Berna AkcinarIşık University · Department of Psychology
Berna Akcinar
Doctor of Philosophy
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February 2016 - August 2016
September 2010 - February 2016
Publications (20)
As of 2019, over 29.75% of individuals in the WHO European region were smokers, with a concerning increase in tobacco product consumption among Turkish youth aged 15 to 24 over the past decade. University years, marked by habit formation into adult life, demand effective emotion regulation abilities in coping with stress. This research investigated...
Bu çalışmanın amacı; toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin, babaların ebeveynlik davranışlarına ve çocukların uyumlu sosyal davranışlarına olan etkilerini incelemektir. Çalışmanın örneklemini, Türkiye’nin farklı illerinde yaşayan 2-6 yaşında çocuğu olan evli ve tam zamanlı bir işte çalışan babalardan oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılar, basit seçkisiz örnekleme yön...
Consistent with ecological systems theory and the heuristic model of parental behavior dynamics, the current study is focused on both individual and contextual factors that determine fatherhood involvement in the context of a traditional patriarchal culture.
Father–child interaction during the early childhood period is a salie...
Association of Work-Family Conflict With Depression, Parenting Behaviors, and Socio-Behavioral Development of Children Abstract This study investigated the associations of work-family conflict with the psychological well-being, parenting behaviors, and socio-emotional development of children aged between 2 and 6 (M = 4.14, SD = 1.30) and their work...
Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2-6 yaşları arasında çocuğu olan evli ve eşi ve kendileri çalışan babaların, çalışma koşullarının, deneyimledikleri iş-aile çatışmasının ve algıladıkları kurumsal desteğin depresyon düzeyleri ile olan ilişkisini incelemektir. Çalışma kapsamında, hafta içi çalışma süreleri ve algılanan kurumsal destek ile depresyon arasındaki il...
Preventive health behaviors are defined as the behaviors undertaken to avoid getting sick and to minimize the effects of the illness. Preventive health behaviors that vary according to each illness are affected by different psychosocial variables. The aim of this study is to determine the psychosocial factors that affect preventive health behaviors...
The present study investigated how health anxiety, coping strategies, and psychological well-being changes over time among COVID-19 patients and inpatients. The Socio-Demographic and Health Information Form, Health Anxiety Inventory (HAI), Ways of Coping Strategies (WCQ), and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-42) were given to participant...
The purpose of this study was to adapt the Health Cognition Questionnaire for COVID-19 and to evaluate psychometric properties of the scale for people who were infected and not infected with COVID-19. With the COVID-19 Form of the scale, it was aimed to evaluate dysfunctional beliefs specific to COVID-19 pandemic associated with health anxiety. The...
Dyadic adjustment is a term that affects the physical and mental health of people, in which the changes in dyadic adjustment are also known to have an impact on individual's general well-being. Somatization is the tendency to express the distress and discomfort with bodily symptoms. It is a good opportunity to study the somatization in Turkey where...
Bu çalışma, erken ergenlik dönemindeki ilköğretim öğrencilerinin ahlak gelişimlerine katkı sağlamayı hedefleyen bir müdahale programının değerlendirmesini içermektedir. Toplumun bir üyesi olma sürecinde, gerekli birçok değer, beceri ve davranış örüntüleri erken ergenlikte ortaya çıkar. ‘Pozitif ergen gelişimi’ kavramsal çerçevesi kapsamında da, bu...
In the current study, we explored associations between parent–child coercion and positive parenting in the toddler period in relation to children’s social-behavioral development during the school-age period. The data were drawn from the Pitt Mother & Child Project, a sample of 310 low-income, ethnically diverse boys. Drawing on tenets of both attac...
Bu çalışmanın amacı, erken çocukluk döneminde anne davranışlarının, çocuğun dışsallaştırma problemlerine olan etkilerini incelemektir. Annelerin cezaya dayalı dayatıcı disiplin yöntemleri ve sıcaklık/yakınlık içeren davranışlarının, çocukların dışsallaştırma davranış problemlerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın verileri, çocukların ve annelerinin...
Theoretical advances in the study of the development of aggressive behaviors indicate that parenting behaviors and child aggression mutually influence one another. This study contributes to the body of empirical research in this area by examining the development of child aggression, maternal responsiveness, and maternal harsh discipline, using 5-ye...
A longitudinal model was presented, that included reciprocal associations between physically harsh parenting by the mother, child externalizing problems, and support from the father, the extended family, and the neighbors. This transactional process was estimated for the years preceding school entry. The data were from a 4-years longitudinal and na...
This study identifies how socioeconomic status (SES) is linked to receptive vocabulary knowledge, externalizing behaviors, and prosocial behaviors of children through the characteristics of their developmental environments (family and neighborhood resources, and a family risk factor). Data came from a sample of 36–47 month-old children and their mo...
The association of three different strategies of maternal control (behavioral, psychological, and physical), and maternal warmth with children’s externalizing behaviors were analyzed in an observational study of 3-year-old children in Turkey (N = 123). The results indicated
that (i) mothers exercised all three types of control simultaneously; (ii)...
This study explored the predictors of early school adaptation with the family (economic status and parenting) and child characteristics (socio-behavioral development). The data were obtained by maternal reports (N = 655) from the participants of the Study of Early Childhood Developmental Ecologies in Turkey (ECDET). The sample consisted of six year...