Bertalan GalambosiMTT Agrifood Research | MTT · Plant Production Research Unit
Bertalan Galambosi
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Publications (93)
Dr. Sváb Jánosné Teleki Judit, a mezőgazdasági tudományok kandidátusa, a Szent István Egyetem Kertészettudományi Karának címzetes egyetemi docense, növénynemesítő, az Országos Fajtaminősítő Tanács tagja,a kerepesi Szilasmenti Mgtsz gyógynövény termesztési ágazatának vezetője életmű bibliográfiája.
Planta Med 2014; 80 - LP49
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1395095
Comparison of fermented and non-fermented Epilobium angustifolium herb extracts on prostate cells proliferation
A Kiss 1, K Krupa 1, B Galambosi 3, A Shikov 2
• 1Department of Pharmacognosy and Molecular Basis of Phytotherapy, Medical University of Warsaw, Banacha 1, 02 – 097 Warsaw, Poland
Bergenia species (Saxifragaceae) are important sources of herbal medicines in Asia, mainly in Russia. Various plant parts are valued for their antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant sand adaptogenic effect, and used for the dissolution of kidney and bladder stones. In this study a rapid reversed phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method h...
Bergenia crassifolia L., Saxifragaceae, is an evergreen perennial plant known in traditional medicine of Russia, Mongolia and China. Polyphenols are responsible for the number of pharmacological effects of Bergenia. UPLC-DAD-QqQ-MS and LC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS were used for the rapid profiling of phenolic compounds, mainly hydrolysable tannins. Green lea...
Chemical compositions of volatile and semi-volatile components in green and fermented leaves of Bergenia crassifolia L. were studied. Leaf components were identified using gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and direct analysis in real time (DART) high resolution mass spectrometry with an ID-CUBE ion source. Phytol, nerolidol,...
Borage seeds (Borago officinalis L.) are an important source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which plays a significant role in pharmacy and nutrition. The mechanisation of the harvest of borage seeds is a weak point of the cultivation technology. Gradual ripening and strong scattering make mechanised harvesting difficult. In addition, the seeds are...
Kuminan tuotantoa voidaan pitää suomalaisen erikoiskasvituotannon menestystarinana ja osoituksena siitä, että pohjoisen vaativat kasvuolot voidaan kääntää myös kilpailueduksi silloin kun tuotannon laadulla on suuri merkitys. Menestyvä ja laajamittainen erikoiskasvituotanto on kuitenkin mahdollista vain jos maatilojen koneketjut ja osaaminen ovat ma...
Chemical compositions of volatile and semi-volatile components in green and fermented leaves of Bergenia crassifolia L. were studied. Leaf components were identified using gas chromatography with low resolution mass spectrometry and direct analysis in real time (DART) high resolution mass spectrometry with an ID-CUBE ion source. Phytol, nerolidol,...
Infusion from fermented Epilobium angustifolium L. herb (Ivan tee) is traditionally consumed in Russia for the treatment of stomach ulceration, gastritis, and sleeping disorders. It has been used in folk medicine to treat a variety of ailments such as benign prostate hyperplasia and the associated problems of micturition. Flavonoids and tannins, pa...
The chemical contents of 47 herb and medicinal plant species cultivated in Finland during 2001-2011 were analysed in Hungary, and a total of 101 components were determined.The phytochemical evaluation of the herbs was aimed at interpretating the effects observed in acclimatization studies performed under Nordic climatic conditions. The phytochemica...
Rhodiola rosea (Crassulaceae) is a traditional adaptogen medicinal plant. Several studies have described that the species shows significant diversity in morphological characteristics. Furthermore, according to several experiments, not only the age of the plant but also the geographical origin has an influence on the secondary metabolites profile of...
In the present study we evaluated the effect of phenological stage at harvest and drying temperature on the content of secondary metabolites in six year old cultivated clones of Rhodiola rosea. The experimental work was performed in cooperation between MTT in Finland and Bioforsk in Norway. In spite of the differences in growing season, we found si...
The content and composition of essential oil of two new Polish cultivars of sweet basil ('Wala' and 'Kasia') were analyzed. In 2005 and 2006, comparative field experiments were conducted in order to investigate the suitability of basil cultivars in Southern Finland and in Poland. From transplantation to full flowering of basil cultivars the weather...
In this paper, the importance and traditional use of roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L.) among the peoples of Lapland and the northern and sub-arctic Urals have been reviewed. Additionally, some phytochemical characteristics of roseroot plants of Finnish and Komi origin have been studied. About 150 plant species are known to have been used from ancient ti...
