Bernhard ErtlUniversität der Bundeswehr München · Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften
Bernhard Ertl
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Bernhard Ertl currently works at the Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Universität der Bundeswehr München. Bernhard does research in Science Education, Higher Education and Further (Post-compulsory) Education.
Additional affiliations
June 2014 - March 2016
April 2016 - May 2016
Publications (125)
John L. Holland's theory of vocational choice is one of the most important theories of vocational interests worldwide and is used both in research and in practice to analyze and diagnose vocational interests. The theory postulates, for example, that people should seek professional environments that correspond to their interests (fit / congruence hy...
Dieser Beitrag untersucht zunächst, wie digitale Rundgänge zum Thema Abwasserbehandlung für die Umweltbildung erstellt werden können. Anschließend wird die Lernumgebung erKlär-VR mit ihren Merkmalen vorgestellt. Diese Lernumgebung wurde mithilfe von Virtual Reality (VR) und 360-Grad-Videos erstellt und kann zur Vermittlung von Grundlagenwissen zur...
Advancements in the generative AI field have enabled the development of powerful educational avatars. These avatars embody a human and can, for instance, listen to users’ spoken input, generate an answer utilizing a large-language model, and reply by speaking with a synthetic voice. A theoretical introduction summarizes essential steps in developin...
Knowledge, competencies, and reflective attitudes regarding STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are essential for navigating global and societal changes in the economy and workforce. As we advance further into the 21st century, knowledge and skills in STEM become increasingly important. Despite this importance, statistics and r...
Knowledge, competencies, and reflective attitudes regarding STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) are essential for navigating global and societal changes in the economy and workforce [...]
Das Herausgeberwerk beinhaltet interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Erforschung der Beziehung zwischen Individuum und Arbeitswelt und geht dabei insbesondere auf die Rolle von Individuen in der digitalen Arbeitswelt ein.
Die Autorinnen und Autoren thematisieren in ihren Beiträgen die vielfachen Facetten neuer digitaler Arbeitswelten und setzen diese As...
Advancements in the generative AI field have enabled the development of powerful educational avatars. These avatars can, for instance, listen to users’ spoken input, generate an answer utilizing a large-language model, and reply by speaking with a synthetic voice. A theoretical introduction summarizes essential steps in developing AI-based educatio...
Virtual Reality (VR) findet verstärkt Verbreitung und wird zunehmend eine größere Rolle in der Aus- und Weiterbildung spielen. Der vorliegende Beitrag leitet zentrale Merkmale immersiver VR-Lernumgebungen aus der Literatur ab und stellt eine Taxonomie vor, die anhand von drei Beispiel-Lernumgebungen veranschaulicht wird. Daraufhin werden Gemeinsamk...
Exploring the usability of educational virtual reality (VR) is essential. Research in this area can explain the adoption of VR as a new technology, contribute to examining paths toward effective learning, and provide recommendations for effective educational design. This study investigated usability in a sample of N = 64 university students learnin...
Das Buch erklärt theoretisch fundiert den Begriff und das Konzept des Digitalen Mindsets, der im Rahmen der Digitalisierung von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft verstärkt Einzug in unseren Sprachgebrauch gefunden hat. Was ist aber eigentlich ein Digitales Mindset? Gibt es nur ein spezifisches Mindset oder sind es mehrere unterschiedliche Mindsets, die b...
Vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt beschäftigt sich dieses Kapitel damit, wie digitale Kompetenzen in Arbeitsprojekten im Bildungsbereich erworben werden. Es wird ein innovatives digitales Projekt geschildert, in dem eine Lernumgebung auf Basis der Technologien Virtual Reality und Photogrammetrie konzipiert und impl...
Der Begriff „Digitales Mindset“ hat im Rahmen der Digitalisierung von Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft verstärkt Einzug in unseren Sprachgebrauch gefunden. Denn das Digitale Mindset eines Menschen beeinflusst, wie er mit Veränderungen durch die Digitalisierung umgeht und zurechtkommt. Allerdings ist bisher unklar, was ein Digitales Mindset eigentlich is...
