdegeneratives.Depuisquelquesanneesetgrâceaunemeilleureconnaissancedelabiomecanique du LCA, de nouvelles techniques chirurgicales o...
The goal of this study was to arthroscopically identify and assess the progressive changes in isolated ruptures of the posterolateral bundle of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) over time.
This prospective study investigated 174 patients for isolated posterolateral bundle tears during arthroscopic ACL reconstruction. The preoperative side-to-sid...
The purpose of this study was to describe an original technique of reconstruction of the anteromedial bundle preserving the posterolateral bundle and to report the results of a consecutive 36 patients series with mean 24 months follow-up. Our hypothesis is that this selective reconstruction of ACL partial tears could restore knee stability and func...
Anatomic double-bundle reconstruction in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears has been developed during the last few years. Although anteromedial (AM) bundle reconstruction is routinely performed, finding the femoral attachment of the posterolateral (PL) bundle remains a problem. We describe how a classic arthroscopic position, the figure-of-4 po...
Surgical procedures for double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, which currently use hamstring graft, have been described, but some concerns remain regarding graft fixation and the ability to obtain adequate bundle size. We report an original double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction technique using a quadriceps tendon...
Tennis players, like participants in other overhead sports, are vulnerable to rotator cuff tears. In players who continue to play into their middle-age years, the incidence of such injury increases.
Surgical treatment of rotator cuff tears in middle-aged tennis players is largely successful in allowing return to tennis.
Retrospective review.
We eva...
Twenty-eight tennis players with symptomatic posterosuperior glenoid impingement limiting their participation underwent arthroscopic debridement of the supraspinatus tendon and glenoid lesions associated with this diagnosis after nonoperative treatment had failed. The dominant extremity was affected in all patients; the patients' average age was 26...