Benoit BideauUniversity of Rennes 2 | UR2 · Laboratory for Movement, Sport, Health
Benoit Bideau
PhD, Full Professor
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Publications (127)
Cellular immune markers of inflammation such as neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and systemic immune inflammation index (SII) are frequently used in patient care. The adoption of these markers to elite sports, e.g. soccer could be beneficial when monitoring training and aiming to maximize...
Match outcomes and championship rankings are the consequence of the team’s technical, tactical, and physical variables. This study aimed to compare physical and modern technical-tactical performance variables between matches with different outcomes for a professional soccer team. Total distance covered, distance covered between 20.0 and 25.0 km/h a...
The aim of this study was to explore training and testing practices from Strength & Conditioning (S&C) coaches who manage groups of high-level French swimmers in elite training centers. The transfer of abilities from dry-land to in situ condition was also investigated.
24 French S&C coaches completed a survey via an online pla...
Improving swimming performance involves assessments of biomechanical variables of the stroke, and it can be achieved using semi-tethered swimming tests. The aim of this study was thus to investigate the associations between load-velocity (L-V) profiles, from a semi-tethered swimming protocol and race variables in the 100 m and 200 m fr...
Team performance is the result of the combination of individual and team technical, tactical, and physical abilities during a soccer match. Match outcome and more globally, championship ranking, is the consequence of the team’s performance and therefore is influenced by technical, tactical, and physical parameters.
This study aimed to compare phys...
INTRODUCTION: Power, strength and speed assessment is of great interest when monitoring swimming performance (1). In this perspective, semi-tethered swimming tests are commonly used to evaluate dynamic parameters based on load-velocity (L-V) profiles in conditions consistent with free swimming (2). Maximal predicted velocity (V0) and maximal predic...
Scaling the equipment of young athletes is justified by the constraints-led approach introduced in motor learning. The aim of the present study is to analyze the effect of racket scaling on the serve biomechanics and performance parameters for young tennis players (between 8 and 11 years-old).
Nine young intermediate competiti...
Tennis shoe characteristics need to minimise the risk of athletes suffering ankle injuries and improve players’ feet performance. This study aims to evaluate the influence of shoe torsional stiffness on running velocity, stance duration, ground reaction forces and ankle biomechanics during two different tennis forehand runs and strokes. Ten right‐h...
In 2022, the FIFA World Cup has been scheduled to take place in Qatar in November and December, months which coincide with the in-season period of the European soccer
season. This will be challenging for the staff of the participating national teams and the domestic clubs to which participating players are attached. The aim of this letter to the
Abstract This study aimed to examine the effects of two high-intensity interval training programs (HIIT) on maximal aerobic velocity (MAV), hematological variations and muscle damage markers in young healthy adults. Twenty-nine male physical education students, aged 20.3 ± 3.3 years, volunteered to participate in this study, and were randomly assig...
The aim of this study was to determine whether decreasing serving distance and net height would immediately influence serve biomechanics and performance in young intermediate tennis players. Ten young tennis players (9 to 12 years) performed maximal effort flat serves from three court conditions (“red”, “orange” and “green”: serving distance at 6.4...
Hamstring strain injuries are the most common non-contact injuries in football with a complex aetiology, previous injuries being considered as one of the strongest predictors of reinjury . Although the specific mechanism remains unclear and the evidence largely observational and correlational, an array of factors such as decreased muscle strength,...
The ability to track teammates and opponents is an essential quality to achieve a high level of performance in soccer. The visual tracking ability is usually assessed in the laboratory with non-sport specific scenarios, leading in two major concerns. First, the methods used probably only partially reflects the actual ability to track players on the...
Observing how individuals actively adapt to their environment may provide additional insights into traditional clinical tests. Rather than using tests that only identify joint mobility limitations, it seems relevant to use clinical motion tests that assess global biomechanical functions more generally and identify functional behaviours....
The perceptual-cognitive ability to track multiple moving objects and its contribution to team sports performance has traditionally been studied in the laboratory under non-sports specific conditions. It is thus questionable whether the measured visual tracking performance and the underlying gaze activity reflected the actual ability of team sports...