Die 360°-Trainingswelt "VR-FipS-Führung in praxisorientierten Situationen" ermöglicht eine praxisnahe und realistische Vorbereitung auf das Führen von Soldaten im Kontext militärischer Ausbildung. Das Durchlaufen der einzelnen Trainingsphasen in der virtuellen Lernumgebung-von der Geländeorientierung, über die Befehlsausgabe, bis hin zur Verletzten...
Students’ vocational interests can be described by Holland’s theory of occupational choice. Holland distinguishes six interest dimensions here: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. Although these attributes are relatively stable during adolescence, their stability increases dramatically during university studi...
Various factors may be important while individuals develop vocational aspirations. Although occupations that fit one’s personal interests appear to be attractive, contextual factors may repel groups, such as young girls, to develop towards areas such as STEM. Especially, the sextype of STEM occupations, that is often considered as male, could limit...
Virtual Reality (VR) and photogrammetry are emerging technologies that facilitate and shape the ongoing digital transformation of education. VR offers new opportunities for creating immersive and interactive educational experiences. Photogrammetry enables new ways to create lifelike educational virtual environments and is becoming an alternative to...
Mit Eye-Tracking Systemen lässt sich das Blickverhalten während der Bearbeitung von Lernmaterialien aufzeichnen. Durch eine Analyse der aufgezeichneten Daten ergeben sich Einblicke in die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit während des Lernprozesses. Das Kapitel stellt drei Beispiele aus der Physik vor, bei denen unterschiedliche Eye-Tracking-Metriken zur Anal...
The COVID-19 summer semester 2020 posed many challenges and uncertainties, quite unexpectedly and suddenly. In a sample of 314 psychology students, it was investigated how they experienced learning and preparing for an end-of-semester exam, which emotions and strain they experienced, how academic performance was affected, and how personal anteceden...
Vocational interests are an important factor in the decision to become a teacher. Based on Holland’s (1997) RIASEC model and large-scale data, the current study examines how far pre-service teachers (n = 2977) show different vocational interests in comparison to students not aspiring the teacher profession (n = 4766). Furthermore, it is investigate...
Grounding on Holland’s RIASEC model of vocational interests and the respective assumptions on person-environment fit (congruence), this paper focuses on how congruence is related to study outcomes, especially students’ persistence, performance, and satisfaction. The paper distinguishes the measure of congruence with respect to social congruence (SO...
John L. Holland’s theory of vocational choice is one of the most prominent career theories and is used by both researchers and practitioners around the world. The theory states that people should seek work environments that fit their vocational interests in order to be satisfied and successful. Its application in research and practice requires the...
Person-Environment fit theories claim that students choose their academic path according to their personality. In this regard, teacher candidates are of special interest. On the one hand, they all make the same choice to enroll in a teacher education program. On the other hand, they make different choices with respect to the subjects they are going...
Zusammenfassung. Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte im Kontext einer videobasierten Lernumgebung, inwieweit Personen durch die Darbietung von auditiven und visuellen Hinweisen beim Lernen komplexer Inhalte unterstützt werden können. Vor dem Hintergrund von Theorien des multimedialen Lernens wurden die Wirkungen der Hinweise auf kognitive Belastung,...
Some European countries require early career decisions from their young people. In countries with a dual education system (e.g., Germany, Austria, Switzerland) adolescents as young as 14 or 15 have to come up with career decisions and to apply for an apprenticeship (combining training at the workplace with part-time education in a vocational school...
Lernende haben oft Schwierigkeiten, Informationen aus visuellen, dynamischen Lernmedien zu extrahieren. Daher werden diese häufig durch Hinweise ergänzt, welche die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit steuern und den Lernerfolg verbessern können.
Bisher ist offen, wie gut der Lernerfolg beim Lernen mit Videos in Abhängigkeit von der Hinweismodalität vorherges...
