Bernhard WesslingIndependent Researcher
Bernhard Wessling
Ormecon Pvt. Ltd., Chief scientist and Technical Advisor
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PhD chemist since 1977, working in industry simultaneously in basic research (on conductive polymers & "dispersion"), development (products to the market), technical service (support of customers), (technical) marketing, general company management, mostly as entrepreneur.
google profile http://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=en&user=ZPAJiPoAAAAJ
Additional affiliations
January 1978 - August 2022
LaoWei Technology Consulting,
- 1) especially: Conductive Polymers 2) generally: dispersion
- Technology Consultant with direct involvement in R+D (and technical application) topics
January 1976 - December 1977
January 1976 - present
SAPCO; Zipperling Kessler; Ormecon GmbH; BWSI GmbH & Co; LaoWei Technology Consulting
- multiphase polymer and liquid dispersions; conductive polymers / Organic Metals; printed circuit board final finishes
August 1970 - December 1977
Publications (255)
Polyaniline is known to be a true metal, though a nanometal. Previous experimental and theoretical evidence is reviewed. Two important structural features are presented, which have not publicly been discussed so far: (a) The formation of complexes between polyaniline and metals (Cu, Fe, Zn, In, etc.) which are crucial for most practical application...
This web page presents an overview with milestones and highlights of the Organic Metal Polyaniline basic research, applied development and market introduction, with many links, documents, publications, patents.
The metallic character and nanostructure of conductive polymers, especially Polyaniline, is described; a detailed discussion using experimental facts and theoretical thermodynamical considerations about solubility of conductive polymers follows, the chapter is finished by a description of existing and possible applications.
This paper presents a new theory on the behaviour of shear-thickening (dilatant) fluids under turbulent conditions. The structure of a dilatant colloidal fluid in turbulent motion may be characterized by (at least) four characteristic length scales: (i) the 'statistically largest' turbulent scale, , labeling the begin of the inertial part of the wa...
How do chance and coincidence enter our world? And why are so many things unpredictable?
Through an accessible, exciting and amusing narrative, the author takes us into the world of chemistry, quantum physics and biology. Touching on astronomy and philosophy, we witness a rewarding journey of discovery. In the process, he develops a completely new...
Sustainability is the magic word in the fight against climate change. However, the criterion of entropy sheds a different light on climate-neutral technologies and negative CO2 emissions.
The content of the following article is based on a former popular scientific article published in „Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau“ (May 2024), a translation of...
Wenn wir über Nachhaltigkeit reden, fallen oft Begriffe wie "CO2-Fußabdruck" oder "Energiebilanz". Doch diese bilden nur einen Teil der Wirklichkeit ab. Bernhard Weßling bringt einen anderen Maßstab ins Spiel. Interview von Gregor Honsel mit Dr. Bernhard Weßling im MIT Technology Magazine
A statement by "Leopoldina" (Germany's National Academy of Sciences) demanding that 100 million tonnes of CO2 yearly should be removed from atmosphere and stored, is analyzed with respect to energy demand for realizing such a CCS amount.
original German text in: https://www.pv-magazine.de/2024/05/15/alles-andere-als-nachhaltig-ccs-und-ccu-erforder...
For the first time, the energy consumption and entropy production of CO2 final storage and utilisation (CCS and CCU) are quantitatively analysed and interpreted. This shows that final storage and chemical utilisation of CO2 are not sustainable processes for solving the climate crisis. Building on this, a new proposal for a quantitative criterion fo...
(Artikel für "Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau") Zusammenfassung:
Die Grundsätze der Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Thermodynamik werden kurz besprochen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Entropie liegt. Erstmalig werden der Energieverbrauch und die Entropiepro-duktion der CO 2-Endlagerung und der-Nutzung (CCS bzw. CCU) quantitativ untersucht und inter-pretier...
with a short introduction into non-equilibrium thermodynamics, this manuscript provides a quantitative analysis of energy and entropy balance for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) and use (CCU), as well as a proposal for a quantitative criterion for "sustainability": entropy.
Meine Forschung führte zu einer neuartigen chemischen Technologie (das Organische Metall), für die wir Kunden auch in China fanden, weshalb ich dreizehn Jahre dort lebte; auch danach noch bereiste ich das Land. Ich arbeitete mit den Menschen in China, kooperierte und stritt mit ihnen, verbrachte meine Freizeit und spielte Fußball mit ihnen. Ich woh...
Wir werfen die Frage auf, ob nicht die Entropie näher betrachtet werden müsste, wenn man über Nachhaltigkeit von Produkten und Verfahren diskutiert. Es deutet alles darauf hin, dass Verfahren zur Endlagerung von CO2 (CCS) hiernach nicht als nachhaltig eingestuft werden können.
