Ben Schouten

Ben Schouten
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Publications (21)
Despite the high prevalence of visual impairments in persons with severe or profound intellectual disability (ID), often a formal diagnosis is unavailable. Direct support workers and staff members have access to the information of the visual functioning through the personal files and build knowledge based on their own experiences. In order to provi...
[English summary below] Kwaliteit van bestaan is een richtinggevend principe in de zorg geworden. Zorgorganisaties willen de kwaliteit van bestaan van hun zorggebruikers zoveel mogelijk bevorderen. De Persoonsgerichte Ondersteuningsuitkomsten Schaal (Personal Outcomes Scale; POS) is een instrument dat werd ontworpen om kwaliteit van bestaan bij per...
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Onze ogen zijn ons belangrijkste zintuig. Is er een probleem met ons zicht, dan wordt met gesofisticeerde apparatuur en geavanceerde methodes onderzocht hoe dit kan verholpen worden. Maar, wat als je niet kan aangeven dat er iets scheelt met je zicht? Of wat als je je niet bewust bent van je visuele beperking? Dit is de realiteit voor duizenden per...
Maak kennis met een bijzondere groep van mensen. ‘Gasten’ met een matig, ernstig of diep verstandelijke beperking en eventuele autismespectrumstoornis die omwille van hun ‘eigen-aardig’ gedrag geen plaats vinden in onze samenleving. Dienstencentrum St.-Oda in Overpelt bekommert zich al meer dan een kwarteeuw over deze moeilijke en soms vergeten do...
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Since 1989-1990, Vlibank is the Flemish AT information database managed by the Flemish government and aims to have a complete overview of AT devices in Flanders. The growing AT market increases the need for unbiased information on AT. However, maintaining and keeping a database up-to-date is a very challenging task. Because of recent changes in pol...
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Human observers are able to perceive the motion direction of actions (either forward or backward) on the basis of the articulatory, relative motion of the limbs, even when the actions are shown under point-light conditions. However, most studies have focused on the action of walking. The primary purpose of the present study is to further investigat...
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In het kader van de reorganisatie van de financiering van personen met een handicap werkte de overheid (het Vlaams Agentschap voor Personen met een Handicap, VAPH) aan een zorgzwaarte-instrument (ZZI). Het instrument bestaat uit een set van schalen die moet toelaten de zorgzwaarte van een persoon met handicap in te schatten op basis van drie parame...
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The human visual system has evolved to be highly sensitive to visual information about other persons and their movements as is illustrated by the effortless perception of point-light figures or 'biological motion'. When presented orthographically, a point-light walker is interpreted in two anatomically plausible ways: As 'facing the viewer' or as '...
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Predictive processes are crucial not only for interpreting the actions of individual agents, but also to predict how, in the context of a social interaction between two agents, the actions of one agent relate to the actions of a second agent. In the present study we investigated whether, in the context of a communicative interaction between two age...
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Human observers are especially sensitive to the actions of conspecifics that match their own actions. This has been proposed to be critical for social interaction, providing the basis for empathy and joint action. However, the precise relation between observed and executed actions is still poorly understood. Do ongoing actions change the way observ...
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Depth-ambiguous point-light walkers (PLWs) elicit a facing bias: Observers perceive a PLW as facing toward them more often than as facing away (Vanrie,Dekeyser, & Verfaillie, Perception, 33, 547-560, 2004). While the facing bias correlates with the PLW's perceived gender (Brooks et al., Current Biology, 18, R728-R729, 2008; Schouten, Troje, Brooks,...
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The focus in the research on biological motion perception traditionally has been restricted to the visual modality. Recent neurophysiological and behavioural evidence, however, supports the idea that actions are not represented merely visually but rather audiovisually. The goal of the present study was to test whether the perceived in-depth orienta...
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In the context of interacting activities requiring close-body contact such as fighting or dancing, the actions of one agent can be used to predict the actions of the second agent. In the present study, we investigated whether interpersonal predictive coding extends to interactive activities--such as communicative interactions--in which no physical...
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Under orthographic projection, biological motion point-light walkers offer no cues to the order of the dots in depth: Views from the front and from the back result in the very same stimulus. Yet observers show a bias toward seeing a walker facing the viewer (Vanrie, Dekeyser, & Verfaillie, 2004). Recently, we reported that this facing bias strongly...
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Orthographic frontal/back projections of biological-motion figures are bistable: The point-light figure in principle can be perceived either as facing toward the viewer or as facing away from the viewer. Some point-light actions--for example, walking--elicit a strong "facing bias": Despite the absence of objective cues to depth, observers tend to i...
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We present the first database of communicative interactions reproduced through point-light displays (Communicative Interaction Database). The database contains 20 communicative interactions performed by male and by female couples. For each action, we provide movie files from four different viewpoints, as well as text files with the 3-D spatial coor...
The sensitivity of the mammalian visual system to biological motion cues has been shown to be general and acute [1-3]. Human observers, in particular, can deduce higher-order information, such as the orientation of a figure (which way it is facing), its gender, emotional state, and even personality traits, on the basis only of sparse motion cues. E...


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