Benito Zaragozí

Benito Zaragozí
Universidad Rovira i Virgili | URV · Faculty of Tourism and Geography

PhD in Geography
Lecturer at Universitat Rovira i Virgili


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BSc in Geography, Advanced Studies Degree, MSc in GIS and PhD in Geography (2012). Since 2006, I have enjoyed different research positions at the University of Alicante and now I'm a Lecturer at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. My main interests are related to (1) development of software for managing geospatial multimedia data, (2) study of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Geodatabases methods, and (3) apps development (Android, HTML 5, among other technologies).
Additional affiliations
January 2015 - November 2017
University of Alicante
  • Researcher
April 2013 - December 2014
University of Alicante
  • Technician
January 2009 - November 2012
University of Alicante
Field of study
  • Geography
November 2007 - April 2009
University of Girona
Field of study
  • Geographic Information Systems
September 2000 - November 2005
University of Alicante
Field of study
  • Geography


Publications (83)
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Los registros precatastrales son una fuente histórica muy relevante para los estudios de historia agraria y evolución de la propiedad. No obstante, se trata generalmente de fuentes de tipo textual y sin representación gráfica, lo que supone limitaciones evidentes. En el caso de los territorios donde predominaba el contrato enfitéutico, la concurren...
Conference Paper
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Resumen. El presente trabajo estudia el comportamiento espacial de los turistas durante sus estancias en el Parque Natural del Delta del Ebro, cómo son sus desplazamientos y cuánto tiempo pasan en cada lugar. Los datos se recopilaron durante julio y agosto de 2022, en el contexto de postpandemia de la COVID-19. Se utilizaron dispositivos GPS, para...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the demand of public transport systems.Nevertheless, the global decrease and recovery of users has been uneven both in time andspace. It is important to understand the extent of the unequal resilience of service areas withdifferent characteristics. The objective of this study is to map the patterns...
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This article examines social disadvantage in tourist sites through the lens of labour geography by focusing on the residential tra-jectories of a sample of workers in Barcelona (N = 8,651) over a decade (2008-2019). Contrasting with the common view that tourism growth brings prosperity to local communities, it suggests instead that buoyant destinat...
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Timely mapping of flooded areas is critical to several emergency management tasks including response and recovery activities. In fact, flood crisis maps embed key information for an effective response to the natural disaster by delineating its spatial extent and impact. Crisis mapping is usually carried out by leveraging data provided by satellite...
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The data generated in public transport systems have proven to be of great importance in improving knowledge of public transport systems, being very valuable in promoting the sustainability of public transport through rational management. However, the analysis of this data involves numerous tasks, so that when the value of analysing the data is fina...
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Land use and land cover (LULC) information is essential in territorial planning for the study of natural risks and landscape science. Given the importance of LULC data, increasing efforts are being focused on producing quality and easily accessible databases. In Spain, the Land Use and Cover Information System (SIOSE) is a clear example of these ef...
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Data from automated fare collection systems have become almost essential in the study of the mobility of people using public transport. Among other advantages, the data collected enable longitudinal studies to be carried out with a detail that other sources cannot approximate. However, despite the great potential of these data, the data collecting...
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The article uses passive mobile data to analyse the complex mobilities that occur in a coastal region characterised by seasonal patterns of tourism activity. A large volume of data generated by mobile phone users has been selected and processed to subsequently display the information in the form of visualisations that are useful for transport and t...
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Les TIG (Tecnologies de la Informació Geogràfica) aplicades a la història son una eina de gran valor per a aportar noves evidències arqueològiques. En el treball següent s’estudia un Llibre Capbreu, una font documental de naturalesa cadastral prou comuna en els territoris de la Corona d’Aragó, però amb manca de referències espacials o cartogràfique...
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The historical cadastral archives are an important source of information to help understand our culturalheritage since they contain a trace of the activities, land uses, and buildings developed by people fromdifferent periods. However, in the era of Big Data there remain many historical documents of great valuethat have not been digitized or studie...
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Inadequate weather conditions are one of the main threats to the correct development of sensitive crops, where a bad situation can lead to greater stress on plants and their weakness against various diseases. This statement is especially decisive in the cultivation of the vineyard. Meteorological monitoring of vineyard parcels is vital to detect an...
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Data collected through smart travel cards in public transport networks have become a valuable source of information for transport geography studies. During the last two decades, a growing body of literature has used this sort of data source to study the behaviour of public transport users in cities and regions around the world. However, its use has...
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In this work, we present a dataset containing a collection of pictures taken during the fieldwork of a farmland abandonment study. Data was taken in 2010 with a compact camera that incorporates GPS and a digital compass sensor. The photographs were taken as part of a GIS database. Using their Exif metadata, we created a layer of geographic fields o...
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The growing international interest in the reconstruction of historical land uses and covers aims to quantify and correctly assess the impact of human activity on the planet. In this line, on which there is a good number of studies of Biogeography in Spain, a methodological attempt is applied to the current province of Alicante that aims to approxim...