The herb Gnaphalium uliginosum L. is an annual plant widely used in Russian and Bulgarian phytotherapy in the treatment of hypertension, thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis and ulcers. Decoction and infusion of G. uliginosum are known to possess anti-inflammatory, astringent, and antiseptic properties. Oil extracts are used in the treatment of laryn...
A selective and simplest possible high-performance TLC (HPTLC) method for quantification of oenothein B on the basis of the free gallic acid and total gallic acid content after acid hydrolysis has been developed and used for analysis of cultivated Epilobium angustifolium. HPTLC of aqueous extracts of E. angustifolium was performed on silica gel wit...
Four newly bred Swiss medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) cultivars have been tested during 1997-2002 under Finnish climatic conditions: Achillea collina 'Spak', Thymus vulgaris 'Varico-1', Alchemilla xanthochlora 'Aper' and Hyssopus officinalis 'Perlay'. The experiments have been carried out in three research stations (South, South-East and North F...
Plant growth as well as root and seed yield of yellow gentian was evaluated in Mikkeli (South Finland) using a simple sowing method: stratificated seeds mixed with sand were sown in pots when the white germs were visible. The number of living seedlings/pot was counted before transplantation as well as after growth of one and two years in black plas...
The adaptogenic effect of Bergenia crassifolia black and fermented leaves was examined based on the forced swimming capacity and the change of biochemical parameters in mice. The treatment groups were orally administered infusions of black and fermented leaves of 3 populations of B. crassifolia, while the control group received distilled water for...
A selective and simplest possible high-performance TLC (HPTLC) method for quantification of oenothein B on the basis of the free gal-lic acid and total gallic acid content after acid hydrolysis has been developed and used for analysis of cultivated Epilobium angustifoli-um. HPTLC of aqueous extracts of E. angustifolium was performed on silica gel w...
Tribulus terrestris (L.) is a small annual herb. As a medicinal plant it is used for treatment of sexual deficiency as afrodisiac. The study showed the variability of the content of three furostanol saponins - protodioscin, prototribestin and pseudoprotodioscin, among seven origins from different geographical regions. Cluster analysis was performed...
The anti-inflammatory potential of three doses of an aqueous infusion of aerial parts Bidens tripartita L. against carrageenan-induced acute paw edema in rats was investigated. A phytochemical study and qualitative-quantitative analyses revealed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, polysaccharides, phenols, amino acids, ascorbic acid, organic acids...
Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea L.) is a dioecious perennial, but little is known about the differences between the sexes. The objectives of this field experiment were to study the variations of growth parameters and concentrations of the main pharmacological metabolites between male and female plants in generatively propagated populations. In addition, w...
Cultivation experiments with Acorus calamus L. and Salix myrsinifolia Salisb. were performed during 2000-2004 in two cat-away peatlands at Pakinsuo mire, Juva (61°50' N / 27°52' E) and Kovalansuo mire, Mikkeli (61°46' N / 27° 18' E). Comparison experiment for Salix was carried out on mineral soil as well at Mikkeli (61°44' N/ 27°18' E). The acidity...
Results of phytochemical analysis of the berries from six Russian Hippophae rhamnoides L. varieties (Augustinka, Botanitseskaja, Ljubitelskaja, Vorobjvskaja, Pertsik, Trofimovskaja), cultivated in Finland, are presented. The contents of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), tocopherols (vitamin E), total flavonoid (vitamin P), total carotenoid (vitamin A) and...
Drying experiments on peppermint (Mentha piperita L.), anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum L.), parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) and garden angelica (Angelica archangelica L.) were conducted using near infrared drying, operating at a product temperature of 35-50°C. The oil content, composition and residual water content of the dried herbs were dete...
Siberian tea of Bergenia crassifolia L. is widely used in traditional Russian medicine as a health beverage. Leaves of B. crassifolia contain phenol acids, phenols, tannins, flavonoids, and bergenin [1] and its content varies from type of leaves [2]. Black leaves passed 2 winters are used as adaptogen [3]. The adaptogenic effects of B. crassifolia...
Vegetables play an important role in human health and have an important effect on the human diet. It is equally serious to improve the volume, the diversity and the year round equability of vegetable consumption. The stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is an alternative vegetable crop and available from the beginning of Spring to the end of Autumn;...
A new procedure has been developed to separate and quantify the free radical-scavenging activity of individual compounds from green, brown, and black leaves of Bergenia crassifolia based on the combination of high performance TLC (HPTLC) with a diode array detector (DAD) and postchromatographic 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH(*)) deriva...
