Bernard GoffinetUniversity of Connecticut | UConn · Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Bernard Goffinet
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June 1999 - present
January 1997 - June 1999
August 1990 - December 1996
Publications (330)
The first chromosome-scale reference genome of the rare narrow-endemic African moss Physcomitrellopsis africana is presented here. Assembled from 73x nanopore long reads and 163x BGI-seq short reads, the 414 Mb reference comprises 26 chromosomes and 22,925 protein-coding genes (BUSCO: C:94.8%[D:13.9%]). This genome holds two genes that withstood ri...
Applying molecular methods to fungi establishing lichenized associations with green algae or cyanobacteria has repeatedly revealed the existence of numerous phylogenetic taxa overlooked by classical taxonomic approaches. Here, we report taxonomical conclusions based on multiple species delimitation and validation analyses performed on an eight-locu...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, CHETIA T, ROY H (২০২৩) হৰিতোদ্ভিদ জাতিবৃত্ত প্ৰাচীৰপত্ৰ - হৰ্ণৱৰ্টছ, লিভাৰৱৰ্টছ, মছ © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, CHETIA, ROY 2023 (CC-BY), Assamese version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP)
Traits of the spore‐bearing generation have historically provided the basis for systematic concepts across the phylogenetic spectrum and depth of mosses. Whether taxa characterized by a simple sporophytic architecture are closely related or emerged from independent reduction is often ambiguous. Phylogenomic inferences in the Funariaceae, which hold...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, ŠIRKA P (2023) Poster Fylogenézy MACHORASTOV - ROŽTEKY, PEČEŇOVKY, MACHY © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, ŠIRKA 2023 (CC-BY), Slovak version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • hypotetický strom založený na molekulárno-fylogenetických údajoch • dĺžky vetiev nevyjadrujú skutočnú časovú škálu...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, KUČERA J (2023) Poster Fylogeneze Mechorostů - HLEVÍKY, JÁTROVKY, MECHY © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, KUČERA 2023 (CC-BY), Czech version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • hypotetický strom založený na molekulárně-fylogenetických datech • délky větví nevyjadřují skutečnou časovou škálu...
The first chromosome-scale reference genome of the rare narrow-endemic African moss Physcomitrellopsis africana is presented here. Assembled from 73x nanopore long reads and 163x BGI-seq short reads, the 414 Mb reference comprises 26 chromosomes and 22,925 protein-coding genes (BUSCO: C:94.8%[D:13.9%]). This genome holds two genes that withstood ri...
Filogenia de briófitas (antóceros, hepáticas e musgos)
苔藓植物系统发育 - 陆生非维管植物(苔类、藓类、角苔类)的系统分类与特征 Bryophyte Phylogeny Poster 2023, Chinese © Cole, Hilger, Goffinet, Zhang, Ye 2023 (CC-BY)
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, MEDINA R (2023) FILOGENIA de las BRIÓFITAS - ANTOCEROTAS, HEPÁTICAS, MUSGOS © Cole, Hilger, Goffinet, Medina 2023 (CC-BY), Spanish version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • Árbol hipotético basado en datos filogenéticos moleculares • La longitud de las ramas no refleja escala tempo...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, COSTA DP (2023) Filogenia de BRIÓFITAS © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, COSTA 2023 (CC-BY), Portuguese version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • árvore hipotética baseada em dados filogenéticos moleculares • comprimento dos ramos não refletem a escala de tempo real • algumas ordens/famíli...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, AKIYAMA H (2023) コケ植物系統樹ポスター © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, AKIYAMA 2023 (CC-BY), Japanese version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • 分子系統データから推定された系統樹 • 枝の長さは実際の時間の長さを示していない • 小さい目・科のいくつかは省略されている • 各枝に記載された形態的特徴は,その右側のすべての分類群に当てはまるわけではない
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, HEDENÄS L (2023) MOSSFYLOGENI-POSTER - Systematik och egenskaper hos MOSSOR (Nålfruktmossor, Levermossor, Bladmossor) © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, HEDENÄS 2023 (CC-BY), Swedish version of: COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • hypotetiskt utvecklingsträd baserat på molekylär fylogeni...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, CHANTANAORRAPINT S (2023) โปสเตอร์วิวัฒนาการชาติพันธุ์ของไบรโอไฟต์ - อนุกรมวิธานและลักษณะของพืชบกไม่มีท่อลำเลียง (ฮอร์นเวิร์ต, ลิเวอร์เวิร์ต, มอสส์)
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, OCHYRA R (2023) FILOGENEZA MSZAKÓW, Systematyka i cechy diagnostyczne nienaczyniowych roślin lądowych (glewiki, wątrobowce, mchy) © Cole, Hilger, Goffinet, Ochyra 2023 (CC-BY), Polska wersja posteru: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • hipotetyczne drzewo oparte na filogenetycznych danyc...
