Benjamin PonetGhent University | UGhent · Department of Educational Studies
Benjamin Ponet
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Postdoctoral researcher at Master Elementary Education
Research on diversity-responsive education and teacher educators
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I am associated with the research group Teacher Education and Professional Development and the Centre for Diversity and Learning. My research focuses on teacher educators' potential contribution to an educational system that genuinely serves all students ('diversity-responsive education).
Other interests are the professional development of educators, school (vision) development and alternative education (e.g., Freinet).
Moreover, I have worked as a primary school teacher and teacher trainer.
Publications (20)
The main aim of this dissertation is to advance fundamental knowledge on how teacher educators approach diversity and how they can be supported in their professional development towards diversity-responsive education. Three consecutive research objectives (RO) are put forward to pursue this aim: conceptualising teacher educators’ diversity-responsi...
Lerarenopleiders hebben inherent een modellerende functie ten aanzien van hun student-leraren: alles wat ze doen heeft een educatieve waarde. Vanuit deze vaststelling kunnen ze een belangrijke maatschappelijke rol spelen in de manier waarop het huidige en vooral toekomstig onderwijsveld omgaat met diversiteit. Dragen ze ertoe bij dat bestaande soci...
De onderzoeksgroep ‘Lerarenopleiding & Professionele Ontwikkeling’ (LOPO) verbonden aan de Vakgroep Onderwijskunde van de Universiteit Gent, presenteert in dit beschouwend artikel evidence-informed strategieën die een mogelijk antwoord kunnen bieden op het huidige lerarentekort. Deze niet allesomvattende strategieën zijn in grote mate gebaseerd op...
Addressing issues of diversity, inclusion and equity is a contemporary challenge at all levels of education, as well as in society at large (Vantieghem & Van de Putte, 2019). Teacher educators in particular have an important responsibility in meeting this challenge, as they foster how diversity is addressed in education by educating the next genera...
(1) Background: In preparing the next generation of teachers, teacher educators are key actors in fostering diversity-responsive education. However, evidence-informed professional development initiatives (PDIs) are needed to raise teacher educators’ awareness and increase their diversity-responsive practices. This study provides insight into the de...
Teacher educators play a crucial part in preparing student teachers for teaching in diversity. Because of their modelling role, they automatically convey messages about approaching diversity via their practices. In this study, we look into these—often hidden—messages of teacher educators to uncover the discourses that inform and are being reproduce...
Research on the potential role of teacher educators (TEs) in the reduction or perpetuation of inequality and exclusion mechanisms in the Flemish educational system is scarce. Teacher educators are defined by the European Commission (2013) as “all those who actively facilitate the (formal) learning of student teachers and teachers” (p.8). By prepari...
This poster provides insight into the design of a PhD project with its main objective to advance fundamental knowledge on teacher educators’ dealing with diversity. Our last study is given most attention: an intervention-based study, concerning a professional development initiative (PDI) to foster the dimensions of teacher educators’ dealing with d...
Dit rapport geeft het Vlaamse gemiddelde weer van lerarenopleiders met betrekking tot hun attitudes en praktijken voor diversiteitsresponsief onderwijs, bevraagd via een grootschalig surveyonderzoek. Het kwam tot stand door een samenwerking met 10 verschillende instellingen die lerarenopleidingen aanbieden. De instellingen waarbij minstens de helft...
Teacher educators are increasingly perceived as crucial players for maintaining the quality of the teacher workforce. As such, the literature on teacher educators’ professional development keeps steadily growing. One area of focus in this specific research field, like educational research in general, are current issues of diversity, inclusion, equi...
Many (inter)national policy agendas state the ambition to ensure equity and justice in education for all, regardless of someone’s personal traits (European Commission, 2017; UNESCO, 2017). As such, all educational professionals are challenged to deal with the diversity in society to help realize this ambition (Gay, 2018; Vantieghem et al., 2020). T...
Onderzoek naar hoe lerarenopleiders omgaan met diversiteit is eerder schaars. Het gebrek aan een gemeenschappelijke taal bemoeilijkt het uitbouwen van een consistente onderzoeksbasis rond dit topic, evenals de gerichte professionalisering van lerarenopleiders. Om hieraan tegemoet te komen werd een systematische literatuurstudie opgezet die antwoord...
Teacher educators are tasked with preparing student teachers to deal with diversity (Han et al., 2014). While extensive literature focuses on teacher education programmes and curricula to fulfill this task (Cochran-Smith et al., 2016), little research exists on how higher education-based teacher educators carry out this task or deal with diversity...
Despite their crucial role, Flemish teacher educators remain an under-researched professional group with particularly limited fundamental knowledge on how they deal with diversity (Vanderlinde et al., 2021). This is rather surprising since Flemish policy documents increasingly stress the need for teacher education to prepare teachers to teach in di...
Presentation of my PhD research project.