Beatrice BonamiUniversity of Tübingen | EKU Tübingen · International Centre for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)
Beatrice Bonami
Doctor of Education Innovation and International Development
Teacher and Senior Post-Doc at Universität Tübingen with a Research Grant by German Government/DAAD.
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Digital Ethnographer and Educator, Dr. Bonami is a specialist in tech decolonization, digital education, transformation, and ethics in cutting-edge innovation. Holding a Ph.D. in Education Innovation and International Development from the USP [Brazil], UCL [UK], and La Sapienza di Roma [Italy], Dr. Bonami is a Teacher and Senior Researcher [UTübingen], having secured Governmental Research Grants (Germany and the Netherlands) for research in Africa and the Amazon Rainforest (TnWiST Framework).
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November 2022 - October 2023
January 2024 - December 2024
July 2019 - May 2020
January 2019 - June 2019
Publications (36)
The TnWiST Framework is a project that aims at promoting prosperity and local protagonism among digital creators, practitioners, users, workers and students. It is a knowledge path in which innovation becomes context-driven instead of data-driven, in the attempt of breaking colonization cycles that utmostly are born from power structures in the Glo...
Defining digital technology can be an uneasy task as technology development assumes various forms and figures according to cultural background. This study tries to solve this puzzle and starts discussing a poetic revision of how humans can meaningfully experience digital technology in the Global South. In order to do so,, this research uses the con...
This exploratory and position paper proposes integrating the Social Technical model for Education Technology Application-the SETA model-to combine digital literacy upskilling and language preservation. Based on Actor-Network Theory, Complex Adaptive Systems Theory, Post-Colonial Theory and so on, the SETA model consists of three abstraction cluster...
This work investigates the interface between the epistemological field of education, human development, and digital technologies. Grounded on complexity, actor-network theory, action ecology, and hybridism, the central hypothesis is that an excessively technical conception about the mentioned interface can disadvantage the debate on educational tec...
This doctoral thesis is an investigation of the interface between the epistemological field of communication, education and digital technologies. Based on concepts such as complexity, actor-network theory, action ecology and hybridism, the main hypothesis here is that an excessively technical conception about the mentioned interface can disadvantag...
This position paper uses an ecological approach to examine how the interface between digital technology and education might be taken up as a complex system with interconnected facets that hold a range of implications. We understand the concept of ecology as the science of relations between living and non-living organisms and the environment, and we...
Neste artigo relatamos a experiência do projeto “#MDDFcontraocorona”, uma ação de educação com os meios de comunicação digital em comunidades vulneráveis do ABC paulista. Formamos um comitê com moradores de favelas e especialistas em educação e comunicação e, por meio de um processo colaborativo de projeto, produção e distribuição, totalmente virtu...
This paper aims to present how the topic of digital technology has been discussed in the field of sciences, especially education. At first, presents 10 theoretical categories dedicated to the study of education in interface with digital technology, extracted from the systematic review of, approximately, 2,300 scientific papers collected in two port...
Digital technology has provided users with new connections that have reset our understanding of social architectures. As a reaction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data, the educational field has rearranged its structure to consider human and non-human stakeholders and their actions on digital platforms. In light of this increasingly comple...
Na guerra cosmológica, narrativas sobre o modus vivendi ameríndio estão em conflito. Cada narrativa apresenta um relato e demonstra um grau de fissura entre as suas diferenças. De um lado, os nativos reivindicam reconhecimento; do outro, o Estado impõe regras que mudam em favor de autoridades que governam redes de poder. É a marca da história brasi...
O objetivo deste trabalho é promover um estudo sobre como a demanda do mercado por habilidades em informação impulsionou a formação de profissionais nesse ramo e influenciou o estudo das literacias da informação e digitais desde os primeiros anos do ensino básico até os cursos superiores de graduação e profissionalizantes. Esta pesquisa de caráter...
In the present chapter, we map and characterize crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms that promote social entrepreneurship in the online universe. We first analyze relevant theoretical concepts and the existing literature on entrepreneurship, digital inclusion, information and open culture, digital culture, and social technologies to better unde...
