Bénédicte ApoueyFrench National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS
Bénédicte Apouey
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Bénédicte Apouey currently works at French National Centre for Scientific Research.
Additional affiliations
December 2012 - present
Publications (68)
This paper investigates the association between several mental health indicators (depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness) and the overall tendency to follow official recommendations regarding self-protection against COVID-19 (i.e., overall compliance). We employ panel data from the COME-HERE survey, collected over four waves, on 7,766 individu...
Dans un contexte d’investissements massifs dans les données de santé, j’utilise une enquête quantitative menée en 2016 auprès de 1 700 adhérents d’une mutuelle pour appréhender les représentations sociales concernant l’usage des données de santé en France. L’enquête capte l’intérêt des adhérents pour différents services innovants de santé, qui sera...
Using nationally representative panel data on 7,766 individuals (22,878 observations), we investigate the association between several well-being indicators (depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness) and the general tendency to follow official recommendations regarding self-protection against COVID-19, in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden...
The burden of poor health is greater among poorer social groups throughout the world. Measuring inequalities in health and understanding their origins are a prerequisite for implementing an efficient policy aiming at reducing inequalities. In this chapter, we present the literature on the measurement of health inequalities, distinguishing between c...
To better understand the different pathways linking socioeconomic position and HIV testing uptake in 18 sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries.
We used cross-sectional population-based surveys between 2010 and 2018.
Using a potential outcomes framework and the product method, we decomposed the total effect linking weal...
Launched in 2019, the French Citizens’ Convention for Climate (CCC) tasked 150 randomly chosen citizens with proposing fair and effective measures to fight climate change. This was to be fulfilled through an “innovative co-construction procedure”, involving some unspecified external input alongside that from the citizens. Did inputs from the steeri...
While the spread of digital technologies and the growth of associated atypical forms of work are attracting increasing attention, little is known about the impact of these new forms of work on psychological well‐being. This paper examines the effect of Uber diffusion on the mental health of drivers, taking advantage of the rollout of Uber across UK...
This article proposes a new approach to the measurement of intergenerational mobility in education. Borrowing the concept of inequality‐sensitive and additive achievement measure axiomatically developed by Apouey et al., we derive new indices of upward, downward, and total mobility, using a “movement approach.” It turns out that the Prais‐Bibby and...
Le processus de recrutement (le « tirage au sort ») d’un mini-public conduit à sélectionner des volontaires motivé·es et disponibles pour participer à l’assemblée. Cependant, leurs dispositions pour la délibération ne se révèlent qu’en situation et dépendent largement du déroulement même du processus délibératif. L’analyse des réponses des volontai...
Although socioeconomic inequalities in HIV prevention, testing and treatment services have been well documented, their drivers remain poorly understood. Understanding the different pathways between socioeconomic position and HIV testing across different countries could help designing tailored programs aimed at reducing such inequaliti...
We set out to explore how precarious workers, particularly those employed in the gig economy, balance financial uncertainty, health risks, and mental well-being. We surveyed and interviewed precarious workers in France during the COVID-19 crisis, in March and April 2020. We oversampled gig economy workers, in particular in driving and food delivery...
This article explores subjective perceptions of retirement in France, using original quantitative data on the customers of a not-for-profit insurance company. The sample contains individuals aged 40–84, who are either in the labour force (N = 923) or retired (N = 705). Perceptions of retirement are measured using closed questions on views of the re...
Cet article s’intéresse aux conceptions subjectives du « bien-vieillir » chez les plus de 40 ans en France. Nous tentons de mettre au jour les facteurs explicatifs de ces conceptions, en prêtant une attention particulière au rôle du statut socio-économique. Pour cela, nous analysons des données issues d’une enquête quantitative originale menée en 2...
Ce document présente l'enquête Bien Vieillir Harmonie Mutuelle (BVHM) réalisée en 2016 auprès d'adhérents de la mutuelle. Nous décrivons les objectifs et le déroulement de l'enquête puis présentons son questionnaire en lien avec la littérature académique.
This paper, following earlier work on the measurement of inequality when only ordinal information is available, proposes an axiomatic derivation of a new class of inequality‐sensitive and additive achievement measures. Use is then made of these indices to study health achievement in Europe, using information on self‐assessed health in 30 countries,...
Is retirement good for your health? We complement previous studies by exploring the effect of retirement on unexpected health evolution. Using panel data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey (2001-2014), we construct measures of the mismatch between individual expected and actual health evolution (hereafter “health sho...
This article assesses the roles of preferences and expectations on preparation for old age, employing unique data on French individuals aged 50+ . The data do not only contain information on the general feeling to prepare for old age and on specific preparation activities in various domains, but also on risk and time attitudes, family and social al...
Une enquête sociologique sur les verriers de Givors expose la difficulté à faire reconnaître les maladies professionnelles. Ce n'est qu'au prix d'une lutte juridique acharnée et de collaborations entre ouvriers et scientifiques que la vérité a pu être rendue publique.
Malaria is a potentially life-threatening disease transmitted through the bites of female anopheline mosquitos infected with protozoan parasites. Malaria remains one of the major causes of mortality by infectious disease: in 2015, there were an estimated 212 million cases and 429,000 deaths globally, according to the 2016 World Malaria Report. Chil...
In France, temporary institutionalization solutions for dependent elders have been encouraged since the early 2000s. They are targeting patients who are maintained at home, but may need temporary solutions to adjust the constraints of caregivers, e.g. to facilitate transitions between several informal care providers or to allow informal caregivers...