Es mag merkwürdig erscheinen, Zufall auf thermodynamischer Grundlage verstehen zu wollen, zumal mit Hilfe der Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Thermodynamik – und dann noch mit Komplexität in Verbindung zu bringen. Sind es nicht die Quanten mit ihrem Zufallsverhalten, die den Zufall auch in unsere makroskopische Welt gebracht haben? Es wird gezeigt, dass dies...
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics principles are briefly reviewed with focus on entropy. A new proposal is derived as a quantitative criterion for sustainability. It is then shown that CCS and CCU are not sustainable climate change mitigation processes.
(Look into this book: preface, 1st chapter, plus example pages from each chapter can be seen here) This Springer title opens up a completely new view of the origin of chance and coincidence: for the first time not based on quantum mechanics (which the author proves unsuitable for this question), but on the non-equilibrium properties of our world. I...
First, we look at what different physicists think about time: Is it an illusion? Does the timelessness of the quanta mean that there is no time at all? Can the arrow of time be reversed? Do we live in one of many universes? We then think about what the formulation “time flows” could mean. It is explained that time cannot flow and cannot pass. Final...
The author describes numerous instances of chance and coincidence that opened his way into science, into basic research, in a small company that he has been responsible for as managing director and shareholder at a very early stage. These coincidences led him deeper and deeper into areas that have previously received little scientific attention and...
Surprisingly, non-equilibrium thermodynamics is hardly present at universities, rarely in research, and almost not at all in the curriculum, let alone elsewhere in society. This is despite the fact that the justification for awarding the Nobel Prize in 1977 to Ilya Prigogine clearly sets out how important this theory is for the fundamental understa...
The widely held views of equilibrium are discussed, including the concept of dynamic equilibrium (steady state). Entropy is explained in an easily understandable way, as is, despite the 2nd law of thermodynamics (“continuous increase of entropy in the universe”), complex structures can arise. Thus, we learn the basics of non-equilibrium thermodynam...
Using characteristic examples from biology (biochemistry, evolution), weather, climate change, complex networks and cosmology (“the big bang”), the dynamics and non-linearity of non-equilibrium systems are examined in more detail. It becomes clear that higher levels of organization of matter develop their own, new laws in comparison to lower levels...
Coincidental events are constantly taking place in our brains as well. There are serious scientific findings that suggest “chance generators in the brain”. Many people, some of them famous, achieved basic findings, discoveries and inventions as a result of a dream or situations in which they did not think consciously about the problem to be solved....
Based on numerous examples from recent times (including the Corona pandemic), scientific research, technology, economy, history and politics, one can clearly see: It is the so-called essential chance that determines the course of history, and essential uncertainty can be found in all aspects of life and nature, especially evolution that our uncerta...
It is important to understand that our perception of time has nothing to do with what the nature of time is, just as our perception of color has nothing to do with the nature of light or hearing a sound with the nature of sound. We learn how the body organizes rhythms, what clocks the cells have and how and where the sense of time is generated in t...
Der Autor schildert zahlreiche Zufälle, die seinen Weg in die Wissenschaft, in die Grundlagenforschung öffnen, in einem kleinen Unternehmen, das er schon sehr früh als Geschäftsführer und Gesellschafter verantwortet. Diese Zufälle führen ihn in immer tiefer in wissenschaftlich zuvor wenig beachtete Gebiete. Dort warten überraschende Phänomene auf i...
Es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass unsere Wahrnehmung nichts damit zu tun hat, was das Wesen der Zeit ist, ebenso wenig wie unsere Wahrnehmung von Farbe etwas mit der Natur des Lichts oder die von Klang mit der Natur des Schalls. Wir lernen kennen, wie der Körper Rhythmen organisiert, was für Uhren die Zellen haben und wie und wo das Zeitempfinden i...
Zuerst wird diskutiert, was verschiedene Physiker über die Zeit denken: Ist sie eine Illusion? Bedeutet die Zeitlosigkeit der Quanten, dass es die Zeit nicht gibt? Kann sich der Zeitpfeil umkehren? Leben wir in einem von vielen Universen? Wir denken dann darüber nach, was die Formulierung „die Zeit vergeht“ bedeuten könnte. Es wird erläutert, dass...
Erstaunlicherweise ist die Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Thermodynamik an Universitäten und im Studium kaum präsent, geschweige denn sonst in der Gesellschaft. Dies obwohl die Begründung für den Nobelpreis 1977 an Ilya Prigogine klar darlegt, wie wichtig diese Theorie für das grundlegende Verständnis unserer Welt ist. Den meisten revolutionär neuen Erkenntn...
Zufall findet ständig auch in unserem Gehirn statt. Es gibt ernstzunehmende wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse, die „Zufallsgeneratoren im Gehirn“ nahelegen. Vielen teilweise berühmten Menschen sind grundsätzliche Erkenntnisse, Entdeckungen und Erfindungen im Traum oder in Situationen gelungen, in denen sie nicht bewusst über das zu lösende Problem nac...
