Benny AfwadziUniversitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim | UIN · Departement of Islamic Education
Benny Afwadzi
Master of Arts
Study about hadith dan religious moderation
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Publications (35)
Religious moderation, considered to have resonated in the world of education, has found several problems. Based on several facts, there is an increase in intolerance among high school students. Therefore, internalizing the value of religious moderation becomes the main topic of discussion. By emphasizing internalization through madrasah culture, th...
The Indonesian education system faces various challenges, including a decline in respect for teachers, incidents of student brawls, and numerous cases of intolerance. In response, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Indonesian government has introduced the Pancasila Student Profile as a framework within the education system. This art...
Program pengabdian masyarakat dengan kegiatan pelatihan kepenulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan pentingnya wawasan kepenulisan dalam publikasi kegiatan guna membangun citra atau branding suatu organisasi. Branding menjadi satu hal krusial berkenaan dengan citra serta identitas dari organisasi. Citra dari organisasi akan bermuara pada stigma masy...
This research aims to investigate the synchronization of the implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in Akidah Akhlak learning with the phenomenon of moral degradation that emerges in the era of Society 5.0. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study as the research design. Data were collected through classroom observations, participa...
Religious moderation, believed to be the solution to radicalism in Indonesia, has a real obstacle in terms of a tendency to use English language references. Meanwhile, they are considered to be full of liberalization and pro-Western politics. This research examined the insertion of religious moderation through Arabic language references. It aimed t...
Radikalisme merupakan problem yang telah masuk dalam berbagai lini di Indonesia, tidak terkecuali di lingkungan pendidikan. Hal ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran pada terkikisnya jiwa asli bangsa Indonesia yang berkarakter moderat. Fakta tersebut membutuhkan upaya penguatan nilai-nilai moderasi beragama dan penjabaran urgensitasnya di lembaga pendidikan...
Religious moderation has been popular and widely promoted to students as a countermeasure to radicalism. However, it runs across several challenges. Not to mention that radicalism has extended its influence within Islamic universities in Indonesia. Many research organisations have found that Indonesian students tend to be radical. Hence, the discus...
The intellectual contribution of al-Zarnuji has significantly impacted the field of Islamic education. However, certain elements of society perceive his ideas as potential hindrances to contemporary progress. This article attempted to comprehensively reinterpret al-Zarnuji's beliefs through the lens of Islamic epistemology to promote constructive d...
Islamic education (PAI) faces challenges from various aspects. In many cases, disproportionate interpretations of hadith, one of the PAI’s subject, often cause many problems in society. According to the fact, authors suggest innovations in integrative hadith learning with social sciences to respond to challenges in the world of Islamic education. T...
Islamic Religious Education (PAI, Pendidikan Agama Islam) faces various problems due to the hegemony of the bayani epistemology and the inadequate accommodation of the burhani and irfani epistemologies. Some of the issues that plague PAI include neglecting the historical realities of humanity, the presence of truth claims, stagnation in thinking, a...
This study investigated four moderate indicators coined by the Ministry of Religious Affairs (M0RA) among Muslim students. This study is essential because the MoRA has claimed moderation in its institution, but it has been questioned whether Muslim students studying at Islamic universities have implemented the practice. This article is the result o...
This research is motivated by many scholars who challenge NU, which is considered a moderate Islamic organization, and the meanings of the word moderate vary. On the other hand, moderate Islam is a solution to many students' radical thoughts and terror. By taking Unisma as the research object, this article focuses on two topics: NU students' interp...
Until now, many rejections of the terminology of Islam Nusantara have emerged, not only among the general public, but also in the academic environment. In fact, moderate Islam is a means to tackle extremism, radicalism, and terrorism. Therefore, a systematic description of what is meant by moderate Islam is needed from various literatures. It is fo...
Mahasiswa adalah calon pemimpin masa depan yang cara pandangnya sangat menentukan nasib agama dan bangsa di masa mendatang. Di sisi lain, Islam moderat diyakini sebagai sarana untuk mengikis radikalisme dan terorisme. Dengan memfokuskan kajian pada model-model interpretasi dan penerimaan Islam moderat sekaligus faktor-faktor yang memunculkan perbed...
This article discusses the effectiveness of Turnitin scanning at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang which was carried out at the Research and Academic Writing Center (Pusat Penelitian dan Academic Writing, PPAW) on student proposals and thesis. The existence of Turnitin scanning itself is due to seeing...
This article is an attempt to review various studies on religious moderation or moderate Islam among students in the higher educations in Indonesia. It is written as prompted by the incompleteness of various studies regarding the same theme. Specifically, the main issue concerns how the studies on this theme emerge and continue to develop. It is th...
Extremism and radicalization have become serious problems that are spreading rapidly around the world, penetrating even institutions of higher education in Indonesia. In response, institutions of Islamic higher education in Indonesia have developed interreligious literacy (IL) learning. To analyse this model’s effectiveness in reducing radicalizati...
