Beatriz Larraz-Iribas

Beatriz Larraz-Iribas
University of Castilla-La Mancha · Statistics



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Research lines: Spatial Statistics: Kriging and Cokriging; Real Estate: Valuation of Real Estate Portfolios; On-line Valuations; National and Regional Prevailing Economic Situation; Electoral Processes; Income Inequality Measures: decomposition; Gender Equality; Environmental Economy; Spatial Consumer Price Index; European Regional Funding; Tagus River solutions.


Publications (67)
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Citizen science is considered one of the most appropriate tools to raise public awareness of environmental issues. With the aim of improving knowledge on river environments, this article presents a web application for mobile phones and other portable devices that allows, through the active participation of society, the collection of detailed and sy...
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A methodology has been developed to quantify the economic value of the provisioning ecosystem services in the South-West of Europe (SUDOE) at any scale. This article describes the methodology that allows the quantification of nutritional and non-nutritional materials and their economic valuation related to agriculture activities at the regional sca...
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Given the need for water use to be a crucial consideration in sustainable development, an adequate water allocation system across economic sectors is essential, especially in the face of increasing seasonal and perennial water scarcity. In an attempt to facilitate a socially and economically efficient adaptation to the climate emergency, we propose...
This research recovers the collective memory of elderly people who recall experiences lived alongside the Tagus River in the city of Toledo (Spain). The study develops an individual and collective narrative story to add to our understanding of the relationship between society and its environment during the years 1950–1970. A qualitative methodology...
Technical Report
Dada la situación de las actuaciones, en la margen izquierda del río Tajo, este informe tiene objetivo de valorar la viabilidad del PERIM Puente de la Cava desde el punto de vista de la normativa de aguas y de su afección al dominio público hidráulico. El análisis se centra en la parte de la parcela al norte del puente de la Cava, ya que es donde s...
Technical Report
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Propuesta de modificación de las reglas de explotación vigentes basada en la consecución del único objetivo permitido por la Ley 21/2015 (disposición adicional quinta), el de “dotar de mayor estabilidad interanual a los suministros, minimizando la presentación de situaciones hidrológicas excepcionales”.
Conference Paper
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En este estudio se aborda la importancia de realizar un buen diagnóstico de la situación de un río con carácter previo a cualquier acción de restauración, ya que, si no, las soluciones serían parciales y no podrían aportar una solución a su globalidad. El río Guadarrama, afluente del río Tajo entre Toledo y Talavera de la Reina, se encuentra muy al...
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the gender dimension of its more visible socio-economic impacts has been the topic of study by several researchers. The current paper takes this further by focusing on the invisible chores done in the families at home. This paper studies how people’s behavior towards housework changed during and after th...
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Resumen El objetivo de InvesTAJO es recopilar información detallada y sistemática sobre los principales problemas de los ríos de la cuenca del Tajo mediante la participación activa de la sociedad. El elemento principal es un visor-web que permite recopilar presiones de los ríos, así como visualizar y extraer datos agregados para su interpretación y...
Technical Report
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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal realizar un análisis del estado de conservación de la cuenca del río Guadarrama para evaluar su impacto en el municipio de Batres. Se realiza una caracterización del estado de la cuenca atendiendo a: -cumplimiento de los objetivos ambientales establecidos en la planificación hidrológica y en la legi...
Technical Report
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Informe en relación al Dictamen que emite el Consejo de Estado previo a la aprobación por el Consejo de Ministros del Plan Hidrológico del Tajo del tercer ciclo.
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Attention to gender equality is an important issue in the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This book analyses the wage inequality and the gender pay gap in China from a temporal and spatial point of view, using the wage surveys available from 1995 to the present. Due to their rapid growth since the country's entry into a free market economy,...
Technical Report
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Se analizan los cambios establecidos en los documentos de la propuesta del Plan Hidrológico del Tajo del tercer ciclo de planificación que fue llevado a la reunión del Consejo Nacional del Agua de 29 de noviembre de 2022. En este informe se señala de forma crítica la ampliación del número de masas de agua con una implantación de caudales mínimos es...
Technical Report
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Propuesta de ampliación de las reservas hidrológicas de los ríos Sorbe, Alberche y Lozoya, en la demarcación hidrográfica del Tajo. Se hace una valoración de la propuesta aprobada por la Confederación Hidrográfica del Tajo y se proponen tramos adicionales basándose en el cumplimiento de criterios establecidos en la normativa.
Technical Report
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El trasvase Tajo-Segura (TTS) es el trasvase de agua intercuencas más grande y más controvertido de España. La problemática del trasvase es muy amplia y se ha abordado desde múltiples enfoques. Aunque suelen ser las cuestiones hidrológicas las que copan los titulares relacionados con el trasvase, realmente es la variable económica subyacente sobre...
Technical Report
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Observaciones técnicas en relación a la afección al espacio fluvial del río Tajo de la Memoria Informativa y diagnóstico del Plan de Ordenación Municipal de Toledo.