Indonesian version of the Bryophyte Phylogeny Poster 2023. Translation by Ida Haerida and Elizabeth A. Widjaja, Bogor, Indonesia. Dikutip dari: COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, HAERIDA I, WIDJAJA EA (2023) Poster Filogeni LUMUT
Теодор К .Г. Коул, Хартмут Г. Хильгер, Бернард Гоффине, Михаил С. Игнатов (2023) Постер: Филогения Мохообразных – Систематика и признаки бессосудистых наземных растений (антоцеротовые, печеночников, мхов) © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, IGNATOV 2023 (CC-BY), Russian version of: COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • гип...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, GUDŽINSKAS Z (2023) BRIOFITŲ FILOGENIJA - YLVAISIŲ, KERPSAMANIŲ, LAPSAMANIŲ © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, GUDŽINSKAS 2023 (CC-BY), Lithuanian version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • hipotetinė dendrograma sudaryta remiantis molekulinės filogenijos duomenimis • šakų ilgis pasirinktas...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, ENROTH J, HE X (2023) SAMMALTEN Fylogenia • SARVI-, MAKSA-, LEHTISAMMALTEN systematiikka ja ominaisuudet © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, ENROTH, HE 2023 (CC-BY), Finnish version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • molekyyliaineistoon perustuva hypoteettinen sukupuu • haarojen pituudet eivä...
Коул ТКГ, Хільгер ХГ, Гоффіне Б, Нипорко CO (2023) Філогенія мохоподібних © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, NYPORKO 2023 (CC-BY), Ukrainian version of: COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • гіпотетичне філогенетичне дерево на основі матеріалів молекулярно-філогенетичних досліджень • довжина філогенетичних гілок довільна...
КОУЛ TКГ, ХИЛЬГЕР ХГ, ГОФФИНЕ B, ОЮУНЦЭЦЭГ Б, НЯМБАЯР Д, ЭНХЖАРГАЛ Э (2023) ХӨВД ХЭЛБЭРТНИЙ ФИЛОГЕНИ - Навчит хөвд, Элгэн хөвд, Хөвд © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, OYUNTSETSEG, NYAMBAYAR, ENKHJARGAL 2023 (CC-BY), Mongolian version of: COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • молекул филогенетик мэдээлэлд үндэслэсэн таама...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, ALEFFI M (2023) Filogenesi delle BRIOFITE © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, ALEFFI 2023 (CC-BY), Versione italiana di: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • albero ipotetico basato su dati di filogenesi molecolare • lunghezza dei rami arbitraria, non corrispondente alla reale scala temporale • alc...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, ERDAĞ A (2023) BİRYOFİT Fi̇logeni̇ Posteri̇ © Cole, Hilger, Goffinet, Erdağ 2023 (CC-BY), Turkish version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • moleküler filogenetik veriler temelinde hipotetik soyağacı • dal uzunlukları uyarlanmıştır, gerçek zaman ölçeğini yansıtmaz • bazı küçük takım...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, BUI THU HA (2023) Poster phát sinh chủng loại nhóm RÊU (ngành Rêu sừng, ngành Rêu tản, ngành Rêu) © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, BUI THU HA 2023 (CC-BY), Vietnamese version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • Cây phát sinh chủng loại giả thuyết dựa trên dữ liệu sinh học phân tử • Chiều dà...
Serbian version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • hipotetičko stablo na osnovu molekularno-filogenetičkih podataka • dužina grana proizvoljna, ne izražava stvarnu vr...
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B, TSAKIRI E (2023) Αφίσα Φυλογένεσης των Βρυοφύτων © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET, TSAKIRI 2023 (CC-BY), Greek version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • υποθετικό δέντρο βασισμένο σε μοριακά φυλογενετικά δεδομένα
• τα μήκη των κλάδων σκόπιμα, δεν εκφράζουν την πραγματική χρονική κλίμακα •...