In the present chapter, we map and characterize crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms that promote social entrepreneurship in the online universe. We first analyze relevant theoretical concepts and the existing literature on entrepreneurship, digital inclusion, information and open culture, digital culture, and social technologies to better unde...
The present report promotes a legislative mapping in regional scope on Media, Digital and Information Literacies and its terminological range. This study is based on: a bibliographical review for structuring a theoretical base of reference on which some of the meanings and concepts will be worked out during the research; and data collection, with t...
This article presents a survey in the Brazilian Legislation Platform (1988-2018) pursuing national endeavors regarding Digital Literacy Skills’ principles. Once collecting and analyzing 10.000 legislative results, this research offers a comparison to the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology’s actions (focused on Santa-Catarina Sta...
Media, Digital and Information Literacy (or Transliteracy) is a concept promoted by UNESCO since 2008 for promoting the citizen empowerment and development when contacting new interaction ecologies with media, information and digital technologies. In 2013, the GlobaL Alliance Partnership in Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) was launched in or...
This work promoted a documental cartography over the Media and Information Literacies (MIL) concept under UNESCO’s documents, between the 1982 and 2014. Considered a new concept, the MIL regards the capacity and skills development within the media and the information environment in the 21st Century, so the individuals can be protagonists of their o...
This article deals with the relevance of digitization in the process of democratic citizen construction. Through the Actor-Network Theory, it will consider the ontological equalization between humans and
nonhumans, without being attached to the essences of these two types of entities. After delimiting its epistemological orientations, introduces th...
This article approaches contemporary phenomena related to reticular epistemologies,
which tend to redesign social participation. Emerging from the cybernetic technique, it
deals with an extra-human digital communication, which presents itself as an extension of the language to the machines and to the atopic ecosystem territory. It is outlined a stu...
Este artigo tem como objetivo promover um estudo de caso entre cinco iSchools selecionadas
por um ranking de reconhecimento internacional. Tem como aporte teórico a
transdisciplinariedade da formação do profissional da informação e a relevância dos adventos
tecnológicos na educação em informação. Partindo das literacias digitais e da informação, es...
This article intents to offer a conceptual boundary of the concepts information literacies, digital
literacies and media literacies. These three concepts make up a triad, current reference in the
epistemological field of Communication and Information Sciences. Surpassing semantic
dichotomies as well as translation issues between English and Portugu...
INTRODUCTION The use of information communication technologies (ICTs) around the world has increased dramatically over the past 20 years. ICTs affect all aspects of everyday life. They allow users to access, store, transmit, manipulate, produce, and publish information, thus providing a wide array of opportunities for education, professional develo...
Resumo As redes possibilitam a busca e a produção de conhecimento de maneira heterárquica e coletiva. Cada agente conectado é protagonista de suas ações, enquanto se torna coadjuvante de outras, sem que isso prejudique sua produção, individual ou partilhada com outros agentes. Esse novo contexto social configura o sujeito conectado na sociedade do...
O presente artigo delimita as nuances semânticas do conceito literacia (tradução do inglês literacy) a fim de compreender seu constante uso dentro do campo da Comunicação e Educação. Para tanto, mapeia o uso do termo no perímetro epistemológico da Literatura e dos Estudos Culturais desde o final do Séc. XIX até a década de 1980. É possível esboçar...
RESUMO Este artigo trata dos avanços da Internet no Brasil e as mudanças no comportamento da população conectada. Para tanto, a pesquisa vale-se de dados coletados em bases de reconhecimento internacional e nacional: Internet World Stats e Sistema de Indicadores de Percepção Social (SIPS). A contextualização das Literacias Digitais (LDs) contempla...
This article analyzes the context of communication and the concepts that are attributable to the use of it in everyday practices, as well as the application in the context of digital technologies in educative settings. In this way, the idea that guides the article is to think what cannot be digital “communication” to beat a search for a “becoming”...