The underground parts of old roseroot plants (Rhodiola rosea L.) were collected from three wild populations in North Lapland (69 degrees 55'N) and from a five-year-old cultivated plantation in South Finland, Mikkeli (61 degrees 44'N) during 2006. The cultivated strain originated from a commercial nursery and had been grown from wild seeds collected...
The aim of this study was to analyze both the morphological and chemical characteristics of Acorus ca- lamus plants collected from the natural sites in the Czech Republic and to compare them to the sweet flags growing in Finland, Slovenia and Canada, which are concentrated in the Gene Bank collections in Finland. The sweet flags of Finnish, Sloveni...
Vaikka yrttien sisältämät raskasmetallit eivät olekaan tavalliselle kuluttajalle terveysriski, niillä on merkitystä erityisesti silloin, kun myydään rohdosteollisuudelle raaka-ainetta. Euroopassa yrttien raskasmetalli- ja aromipitoisuuksia on tutkittu paljon. Kalkituksen vaikutusta yrttien sisäiseen laatuun sen sijaan on tutkittu suhteellisen vähän...
The essential oil of Rhodiola rosea L., from rhizomes cultivated in Finland was analyzed by GC and GC/MS methods in Hungary. The air-dried rhizomes contained 0.04% essential oil. Thirteen components which were characterized in the oil were mainly monoterpenoid (84.3%). Myrtenol (36.9%), trans-pinocarveol (16.1%), geraniol (12.7%) and dihydrocumin a...
The lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Hg) concentrations of fifty medicinal plant and herb species were analysed in 1988-1990. The data consisted of 230 Finnish samples from cultivations in several locations and altogether 168 samples from Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Turkey. In the pooled samples f...
Spasmolytische und antiinflammatorische Effekte von Drosera rotundifolia in vitro
In Untersuchungen zur antiinflammatorischen und spasmolytischen Wirkung von Drosera rotundifolia erfolgte die Testung zweier Extrakte in mehreren In-vitro-Assays. Entzündungshemmende Effekte konnten für einen wäβrigen und einen ethanolischen Auszug aufgrund der Inhibi...
A spontaneously embryogenic cell line of the coumarin producing angelica [Angelica archangelica (L.) subsp. archangelica] was established via callus formation from seedlings grown from sterilized seeds on semi-solid, hormone-free modified B5 medium. The cell line
has retained its embryogenic capacity for 5 years. The highest coumarin production for...
Seed yield, quality and seed production techniques of four annual and four perennial herb species were studied at three experimental stations of Agrifood Research Finland during 1997-2000. The experimental fields were situated in South Finland at Piikkiö (60° N, 23′ E), in South-East Finland, Mikkeli, (61° N, 44′E) and in North Finland, Ruukki (64°...
During the last decades several factors have increased the importance of domestic grown raw material in Scandinavian countries. During 1984-2000 research concerned with herbs and medicinal plants was quite intensive in many parts of Finland. The first herb research started in Norway in 1993. All efforts in research and development aimed to help dev...
Cultivars of six leaf herb species were grown during 1999-2000 at South Finland (Piikkiö, 60° N, 23 É) and North Finland (Ruukki, 64° N, 41 E). The plants were propagated by seedlings, grown in black plastic mulch, fertilized by 20 t/ha compost. Growth, fresh and dry leaf yield, essential oil content, and composition were studied. The yields obtain...
In order to find new alternative crops suitable for the Nordic climate, a series of acclimatization agronomic experiments were carried out with cold tolerant medicinal plants at Mikkeli, Finland ( 61°44 N , 27°18 E) during 1985-1999. Medicinal plants with adaptogen effects ( Leuzea carthamoides L., and Rhodiola rosea L.), essential oil containing s...
The naphthoquinone 7-methyljuglone, flavonols quercetin and kaempferol are the main secondary metabolites of Drosera anglica and D. rotundifolia. The content of 7-methyljuglone was evaluated in four leaf ontogenetic phases, in stem and flower of both species studied. The highest content (1.0 to 2.7% in dry matter) was found in young and in mature g...
Yield potential and the effect of strict collection on the regeneration of natural populations of Drosera rotundifolia were studied in Finland during 1993-1999. Flowering plants were collected in July from 37 sample plots 1 m2 in size. Plant number; height of flowering plants; fresh weight as well, as 7-methyljuglone, quercetin and kaempferol conte...
