Bernardo CarvalhoUniversity of Rome Tor Vergata | UNIROMA2
Bernardo Carvalho
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I am a pure mathematician working in the area of dynamical systems, with emphasis in hyperbolic and topological dynamics.
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February 2017 - December 2022
December 2018 - December 2020
January 2016 - February 2017
March 2012 - December 2015
Publications (31)
We prove the transitivity of real Anosov diffeomorphisms, which are Anosov diffeomorphisms where stable and unstable spaces decompose into a continuous sum of invariant one-dimensional sub-spaces with uniform contraction/expansion over the ambient manifold. We analyze how the stable/unstable holonomies of Anosov diffeomorphisms behave on Artigue's...
We introduce distinct definitions of local stable/unstable sets for flows without fixed points, namely, kinematic, geometric, and sectionally geometric, and discuss relations between them. We prove the existence of continua with a uniform diameter within each sectionally geometric local stable/unstable set for cw-expansive flows defined on Peano co...
We discuss whether classical examples of dynamical systems satisfying the shadowing property also satisfy the shadowing property for the induced map on the hyperspace of continua, obtaining both positive and negative results. We prove that transitive Anosov diffeomorphisms, or more generally continuum-wise hyperbolic homeomorphisms, do not satisfy...
We discuss different regularities on stable/unstable holonomies of cw-hyperbolic homeomorphisms and prove that if a cw-hyperbolic homeomorphism has continuous joint stable/unstable holonomies, then it has a dense set of periodic points in its non-wandering set. For that, we prove that the hyperbolic cw-metric (introduced in Artigue et al (2024 J. D...
We prove that local stable/unstable sets of homeomorphisms of an infinite compact metric space satisfying the gluing-orbit property always contain compact and perfect subsets of the space. As a consequence, we prove that if a positively countably expansive homeomorphism satisfies the gluing-orbit property, then the space is a single periodic orbit....
We introduce first-time sensitivity for a homeomorphism of a compact metric space, that is a condition on the first increasing times of open balls of the space. Continuum-wise expansive homeomorphisms, the shift map on the Hilbert cube, and also some partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms satisfy this condition. We prove the existence of local unsta...
This paper discusses the dynamics of continuum-wise hyperbolic surface homeomorphisms. We prove that cwF-hyperbolic surface homeomorphisms containing only a finite set of spines are cw2-hyperbolic. In the case of cw3-hyperbolic homeomorphisms we prove the finiteness of spines and, hence, that cw3-hyperbolicity implies cw2-hyperbolicity. In the proo...
We introduce continuum-wise hyperbolicity, a generalization of hyperbolicity with respect to the continuum theory. We discuss similarities and differences between topological hyperbolicity and continuum-wise hyperbolicity. A shadowing lemma for cw-hyperbolic homeomorphisms is proved in the form of the L-shadowing property and a Spectral Decompositi...
We consider fractal graphs invariant by a skew product $F:\mathbb{T}^k\times \mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{T}^k\times \mathbb{R}$ of the form $F(x,y)=(Ax, \lambda y+p(x))$ where $0<\lambda<1$, $p\colon\mathbb{T}^k\to\mathbb{R}$ is a $C^{k+1}$ function, and $A$ is an Anosov diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^k$ admitting $k$ distinct eigenvalues with res...
We discuss different regularities on stable/unstable holonomies of cw-hyperbolic homeomorphisms and prove that if a cw-hyperbolic homeomorphism has continuous joint stable/unstable holonomies, then it has a dense set of periodic points in its non-wandering set. For that, we prove that the hyperbolic cw-metric (introduced in [9]) can be adapted to b...
This paper discusses the dynamics of continuum-wise hyperbolic surface homeomorphisms. We prove that cwF-hyperbolic surface homeomorphisms containing only a finite set of spines are cw2-hyperbolic. In the case of cw3-hyperbolic homeomorphisms we prove the finiteness of spines and, hence, that cw 3-hyperbolicity implies cw 2-hyperbolicity. In the pr...
In this paper we study local stable/unstable sets of sensitive homeomorphisms with the shadowing property defined on compact metric spaces. We prove that local stable/unstable sets always contain a compact and perfect subset of the space. As a corollary we generalize results in [6] and [11] proving that positively countably expansive homeomorphisms...
We introduce first-time sensitivity for a homeomorphism of a compact metric space, that is a condition on the first increasing times of open balls of the space. Continuum-wise expansive homeomorphisms, the shift map on the Hilbert cube, and also some partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms satisfy this condition. We prove the existence of local unstab...
We discuss the dynamics beyond topological hyperbolicity considering homeomorphisms satisfying the shadowing property and generalizations of expansivity. It is proved that transitive countably expansive homeomor-phisms satisfying the shadowing property are expansive in the set of transitive points. This is in contrast with pseudo-Anosov diffeomorph...
In this paper we study local stable/unstable sets of sensitive homeomorphisms with the shadowing property defined on compact metric spaces.
