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Bazar Dzhumaevich Ulugov

Bazar Dzhumaevich Ulugov
Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology · The Department of General Sciences

Master of Engineering
Scopus ID: 57441432100; Web of Science ResearcherID: AAV-3485-2020; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0153-4106.


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Additional affiliations
September 2017 - January 2022
Termez branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Teacher
January 2022 - present
Termez Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Senior Lecturer
  • Teacher
September 1994 - July 1996
Yıldız Technical University
Field of study
  • Machine engineering


Publications (43)
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A n I n t e r n a t i o n a l M u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y R e s e a r c h J o u r n a l (Dou b l e B li n d Re fe r e e d & Re vi e we d I n te r n a ti on a l J ou r n a l) ABSTRACT The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of the discipline "Resistance of materials". This paper presents a syste...
Conference Paper
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The article is devoted to the experience and prospects of the use of information and communication technologies and information technologies in the education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the aim of training highly qualified specialists for industries and areas of the national economy. It is shown that application of information technol...
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Ilmiy-uslubiy maqolalar to'plami
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The main issue when using pumped storage power plants is to increase their efficiency by reducing energy costs in the pump mode. This article proposes a diagram of a micro-hydro accumulative power plant with upper and lower reservoirs, a hydraulic turbine unit, a pumping unit and stepwise arranged hydraulic rams used to supply water from the lower...
Conference Paper
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The main task of higher educational institutions is to train competent specialists who are able to freely navigate in the modern information space and are ready not only to master the information culture, but also to constantly improve their professional skills. With the advent of new software tools, the study of graphic disciplines becomes especia...
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The pandemic and the announced quarantine have made adjustments to the education of undergraduate and graduate students in almost all universities in the world. During the transition to online education, modern Internet technologies were created, which caused certain problems in the higher education system. The article aims to analyze the impact of...
Conference Paper
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The article analyzes the current state of the application of information and communication technologies to the educational process.
Conference Paper
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Several compelling reasons and recent works such as [Revilla-Cuesta] and [OrtegaLopez] have led the authors to analyze the situation of mechanical engineer education, especially in light of the great advances in computer-aided design and general computer hardware in the daily work of engineers, to propose trends in the curriculum so that it is harm...
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Web of Science
Cover Page
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Serti. Web of Science
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The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational system has recently attracted more interest from the existing research community and teachers. Studies are being conducted in Uzbekistan to study these trends. This thesis examines the importance of ICT and strategies for mutual implementation, and it is clarified that l...
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The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational system has recently attracted more interest from the existing research community and teachers. Studies are being conducted in Uzbekistan to study these trends. This thesis examines the importance of ICT and strategies for mutual implementation, and it is clarified that l...
Conference Paper
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Maqolada o'quv jarayoniga axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarini qo'llashning hozirgi holati tahlil qilinadi.
Conference Paper
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This article describes the personal qualities of the teacher as a factor affecting the educational process of students, the requirements for these qualities. The main characteristics of the teacher are noted. The professional orientation of the teacher, what it is and what it includes is revealed.
Conference Paper
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Maqolada o'quv jarayoniga axborot-kommunikatsiya texnologiyalarini qo'llashning hozirgi holati tahlil qilinadi.
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This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and education. The starting point of the review is the research questions, then keywords, selection of the databases, definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the definition of the search chains, search proc...
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The article studies the problems of alternating and direct currents. Existing and widely spread types of great current converter meters are analyzed. Advantages of magneto-galvanic and magneto-modulating converters of great direct currents are explained as for as transformers for metering for great alternating currents. The ways of improving the co...
Conference Paper
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Currently, many ICTs are used in educational institutions, universities, and higher education institutions to teach engineering students, for example, the Internet, computer simulation software, etc. This question made it easier for students to access additional information through digital mobile tools and interact with additional information. In a...
Conference Paper
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Currently, a very important factor in human life is higher education. An important component in the formation of information competence is the ability to use ready-made software products in their professional activities. The primary goal of modern engineering education is that it is necessary to prepare a competitive personality. In most parts of t...