Knowledge of the long-term effects of soccer training on hematological, hormonal, inflammatory, and muscle damage markers and physical performance may help to better design strength and conditioning programs for performance development and injury prevention for the individual player and the team.Objectives
The aim of this systematic revi...
INTRODUCTION • Les séquences de jeu impliquant des sauts sont fréquentes durant la pratique du football. • L'altération des qualités biomécaniques à l'atterrissage du saut peut représenter un facteur de risque de blessures chez l'athlète (Wong 2005, De Beckler 2020). • Par ailleurs, une asymétrie fonctionnelle des membres inférieurs peut être un fa...
L’un des défis majeurs de la prise en charge des blessures musculaires des ischio-jambiers réside dans la capacité à déterminer si la récupération est complète ou non afin d’éviter une récidive. L’évaluation nécessite la quantification de la sollicitation musculo-squelettique de l’ensemble des structures impliquées en situation de jeu. La modélisat...
This study aimed to quantify the influence of an increase in power output (PO) on joint kinematics and electromyographic (EMG) activity during an incremental test to exhaustion for a population of professional cyclists. The hip flexion/extension and internal/external rotation as well as knee abduction/adduction ranges of motion were significantly d...
To analyze biochemical markers, wellness status, and physical fitness in elite soccer players in relation to changes in training and match exposure during a congested period of match play.
Fourteen elite soccer players were evaluated 3 times (T1, T2, and T3) over 12 weeks (T1-T2: 6-wk regular period of match play and T2-T3:...
The open stance forehand has been hypothesized by tennis experts (coaches, scientists, and clinicians) to be more traumatic than the neutral stance forehand as regards hip injuries in tennis. However, the influence of the forehand stance (open or neutral) on hip kinematics and loading has not been assessed.
To compare the kinema...
The regular assessment of hormonal and mood state parameters in professional soccer are proposed as good indicators during periods of intense training and/or competition to avoid overtraining.
The aim of this study was to analyze hormonal, psychological, workload and physical fitness parameters in elite soccer players in relat...
Purpose: Evaluating and minimising the risk of hamstring injury remains complex as it lacks reliable field-testing. Kinematic analysis provides global external insights but fails to apprehend musculoskeletal loading. This study aimed to evaluate the association between hamstring function and prior injury using a novel functional test combined with...
Advances in sports sciences and neurosciences offer new opportunities to design efficient and motivating sport training tools. For instance, using NeuroFeedback (NF), athletes can learn to self-regulate specific brain rhythms and consequently improve their performances. Here, we focused on soccer goalkeepers’ Covert Visual Spatial Attention (CVSA)...
Virtual reality (VR) is a widespread technology drawing an increasing interest for players and coaches, especially in team ball sports as it offers a simple tool to simulate, analyse and train situations that are often too complex to reproduce in the field. In this review we aimed at (1) providing an overview of methodologies and outcomes of resear...
People generally coordinate their action to be more efficient. However, in some cases, interference between them occur, resulting in an inefficient collaboration. For example, if two volleyball players collide while performing a serve reception, they can both miss the ball. The main goal of this study is to explore the way two persons regulate thei...
Despite an abundant literature, the evaluation of the risk of hamstring injuries remains complex as it lacks evidence-based recommendations and reliable fieldtesting.
The aim of this study was to investigate the risk of hamstring injury
using a musculoskeletal approach during a functional test designed for this purpose.
This training load increases the risk of injuries in lower back and the lower limb (Gosling et al. 2008). Despite an abundant literature, the evaluation of the risk of low back pain remains complex as it lacks evidence-based recommendations and reliable
functional test. Several functional movement tools are suggested to evaluate this risk in assess...
The mechanics by which osteopathic treatment may produce an increased
joint range of motion remains unclear. The aim of this blind pilot study was to measure
the immediate effect of OMT on range of motion (ROM) of the sacro-lumbar joint and the pelvis spatial orientations during the one-sided tilt test.
