Bernhard Brümmer

Bernhard Brümmer
Bernhard verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Bernhard verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Göttingen | GAUG · Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Prof. Dr.


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Recently, we started ȧn new project (funded by , together with the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, the DIL Quakenbrück, and further partners in Lower Saxony. The project has a special focus on early career researchers - the AgEcon group is led by @Dela_Dem_Fiankor. Futher detailson ZERN: Comments and active involvement welcome!
Additional affiliations
April 2021 - present
University of Göttingen
  • Vice President Research
  • Member of the presidential board of the university, responsible for research strategy development and for research support.
January 1997 - September 2002
Kiel University
  • Research Associate
November 2005 - present
University of Göttingen
  • Chair of Agricultural Market Analysis
  • Full professor


Publications (285)
Index fundsʼ financial speculation with agricultural commodities: Functioning. Effects. For quite some time long-only index funds have been suspected of being responsible for price increases in agricultural futures mar-kets. This suspicion has prompted demands to drastically limit long-only index fundsʼ scope of activity. Such demands and their und...
Studies investigating the effects of wheat export controls on the domestic market in the exporting country itself are scarce. This paper analyses the domestic market impact of wheat export controls in Russia and Ukraine during the 2007/2008 global food crisis within a spatial price transmission approach. Using a Markov-switching vector error-correc...
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We analyse weekly calf prices from 2003 to 2009 to assess the impact of two important events which changed the structure of European cattle markets. We find the four European calf markets studied to be integrated. The decoupling of farm payments in the framework of the 2003 reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy is found to reduce prices. We asc...
Smallholder agriculture remains a cornerstone for economic development and poverty reduction in Latin America. Their transition to sustainable agricultural production is critical in the face of the environmental challenges posed by conventional farming practices and is a key pathway to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. Th...
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Free‐on‐board (FOB) export prices for identical products from the same origin often differ across destinations, even when accounting for the trade costs and attributes of the destination country. One explanation for this observed price difference is per‐unit trade costs, and the ability of exporters to vary their markups and/or product quality. Usi...
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This study is aimed at assessing agricultural and environmental performance and analyzing whether observable productivity changes stem from technologically induced or environmentally induced components. Based on individual farm household data from Hubei Province covering the period 2004 to 2010, we decompose total factor productivity (TFP) into tec...
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The ecosystems in Southern Africa are impacted by economic activity and population growth and pressure. There are several macro-economic drivers shaping these economic and population pressures and it is for this reason that this chapter unpacks the macro-economic drivers in the region. With the economy of South Africa dominating the regional econom...
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In this chapter, we explore how, in the face of increasing climatic risks and resource limitations, improved agro-technologies can support sustainable intensification (SI) in small-scale farming systems in Limpopo province, South Africa. Limpopo exhibits high agro-ecological diversity and, at the same time, is one of the regions with the highest de...
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Considering the changing milk marketing structure in Pakistan, this study is aimed at investigating the factors influencing the farmers' choice of milk marketing channels in Punjab, Pakistan. The research has been carried by means of survey for data collection from farmers in upper and south Punjab. We interviewed 341 farmers in total, with 165 far...
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Feed cost is the highest cost item to the total costs of dairy farming all over the world including India, Pakistan and
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Using exogenous variation in trade shocks, this study examines the association between nontariff measures and cereal production allocation decisions among commercial farmers in Ghana. We study nontariff measures from both an extensive (experience of nontariff measures) and an intensive (cost of nontariff measures) perspective using a sample of 455...
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In Bangladesh, the transformation of dairy farming from livelihood-oriented to enterprise-driven farming system might require deeper understanding on the regional differences in terms of regional potential for further dairy development. This, however, entails detailed data on dairy farm at regional level. Since the data are relatively very scarce i...
Since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, more Chinese agricultural products have been exported to various countries at low tariff rates. However, the impacts of WTO accession on China's agricultural productivity and technical efficiency are ambiguous. The aim of this study is to investigate the impacts of trade on China's agri...
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In Bangladesh, the transformation of dairy farming from livelihood-oriented to enterprise-driven farming system might require deeper understanding on the regional differences in terms of regional potential for further dairy development. This, however, entails detailed data on dairy farm at regional level. Since the data are relatively very scarce i...
