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Publications (33)
This paper describes an experimental study to determine the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of recycled polymer waste with the addition of recycled fillers. The influence of different preparation methods for the composites (processing by pressing and processing by pressing with extrusion) and the type of additives used (ground TetraP...
This article describes an innovative thermal insulation barrier in the form of a sandwich panel manufactured using 3D FDM printing technology. The internal structure (core structure) of the barrier is based on the Kelvin foam model. This paper presents the influence of the parameters (the height h and the porosity P of a single core cell) of the ba...
This paper concerns research into the use of 3D-printed gyroid structures as a modern thermal insulation material in construction. The study focuses on the analysis of open-cell gyroid structures and their effectiveness in insulating external building envelopes. Gyroid composite samples produced using DLP 3D-printing technology were tested to deter...
Three-dimensional printing technology continues to evolve, enabling new applications in manufacturing. Extensive research in the field of biomimetics underscores the significant impact of the internal geometry of building envelopes on their thermal performance. Although 3D printing holds great promise for improving thermal efficiency in constructio...
Tematem artykułu jest analiza możliwości wykorzystania degradowalnych materiałów odpadowych do produkcji materiałów izolacyjnych za pomocą druku 3D. Bezpośrednim zaś celem jest doświadczalne określenie wpływu zastosowania druku 3D z wykorzystaniem diagramu Voronoja na właściwości cieplne innowacyjnych kompozytów komórkowych o złożonej strukturze we...
Heat storage is an emerging field of research, and, therefore, new materials with enhanced properties are being developed. Examples of phase change materials that provide high heat storage are inorganic salts and salt mixtures. They are commonly used for industrial applications due to their high operational temperature and latent heat. These parame...
The recycling of materials is in line with the policy of a closed-loop economy and is currently an option for managing waste in order to reuse it to create new products. To this end, 3D printing is being used to produce materials not only from pure polymers but also from their composites. Further development in this field seems interesting and nece...
This article provides an overview of the diverse applications of hydrogels in nutrient recovery from water and wastewater. Due to their unique properties, such as high water-retention capacity, nutrient rerelease, and tunable porosity, hydrogels have emerged as promising materials for efficient nutrient capture and recycling. It has been suggested...
Packaging and packaging technology constitute a pivotal industry deeply intertwined with our daily lives and prevalent in various settings, including grocery stores, supermarkets, restaurants, and pharmacies. The industry is constantly evolving thanks to technological advances. This article delves into the dynamic landscape of 3D printing in packag...
Biodiesel manufacturing frequently employs sustainable materials like soybeans, microorganisms, palm extract, jatropha plant, and recycled frying oils. The expansion of biodiesel manufacturing has escalated the volume of waste byproducts, encompassing glycerin and nonglycerin organic matter (MONG), jointly known as raw glycerin. MONG is characteriz...
In just a few short years, the additive manufacturing (AM) technology known as 3D printing has experienced intense growth from a niche technology to a disruptive innovation that has captured the imagination of mainstream manufacturers and hobbyists alike. The purpose of this article is to introduce the use of 3D printing for specific applications,...
The optimization of structure and thermal properties in 3D-printed insulation materials remains an underexplored area in the literature. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the impact of 3D printing on the thermal properties of manufactured cellular composites. The materials studied were closed-cell foams with a complex cell struct...
Celem pracy było zbadanie właściwości cieplnych prototypowego kompozytu komórkowego. Materiał badawczy posiadał złożoną strukturę wewnętrzną opartą na modelu piany Kelvina, wykonaną w technologii przyrostowej stereolitografii (SLA) i selektywnego spiekania laserowego (SLS). Przeprowadzono badania eksperymentalne, na podstawie których wyznaczono wsp...
This paper focuses on the analysis of the thermal properties of prototype insulation structures produced using SLS and SLA additive technologies. There is a noticeable lack of analysis in the scientific literature regarding the geometry of 3D-printed structures in terms of their thermal properties. The aim of this paper was to analyze printed sampl...