Anhand von zahlreichen Beispielen aus der neueren Zeit (u. a. Corona-Pandemie), der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, der Technologie, der Wirtschaft, der Geschichte und der Politik kann man erkennen: Es sind die sogenannten essenziellen Zufälle, die den Lauf der Geschichte bestimmen, und das in allen Aspekten des Lebens und der Natur, v. a. der Evolut...
Die bisher weit verbreiteten Vorstellungen von Gleichgewicht werden diskutiert, auch der Begriff Fließgleichgewicht. Auf leicht verständliche Weise wird die Entropie erklärt und wieso trotz des 2. Hauptsatzes der Thermodynamik („stetiger Anstieg der Entropie im Universum“) komplexe Strukturen entstehen können. Damit lernen wir die Grundzüge der Nic...
Anhand charakteristischer Beispiele aus der Biologie (Biochemie, Evolution), dem Wetter, Klimageschehen, komplexen Netzwerken und der Kosmologie („Urknall“) wird die Dynamik und Nicht-Linearität von Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Systemen näher beleuchtet. Es wird klar, dass höhere Organisationsebenen der Materie ihre eigenen, im Vergleich zu niedrigeren Ebe...
Wie kommt der Zufall in unsere Welt? Und warum ist so vieles nicht vorhersehbar?
Verständlich, spannend und amüsant erzählend entführt uns der Autor in die Welt der Chemie, Quantenphysik und Biologie. Die Astronomie und Philosophie streifend, werden wir Zeugen einer lohnenden Entdeckungsreise. Dabei entwickelt er auf der Basis der Naturgesetze ei...
"The Call of the Cranes" - the book about my years-long sideline research on 4 cranes species in the wild; in Europe, Asia and North America. My research focusses on the cranes' behaviour, intelligence, emotions, partnerships (are they really faithful for life?), migration culture and more. The book is written in a narrative and humorous style, a n...
Since May 1st, 2021, a new "Ormecon" company is active in manufacturing and selling Polyaniline: Ormecon Pvt. Ltd. located in Pune, India. Also there, we will continue research and product development. Ormecon Pvt. Ltd. is a successor of the former Aonomypolymers Pvt. Ltd. Product and application information can be found on the web site www.ormecon...
Bereits über zehn Jahre war ich im Norden Deutschlands im Kranichschutz aktiv, als es bei mir "klickte". Bei immer mehr Beobachtungen stellte ich fest, dass sie nicht mit meinem "Lehrbuchwissen" über das Verhalten von Vögeln und speziell von Kranichen übereinstimmten. Ich wollte unbedingt wissen, "wer ist wer", kann ich also das beobachtete speziel...
A list of my patents which had been the basis for my anti-corrosion technology "ORMECON CORRPASSIV" with patent numbers and web links / full texts is given here.
Kraniche sind rätselhafte Vögel. Nur wenige wissen etwas über diese grazilen Tänzer der Lüfte. Der renommierte Naturforscher Bernhard Weßling nimmt uns mit auf spannende Expeditionen in ihre verborgene Welt und geht den Mythen um die Vögel des Glücks auf den Grund. Mithilfe einer eigens entwickelten Methode hat der Kranichexperte ihr Verhalten erfo...
Der Text führt in das Buch "Der Ruf der Kraniche" ein.
This is an English introduction into B. Wessling's book about his crane research (the book still being in German)
This presentation was given in German, it describes the purpose why I developed a method for analysing crane calls (in order to individually characterize and recognize them), and the results of this research.
The data show the development of Bernhard Wessling scientific papers' citations per year; it is interesting to see that after a continuous decline following the record year 2008 (422 citations), last year (2018) has suddenly delivered a new record with 433 citations. This is certainly thanks to RG and interactions with RG members.
Here I presented the major elements of my sonagraphical method how to identify cranes by analyzing their voice (the frequency spectra of their calls); the method has been used in the wild for 3 crane species over 10 years.
Bernhard Wessling Individual recognition of cranes, monitoring and vocal communication analysis by sonagraphy Development and broad application of a powerful bioacoustic technique Abstract A sonagraphical method for individual recognition of crane pairs and crane individuals for long-term monitoring and gathering of individual life history facts wi...
(new version, slightly improved) Starting with an introduction into the opinions and hypotheses currently under discussion about the question "what is the nature, the essence of 'time'?" on a popular physico-chemical and physics level , I further focus on the need to differentiate aggregation levels for which in each case (compared to lower aggrega...