We prove that local stable/unstable sets always contain a compact and perfect subset of the space. As a corollary we generalize results in [6] and [11] proving that positively countably expansive homeomorphisms...
We introduce continuum-wise hyperbolicity, a generalization of hyperbolicity with respect to the continuum theory. We discuss similarities and differences between topological hyperbolicity and continuum-wise hyperbolicity. A shadowing lemma for cw-hyperbolic homeomorphisms is proved in the form of the L-shadowing property and a Spectral Decompositi...
In this paper we discuss the two-sided limit shadowing property for continuous flows defined in compact metric spaces. We analyze some of the results known for the case of homeomorphisms in the case of continuous flows and observe that some differences appear in this scenario. We prove that the suspension flow of a homeomorphism satisfying the two-...
In this paper we discuss the two-sided limit shadowing property for continuous flows defined in compact metric spaces. We analyze some of the results known for the case of homeomorphisms in the case of continuous flows and observe that some differences appear in this scenario. We prove that the suspension flow of a homeomorphism satisfying the two-...
In this paper we discuss the two-sided limit shadowing property for continuous flows defined in compact metric spaces. We analyze some of the results known for the case of homeomorphisms in the case of continuous flows and observe that some differences appear in this scenario. We prove that the suspension flow of a homeomorphism satisfying the two-...
In this paper we further explore the L-shadowing property defined in [17] for dynamical systems on compact spaces. We prove that structurally stable diffeomorphisms and some pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of the two-dimensional sphere satisfy this property. Homeomorphisms satisfying the L-shadowing property have a spectral decomposition where the ba...
We discuss the dynamics beyond topological hyperbolicity considering homeomorphisms satisfying the shadowing property and generalizations of expansivity. It is proved that transitive countably expansive homeomor-phisms satisfying the shadowing property are expansive in the set of transitive points. This is in contrast with pseudo-Anosov diffeomorph...
We discuss further the dynamics of n-expansive homeomorphisms with the shadowing property, started in [7]. The L-shadowing property is defined and the dynamics of n-expansive homeomorphisms with such property is explored. In particular, we prove that positively n-expansive homeomorphisms with the L-shadowing property can only be defined in finite m...
In this paper we further explore the L-shadowing property defined in [17] for dynamical systems on compact spaces. We prove that structurally stable diffeomorphisms and some pseudo-Anosov diffeomorphisms of the two-dimensional sphere satisfy this property. Homeomorphisms satisfying the L-shadowing property have a spectral decomposition where the ba...
We characterize product Anosov diffeomorphisms in terms of the two-sided
limit shadowing property. It is proved that an Anosov diffeomorphism is a
product Anosov diffeomorphism if and only if any lift to the universal covering
has the unique two-sided limit shadowing property. Then we introduce two maps
in a suitable Banach space such that fixed po...
We discuss further the dynamics of n-expansive homeomorphisms with the shadowing property, started in [7]. The L-shadowing property is defined and the dynamics of n-expansive homeomorphisms with such property is explored. In particular, we prove that positively n-expansive homeomorphisms with the L-shadowing property can only be defined in finite m...
We discuss the dynamics of n-expansive homeomorphisms with the shadowing property defined on compact metric spaces. For every natural n, we exhibit an n-expansive homeomorphism, which is not (n-1)-expansive, has the shadowing property and admits an infinite number of chain-recurrent classes. We discuss some properties of the local stable (unstable)...
We discuss the dynamics of $n$-expansive homeomorphisms with the shadowing property defined on compact metric spaces. For every $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we exhibit an $n$-expansive homeomorphism, which is not $(n-1)$-expansive, has the shadowing property and admits an infinite number of chain-recurrent classes. We discuss some properties of the local stab...
In this thesis we study in detail the two-sided limit shadowing property in the theory of dynamical
systems. We discuss some of its consequences and its role in the hyperbolic theory. This
property is among the strongest known pseudo-orbit tracing properties. It implies shadowing, average
shadowing, asymptotic average shadowing and even the specifi...
We prove that the two-sided limit shadowing property is among the strongest
known notions of pseudo-orbit tracing. It implies shadowing, average shadowing,
asymptotic average shadowing and specification properties. We also introduce a
weaker notion that is called two-sided limit shadowing with a gap and prove
that it implies shadowing and transitiv...
For a C
1 generic diffeomorphism if a bi-Lyapunov stable homoclinic class is homogeneous then it does not have weak eigenvalues. Using this, we show that such homoclinic classes are hyperbolic if it has one of the following properties: shadowing, specification or limit shadowing.
We explore the notion of two-sided limit shadowing property introduced by
Pilyugin \cite{P1}. Indeed, we characterize the $C^1$-interior of the set of
diffeomorphisms with such a property on closed manifolds as the set of
transitive Anosov diffeomorphisms. As a consequence we obtain that all
codimention-one Anosov diffeomorphisms have the two-sided...