Frequently, in rugby, players incorporate deceptive motions (e.g., a side-step) in order to pass their opponent. Previous works showed that expert defenders are more efficient in detecting deceptive motions. Performance was shown to be correlated with the evolution of the center of gravity of the attacker, suggesting that experts may rely on global...
The evaluation of the risk of low back pain remains complex as it lacks evidence-based recommendations and a reliable functional test. The one-sided tilt test can provide additional information on the dynamics of the lum-bo-pelvic complex.
However, little is known about the expected movement. This study aims to identify different patterns of movem...
The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of a six-week in-season period of soccer training and games (congested period) on plasma volume variations (PV), hematological parameters, and physical fitness in elite players. In addition, we analyzed relationships between training load, hematological parameters and players’ physic...
Agility in general and change-of-direction speed (CoD) in particular represent important performance determinants in elite soccer.
The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of a 6-week neuromuscular training program on agility performance, and to determine differences in movement times between the slower and...
The recent development of virtual reality (VR) devices such as head
mounted displays (HMDs) increases opportunities for applications
at the confluence of physical activity and gaming. Recently, the
fields of sport and fitness have turned to VR, including for locomotor
activities, to enhance motor and energetic resources, as well
as motivation and a...
The aim of this pilot study was to use a musculoskeletal modelling approach to propose a functional screening approach of lumbar-pelvic-femoral complex range of motion during
the one-sided tilt test
The aim of this blind pilot study was to measure the immediate effect of OMT on range of motion (ROM) of the sacro-lumbar joint and the pelvis spatial orientations during the one-sided tilt test.
Hamstring muscle strains is commonly acknowledged as multifactorial but re-injury is the most important cause. Previous studies showed that kinematic analysis provides a global external insight but fails to apprehend musculoskeletal solicitations. Musculoskeletal modelling allows a better understanding of how anatomical structures function and inte...
Tibial stress syndrome (TSS) is a common lower extremity overuse injury in relation to excessive or repeated sports practice which can lead to a fatigue fracture. The etiology is generally multifactorial but several studies have suggested that a modification of the kinematics could increase muscle/joint load on tibia. A validated reactive agility t...
Le développement des collaborations entre cliniciens et biomécaniciens est un véritable enjeu médical et scientifique. Dans ce sens, en France, depuis l’article n° 2014/11, la biomécanique est entrée officiellement dans la formation des étudiants en ostéopathie comme une unité d’enseignement propre. Au-delà des connaissances fondamentales apportées...
This paper presents a novel sensor-to-segment calibration procedure for inertial sensor-based knee joint kinematics analysis during cycling. This procedure was designed to be feasible in-field, autonomously, and without any external operator or device. It combines a static standing up posture and a pedaling task. The main goal of this study was to...
À ce jour, les études expérimentales menées sur l’évaluation des tests utilisés en ostéopathie ont montré qu’ils sont peu reproductibles mis à part certains tests liés à la reproduction de la douleur. Le test de la commère, décrit classiquement en ostéopathie, permet d’accéder aux mobilités articulaires du complexe lombo-pelvien et les nouvelles
Waiter’s serve (WS) is a specific tennis serve posture frequently observed in young players, and commonly considered as a technical error by tennis coaches. However, biomechanical impact of WS is unknown. The aims of this study were to identify the potential consequences of WS in young elite players relating to performance and injury risk, and to e...
This study aims to investigate the prominence of different pacing strategies adopted by male professional tennis players during five-set matches and their relationship with match outcome, ATP ranking and Grand Slam tournament. Fifty five-set matches of the 2014 Grand Slam tournaments were analyzed. First and second serve velocities, percentages of...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological load of an AG in a portable Virtual Reality (VR) system with stereoscopic vision and head tracking as these provide greater immersive feeling than 2D screens and might lead to greater physical engagement.
Introduction: Laterality (i.e., handedness, footedness, and eyedness) could have an impact on highly repeated soccer movements and thus, could influence performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the laterality of high-level football players and its effects on 180° left and right U-turn movements.
Materials and Methods: Handedness, foote...
