Béatrice Siadou-MartinUniversity of Lorraine | UdL · IAE Metz School of Management
Béatrice Siadou-Martin
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Béatrice Siadou-Martin currently works at the UFR ESM IAE DE Metz, University of Lorraine. Béatrice does research in Marketing and Consumer Behavior.
Responsible consumption and new consumption practices
Her current project is 'City center retailing : explaining devitalization and working on revitalization.'
Skills and Expertise
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September 2015 - October 2019
Publications (79)
À l’aide d’une expérimentation en salle, menée auprès de 161 consommateurs, cette recherche apprécie l’influence de trois formats d’affichage (échelle multicritères, note et logo « produit durable ») de deux types d’informations (environnementale et sociale) sur l’attitude envers le produit et l’intention d’achat. Bien qu’améliorant chaque fois l’é...
Contact tracing applications (CTAs) have been presented as important tools in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. In France, the government developed the ‘StopCovid' CTA which later became ‘TousAntiCovid.' This research aims at understanding the determinants of the use of this CTA and of the intention to integrate the health pass. To do that,...
En s’appuyant sur l’exemple de la Grande Région, cette note de recherche retient une approche systémique de l’espace transfrontalier et s’intéresse au commerce et à la consommation dans ce territoire. Elle définit cet espace comme un système du commerce en zone frontalière composé d’acteurs (distributeurs nationaux et/ou étrangers, consommateurs),...
Retailing is changing profoundly because of digitalization (Cascio and Montealegre 2016; Hagberg et al. 2016). Grewal and al. (2009) suggest that “retailers must assess every location; if it does not produce profit, the store will not be viable” (p. 1). Thus, it is important for retailers to improve the customer experience in order to promote loyal...
This chapter considers the compatibility of digitalization and sustainable food. It addresses how digitalization also paves the way for interesting areas of reflection or action for particular target audiences and in specific contexts. Taking an interest in food consumption is inherently complex owing to its multifaceted nature. The issue arises of...
Le marché alimentaire de plein air est depuis toujours le lieu où marchandises et provisions
sont échangées localement et permet ainsi de créer des liens entre territoires. Malgré son
ancienneté ainsi que sa capacité à se renouveler pour résister à la concurrence d’autres formats
de distribution, le marché de plein air fait l’objet de peu de recher...
Department stores, symbols of modernity and progress, constituted a “commercial revolution” during the 19th century. This chapter considers the factors that explain and enable the emergence of commercial innovation. Many factors explain this imperative for business innovation on the part of companies. One of the explanatory factors for innovation c...
Au centre de l'approvisionnement des ménages jusqu'à l'avènement de la grande distribution dans les années 60-70 et voué à disparaître dans un contexte de modernisation de l'agriculture, des moyens de transports et de commercialisation, le marché à vocation alimentaire a survécu, même s'il ne représente qu'une faible part de marché en valeur à ce j...
The customer retail experience is frequently interrupted by disturbances such as ringing phones and other people. Employees must be able to respond to retail disturbances effectively to ensure that customers have a satisfactory experience in the retailer. Using Affective Events Theory as a framework, the purpose of this paper is to develop...
Nombreux sont ceux qui voient le marketing et le développement durable comme deux domaines complètement éloignés, voire opposés. Pourtant, le marketing occupe une position privilégiée pour encourager des transformations au niveau de la production et orienter les consommateurs vers des comportements responsables. Dès son origine, le marketing s’est...
Although the actuality of this crisis leads to a lack of perspective, which is yet essential to the work of the researcher, this research note aims to sharing and discussing the main salient reflections on the necessary adaptation of the persuasive communication of the organizations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. To conduct this analysis,...
Au-delà du confinement, la crise sanitaire de la COVID-19 a imposé une modification des pratiques commerciales en instaurant des gestes barrières (notamment, la distanciation sociale). La distribution, et notamment le commerce de proximité a dû s'adapter à ces nouvelles contraintes. Cette situation et appelle à mobiliser mis en lumière la notion de...
This exploratory research aims to study social representations of food waste through the study of the regional daily press. Understanding social representations is the first step in adapting the communication strategies implemented by stakeholders to fight food waste and, ultimately, to change individual behaviour in a sustainable way. The lexical...