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Camera trap applications range from studying wildlife habits to detecting rare species, which are difficult to capture by more traditional techniques. In this work, we aimed at finding the best model to predict the distribution pattern of wildlife and to explain the relationship between environmental conditions with the species detected by camera t...
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Scientific reproducibility is essential for the advancement of science. It allows the results of previous studies to be reproduced, validates their conclusions and develops new contributions based on previous research. Nowadays, more and more authors consider that the ultimate product of academic research is the scientific manuscript, together with...
Conference Paper
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Information on land use and land cover (LULC) is fundamental in the study and planning of human activities. In recent years, accessibility to quality geographical information has significantly increased, and this is also true for the case of LULC datasets. In Spain, the Land Cover and Use Information System of Spain (SIOSE) is concerned with harmon...
Conference Paper
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Automated fare collection systems for public transport generate a large volume of information on the mobility of people in urban environments. New technologies associated with Big Data can facilitate the analysis of these data. However, the application of these technologies can be expensive and resource-demanding, especially in medium and small cit...
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The cabreves are notarial documents prepared between the 13th and 19th centuries in the Catalan and Valencian regions of Spain. These historical records were published before the first cadastral maps and contain geographical information that could help spatially reconstruct historical landscapes. However, these documents have not been used to their...
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Efectivitat de l’ús de marques alars patagials en el marcatge del voltor comú (Gyps fulvus) a Espanya Es descriu el disseny de marques alars patagials de lectura dorsoventral d’alta durabilitat per al marcatge i el seguiment d’exemplars de voltor comú Gyps fulvus. Amb aquest objectiu es van marcar ocells aclimatats dins del Projecte Canyet de recup...
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Geographic information on land use / land cover (LU/LC) has strategic importance in studies of wildfire hazard in residential and urban areas. However, The Information System on Soil Occupation of Spain (SIOSE), geodatabase which provides massive volumes of high quality LU/LC data, presents a complex operation. As a consequence, users resort to alt...
Conference Paper
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El Libro Cabreve (en cat. Capbreu) es un documento notarial muy abundante en Cataluña y Valencia, donde hubo una implantación masiva y continuada (ss. XIII al XIX) de la enfiteusis, una fórmula jurídica que ha trascendido hasta la actualidad repercutiendo en la estructura de la propiedad y el paisaje agrario. Esta fuente precatastral consta de una...
Conference Paper
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El cálculo de métricas del paisaje a partir de bases de datos de ocupación del suelo permite analizar la estructura del paisaje y otros fenómenos relacionados. En la última década han surgido decenas de aplicaciones para su cálculo, al mismo tiempo que aumentaba enormemente el volumen de información disponible. Sin embargo, dada la gran diversidad...
Conference Paper
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La fotografía repetida, o refotografía, consiste en retomar fotografías de un fenómeno o un lugar en diferentes momentos para llamar la atención sobre los cambios sociales o materiales que suceden en el tiempo. La refotografía es una técnica que proviene de las ciencias naturales, pero también tiene aplicaciones en ciencias. Tradicionalmente, esta...
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Presence of domestic cat, Felis silvestris catus (Schreber, 1775), and wild cat, Felis silvestris, in a natural protected area: the case of Serra de Mariola Natural Park (SE Spain).— The main objective of this research was to determine the ecological aspects, distribution, and impact of domestic cat in the Serra de Mariola. The study area is a natu...
Conference Paper
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____________________________________________________________________________ RESUMEN La reproducibilidad científica es clave en el avance de la Ciencia, ya que permite reproducir los resultados de otros autores, validar sus conclusiones y desarrollar nuevos estudios basados en una investigación previa. Desde hace una década, cada vez más autores co...
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RESUMEN: El tarraguillo (Dictamnus hispanicus) es un endemismo de la mi-tad oriental de la Península Ibérica que posee notable relieve por sus usos tradicio-nales en la provincia de Alicante (Comunidad Valenciana, España), donde forma parte de los 'herberos' o licores de hierbas silvestres. Sin embargo, existe aún poca información sobre el resto de...
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Land cover (LC) is a scientific landscape classification based on physical properties of earth materials. This information is usually retrieved through remote sensing techniques (e.g. forest cover, urban, clay content, among others). In contrast, Land use (LU) is defined from an anthropocentric point of view. It describes how a specific area is use...
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Este trabajo de investigación es pionero y original ya que nunca antes se ha realizado un estudio del tejón (Melesmeles) dentro del ámbito valenciano y más concretamente sobre la relación de su distribución con los factores geográficos que la condicionan en el Parque Natural Sierra de Mariola. Un mejor conocimiento de su ocupación en el espacio ser...
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The main objective of this research was to determine the distribution of the badger (Melesmeles) in the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park. A better knowledge of their distribution will assist with the definition of management measures in the Natural Park. In 2009, using camera traps, 29,941 images were collected with any animal contact. From these ima...
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Este trabajo analiza las nuevas tendencias en la creación y gestión de información geográ- fica, para la elaboración de modelos inductivos basados exclusivamente en bases de datos geográficas. Estos modelos permiten integrar grandes volúmenes de datos de características heterogéneas, lo que supone una gran complejidad técnica y metodológica. Se pro...