Als besonderes Merkmal von Schülerlaboren, die u. a. das Interesse an Naturwissenschaften fördern sollen, wird häufig die Authentizität der Lernumgebung genannt. Allerdings besteht Klärungsbedarf, welche Gestaltungsaspekte von authentischen Lernsettings interesseförderlich wirken. Die Faktoren Authentizität des Lernorts und Echtheit...
This study examined the effect of prior knowledge on students' gaze behavior while studying in a video-based learning environment. A total of 23 participants took part in a lesson about electric circuits. Their learning was accompanied by visual cues that served as written explanations in boxes with arrows. The results showed (1) differences in cue...
Studies report a lower self-concept among female students, which is influenced by stereotypes rather than by objective achievement or individual aptitudes. This has consequences with regard to motivation for ICT studies and for later career choice. Therefore, the project Mit-Mut aimed at supporting female students' motivation and self-concept in IC...
This paper takes an intersectional perspective to investigate the effect of socio-demographic variables that may constitute to digital divide. The concept of digital divide emerged from a perspective on unequal access to digital technology and relates nowadays primarily the differences in the competencies necessary to handle this technology. To inv...
Studies report a lower self-concept among female students, which is influenced by stereotypes rather than by objective achievement or individual aptitudes. This has consequences with regard to motivation for ICT studies and for later career choice. Therefore, the project Mit-Mut aimed at supporting female students’ motivation and self-concept in IC...
The present article points out the conflicting effects of feedback, it attempts to give first recommendations for teachers. However, most importantly it points out that the orchestration of person- and process-related feedback in STEM classrooms will require more detailed investigation.
Careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) rank among the fastest-growing career fields. An ongoing issue in STEM is the problem of gender inequality nearly across the whole life-span with an underrepresentation of girls and women in STEM education and professions. Such gender inequality in STEM is starting from school and...
The reasons for students discontinuing studies in university courses are manifold and often represent a combination of diff erent factors. Theoretical work and empirical fi ndings have already conceptualized various factors relevant to dropouts, but little is known about the interplay of these factors. The present paper deals with this topic and an...
Vor allem unerfahrene Lernende haben oft Schwierigkeiten, relevante Informationen in visuellen Darstellungen zu erkennen. Visuelle und auditive Hinweise können Darstellungen ergänzen und deren kognitive Verarbeitung unterstützen. Bisher ist aber offen, wie groß der Einfluss des Hinweisformats auf die Verarbeitung der Darstellungen ist. Das Ziel die...
Fitting instructional guidance to individual needs of learners can be relevant for educational success. According to Cognitive Load Theory (CLT), both the modality of instruction and prior knowledge can affect the learners' information processing capabilities, and thus, learning. CLT proposes that instructional guidance should be presented in a mul...
The proportion of women enrolled in STEM courses at university level has remained consistently low for decades. Differences, however, exist between various STEM domains: While engineering and technology appear especially unattractive, subjects such as mathematics, biology, or chemistry have better chances at attracting women. Research has mostly ne...
The goal of the following study is to investigate whether first-year students in STEM fields that have a low proportion of females (STEM-L) show vocational interests that fit their vocational aspirations. To place our investigation into a broader context, we compared students in STEM-L with students of STEM subjects with a medium proportion of wome...
This chapter focuses on students’ reflections as an indicator of deep learning activities. It starts with the educational goal of competency development and elaborates on how students’ reflective skills contribute to this development. This chapter examines how e-portfolios can support students’ reflective activities. It also illustrates the need fo...
Die PIAAC Studie (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Schlüsselkompetenzen Erwachsener zu erfassen, insbesondere Lesefähigkeit (literacy), alltagsmathematische Fähigkeiten (numeracy) und technologiebasierte Problemlösefähigkeit (problem-solving in technology-rich environments). Der vorliegend...
It's possible to assume that women who study STEM topics with a low proportion of females have successfully overcome barriers in school and the family, making them less prone to stereotypic views, and influences. The present study focuses on these kinds of factors and analyzes to which degree family factors, school-related factors, and individual s...
ePortfolios can be valuable means for documenting and assessing competency oriented learning. However, like any kind of innovation introduced to an educational system, the implementation of ePortfolios in a school context depends on thoughtful preparations. The project EUfolio. EU classroom ePortfolios (May 2013-April 2015) aimed at implementing eP...