Cultivation experiments on D. rotundifolia and D. anglica were carried out in peat beds in Mikkeli, south Finland (61°44'N, 27°18'E) in 1992-1997. Plants were propagated by direct sowing and transplanting of small seedlings in peat beds (size 3 m2, depth 0.7 m) filled with non-fertilized peat (pH 4.0). Seed germination, growth, flowering cycle as w...
Drying experiments on peppermint (Mentha piperita L.), anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum L.), parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) and garden angelica (Angelica archangelica L.) were conducted using near infrared drying, operating at a product temperature of 35–50°C. The oil content, composi-tion and residual water content of the dried herbs were det...
Myrica gale L. was harvested from wild populations in Scotland and Finland. Above-ground vegetation was assessed for growth and potential yield of biomass. Essential oil yield and composition were measured: leaf oil yield was 0.05–0.29%, flower oil yield 0.97%. Main components were α-pinene [20.1–38.9%], 1,8-cineole [2.5–23.9%], germacrene [0.4–13....
Seven batches of seeds of Artemisia annua L. (Asteraceae) of different origin were grown in Finland. The leaf essential oils were obtained by hydrodistillation in yields of 0.4–0.9% (v/w). About 30 compounds were identified and 19 key compounds, representing 87–96% of the total oil, are listed. There was a large variability in the essential oil com...
Twenty-four wild and 19 cultivated caraway (Carum carvi L.) populations/cultivars were cultivated at Mikkeli, Finland (61°44'N, 27°18'E) during 1990-1991. Twenty-eight of the populations studied were of Northern European origin and 15 were of Central European origin. Clear agrobotanical differences were observed between the wild and cultivated popu...
The essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from plants grown from 25 batches of seed of Agastuche species were investigated. Oil yield and composition were determined from individual samples. The changes in yield and chemical composition were monitored throughout the season. The authenticity of plants was assessed.
The volatile components isolated from the root of two wild angelica strains (Angelica archangelica L. var. Archangelica) grown in the northern Finland were compared with the garden angelica (var. Sativa) grown in the north and in the south of Finland. More than 80 compounds were determined in the Soxhlet extracts by gas chromatography, and 67 were...
The volatile compounds of the four phenotypes of hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis L., differentiated by the color of the corolla, were investigated by Soxhlet extraction using pentane/diethyl ether and by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. Pinocamphone, isopinocamphone, and pinocarvone were the main compounds among the 43 compounds observed, of w...
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) obtained from various commercial sources was grown for three years (1990-1992) in Finland. Yield characteristics, flower colour, volatile oil content/composition and its antimicrobial quality were studied. For comparison, Scottish-grown hyssop was included in oil and quality determinations. The description of the fl...
The effect of various amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 15, 30, 45, 75, 120 kg/ha N) and the number of leaf harvests on the quality and quantity of lovage (Levisticum officinale Koch) was studied in a two-year-old stand in Puumala, South-Finland in 1987. As nitrogen fertilization increased fresh root yield increased from 115 to 213 kg/100 m. The o...
Lovage (Levisticum officinale Koch) was cultivated in Puumala, South Finland (61°40′N, 28°15′E) during the years 1984–1989. The plants over wintered well and produced fertile seeds each year with an average germination capacity of 68%. The plants reached a maximum height of 2–2.5 m in the second year. The root weight continued to increase as the pl...
The effects of different propagation methods, mulching and nitrogen fertilization on the herb yield and volatile oil content and composition of dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) were studied in order to find the optimal cultivation techniques for Finnish conditions. Transplants gave a higher herb yield than sown plants, and an oil richer in g...
The influence of a top-dressing of nitrogen fertilizer (calcium nitrate, CaNO3) on the individual plant height and weight, herb yield and nitrate content of dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) was studied in 1987 in Puumala, Finland. The nitrogen doses applied ranged from 0 to 270 kg/ha. Nitrogen fertilization increased both the individual plan...
The cultivation possibilities of essential oil bearing plants under the Nordic climate conditions were studied at a new experimental station in Puumala, South-Finland. About 20 different plants have shown encouraging results with respect to marketable dry herb crops.
The influence of a top-dressing of nitrogen fertilizer (calcium nitrate, CaNOr) on the individual plant height and weight, herb yield and nitrate content of dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) was studied in 1987 in Puumala, Finland. The nitrogen doses applied ranged from 0 to 2'70 kg/ha. Nitrogen fertilization increased both the individual pla...
The essential oil from dragonhead, Dracocephalum moldavica L., was studied with special attention being paid to the yield of oil and how the amount of the main components changes during the vegetative period. The oil reaches its maximum level during the flowering, as is also the case with geranyl acetate, geranial and geraniol. The content of neral...