Dans le contexte du vieillissement de la population, cet article s’intéresse aux attentes en termes de nouveaux services qui pourraient faciliter le bien vieillir en France. À partir de données originales sur les adhérents d’une mutuelle, nous nous concentrons sur les attentes relatives à sept types de services (services liés à la vie sociale, à la...
This paper examines the extent to which bed net usage is responsive to changes in malaria prevalence and whether indoor residual spraying crowds out bed net usage. We show that malaria prevalence increases the probability of sleeping under an insecticide treated net but the implied elasticities are below one. For children under five, a one percenta...
A large body of research has recently shown that early life or in utero shocks, especially climatic shocks, may affect long-run human capital outcomes. Most of these effects are assumed to be biological – including poor nutrition during critical windows of fetal development, or through increased maternal stress. However, in addition to these biolog...
Cet article evalue l’effet de differentes politiques de lutte contre le paludisme, et en particulier de la politique dite de « mise a l’echelle » de la distribution de moustiquaires, sur la probabilite d’anemie des enfants en Afrique subsaharienne. Les donnees combinent des informations individuelles sur plus de 150000 enfants et leur famille, et d...
Social health inequalities remain a key policy challenge. The existing literature has not presented a synthetic view on the evolution of inequalities in physical development across childhood. We examine social disparities as children grow older using a range of different outcomes.
Study design
Population-based secondary data analysis....
A country's performance in health attainment refers to both its achievement (level) and its improvement (evolution) in the health domain. Studies on performance generally measure health attainment using the average health level of the population and quantify health improvement employing the change in attainment over time. However, this approach is...
This paper explores the relationship between parental education and offspring body weight in France. Using two large datasets spanning the 1991–2010 period, we examine the existence of inequalities in maternal and paternal education and reported child body weight measures, as well as their evolution across childhood. Our empirical specification is...
La France se caractérise par un niveau d'inégalités sociales de santé à l'âge adulte relativement fort par rapport aux autres pays européens a. Ces inégalités sont-elles déjà présentes chez les enfants ? Les enfants issus de ménage aux revenus faibles sont-ils en moins bonne santé ? L'association positive entre revenu familial et état de santé des...
Introduction. Dans le contexte du vieillissement de la population, il semble important de mieux comprendre comment les inégalités sociales de santé évoluent au cours de la vie. Cet article s’intéresse à la corrélation entre le statut socioéconomique et la santé et au changement de cette corrélation avec l’âge.
Matériel-Méthodes. Les données provien...
We use British panel data to determine the exogenous impact of income on a number of individual health outcomes: general health status, mental health, physical health problems, and health behaviours (drinking and smoking). Lottery winnings allow us to make causal statements regarding the effect of income on health, as the amount won by winners is l...
En dépit d’un accès aux soins universel, on observe un gradient de santé dans l’enfance en France, c’est-à-dire une association positive entre le niveau de revenu familial et l’état de santé des enfants.
Cette corrélation peut s’interpréter selon deux chaînes causales qui font toutes deux appel à la santé des parents. Dans une première approche, l...
This paper examines the existence of social interactions in malaria preventive behaviors in Sub-Saharan Africa, that is, whether an individual’s social environment has an influence on the individual’s preventive behaviors. We focus on the two population groups which are the most vulnerable to malaria (children under 5 years and pregnant women) and...
Our paper investigates the relationship between family income and child health in France. We first examine whether there is a significant correlation between family income and child general health, and the evolution of this relationship across childhood years. We then study the role of specific health problems, access to health care, and...
The increased availability of genetic information online has led to growing concerns regarding health disparities among racial and ethnic groups and the need to examine the role of race/ethnicity in genetic testing awareness. Online users from a national representative sample were analyzed to explain the racial/ethnic differences in genetic testing...
Health policies tend to focus on improving the access to health care of persons of low-socioeconomic status to improve their health status. This commentary argues that health policies directly directed at health and socioeconomic status (and other components of individual welfare) will also be effective if one wants to improve the well-being of the...
Traditional indices of bi-dimensional inequality and polarization were developed for cardinal variables and cannot be used to quantify dispersion in ordinal measures of socioeconomic status and health. This paper develops two approaches to the measurement of inequality and bi-polarization using only ordinal information. An empirical illustration is...
Our paper investigates the relationship between family income and child health in France. We first examine whether there is a significant correlation between family income and child general health, and the evolution of this relationship across childhood years. We then study the role of specific health problems, the use of health care services, and...
Recent studies examining the relationship between family income and child health in the UK have produced mixed findings. We re-examine the income gradient in child general health and its evolution with child age in this country, using a very large sample of British children. We find that there is no correlation between income and child general heal...
This paper proposes two original measures of socioeconomic polarization, in order to quantify phenomena that are not always taken into account by social inequality measures. Our approach is inspired by the literature on bivariate inequality (the concentration index) and univariate polarization. Like the concentration index, our social polarization...
The research agendas of psychologists and economists now have several overlaps, with behavioural economics providing theoretical and experimental study of the relationship between behaviour and choice, and hedonic psychology discussing appropriate measures of outcomes of choice in terms of overall utility or life satisfaction. Here we model the rel...
This paper proposes an axiomatic foundation for new measures of polarization that can be applied to ordinal distributions such as self-assessed health (SAH) data. This is an improvement over the existing measures of polarization that can be used only for cardinal variables. The new measures of polarization avoid one difficulty that the related meas...