The process of heat transfer is one of the most important issues in the food industry and plays a crucial role in the storage of frozen foods. The main objective in this field is to extend the storage time, which can be achieved by limiting the heat transfer between the ambient air and the frozen food product. In this paper, the authors applied a n...
Additive manufacturing, with its wide range of printable materials, and ability to minimize material usage, reduce labor costs, and minimize waste, has sparked a growing enthusiasm among researchers for the production of advanced multifunctional composites. This review evaluates recent reports on polymer composites used in 3D printing, and their pr...
Additive manufacturing, with its wide range of printable materials, and ability to minimize material usage, reduce labor costs, and minimize waste, has sparked a growing enthusiasm among researchers for the production of advanced multifunctional composites. This review evaluates recent reports on polymer composites used in 3D printing, and their pr...
In recent years, plastics recycling has become one of the leading environmental and waste management issues. Along with the main advantage of plastics, which is undoubtedly their long life, the problem of managing their waste has arisen. Recycling is recognised as the preferred option for waste management, with the aim of reusing them to create new...
W niniejszym artykule dokonano przeglądu możliwości wykorzystania stałych odpadów przemysłowych, rolniczych, z budowy i rozbiórki oraz komunalnych do produkcji innowacyjnych materiałów budowlanych jako izolacji. Produkcja i wykorzystanie ekologicznych i zrównoważonych surowców budowlanych realizuje pragnienie zintegrowania w branży budowlanej więks...
Increasing the energy efficiency of thermal insulation is one of the priority issues related to the inhibition of negative environmental degradation processes accompanying the intensive development of the human race. Bionics is considered among the prospective directions for obtaining the necessary modernizations. Structures occurring in nature are...
Artykuł dotyczy eksperymentalnego wyznaczania właściwości termoizolacyjnych prototypowych materiałów komórkowych i porowatych wykonanych technologią addytywną. Skoncentrowano się w niej na poszukiwaniu nowoczesnych rozwiązań dla termoizolacji, które mogłyby przyczynić się do poprawy efektywności energetycznej budynków, urządzeń lub instalacji. W ty...
This paper focuses on the search for novel insulating structures, and the generation of them by means of a state-of-the-art manufacturing method—3D printing. Bionic structures, which are successfully used in many branches of technology, were chosen as the source of inspiration for the research. The paper presents a design of spatial structures with...
Słowa kluczowe: izolacja cieplna, izolacje komórkowe, bionika, opór cieplny, aparat płytowy Streszczenie. Zagadnienia poruszone w artykule, takie jak bionika, techniki addytywne czy materiały izolacyjne są często wskazywane jako perspektywiczne dla obecnie przyjętego kierunku rozwoju przemysłu. Duże zainteresowanie owymi tematami jest spowodowane p...
In the interest of environmental protection, attention should be paid to improving energy efficiency, through the use of appropriate insulations. They can be used in the construction industry, for plastic window frames, and the thermal insulation of buildings. It is also possible to use these materials in the electronics industry, for hermetic casi...
The popular and effective food preservation technology based on refrigeration is not sufficient for high-quality products while undergoing logistic operations (transport and retail). One of the basic factors that affects the quality of chilled and frozen food products during storage and transport is packaging. A protective function of packaging str...
As an alternative to a single-layer structure, a multi-layer structure of rectangular air cells was made of a transparent plastic film that aimed to enhance its thermal resistance. While multiplying layers, the authors observed only a slight growth of thermal resistance instead of the expected proportional increase. The purpose of the article is to...
The paper presents an investigation of the thermal performance of an innovative insulation wrap for food freezing, transportation and storage. The wrap is made of two outer polypropylene films and an internal folded polypropylene film welded together to form rectangular internal air cells. A mathematical model of heat transfer is presented and expe...