(کل تی سی اچ، هیلگر اچ اچ،گوفینت بی، معماریانی ف (2023) پوستر تبارزایی بریوفیتها (ترجمه فارسی
Farsi/Persian version of: COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B (2023) Bryophyte Phylogeny Poster (BPP)
Korean version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) Bryophyte Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • 분자계통 자료(2023)를 이용해 추정한 계통수• 계통수 가지 길이는 실제 시간 비율을 나타내지 않음 • 몇몇 작은 목/과는 생략 • 계통수 각 분기군에 나열된 형질은 해당 분기군에 속한 모든 분류군에 반드시 적용되는 것은 아님
Cole TCH, Hilger HH, Goffinet B, Pénzesné Kónya E (2023) Mohák filogenetikai posztere - a szárazföldi nem edényes növények rendszertana és tulajdonságai (becősmohák, májmohák, lombosmohák) © Cole, Hilger, Goffinet, Pénzesné Kónya 2023 (CC-BY), Hungarian version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) Bryophyte Phylogeny Poster (BPP) • feltételezett filog...
ब्रायोफाइट फाइलोजेनी पोस्टर, Hindi version of: COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET (2023) Bryophyte Phylogeny Poster (BPP), आणविक वंशावली डेटा पर आधारित काल्पनिक पेड़ (2023) • शाखाओं की लंबाई जानबूझ कर की जाती है, वास्तविक समय के पैमाने को व्यक्त नहीं किया जाता है • पेड़ पर कई वर्णों की स्थिति स्पष्ट न...
Cole TCH, Hilger HH, Goffinet B (2023) BRYOPHYTE Phylogeny Poster (BPP) © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET 2023 (CC-BY) • hypothetical tree based on recent molecular phylogenetic data, following the topology in Bechteler J et al. (2023) Am J Bot, DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16249 • branch lengths deliberate, not expressing actual time scale • some minor orders/familie...
Lern- und Lehrposter zur Phylogenie der Hornmoose, Lebermoose und Laubmoose >>>> Version 2023: Topologie nach Bechteler J et al. (2023) American Journal of Botany, DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16249; für Merkmale der Ordnungen siehe Version 2021/22 (dort Baum veraltet)
COLE TCH, HILGER HH, GOFFINET B (2023) PHYLOGÉNIE des BRYOPHYTES © COLE, HILGER, GOFFINET 2023 (CC-BY) • arbre hypothétique basé sur des données moléculaires • topologie après Bechteler J et al. (2023) American Journal of Botany DOI: 10.1002/ajb2.16249 •longueur de branches délibérées, ne reflétant pas une échelle temporelle • caractères ne s’appli...
Bryophytes form a major component of terrestrial plant biomass, structuring ecological communities in all biomes. Our understanding of the evolutionary history of hornworts, liverworts and mosses has been significantly reshaped by inferences from molecular data, which have highlighted extensive homoplasy in various traits and repeated burst...
Allopolyploids represent a new frontier in species discovery among embryophytes. Within mosses, allopolyploid discovery is challenged by low morphological complexity. The rapid expansion of sequencing approaches in addition to computational developments to identifying genome merger and whole-genome duplication using variation among nuclear loci rep...
The most extreme environments are the most vulnerable to transformation under a rapidly changing climate. These ecosystems harbor some of the most specialized species, which will likely suffer the highest extinction rates. We document the steepest temperature increase (2010–2021) on record at altitudes of above 4,000 meters, triggering a decline of...
Allopolyploids represent a new frontier in species discovery among embryophytes. Within mosses, allopolyploid discovery is challenged by low morphological complexity. The rapid expansion of sub-genome sequencing approaches in addition to computational developments to identifying genome merger and whole-genome duplication using variation among nucle...
Bryophytes are emerging as the sister-group to extant vascular plants, and their current diversity highlights that their life cycle characterized by a dominating vegetative gametophyte and an unbranched sporophyte composes a successful alternative to that of vascular plants and their dominating sporophyte. The evolutionary history of hornworts, liv...
Florschuetziella scaberrima (Broth.) Vitt, previously known only from the type material collected in 1915 from Yunnan, China, was rediscovered nearly a century later in 2005. The species is morphologically indistinguishable from the Mexican endemic F. steerei Vitt, but given the paucity of material the two are provisionally retained as distinct, al...
Physcomitrium pygmaeum is an ephemeral moss described in 1871 from a single collection from Utah, currently considered conspecific with Physcomitrium pyriforme. The interpretation of the taxon has been problematic due to its rarity in the field, the elusiveness of the type material, and an extremely scattered and inconsistent collection record. Her...