This study investigated the influence of an incremental exercise on bilateral asymmetry through the spatio-temporal evolution of 3D joint angular displacement, using the Normalized Symmetry Index (NSI) and cross-correlation methods. Twelve professional cyclists performed an incremental test to exhaustion, during which motion capture was used. Resul...
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of one technical point, the « waiter's serve », on upper limb joint loads in young tennis elite players. Eighteen young elite tennis players (Top 10 national French ranking) were studied with an optoelectronic motion analysis system while performing serves. Normalized peak kinetic values of the should...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of rotation axes during a tennis serve. A motion capture system was used to evaluate the contribution of the potential axes of rotation (minimum inertia axis, shoulder-centre of mass axis and the shoulder-elbow axis) during the four discrete tennis serve phases (loading, cocking, acceleration and f...
The aim of this study was to quantify kinematic, kinetic and performance changes that occur in the serve throughout a prolonged tennis match play. Serves of eight male advanced tennis players were recorded with a motion capture system before, at mid-match, and after a 3-hour tennis match. Before and after each match, electromyographic data of 8 upp...
Introduction: Recent technological advances in MEMS allow considering the biomechanical evaluation of cyclists outside the laboratory (road, track cycling, etc). Indeed, optoelectronical motion capture in cycling is commonely used in laboratory to provide relevant biomechanical parameters associated to performance optimization and/or injury prevent...
Shoulder range of motion (ROM) deficits have been identified as an injury risk factor among tennis players. It is well known that shoulder internal rotation deficit increases with age and years of play, but there is a lack of knowledge regarding the influence of a prolonged tennis match on shoulder ROM.
To examine changes in...
Virtual reality (VR) is now commonly used in many domains because of its ability to provide a standardized, reproducible and controllable environment. In balance assessment, it can be used to control stimuli presented to patients and thus accurately evaluate their progression or compare them to different populations in standardized situations. In b...
The purpose of this study is to propose an original methodology to study the action of a goalkeeper facing a free kick. This methodology is based on a virtual reality setup in which a real goalkeeper is facing a virtual player and a virtual defensive wall. The setup has been improved to provide a total freedom of movement to the goalkeeper in order...
The aim of this study was to use two asymmetry indexes from a kinematical point of view in professional cyclists during an incremental test to exhaustion. Twelve professional cyclists were evaluated during the French Cycling Federation’s protocol. Based on motion capture, asymmetry analysis was addressed by means of cross-correlation technique and...
The aim of this study was to measure the effect of a 30-second pre-exercise maximal voluntary hyperventilation on the performance during a 50 m front crawl.
Material and methods
Nine well-trained swimmers (5 males [21.0 ± 8.5 years, 181.4 ± 3.5 cm, 71.2 ± 3.9 kg] and 4 females [21.0 ± 8.7 years, 166.2 ± 5.0 cm, 55.2 ± 2.2 kg]) performed...
Visual information uptake is a fundamental element of sports involving interceptive tasks. Several methodologies, like video and methods based on virtual environments, are currently employed to analyze visual perception during sport situations. Both techniques have advantages and drawbacks. The goal of this study is to determine which of these tech...
Energy flow has been hypothesized to be one of the most critical biomechanical concepts related to tennis performance and overuse injuries. However, the relationships among energy flow during the tennis serve, ball velocity, and overuse injuries have not been assessed.
To investigate the relationships among the quality and m...
The aim of this work was to compare the joint kinetics and stroke production efficiency for the shoulder, elbow, and wrist during the serve between professionals and advanced tennis players and to discuss their potential relationship with given overuse injuries. Eleven professional and seven advanced tennis players were studied with an optoelectron...
The aim of this study is to evaluate the mechanical implications of fatigue effects during an incremental test in professional cyclists. Sixteen professional cyclists were evaluated during the French Cycling Federation’s maximum aerobic power test protocol. During this test, power output was increased every 2min from 100W by stages of 50 W using an...
In real situations, analyzing the contribution of different parameters on sports performance is a difficult task. In a duel for example, an athlete needs to anticipate his opponent's actions to win. To evaluate the relationship between perception and action in such a duel, the parameters used to anticipate the opponent's action must then be determi...