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Establishing a link between specific sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the outcomes of adopted agricultural technological products is lacking in developing countries. Therefore, this study aims to address food security SDG 02 by adopting crop protection products of multinational brands versus sub-standard crop protection products SDG 12 by s...
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Over the years, there have been a significant number of Africa’s food exports rejected at the European Union (EU) borders due to their non-compliance with EU food safety standards. This paper, therefore, provides an in-depth investigation of the potential causes of the non-compliance of Africa’s food exports to EU food standards and the subsequent...
Conference Paper
The role of agribusinesses can be crucial in improving a country's economic growth, diversification of revenue sources, and contributing to its overall development goals. Previous research has focused on innovation in the first step of the agricultural value chain. Despite that, the off-farm segments may have equal weight in the performance of the...
The natural characteristics are a valuable asset for the production of wine grapes, but the availability of quality water and the composition of the soil are decisive in semi-arid areas. The province of Mendoza is a prestigious region for the production of wine that is going through a period of water scarcity, which implies a greater use of groundw...
The Northwest is the second largest milk producing region of Cameroon. In Bamenda, the region’s capital, the shutdown of the only milk processing plant in mid-2016 and political unrest later that year disrupted its dairy supply chain. Producers had to decide whether to continue selling milk, to momentarily stop selling milk, or to quit the dairy bu...
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Despite the use of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton in Pakistan, the country is still far behind in farm harvest per unit compared to other cotton-producing countries such as China and Turkey. Cotton is a pest-sensitive crop, and inappropriate crop protection products contribute to lower agricultural sustainability. This issue attracts additional...
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This study asks whether innovation in smallholder production reduces or accelerates land expansion. Even though innovation in agriculture has reduced land expansion globally, rebound effects can occur locally and often at the expense of vital ecosystem functions. In contrast to other studies that investigate rebound effects in response to technolog...
Die Volatilität der Preise auf Agrarmärkten hat über lange Jahre kaum Aufmerksamkeit in der EU-Agrarpolitik erfahren, war aber auf der internationalen Ebene schon lange ein bedeutsames Thema. Erst mit den Reformen der EU-Agrarpolitik ab 1992 wurden auch die europäischen Märkte nach und nach in den internationalen Agrarhandel integriert, sodass sich...
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Poster, EAAE Seminar 175, The Wind of Change of Sustainability Standards Sailing economic, governance, and policy perspectives 12 – 15 May 2021 The full-length paper is expected to be uploaded soon.
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In Bangladesh, the transformation of dairy farming from livelihood-oriented to enterprise-driven farming system might require deeper understanding on the regional differences in terms of regional potential for further dairy development. This, however, entails detailed data on dairy farm at regional level. Since the data are relatively very scarce i...
Conference Paper
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Unchecked food price volatility can have significant consequences for people's livelihoods and well-being in terms of food security, rural development and political stability. Understanding the factors behind this phenomenon holds particular concern for producers, consumers, and policy-makers, who face the adverse effects of agricultural market sho...
Climate change can be seen as a shock that decreases the value of economic activities and production functions. Therefore, this study estimates technical efficiency as an integrated approach with risk preferences and social capital for small vineyard farmers who have adapted to climate change, because empirical evidence shows the key role of adapta...
The variable import levy for corn imports in the European Union aims to support European producers by insulating domestic prices from low international prices. Such price-insulating policies have been associated with an increase in global market volatility. Eliminating these distortions has been one of the key issues in international negotiations o...
Natural resources’ policies in Latin America are rarely long-term, consistent and power independent. The Argentinian province of Mendoza achieves both characteristics, groundwater management showed flaws with ensuring quality and availability. Energy subsidies for agricultural irrigation have relied too much on a permanent policy, and are subject t...
Productivity growth is essential to meet the increasing global agricultural demand in the future, driven by the growing world population and income. This study develops a hybrid approach to assess future global crop productivity in a holistic way using different productivity measures and improves the understanding of productivity implications of so...
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This article uses a theory‐based translog gravity model to investigate the heterogeneous effects of food standards on aggregate agricultural trade. We revisit the ‘standards‐as‐barriers‐to‐trade’ debate with a distinctive twist. In contrast to existing works, we show that standards reduce trade but even more so for countries that trade smaller volu...
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Land-use transitions can enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers but potential economic-ecological trade-offs remain poorly understood. Here, we present an interdisciplinary study of the environmental, social and economic consequences of land-use transitions in a tropical smallholder landscape on Sumatra, Indonesia. We find widespread biodiv...