Background and Aims
With some 7,300 extant species, liverworts (Marchantiophyta) represent one of the major land plant lineages. The backbone relationships, such as the phylogenetic position of Ptilidiales, and the occurrence and timing of whole genome duplications, are still contentious.
Based on analyses of the newly generated transcript...
We describe a new taxon of terrestrial bird of the genus Aphrastura (rayaditos) inhabiting the Diego Ramírez Archipelago, the southernmost point of the American continent. This archipelago is geographically isolated and lacks terrestrial mammalian predators as well as woody plants, providing a contrasted habitat to the forests inhabited by the othe...
While genome evolutionary processes of seed plants are intensively investigated, very little is known about seed-free plants in this respect. Here, we use one of the largest groups of seed-free plants, the mosses, and newly generated chromosome-scale genome assemblies to investigate three poorly known aspects of genome dynamics and their...
Half a century since the creation of the International Association of Bryologists, we carried out a review to identify outstanding challenges and future perspectives in bryology. Specifically, we have identified 50 fundamental questions that are critical in advancing the discipline.
We have adapted a deep-rooted methodology of...
Cycads represent one of the most ancient lineages of living seed plants. Identifying genomic features uniquely shared by cycads and other extant seed plants, but not non-seed-producing plants, may shed light on the origin of key innovations, as well as the early diversification of seed plants. Here, we report the 10.5-Gb reference genome of Cycas p...
Mosses compose one of the three lineages of bryophytes. Today, about 13,000 species of mosses are recognized from across the globe, and at least a third of this diversity composes the Hypnales, a lineage characterized by an early rapid radiation. We sequenced and de novo assembled the genomes of two hypnalean mosses, namely Entodon seductrix and Hy...
The genus Dendriscosticta (Ascomycota: Peltigerales) encompasses several distinctive lichen-forming fungal species restricted to the Northern Hemisphere. Most are flagship species of old-growth forests with good air quality. A global phylogeny of the genus based on multilocus sequence data (ITS, RPB1, EF-1α, MCM7), model-based phylogenetic methods,...
Phylogenetic turnover has emerged as a powerful tool to identify the mechanisms by which biological communities assemble. When significantly structured along environmental gradients, phylogenetic turnover evidences phylogenetic niche conservatism, a critical principle explaining patterns of species distributions at different spatio–temporal scales....
In 1969, an international group of bryologists established an association welcoming everyone seeking to further our knowledge on the biology of bryophytes. Fifty years later, the International Association of Bryologists (IAB) has slightly over 350 active members worldwide. Over the past decades, IAB has promoted bryology by establishing bryonet, a...
Karyotypic diversity is critical to catalyzing change in the evolution of all plants. By resulting in meiotic incompatibility among sets of homologous chromosomes, polyploidy and aneuploidy may facilitate reproductive isolation and the potential for speciation. Across plants, karyotypic variants in the form of allopolyploids receive greater taxonom...
Historically, wallcharts and posters created by botanical illustrators, often highly skilled artists, have played an important role in teaching botany at the university level. Large-scale panels and posters can visualize complex interrelationships and entire stories in a clear and appealing overview in graphs, tables, and diagrams. Carrying this co...
Rapid radiations in Fungi are only beginning to be studied with phylogenomic data. The evolutionary history of the lichenized fungal order Peltigerales has not been well resolved, particularly for the Collematineae. Here, we used concatenation and coalescent-based species tree methods to reconstruct the phylogeny of the Peltigerales based on sequen...
Chloroplasts are attractive platforms for synthetic biology applications since they are capable of driving very high levels of transgene expression, if mRNA production and stability are properly regulated. However, plastid transformation is a slow process and currently limited to a few plant species. The liverwort Marchantia polymorpha is a simple...
With some 7,300 species of small nonvascular spore-producing plants, liverworts represent one of the major lineages of land plants. Although multi-locus molecular phylogenetic studies have elucidated relationships of liverworts at different taxonomic categories, the backbone phylogeny of liverworts is still to be fully resolved, especially for the...
Las reservas de la biosfera tienen entre sus funciones apoyar la investigación científica, educación, capacitación y monitoreo. En la Reserva de la Biosfera Cabo de Hornos (RBCH), creada el año 2005, estas funciones se han cumplido desde la conformación del Parque Etnobotánico Omora el año 2000 y con su implementación, el año 2008, como sitio co-fu...