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Este trabajo de investigación es pionero y original ya que nunca antes se ha realizadoun estudio del tejón (Melesmeles) dentro del ámbito valenciano y más concretamente sobrela relación de su distribución con los factores geográficos que la condicionan en el ParqueNatural Sierra de Mariola. Un mejor conocimiento de su ocupación en el espacio será d...
Conference Paper
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En esta comunicación se destaca el potencial pedagógico de las TICs en la enseñanza de los contenidos sobre la estructura y dinámica de la población. Dentro de las TICs, las técnicas de visualización de datos cobran especial interés debido al auge de éstas en numerosas disciplinas científicas. A pesar de los beneficios que pueden aportar, el uso de...
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El principal objetivo de esta investigación es conocer aspectos ecológicos y distribución del arruí — Ammotragus lervia (Pallas, 1777)— dentro de la sierra de Mariola. El área de estudio es un parque natural de 17.500 hectáreas situado en el sur de la Comunidad Valenciana. Un mejor conocimiento de su distribución será de interés para la definición...
Conference Paper
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Indoor positioning and navigation systems have attributes which make their use inadvisable in certain applications. Our main purpose is to investigate these issues in order to improve accessibility in Smart Cities. In the last decade, there are increasing efforts to develop a sustainable and precise indoor navigation system to be used in any situat...
Conference Paper
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Los códigos QR (Quick Response) son códigos de barras bidimensionales que permiten a los usuarios el acceso a información contextual de interés. Existen en el mercado numerosas aplicaciones ("apps"), tanto gratuitas como comerciales, diseñadas para escanear códigos QR desde prácticamente cualquier teléfono inteligente, tableta o dispositivos simila...
Conference Paper
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La constante innovación tecnológica y al abaratamiento de los dispositivos, han hecho que el fototrampeo se convierta en una técnica ampliamente utilizada para la realización de inventarios biológicos, generando gran cantidad de registros de alto interés ecológico. El principal objetivo de esta comunicación es presentar una herramienta de software...
Conference Paper
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La Realidad Virtual (RV) es una de las aplicaciones más recientes del campo de las Tecnologías de la Información y puede desempeñar muchos papeles destacados dentro de la industria del turismo. Sin embargo, a pesar de las numerosas aplicaciones potenciales, su uso real es aún muy limitado. En esta comunicación se examinan las aplicaciones teóricas...
Landscape metrics are used in a wide range of environmental studies such as land use change and land degradation studies, soil erosion and run-of predictions, management of hunting communities, and strategic planning for environmental management, to name just a few. Due to their utility for a variety of applications, there are many indices and soft...
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The environmental, cultural and socio-economic causes and consequences of farmland abandonment are issues of increasing concern for researchers and policy makers. In previous studies, we proposed a new methodology for selecting the driving factors in farmland abandonment processes. Using Data Mining and GIS, it is possible to select those variables...
Conference Paper
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Evacuation route planning is a fundamental task for building engineering projects. Safety regulations are established so that all occupants are driven on time out of a building to a secure place when faced with an emergency situation. As an example, Spanish building code requires the planning of evacuation routes on large and, usually, public build...
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The aim of this paper is to obtain a comprehensive picture of the importance of the fish fauna in the wetlands and coastal lagoons of the Bajo Vinalopó region (Alicante, South eastern Spain) and the ecological, historical and cultural value of the traditional knowledge on fishing maintained by local people. We have compiled data from different info...
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La cartografía geomorfológica tiene como objetivo la identificación, conceptuación, localización y delimitación de las formas estructurales y las formas de modelado del relieve. Se considera una técnica avanzada y compleja de levantamiento y diseño de mapas, que tiene su base en la fotointerpretación (establecimiento de hipótesis) yen el trabajo de...
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The present study aims to inventory and analyse the ethnobotanical knowledge about medicinal plants in the Serra de Mariola Natural Park. In respect to traditional uses, 93 species reported by local informants were therapeutic, 27 food, 4 natural dyes and 13 handcrafts. We developed a methodology that allowed the location of individuals or vegetati...
This paper studies the driving factors in the process of farmland abandonment. The text is organised in three sections: (i) the concept of abandonment is reviewed by identifying the most important drivers in the scientific literature; (ii) a case study in a Spanish Mediterranean area is presented; and (iii) a new approach is proposed that combines...
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) considers that a decrease in the area of occupancy (AOO) is a critical criterion for listing a species as rare, endemic or threatened. However, methods for the accurate measurement of changes in the area of occupancy are relatively limited, and existing methods are influenced by spatial scal...
Conference Paper
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El principal objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la distribución de la garduña (Martes foina) dentro del PN Sierra de Mariola. Un mejor conocimiento de su distribución será de interés para la definición de medidas de gestión de fauna del Parque. En 2009, utilizando técnicas de fototrampeo se recopilaron 29.941 imágenes con algún contacto anim...