[Bahasa]: Persoalan radikalisme dan terorisme di Indonesia sudah sangat nampak kian berbahaya. Bahkan, aksi tersebut sudah menyeret anak-anak di dalamnya. Misalnya saja bom bunuh diri di tiga gereja Surabaya pada tahun 2018 silam yang juga melibatkan empat orang anak yang notebenenya masih sekolah, bahkan yang menyedihkan dua diantaranya masih bera...
This article aims to analyze semiotically on the Muslim scholars' understanding of the hadith in Fath Albari, written by Ibn Hajar Al‘asqalani. Focus of the study refers to three things; understanding models, examining semiotically (significance and communication) on understanding models, and contribution of semiotics in the hadith understanding di...
Spider Web and Shajarah al-lmIlm are two concepth of religious and scientific integration that are popular in the Islamic Religious College (PTKIN). The first concept is owned by UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, while the second concept is owned by UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Therefore, this article focuses on reviewing integrative traditions i...
Malpractice is a humanity phenomenon that has attracted publics attention today. For example, from 2006-2012 there were 182 malpractice cases with various types of negligence. This huge amount is certainly very worrying. Meanwhile on the other hand, the question might arise, did the Prophet Muhammad saw. through hadith ever speak of this phenomenon...
The paper examines the development of grave identity in the modern era, which focuses on Taman Makam Seniman dan Budayawan Giri Sapto, which is located on Gajah hill, Giri Rejo village, Imogiri sub-district, Bantul district, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. The grave that full of art elements is very interesting because it is devoted to artists and cult...
p class="Iabstrak"> Abstract: This article discusses an integration of natural and social sciences through understanding prophetic ḥadīth(s). It focuses on its conceptions, applications, and implications. The word “integration” is aimed to comprehend the ḥadīth in relation to those two particular sciences. This paper concludes that the conception o...
p> All this time there was a different opinion about the time for Arafah fasting. Whether to comply with the provisions of Saudi Arabia or adjust the territory of each person. In Saudi Arabia, there appears a mufti named Muhammad bin Shalih al ‘Utsaymin who holds that fasting of Arafah must follow the country where a person lives. This opinion is i...
This article discusses about displacement and development of mutawatir in hadith studies. The author finds that the term did not recognized in classical period of hadith studies and clearly introduced by Ibnu Salah (7 H.). The term was developed significantly by Ibnu Hajar (9 H.). After the emergence of Ibnu Hajar, mutawatir hadith became popular d...
This article aims to elaborate methodological investigation of ḥadîth criticism of the historians point of view. It also observes the salient differences between them and the scholars of ḥadîth, as both are often on different worldview. Through descriptive-analytical study, the author comes to the conclusion that there are at least two methods of ḥ...
ne"> During this time, the study of semiotics of hadith looks has less ofinteresting in the study of discourse text. Most scholars who engagedin this study prefer to bring semiotics to read the signs mentioned inverses of the Koran. In fact, the hadith of the Prophet himself as secondafter Koran contains the actual signs also interesting to uncover...
This paper explores the understanding of tarbawi (education) hadith from one of the major influential clerics in the Islamic educational system, especially in pesantren. He is Burhan al Islam al Zarnuji with his landmark book Ta’lim al Muta’allim. The conclusion that can be drawn is that al Zarnuji has shades of sufistical view in understanding tar...
This article attempt to discuss the accommodation of social sciences into the study of Prophetic traditions (hadith) as part of the integration of science and religion. In this integration process, hadith takes a role as material object and benefit formal object from a wide range of social sciences, such as sociology, anthropology, geography, histo...
This article attempt to discuss the accommodation of social sciences into the study of Prophetic traditions (hadith) as part of the integration of science and religion. In this integration process, hadith takes a role as material object and benefit formal object from a wide range of social sciences, such as sociology, anthropology, geography, histo...
Artikel ini mengkaji tentang nalar ideologis fiqih yang muncul dalam periode dinasti Abbasiyah, yang mengkhususkan pada kitab tafsir dari ulama pengikut madzhab empat, yakni madzhab H̲anafi, Mâliki, Syâfi’i, dan H̲anbali. Ulama H̲anafiyah diwakili oleh al-Jashshâsh, ulama Mâlikiyah diwakili oleh Ibnu al-‘Arabi, ulama Syâfi’iyah diwakili oleh Fakhru...
This article attempts to understand the hadith Man baddala dînahû faqtulûhu, with the communication semiotics of hadith adopted from the theory of communication semiotics of Umberto Eco. to this study, I conclude that the Prophet as delivered sources of the tradition toward our semiotic mind as the destination through some communication components....
p>This article tries to outline the semiotic theory of communication traditions (hadith). This theory is found when doing integration-author of the study interconnect traditions of the Prophet with the theory of communication semiotics Umberto Eco. Semiotic theory of communication traditions include the nine components in the communication process...