Los archipiélagos Diego Ramírez y Cabo de Hornos se ubican en el extremo austral de la ecorregión subantártica de Magallanes y hasta ahora su diversidad de insectos y otros invertebrados terrestres ha sido escasamente caracterizada. En este trabajo, presentamos un catastro actualizado de invertebrados, con un foco en la entomofauna
terrestre del ar...
Plant mitochondrial protein‐coding genes are slow‐evolving, and thus are less subjected to substitution saturation, and therefore perhaps more suitable for resolving deep relationships of high taxonomic categories. Plant mitochondrial genes hold, however, hundreds of RNA editing sites, involving mostly non‐synonymous substitutions in the 1st and 2n...
The network of Long-term Socio-ecological Research sites within the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve (LTSER-Cape Horn) extends today to the Gonzalo Island (56°31’S), Diego Ramírez Archipelago, as its southernmost site. This is also the southernmost island of the American continent and of the sub-Antarctic ecoregion of Magallanes, housing a huge diversit...
The marine ecoregions of Canals and Fjords of Southern Chile and Magellan Sub-Antarctic represent the extreme southern latitude limit for the distribution of numerous organism group. In southern Hemisphere, the most austral distribution site of kelps formation is placed at Diego Ramírez Archipelago, where Lessonia flavicans, L. searlesiana and Macr...
Long-term socio-ecological research requires comprehensive assessments of biodiversity that overcome historical taxonomic biases, such as the strong focus on the vascular flora. This is particularly relevant at high latitudes where the richness of non-vascular plant species exceeds that of vascular species. Additionally, with respect to geographica...
Chloroplast genes are present at high ploidy in plants, and capable of driving very high levels of gene expression if mRNA production and stability are properly regulated. Marchantia polymorpha is a simple model plant that allows rapid transformation studies, however post-transcriptional regulation in plastids is poorly characterized in this liverw...
Mosses comprise one of three lineages forming a sister group to extant vascular plants. Having emerged from an early split in the diversification of embryophytes, mosses may offer complementary insights into the evolution of traits following the transition to, and colonization of, land. Here, we report the draft nuclear genome of Fontinalis antipyr...
Background:Mosses compose one of the three lineages that form the sister group to extant vascular plants. Having emerged from an early split in the diversification of embryophytes, mosses may offer complementary insights into the evolution of traits following the transition to and colonization of land. Here, we report the draft nuclear genome of Fo...
A new paradigm has slowly emerged regarding the diversification of bryophytes, with inferences from molecular data highlighting a dynamic evolution of their genome. However, comparative studies of expressed genes among closely related taxa is so far missing. Here we contrast the dimensions of the vegetative transcriptome of Funaria hygrometrica and...
Abstract. The three discoveries of the extreme southern region in South America, made since the last ice age, are briefly recounted: human protopopulation, the Magallanes expedition, and the arrival of modern naturalists, from Darwin to the present day. Some relevant organisms of the region, their functions in the ecosystem and their benefits for m...
Land plants have been intimately associated with fungi over the course of their evolution. Because of their lack of sophisticated protective structures, early land plants would conceivably have required additional defense strategies against microbial pathogens, including various fungi. On the other hand, a symbiotic association between plants and f...
Understanding the molecular basis of morphological shifts is a fundamental question of evolutionary biology. New morphologies may arise through the birth/death of genes (gene gain/loss) or by reutilizing existing gene sets. Yet, the relative contribution of these two processes to radical morphological shifts is still poorly understood. Here, we use...
Peltigera serusiauxii is proposed here as a new species from Papua New Guinea and Sabah, northern Borneo (Malaysia). The species belongs to the polydactyloid clade of section Polydactylon. Because of its large thalli with a glabrous upper surface, this species was previously identified as P. dolichorhiza, but it differs by its polydactylon-type low...
The former family Lobariaceae, now included in Peltigeraceae as subfamily Lobarioideae, has undergone substantial changes in its generic classification in recent years, based on phylogenetic inferences highlighting the polyphyly of the speciose genera Lobaria, Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta. Here we introduce the new genus Emmanuelia, named in honor...
Tardigrades are potentially dispersed by birds, but the extent of the interactions between birds and tardigrades is virtually unknown. We discovered nine tardigrades within feces of White-bellied Seedsnipe (Attagis malouinus) collected from high Andean tundra on Navarino Island, Chile. Eight of the tardigrade specimens began moving once rehydrated....