Die Entscheidung für einen Beruf stellt eine Entwicklungsaufgabe dar, die mit dem Erwerb von Kompetenzen verbunden ist. Berufsentscheidungen erfolgen in Auseinandersetzung mit dem sozialen Umfeld und vor dem Hintergrund von Geschlechtsstereotypen. Um geschlechtsunabhängige Berufsentscheidungen fördern zu können, kommt der schulischen Berufsorientie...
ePortfolios can be valuable means for documenting and assessing competency oriented learning. However, like any kind of innovation introduced to an educational system, the implementation of ePortfolios in a school context depends on thoughtful preparations. The project EUfolio. EU classroom ePortfolios (May 2013-April 2015) aimed at implementing eP...
Throughout Europe women are still underrepresented in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). This is particularly true for female entrepreneurs in the ICT sector. The research project MIT-MUT addresses this issue by exploring new ways to encourage girls in choosing a career path towards ICT and entrepreneurship. The target a...
129 a lower self-concept of female students in most of the STEM subjects and lower interest , motivation, and class contributions in physics and the information and com-the concept and implementation of the Mit-Mut project, which applies aspects of-company class measures in school, particularly for female students in lower sec-that the game was abl...
Schule ist kein geschlechtsneutraler Raum. Asymmetrische Geschlechterverhältnisse und Stereotype werden in Lehrmaterialien, Unterrichtsgestaltungen und Interaktionen vielfach (re-)produziert. Eine reflektierte Pädagogik ist gefragt, um den Zweigeschlechtlichkeit zementierenden Differenzierungen entgegenzuwirken. Auf die Gender Studies aufbauend und...
Medienkompetenz und digital literacy gehören inzwischen zu den Schlüsselkompetenzen und sind ein Teil der Medienbildung von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Medienbildung und/oder die dazu gehörigen Kompetenzen werden jedoch in Lehrplänen oft unterschiedlich verortet und definiert. Hierbei stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit kompetenzorientiertes Lernen den...
Altogether, 379 students from 12 pre-vocational-schools took part in a survey on their interests, school- and job-related self-efficacy and support. Furthermore, they provided information about their aspired occupations; the occupations aspired by their peers, and their parents’ occupations. Congruence indices between aspired occupation and interes...
This contribution analyses influences on the career choice of female STEM students. It focuses on the STEM-specific academic self-concept and on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as a basis for students’ decision for an academic subject. It analyzes to which degree social support, stereotypes, school factors, and the proportion of females in a stu...
Die Entscheidung für einen Bildungsweg ist ein Lern- und Entwicklungsprozess, der
unweigerlich mit dem Erwerb von Kompetenzen verbunden ist. Junge Menschen sollen
dabei Klarheit über die eigenen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen und Interessen
erwerben (Holland 1997; Lent et al. 1994) sowie berufliche Perspektiven gegeneinander
abwägen und mit der eige...
Die verzerrte Körperwahrnehmung gehört zu den auffälligen Symptomen der Anorexia nervosa. Der Zusammenhang zwischen einem negativen Körperbild und der Schwere eines gestörten Essverhaltens (Götz-Kühne, 2010) konnte in mehreren Studien nachgewiesen werden. Das gestörte Körperbild bleibt meist noch nach der Veränderung des Essverhaltens und der psych...
Considering e-learning as a socio-cultural system acknowledges that individuals are embedded within different contexts, influenced by the culture and the society the individual lives in. Designing beneficial e-learning scenarios means respecting these socio-cultural contexts and providing appropriate framing. This chapter introduces several aspects...
Der Begriff des "positiven Körperbildes" ist bislang noch recht ungewöhnlich, da das gestörte Körperbild vor allem als Symptom der Anorexia nervosa bekannt ist und damit eine eher negative Betrachtungsweise einhergeht. Dass das Körperbild bei der Therapie von Essstörungen aber mit berücksichtigt werden soll, wird bereits gefordert und in verschiede...