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GlobalG.A.P. compliance has often become a key requirement for farmers to access high-value global markets. Yet, the global spread of certification is highly uneven among countries. We assess the drivers and dynamics behind these unequal patterns, applying panel data regressions. Findings show that global agricultural trade networks remain relevant...
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Poster presented at Tropentag in September 2019 in the city of Kassel, Germany.
In global agricultural value-chains, private food standards are proliferating. Yet, their trade effects remain poorly understood. This paper assesses the effect of GlobalGAP certification on exports of apples, bananas and grapes. We estimate a structural gravity model using a global dataset of certified producers and the share of certified land are...
This study examines individually the effects of intra- and inter-regional geographic diversification on the export performance of firms from the Chilean fresh fruit sector. It also explores the direct effect of related product diversification on export performance and its role as a moderator in the relationship between geographic diversification an...
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In contrast to the trend of a generally increasing liberalization of markets, agriculture remains one of the most protected sectors. In globally distributed production networks the effects of sector specific policies may spill over to other sectors and other countries. While the effects of these policy spill-overs are likely to be substantial, both...
The empirical evidence that institutional differences across countries affect bilateral trade is robust. The crucial question remains how countries can enhance trade amid these differences. In this paper, we measure the degree to which governance and institutions differ between countries as “governance distance”. Using a sample of EU/EFTA imports,...
Dieser Artikel ist nur in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. The article is only available in German language.
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The amount of non-tariff measures, applied to guarantee high levels of food quality, such as sanitary and phytosanitary or technical measures, has increased over the last decades. In addition to mandatory quality standards, voluntary food safety as well as social and environmental standards have evolved to meet an increasing demand for safe, high-q...
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This study examines the response of the Ghanaian pineapple production sector to the 2004/05 crisis where a swift shift of international market demand from the traditional smooth cayenne and sugar loaf variety to the MD2 variety adversely affected both the production and export performance of the entire industry. In this study, we quantified the pro...
Modern agricultural supply chains have been playing an increasingly important role in developing countries and have had significant effects on rural labor markets. This paper analyses the effects of smallholder farmer participation in export vegetable supply chains in Northern Tanzania on both household hired labor demand and off‐farm labor supply,...
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Standard parametric models for efficiency and total factor productivity growth measurement either impose strict structures on the time-evolution of efficiency scores or no structure at all. When the data capture a sector in turbulent periods both specifications may be inappropriate. The dynamic stochastic frontier model takes a middle way in terms...
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The diversification of farms can be a result of multifunctional farming, however, in some cases at the cost of lower farm efficiency. In our paper we investigate the influence of para-agricultural diversification on productivity and the technical efficiency of organic farms in Austria, Switzerland, and Southern Germany. We show the benefits and dra...
Dieser Artikel ist nur in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. The article is only available in German language.
Since the financial and food price crises of 2007, market instability has been a topic of major concern to agricultural economists and policy professionals. This volume provides an overview of the key issues surrounding food prices volatility, focusing primarily on drivers, long-term implications of volatility and its impacts on food chains and con...
This paper provides a way to include explanatory variables that may impact the persistence of farms’ technical inefficiency by extending the conventional parametric dynamic efficiency model. Estimation of the model is performed using typical Bayesian techniques. The empirical findings reveal a high degree of inefficiency persistence through time, w...
In parametric efficiency studies, two alternative approaches exist to provide an estimate of the long-run efficiency of firms: the dynamic stochastic frontier model and the generalised true random-effects model. We extend the former in order to allow for heterogeneity in the long-run technical efficiency of firms. This model is based on potential d...
In Indonesia the agricultural sector plays a key role for broad based economic development in rural areas. Rubber is one of the most important crops, and Indonesia is the second largest producer in the world. However, a high level of concentration in the processing industry limits the spread of the incoming wealth. In Jambi province on Sumatra, the...
While traders of agricultural products are known to often exercise market power, this power has rarely been quantified for developing countries. In order to derive a measure, we estimate the traders' revenue functions and calculate the Marginal Value Products directly from them. We subsequently find determinants affecting their individual market po...