Conference Paper
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En la propuesta del Plan Hidrológico de la Demarcación del Tajo del tercer ciclo (2021-2027) se incluye un listado de reservas hidrológicas candidatas a ser propuestas para su declaración, con 11 nuevas reservas naturales fluviales (RNF). En este trabajo se realiza una valoración general de dicha propuesta y se aporta un estudio detallado en el cas...
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In rural areas, depopulation is mainly due to a lack of economic and employment opportunities. In this context, the reservoirs already built can be a source of socioeconomic development based on tourism and outdoor leisure activities. The condition for this development to materialize is that reservoir management considers these activities. In Centr...
Income inequality is becoming a growing concern, worldwide, with wage inequality being the root cause of its recent escalation. With the aim of adding to the knowledge on this subject, this paper focuses on the spatial dimension of the problem, an aspect which has received less attention in the literature. We identify the determinants of inequality...
The historical centre of the city of Toledo (Spain) was declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO in 1986. Since then, it has lost almost a quarter of its population in favour of the city outskirts, outside the city walls. There are a number of reasons for this population abandonment. Like many cities around the world which share the similar charact...
Some of the most overlooked valuation systems in current literature are those based on expert algorithms. Yet these algorithms can form the basis of a good estimation of the value of real estate since they allow simple computational methods that use big data to be integrated with the appraiser’ own knowledge of the situation. The main usefulness of...
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In the literature on modeling commodity futures prices, we find that the stochastic behavior of the spot price is a response to between one and four factors, including both short- and long-term components. The more factors considered in modeling a spot price process, the better the fit to observed futures prices—but the more complex the procedure c...
This article assesses the main problems facing the Spanish Tagus River basin, and the management that has caused (or allowed) them. It examines the economic, social, environmental and political-institutional dimensions of Tagus River management in terms of sustainable development. We find that the institutions responsible for designing and implemen...
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The close relationship between collateral value and bank stability has led to a considerable need to a rapid and economical appraisal of real estate. The greater availability of information related to housing stock has prompted to the use of so-called big data and machine learning in the estimation of property prices. Although this methodology has...
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La desigualdad de género, y en particular la desigualdad salarial de género, ha sido considerada una prioridad política en muchos países durante las últimas décadas, con foco puesto en reducir la llamada brecha salarial, es decir, en buscar una convergencia en media para los salarios de hombres y mujeres. Una aproximación de medias, sin embargo, no...
Technical Report
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Analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of the Tajo-Segura interbasin water transfer on the riparian municipalities of the Entrepeñas and Buendía dams, in the Upper Tajo basin, where the transfer originates.
In recent years, unequal wage distribution in Spain appears to be of particular importance. This article seeks to contribute to the literature so far going deeper into the knowledge of the possible determinants of this wage concentration in Spain. The impact of workers’ personal and employment characteristics and those of the company in the distrib...
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Desarrollo sostenible en el siglo XXI: economía, sociedad y medioambiente Directoras: Beatriz Larraz Iribas-Ana Fernández Pérez Desarrollo sostenible en el siglo XXI: economía, sociedad y medioambiente 8 Desarrollo sostenible en el siglo XXI: economía, sociedad y medioambiente En la actualidad el concepto " desarrollo sostenible " apare-ce vinculad...
Measuring the risk of investment projects involving commodities and modelling its price dynamics behaviour is usually implemented with Kalman filtering techniques. However, because the use of these techniques has high implementation requirements, recent literature has employed approximate models. This paper proposes a new and simpler spreadsheet im...
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En España la sostenibilidad no es uno de los principios rectores de la política económica general, pero sí que lo es (o debería) de la política del agua dado el obligado cumplimiento de la Directiva Marco de Agua. En el presente artículo se evalúa la sostenibilidad de la política del agua aplicada en la demarcación hidrográfica del Tajo, analizando...
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The aim of this article is to propose a new breakdown of the Gini inequality ratio into three components (within-group inequality, between-group inequality, and intensity of transvariation between groups to the total inequality index). The between-group inequality concept computes all the differences in salaries between men and women. The main cont...
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The Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) are used in current economic systems to measure inflation. When constructing CPIs, however, official institutions have systematically overlooked the spatial dimension of elementary prices. Ignoring the fact that prices are collected at geographical locations implicitly implies considering prices as spatially indepen...
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The private sector and financial regulators have improved their ability to monitor and control risk taking. The Basel II Accord binds credit institutions to revise the collateral values of their credit loans frequently and states that statistical methods may be used. Although valuation of residential properties has traditionally been based solely o...
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There exists three ways of approaching real estate prices: the cost approach, the market data approach and the income capitalization approach. In this article, we propose an improvement of the market data approach that takes into account the spatial component. In particular, we propose a modified market data approach based on interpolation, being t...
Convergence objective seeks to promote growth within European Union (EU) for least-developed regions. The list of regions and areas eligible for Convergence are chosen from the NUTS-2 European regional classification. However, as it is well-known, spatial (and temporal) measures are scale dependent. The aim of this article is to show how sensitive...