Gender is an important issue in the context of information and communication technologies (ICT). Studies show that ICT use is subject to gender bias, e.g. in relation to ICT use and interests. This contribution describes the current situation of gender and ICT professions in Germany and Greece. Based on an empirical study, it shows particular areas...
This article deals with gender phenomena in the context of digital literacy. Studies show that computer use, computer skills, and computer-related self-concepts are subject to gender differences. These differences may affect classroom interactions as well as learning processes and have therefore to be considered carefully by teachers who apply comp...
In einer Analyse von Lernmedien für Informatik und Informationstechnische Grundbildung im Sekundarbereich wird die Darstellung von Männern und Frauen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen Untersuchungen der Schulbuchforschung anderer Fachbereiche: Es gibt eine ungleiche Darstellung der Geschlechter. Frauen sind unterrepräsentiert und werden seltene...
This paper presents an infrastructure approach for the evaluation of e-learning. It elaborates [12]’s concept of infrastructures
for learning considering a cognitive, an epistemological, a social and a technical infrastructure. Within each infrastructure,
the paper takes specific aspects that are important for evaluation. The paper concludes with s...
Evaluation is an important measure for quality control in e-learning, which aims at improving a learning environment and adapting it to users’ needs, as well as proving values and benefits of a course to financers and participants. However, results and styles of evaluation are subject to the designers’, the evaluators’ and the participants’ individ...
Concept-Mapping erlaubt es, Wissenszusammenhän-ge darzustellen und somit Sachverhalte zu visualisie-ren. Durch die einfache Erstellung von Concept-Maps lassen sich Inhalte sehr leicht zusammentragen; die vorgegebene Strukturierung hilft zudem dabei, diese zu visualisieren. Damit ist die Methode des Concept-Mapping besonders geeignet für Lernkontext...
This chapter focuses on the facilitation of collaborative problem solving by the method of content schemes. Content schemes are content-specific pre-structures of learners' collaboration facilities that apply representational effects for the purpose of facilitation. They support learners to focus on particular issues of a problem solving process. T...
This paper focuses on learners' knowledge construction in computer supported collaborative learning. It investigates how far individual knowledge (prior knowledge), collaborative knowledge (the quality of collaborative knowledge construction), and instructional support may contribute to the outcomes of learners' knowledge construction. It analyzes...
External representations can be powerful for supporting learners in both individual and collaborative learning scenarios. They encourage learners to focus on important instructional elements. In this study, we investigate two different forms of external representations: textually represented collaboration scripts and graphically represented content...
External representations can be powerful to support learners' collaborative knowledge construction. They can focus learners on aspects which are particularly important for the task to solve. In this study, we investigate different styles of pre-structuring shared external representations, a collaboration script and a content scheme. 159 university...
This paper deals with collaborative knowledge construction in videoconferencing. The main issue is about how to predict individual learning outcome, in particular how far individual prior knowledge and the collaborative knowledge construction can influence individual learning outcomes. In this context, the influence of prior knowledge and two measu...
There are many ways in which information technology (IT) can be integrated into the curriculum. IT can, for example, enable access to learning material and resources, it can feature learners’ communication, and also provide instructional elements for the learners. The exact method by which IT is applied to the learning situation is however dependan...
Many distance learning scenarios, for example, virtual seminars, use collaborative arrangements for learning. By applying them, they offer learners the chance to construct knowledge collaboratively. However, learners often do not possess the skills necessary for a beneficial collaboration. It is therefore important that learners are offered support...
Knowledge has become an important factor in the success of organizations. Several authors reflect this in their use of terms such as knowledge society (e.g., Nonaka, 1994) or knowledge age (e.g., Bereiter, 2002). The role of knowledge has changed fundamentally with the development of a knowledge society. Knowledge is still an indispensable resource...
Studies have shown that videoconferences are an effective medium for facilitating communication between parties who are separated by distance. Furthermore, studies reveal that videoconferences are effective when used for distance learning, particularly due to their ability to facilitate complex collaborative learning tasks. However, as in face-to-f...