The presentation describes the major characteristics and key performance data of lines based on the new revolutionary concept for Immersion Tin surface finish process lines: the use of propellers instead of pumps and flow bars. This is based on an invention made by Dr. Wessling in 2012, designed and built by UCE (in cooperation with him) in 2015 an...
The pdf shows the citations of Dr. Wessling's publications as of 2018-05-05, taken from this link: https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=en&user=ZPAJiPoAAAAJ
in addition, there is also a graph showing the number of citations per year
the graph is taken from this link: https://scholar.google.de/citations?hl=en&user=ZPAJiPoAAAAJ
In his paper, K. Wynne is misleading the reader to believe that emulsions (e.g. mayonnaise) can be understood as solutions and are only gradually different from them. The comment explains why this is not the case.
Mayonnaise is an emulsion, not a solution K. Wynne introduces his paper in the abstract with the phrases: "Structuring caused by the mixing of liquids or the addition of solutes to a solvent causes the viscosity to increase. The classical example is mayonnaise: the mixture of two low-viscosity liquids, water and oil, is structured through the addit...
Starting with an introduction into the opinions and hypotheses currently under discussion about the question "what is the nature, the essence of 'time'?" on a popular physico-chemical and physics level , I further focus on the need to differentiate aggregation levels for which in each case (compared to lower aggregation levels) new properties will...
This pdf data print shows the citations of my articles as google scholar displays in August 2017
This chapter describes the sonagraphy method and results collected during 10 years of research in the wild with 3 crane species (common crane, whooping crane, red-crowned crane). The book and the chapter are written in German. For English readers, some preliminary and partial results had been described here and will give you a good impression of wh...
During 10 years of sonagraphic research for individual recognition of cranes, I have identified and individually recognized many cranes, and observed them over long time. These observations have led to some conclusions about their intelligence (i.e. for planning, problem solution) and emotions. The whole book and this chapter are written in German.
This report shows the basic scientific foundation for the propeller line invention.
This is a fact collection describing key features of the chemical Tin deposition process for final finishes on PCBs on a purely scientific and technological basis.
The talk covers a qualitatively new turbulence theory resting on early ideas of A. N. Kolmogorov and L. Landau during the Kazan seminars [7]. This theory predicts (e.g.) for infinitely high Reynolcs number von Karman's constant as 1/ √ 2π= 0.399 whereas Prince-ton's superpipe recently reconfirmed the international standard value as 0.40 +/-0.02 [1]...
A new nano-scale surface finish for printed circuit boards was presented including the basic scientific background of it. The presentation was given in Chinese (text here is in English and Chinese). 演讲关于全新纳米技术表面处理。演讲过中文。
This paper presents a new theory of turbulent mixing in stirred reactors. The degree of homogeneity of a mixed fluid may be characterized by Kolmogorov's microscale. The smaller its value, the better homogeneity. It scales inversely
with the fourth root of the energy flux applied in the stirring process. This is
true for Newtonian fluids. In non-Ne...
This paper presents a new theory of turbulent mixing in stirred reactors. The degree of homogeneity of a mixed fluid may be characterized by the Kolmogorov micro-scale. The smaller its value, the better homogeneity. The micro-scale scales inversely with the fourth root of the energy dissipation rate in the stirring process. The higher this rate, th...
see https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262076086_Short_History_of_Zipperling_Kessler_Co_Ormecon's_mother_company
A new class of final finishes for printed circuit boards is presented. The chemistry of its key component (Organic Metal) and its working principle is explained as well as performance test results (English and Chinese, the presentation was given in Chinese)
It is shown how solder mask residues are incorporated into an immersion Tin layer and how they can cause dewetting in later assembly steps.
● This report describes considerable progress we have made on the solder mask residue issue area. ● It contains a summary of some previously reported facts about s/m residues and some new findings, PLUS: ● a description of recent results showing how we can overcome any problems linked with s/m residues (i.a., how we can effectively remove them). ●...
This report describes the data collected over the years for a drastically reduced Tin thickness and its ability to nevertheless provide full solderability.
The more than 200 years of Zipperling's history is briefly reviewed. Zipperling Kessler & Co (ZKC) was the company in which Dr. B. Wessling has performed most of his research on conductive polymers / Organic Metals and dispersion, until he founded Ormecon as a 100% subsidiary of ZKC.
cf also: http://www.bernhard-wessling.com/zkc_history.html
www.bernhard-wessling.com/pani/welcome.html http://www.bernhard-wessling.com/pani/company/milestones_highlights.html Milestones and Highlights of the Organic Nanometal (Polyaniline) Science & Technology Research and Development 1978 B. Wessling started as a fresh PhD chemist in a small company ("SAPCO") and read first articles about conductive poly...
google scholar overview about Wessling's articles with citations:
It is shown how the Immersion Tin process ORMECON CSN interacts with solde rmask residues.
The full paper can be found here:
Questions (7)