Brands and retailers wish to appear benevolent toward consumers. To this end, “servicial” mobile applications are being developed: they support brands’ value proposition on usefulness and convenience and/or try to modify consumers’ food behavior. However, these new technological devices remain rejected by consumers, in particular because of their i...
Many western consumers have become sensitive to the negative effects of their consumption levels in many product categories and those new attitudes are challenging their habitual consumption behaviors. How do dissonant attitudes influence the process toward behavioral change? How does external information reinforce those conflicting attitud...
This research aims to show the interest of nudges as a communication tool for organizations involved in an agile innovation approach. It describes how the flexibility, adaptability and low cost of nudges strengthen the ability of the organizations that use them to improve their agility. From a literature review on the nudges and agile innovation co...
Labellisé par le Collège de Labellisation de la FNEGE (Fondation nationale pour l'enseignement de la gestion des entreprises) dans la catégorie « Ouvrage de Recherche Collectif » – 2020
Cet ouvrage collectif porte un regard pluridisciplinaire sur le commerce de centre-ville et de centre-bourg ainsi que sur ses transformations actuelles, thématique...
Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’impact de la modification du contenu en alcool, perçu comme attribut central de la catégorie « vin », sur la catégorisation et les préférences des consommateurs. Elle a été conduite auprès de consommateurs français et italiens, deux pays caractérisés par une ancienne tradition viti-vinicole. Cette étude montre que la...
Cette recherche vise à comprendre les pratiques d’achat du consommateur frontalier. L’espace transfrontalier étudié s’étend de la Belgique d’Arlon, en passant par Longwy en France jusqu’au sud luxembourgeois. La littérature permet d’identifier les caractéristiques psychologiques des consommateurs qui peuvent influencer ces pratiques d’achat. Cette...
Imagine a common retail situation: An employee is meeting with a customer and the phone rings. The employee answers it. Does the customer consider this minor interruption to be a service failure? If so, how should the employee address the issue? Drawing from the literature on retail atmosphere and service failures, this research investigates how (1...
Nowadays, consumers are connected, aware but also concerned about growing economic, societal and environmental issues. Indeed, they are developing new expectations for brands: they want the product to perform but also an assumption of social responsibility and the demonstration of an ethical posture. In this context, arrogant speeches or haughty at...
Through their consumption choices and practices, individuals aim to build their own identity and strengthen their well-being. Based on a quantitative survey of 455 consumers, this research shows that the distribution channel impacts the consumer perceived well-being during shopping experience, in the context of fruit and vegetable purchasing. Key e...
Purpose: Although most studies focus on rational decision-making in organizational buying, this research examines the satisfaction through the integration of fairness and emotion theories. It thus broadens knowledge about the formation of satisfaction in buyer–seller relationships, through an integration of justice and emotion theories.
The difficulties of recruitment in the sale jobs are due to a lack of candidates available on the job market. It is then necessary to seek to attract students in training courses that lead to selling jobs. But sale remains associated with negative stereotypes which give it a derogatory image from which it is difficult to arouse desires of vocationa...
Transportation companies as well as retailers strive to deliver customer value to differentiate from competitors and even to create a competitive advantage. The goal of this paper is to answer the following questions: Is there other dimensions in addition to dimensionality, moment of the evaluation, and nature of the experience that could structure...
Confrontées à une concurrence accrue et à des consommateurs volatiles, les entreprises se doivent s’ancrer dans une démarche d’orientation-marché, dont l’écoute client constitue un pilier. Cette recherche porte sur la perception des consommateurs à l’égard des dispositifs d’écoute client que pratiquent les entreprises. Les motivations des consommat...
Article de vulgarisation scientifique
Avec les nouvelles formes de communication en ligne, un consommateur au regard toujours plus affuté et intransigeant, et des appels pressants à davantage de responsabilité, les discours arrogants, les attitudes hautaines des acteurs ne sont plus tenables. D’aucuns appellent les marques et enseignes à davantage d’humilité. Mais que recouvre ce terme...