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African exports have been rejected a number of times at the European Union (EU) borders because of their non-compliance with EU product standards. This paper therefore investigates the causes of rejections of Africa's exports at the EU borders. Our results indicate that poor trade-related infrastructure, inefficient border procedures and a lack of...
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The Indonesian beef price movement increasing erratically and tends to be volatile in recent years. Based on the price monitoring in several production centers, there are beef price fluctuations in the consumer level across time and between provinces. This study tries to present the relationship between the beef price volatility and Indonesia’s eff...
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SFAMB is a flexible econometric tool designed for the estimation of stochastic frontier models. Ox is a matrix language used in different modules, with a console version freely available to academic users. This article provides a brief introduction to the field of stochastic frontier analysis, with examples of code (input and output) as well as a t...
Conference Paper
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We analyse the impact of index investment on four grain futures markets by applying several vector auto-regression models, generalised impulse response functions (GIRF), and a structural break analysis. We also test for effects of long-short index funds, an aspect widely ignored so far. Index funds have some price-disturbing effects. These are, how...
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Treating grazing pressure as an undesirable output of livestock grazing in a directional distance function improves understanding how economic behaviour affects the environment. Field survey data from 193 livestock grazing households combined with remotely sensed net primary productivity (NPP) data on the Qinghai–Tibetan–Plateau was used to develop...
Non-tariff measures such as food safety standards are aimed at protecting consumers' health but may also be used as protectionism tool to limit imports. This study investigates the protectionist intent of EU food safety standards using a sample of EU food imports from African countries. We formalized protectionism by comparing EU standards to the i...
Purpose In Indonesia, rubber is the most valuable export crop produced by small scale agriculture and plays a key role for inclusive economic development. This potential is likely to be not fully exploited. The observed concentration in the crumb rubber processing industry raises concerns about the distribution of export earnings along the value ch...
The depletion of groundwater resources due to irrigation water pumping in Iran has become a serious problem which threatens both rural life and sustainable development in the country. The latest estimates show that 70% of groundwater resources have been overexploited in the last 15 years. In 2015, the use of groundwater for irrigation expanded to i...
Purpose While traders of agricultural products are known to often exercise market power, this power has rarely been quantified for developing countries. The paper aims to discuss this issue. Design/methodology/approach In order to derive a measure, the authors estimate the traders’ revenue functions and calculate the marginal value products direct...
This paper reviews changes in grassland property rights and measures the efficiency of livestock grazing on China’s Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, where there is an extensive nomadic grazing system. A cross sectional data set from a field survey of 197 livestock grazing households is used to develop a stochastic translog distance function and technical i...
Dieser Artikel ist nur in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. The article is only available in German language.
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The banana sector makes a significant contribution to the Ghanaian economy in terms of employment, fiscal revenue and foreign exchange. However, decreasing productivity in the sector, coupled with price volatility, has led to a sharp decline in output. The strong export-oriented nature of the sector requires continuous improvement in productivity t...
This study highlights the methodological challenges in determining the value of water in informal water markets. As the decision to participate in water markets is unlikely to be random, self-selectivity is an important issue for an unbiased estimation of the participating farmers’ revealed willingness to pay. The relevance of these issues is illus...
This paper examines the impact of two European Union (EU) market access regulations in the food sector presumed to simultaneously affect firms’ decisions to export food products to the EU. We analysed EU pesticide standards on African exports alongside a complementary non-tariff measure in the form of a minimum entry price regulation, which aims to...
Food price volatility has re-emerged as an important topic of political discussion since the food price crisis of 2007–2008. Different volatility drivers have been identified for different markets in the theoretical and empirical literature. However, there is no comprehensive analysis that considers a large number of potential drivers and investiga...
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Mango production and exports in Ghana have been increasingly volatile over the past years. After the successful take-off of the sector in the early 2000s, output and international market share decreased. In this study, the reasons for the lacklustre performance on the production side are considered using cross-country survey data from Ghana. In par...
Market-based water allocation systems have the potential to ensure that scarce water will flow to the user who earns the highest marginal value from that water. However, the number of recorded instances where water supply problems are solved by market-based systems remains limited. This study attempts to identify the decisive factors that motivate...
The standard Anderson and van Wincoop gravity model has typically been estimated using a fixed-effects approach. However, a fixed-effects approach has a major drawback: it does not allow for the estimation of exporter- and importer-invariant variables. Thus, at least in a cross-sectional context, economically relevant variables such as exporter and...