Begoña Eguía

Begoña Eguía
University of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Departamento de Economia Aplicada V


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Publications (28)
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This paper presents a quantitative cluster mapping methodology for traded industries, adapted for the Spanish case; also explores the correlation between the existence of clusters and regional performance. The study is made at NUTS-2 level, and a total of forty-seven out of eighty-eight 2-digits codes for CNAE-2009 are analyzed; ICT Index and Indus...
Purpose: This conceptual paper aims to develop the vision of a novel policy tool called the digital industrial cluster (DIC) thought for a future context shaped by digital economies and Industry 4.0. The DIC departs from the industrial cluster’s precepts and take them into the digital agglomeration phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach: This res...
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Purpose The authors’ goal in this paper is to study if there are long-run effects on the wages of those workers who entered the labour market overeducated but who have, over time, been able to overcome this situation by obtaining a job for which they are correctly matched. Design/methodology/approach This study universe is constituted by workers e...
Esta investigación realiza un estudio bidimensional de la segregación laboral para España y para el País Vasco, considerando el género y la edad como fuentes de desigualdad. Se trata de analizar las posibles diferencias por género en función de la cohorte de edad, así como de estudiar su evolución temporal. Utilizando microdatos de la Encuesta de P...
Slight demographic dynamism is a phenomenon present in many European Union countries, and in particular, in Spain. Demographic projections by the National Institute of Statistics show an uninterrupted decline of the Spanish population, where the most affected regions would be some NUTS2 located in the north area. This paper explores the case of the...
This paper studies the economic effect of immigration on native working conditions, focusing on the impact of the inflow of immigrant labour on occupational mobility among native workers. Basing on a gender-segmented labour market, we propose an extension of the model presented by Peri and Sparber American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(3),...
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Esta investigación analiza la segregación ocupacional para el mercado de trabajo español entre los años 1999 y 2011 desde una doble perspectiva, utilizando los microdatos de la Encuesta de Población Activa. Primero, realiza un estudio unidimensional y considera la segregación por género y la segregación por nacionalidad de forma aislada. Segundo, e...
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This article analyzes whether greater heterogeneity within the labor force leads to labor inequality from the perspective of position in the labor market. The research was conducted for Spain, given its great demographic diversity today, as a result of the many transformations that have taken place in recent decades. First, various indices are calc...
Despite the current economic crisis, the Basque Country remains as destination for foreign immigrant population coming from other Spanish regions most affected by this crisis. Given the quantitative and qualitative importance of migration flow, the paper explores spatial localization patterns of the immigrant population and its contribution to the...
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The decline of agriculture, observable mainly in industrialized countries, shows itself not only in a gradual decrease in the economic weight of the primary sector, but also in the abandonment of land devoted to agricultural and livestock activities. The phenomenon of agricultural land abandonment is complex and, in order to explain the causes, it...
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Population ageing generates problems of financial sustainability for unfunded pension systems in many developed countries. Immigration is often presented as one potential solution to this problem, mainly in countries with high migration inflows. The authors propose a model to analyse the impact of immigration flows on the financial sustainability o...
Résumé Dans de nombreux pays développés, le vieillissement de la population compromet la viabilité financière des régimes de retraite par répartition. L'immigration est souvent présentée comme l'une des solutions, particulièrement dans les pays où elle est forte. Les auteurs présentent un modèle d'analyse des effets de l'immigration sur la viabilit...
Resumen El envejecimiento de la población genera problemas de viabilidad financiera a los sistemas de pensiones de muchos países desarrollados que se basan en el método de reparto. Un posible remedio del que se habla a menudo es la inmigración, sobre todo en los países que reciben a muchos trabajadores extranjeros. Los autores proponen un modelo pa...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the changes that have taken place in occupational segregation by gender and nationality in the Spanish labour market, after the influx of immigration of the late nineties. Using data from the Economically Active Population Survey for the years 1999 and 2010, we carried out an analysis of correspondences, drew cur...
El nuevo contexto de la Sociedad de la Información y el desarrollo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación inciden en los ámbitos económico, político, social y cultural. La transformación del mercado laboral constituye un exponente claro de los cambios propiciados por la denominada economía digital. Por un lado, emergen nuevos empleo...
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El Coste de la No Agricultura en el País Vasco, aborda el problema de los procesos de desagrarización y sus consecuencias. Es un tema de gran actualidad que tiene múltiples aristas, por lo que su trascendencia supera el estricto ámbito del sector primario y el medio rural. Con carácter novedoso, se valoran los efectos económicos directos e inducido...
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Desde comienzos de la década de los noventa las actuaciones públicas sobre el medio rural, además de las políticas sectoriales orientadas al estímulo de la producción y a la protección de las rentas agrarias, han ido desarrollando gradualmente políticas territoriales cuyo objetivo era promover el desarrollo de las zonas rurales. De esta manera las...
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In this paper we study the effect of population age distribution upon private consumption expenditure in Spain from 1964 to 1997 using aggregate data. We obtain four main results. First, changes in the population pyramid have substantial effects upon the behaviour of private consumption. Second, the pattern of the coefficients of the demographic va...
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This paper discusses the long run effect of changes in the age distribution of Spanish population on the unemployment rate, disaggregated by sex and age segments in the light of cointegration theory given the non stationarity of the series. Four main results are obtained. First, empirical analysis does not provide a clear scheme concerning the long...
The first part of this paper deals with certain theoretical considerations that are relevant to the current debate in Spain on pension system reform. These reflections revolve around the problem of uncertainty. The second part of the paper concentrates on the Spanish case and attempts to examine the empirical validity of these considerations. In do...
En este artículo analizo los efectos de una caída en la natalidad y una mayor esperanza de vida de los individuos sobre un sistema de pensiones de reparto. También considero las consecuencias de un retraso en la edad de jubilación. Para ello construyo un modelo de ciclo vital y crecimiento con generaciones solapadas que resuelvo numéricamente. Elem...


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