Avec les nouvelles formes de communication en ligne, un consommateur au regard toujours plus affuté et intransigeant, et des appels pressants à davantage de responsabilité, les discours arrogants, les attitudes hautaines des acteurs ne sont plus tenables. D’aucuns appellent les marques et enseignes à davantage d’humilité. Mais que recouvre ce terme...
10ème Journée de Marketing Agro-Alimentaire, Montpellier.
Unusually short product lifespan : Effects on brand relationship and perceived responsibility
When the product wears out prematurely for technical reasons, the negative reactions of the consumer may be detrimental to the brand. However, product life duration, as an experience attribute of the product, has complex effects on the consumer’s attitudes...
This research examines the impact of face to face and virtual interactions on emotions and satisfaction of the buyer in B to B. The role of emotions in B to B context and the influence of positive emotions on the overall satisfaction towards the supplier are confirmed. More specifically, the study shows that while the frequency of contacts has no i...
Cet ouvrage collectif est le fruit d’une réflexion pluridisciplinaire née de la rencontre de multiples regards posés sur le corps et de la conviction partagée par ses auteurs de la puissance heuristique de cette rencontre.
Comment penser les relations entre sciences sociales, sciences biologiques et santé ? Comment organiser des relations scientif...
Controlling what is said about their brands on the web has become a major concern for most companies. Whereas they develop new marketing strategies and tools to benefit from the growing opportunities of the web, on the other hand they try to understand, watch and even counter the virality of the internet users’ speeches. Throughout the numerous web...
Although customer loyalty has proved to be a powerful determinant of firms' profits, the drivers of loyalty in B-to-B relationships are still unclear. Recognizing that both interpersonal and interorganizational level variables are needed to predict customer loyalty, the aim of this study is to investigate the combined effects of salespersons' relat...
9ème Journée de Marketing Agro-Alimentaire, Montpellier
This paper investigates the new concept of deconsumption. Because of the economic crisis and the many individual and collective stakes that have emerged with the evolution of the global economic system, French consumers are changing their consumption and purchasing behaviors. Deconsumption is one of these new behaviors. Based on theoretical develop...
This paper investigates the following research questions: what are KM objectives and KM devices in organizations? Can we establish specific relationships between KM objectives and KM devices? And can we identify contingency factors? The method applied is based on a quantitative study, by means of a questionnaire administered to more than a hundred...
When the seller’s Customer Focus leads to the development of the relationship : the moderating role of the customer’s relational predisposition
Both researchers and managers recognize the importance of salespeople’ customer orientation in order to build profitable relationship with consumers. However the question of the consumer propensity to be in...
La question posée dans la présente contribution est de savoir dans quelle mesure la « stratégie de marquage » retenue par les Petites et Moyennes Entreprises du secteur agroalimentaire influence leur création de valeur et leurs résultats financiers. L’utilisation d’une marque ou non, ainsi que les « modes de marquage » que sont la marque propre, la...
This paper examines how SME managers in the agro-food sector include sustainable development into their marketing strategy. We focus on the link between sustainable development and performance, the impact of environmental factors on their practices and the limits that they perceive when trying to include sustainability into their marketing strategy...
The concept of customer orientation is presented in the sales force literature as the ability of the salesperson to contribute to the durability of the relationship. However, most of the studies dealing with customer orientation are based on qualitative studies conducted during the eighties. Our goal is to re-examine the nature of customer orientat...
Pour améliorer la rentabilité de leur offre, les marques ont recours, en cette période de crise, à différents moyens visant à augmenter leur chiffre d’affaires et réduire leurs coûts. Confrontés à une baisse perçue de leur pouvoir d’achat, comment les consommateurs réagissent-ils à ces pratiques ? Une analyse de contenu des commentaires postés par...
Dans une expérimentation scénarisée (repas au restaurant), nous manipulons les trois composantes de la justice (distributive, procédurale, interactionnelle) afin d’étudier leurs impacts sur le processus d’évaluation d’une expérience de service (qualité, valeur et satisfaction). Grâce à ce dispositif, nous observons des impacts directs sur la qualit...
– This paper aims to investigate the role of perceived justice in service consumption/purchase experiences.
– In an initial study, using the critical incident method, the authors show that customers are strongly concerned by perceived injustice. Their judgments involve the three components of justice described i...