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рассматривается технологические особенности изготовления АФН- пленок и разработка оптико-управляемых микросхем на их основе использование ПОИ генераторного типа с тонкослойной АФН-пленкой при создании оптико-управляемых микросхем, а также показаны их преимущества и применение в оптоэлектронике.
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This paper examines light-emitting diodes to the effects of mechanical and climatic loads. Typical dependence of the rate of failure of the OES on time. the radiation propagates mainly in the confining layer, which, due to the large bandgap, has small absorption losses.
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This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and education. The starting point of the review is the research questions, then keywords, selection of the databases, definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the definition of the search chains, search proc...
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This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and education. The starting point of the review is the research questions, then keywords, selection of the databases, definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the definition of the search chains, search proc...
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This article provides the fundamentals of optical methods and the principles of constructing multifunctional optoelectronic systems for monitoring natural resources based on the effects of disturbed total internal reflection (TIR) and multiple TIR (MTIR). Optical systems with the use of the TIR effect and an analysis of the basic designs of TIR and...
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The article is devoted to the formation of students' information competence in the study of technical mechanics. This document provides a systematic review of models and methodologies that combine modern teaching technologies, innovations, and applied programs in technical education. The article shows the relevance of the development of students of...
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This paper presents a systematic review of models and methodologies that integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and education. The starting point of the review is the research questions, then keywords, selection of the databases, definition of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the definition of the search chains, search proc...
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This article provides the fundamentals of optical methods and the principles of constructing multifunctional optoelectronic systems for monitoring natural resources based on the effects of disturbed total internal reflection (TIR) and multiple TIR (MTIR). Optical systems with the use of the TIR effect and an analysis of the basic designs of TIR and...
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This study examines the characteristics of current sensors used for the control and monitoring of power supply facilities of industrial enterprises by comparative analysis. High-value currents generated by the industrial power supply system are divided into small volumes. Magneto-galvanic and magneto-modulation current sensors are used to measure l...
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The article studies the problems of alternating and direct currents. Existing and widely spread types of great current converter meters are analyzed. Advantages of magneto-galvanic and magneto-modulating converters of great direct currents are explained as for as transformers for metering for great alternating currents. The ways of improving the co...
Conference Paper
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In this collection of scientific works, the results of scientific work of scientific staff, professors, teachers and students operating in foreign and Republican higher educational institutions and research institutes are announced. Materials of the conference were recommended for publication on the basis of the decision of the board of TERMEZ BRAN...
Conference Paper
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Аннотация, В настоящей статье нами рассмотрена способы создание фо-тогенератора с повьпиенными фотонапряжениями на основе АФН-пленок, све-точувствительностью и надёжностью работы.
Conference Paper
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В оптроне с прямой оптической связью, действующем на базе АФН-эффекта нанокристаллических полупроводниковых плёнок и в пьезо-, пиро-, сегнетоэлектрических полупроводниках эта трудность снимается. Та¬кой оптрон представляет собой оптоэлектронный трансформатор напряже¬ния, функционально подобный трансформатору с электромагнитной связью.
Conference Paper
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В настоящей статье нами рассмотрена способы создание фотогенератора с повышенными фотонапряжениями на основе АФН-пленок, светочувствительностью и надёжностью работы.
Conference Paper
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Materiallar qarshiligi muammolarini hal qilish uchun mo'ljallangan dastur modullari bilan jihozlangan ko'plab dasturlar mavjud. Misol tariqasida, Autodesk Inventor dasturiy ta'minot to'plami yordamida "Materiallar qarshiligi" fanining muammolarini hal qilishni ko'rib chiqamiz. Taklif etilayotgan dastur bir nechta dasturiy modullarini o'z ichiga ola...
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Materiallarning qarshiligi - bu barcha texnik mutaxassisliklar talabalari tomonidan o'rganiladigan muhandislik fanidir. Bu fanni o’qitish jarayonida muhandislik datsurlari (Autodesk Inventor, Solid Works, AutoCAD, Kompas 3D, va h.kz) dan Autodesk Inventor amaliy dasturidan foydalansak bo’ladi. Hozirda ushbu dastur oliy o'quv yurtlari tomonidan o'qu...
The purpose of the study. Increasing the performance of belt conveyors and reducing transportation costs based on the developed mathematical modelling of transient processes of asynchronous motors of open-pit conveyor transport. The object of the research is the operating modes of asynchronous motors of belt conveyors of mining enterprises. The sub...
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The structure and properties of the obtained cross-linked ion exchangers were studied by scanning electron microscopy and IR spectroscopy. The results of the EDAX device showed that in ion exchangers, the elemental composition is represented mainly by carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine, and sodium. Absorption in the 1400-1405 sm-1 region, c...


Questions (23)
On the topic of ICT in education (Higher Education).


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