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El sesgo de no-respuesta (y, en menor medida, el error de respuesta) se ha convertido en la principal fuente de error de las predicciones electorales en España. Las técnicas de post-estratificación y los estimadores ratio utilizados actualmente por la industria demoscópica no muestran una capacidad suficiente para corregir los sesgos introducidos d...
En este libro, la autora introduce una técnica original de la Geoestadística en la Economía a través de su aplicación a la estimación de precios de viviendas y locales comerciales en la ciudad de Toledo (España). Destaca el claro y minucioso desarrollo teórico de las técnicas de kriging lineal, no lineal y cokriging, métodos de interpolación idóneo...
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The estimation of commercial property prices in a touristic city can be explored through spatial interpolation methods, but in the presence of small sample sizes, auxiliary stochastic processes that are correlated with the prices of commercial establishments are needed. The aim of this paper is to compare the various estimates of commercial establi...
Recent legislation in Spain states the revision of the mortgaged residential property value. This fact has become important since 2008 due to the fall in the average housing prices in Spain. Traditionally, residential properties valuation procedure is based on the comparison to the nearest property prices being necessary to consult human experts. T...
National and international investors have observed the real estate market in Spain closely over the last decade. It is of great concern for investment funds, in particular for hedge funds, economic models where housing prices are involved, hedonic regressions and future predictions of market behavior, among others. The change in the housing price t...
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One of the main tasks of regional and environmental economics is to construct Environmental Quality Indexes for big cities. A standard method is to generate a single measure as a linear combination of several contaminants by applying Principal Component Analysis. Spatial interpolation is then carried out to determine pollution levels across the cit...
Conference Paper
The valuation of real estate properties is of great concern to all the agents involved in the real estate market, especially for investors, financial institutions and credit companies. In particular, the recently updated legislation in Spain pretending the legal requirements being more sensitive to the risks that the entities really support in its...
Structural and cohesion funds play a prominent role in European Union regional policy, which aims to reduce gaps in development between regions and disparities in well-being between European citizens. The regions and areas eligible for funding — 308,000 million during the 2007—13 period — are chosen according to regional GDP per inhabitant as the v...
A vast majority of the recent literature on spatial hedonic analysis has been concerned with residential property values, with only very few examples of studies focused on commercial property prices. The dearth of studies can be attributed to some of the challenges faced in the analysis of commercial properties, in particular the scarcity of inform...
The price of housing per square meter and the trend observed over the last few years is one of the issues that most concerns Spanish citizens and subsequently their political and economic representatives. However, in spite of the importance of space in the real estate market, official averages do not take into account the spatial correlation of hou...
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The elaboration of Environmental Quality Indexes (EQI) for metropolitan areas is one of the main topics in environmental economics. This article introduces some methodological and practical novelties building an EQI in Madrid (Spain). Managing with general air quality information, from the point of view of the selection of the variables, we conside...
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Aware of the fact that the environment affects housing prices considerably, this paper proposes a Mixed Environmental Quality Index (MEQI) to be used in a hedonic framework. It has two main novelties. The first is the inclusion of objective (including noise) and subjective variables. The second refers to methodology and proposes the DP2 Pena Distan...
The real estate market generates much literature because it is an issue of utmost importance. The rise in house prices is one of the issues that has raised a great deal of concern among the general public. This paper analyzes the asymmetric behaviour of real house prices among Spanish regions, using univariate and multivariate techniques to study t...
In connection with the housing market, which is presently raising a great deal of concern among the general public, this paper investigates regional housing prices in Spain using variable co-integration techniques. It analyzes the asymmetric behavior in real house prices among the Spanish regions focusing on the study of the long-term relationships...
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The elaboration of Environmental Quality Indexes (EQI) for big cities is one of the main topics in regional and environmental economics. One of the usual methodological paths consists of generating a single measure as a linear combination of several air contaminants applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Then, as a final step, a spatial inter...
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There exists a large literature on the problem of forecasting election results. But none of the published methods take spatial information into account, although there is clear evidence of geographic trends. To fill this gap, we use geostatistical procedures to build a spatial model of voting patterns. We test the model in three close elections and...
Conference Paper
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Countless examples of misleading forecasts on behalf of both campaign and exit polls affecting, among others, British, French, and Spanish elections could be found. This has seriously damaged their image. Therefore, procedures should be used that minimize errors, especially on election night when errors are more noticeable, in order to maintain peo...
The price of houses and its evolution in recent years is one of the issues that citizens and, of course, political and economic authorities are worried about. In most of the developed countries the mean price (per square meter) of houses in an area is estimated by a simple average of single prices from a sample of houses that does not take into acc...
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Es indudable la repercusión económica y social que tiene en la actualidad el precio de la vivienda en nuestro país, si bien las autoridades económicas tan sólo proporcionan precios medios que son de dudosa utilidad para los agentes económicos participantes en dicho mercado; además, no consideran la correlación espacial existente entre los precios d...
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Summary The housing price per square meter and its evolution in the last years is one of the issues that more worry Spanish citizens, and therefore, also to their political and economic authorities. Nevertheless and in spite of the importance that the space has in the real estate market, the averages obtained by the official authorities do not take...


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