Bastien Sepúlveda

Bastien Sepúlveda
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales | INALCO · Direction de la recherche

PhD in Geography
Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales - Inalco & Research affiliate at UMR SENS


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I am a cultural and political geographer with expertise on a range of topics related to Indigenous Peoples, including land claims, environmental governance, tourism development, migration, urbanisation and the Indigenous right to the city. My research is based on fieldwork in Latin America (Chile), North America (Québec) and the Pacific (New Caledonia). Between 2016 and 2021, I worked at Université de Lille where I led the Indigenous Geographies / INDIGEO project funded by the ANR.
Additional affiliations
January 2022 - present
Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations - BULAC
  • Manager
September 2016 - February 2021
University of Lille
  • Research Associate
September 2015 - August 2016
Université de Rouen Normandie
  • Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche - ATER
September 2006 - June 2011
Université de Rouen Normandie
Field of study
  • Geography
September 2004 - June 2006
Université de Rouen Normandie
Field of study
  • Geography
September 2000 - August 2004
Université de Rouen Normandie
Field of study
  • Geography


Publications (39)
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Artículo de opinión publicado en el portal RESUMEN:
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L’enjeu de cet ouvrage est d’appréhender les manifestations multiples et complexes des recompositions que connaissent les territoires des peuples autochtones aujourd’hui. Ces écritures géographiques émanent, d’une part, de communautés situées dans ce qu’il reste de territoires traditionnels en grande partie usurpés au cours de l’histoire. Elles pro...
Data The INDIGEO database fulfils a dual function. It must first offer anyone who, for whatever reason, is interested in issues concerning Indigenous peoples and their territories, access to an up-to-date and as far as possible comprehensive state-of-the-art compendium of research carried out on this subject worldwide, in...
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Se presenta a continuación una selección bibliográfica de trabajos-libros y artículos publicados en revistas académicas-que abordan las dinámicas territoriales mapuches desde perspectivas diversas, en distintos idiomas, y tanto "en" como "a través de" Chile y Argentina.
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Se analiza en este artículo la manera en que el manejo de las áreas protegidas establecidas en territorios indígenas se ve influenciado e incluso determinado por las dinámicas socio-políticas propias de las comunidades lo-cales. A través del caso de la Reserva Nacional Alto Bío-Bío en Chile, se de-muestra que, si bien la relación que une los pueblo...
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After the conquest of their customary territory by the Chilean army in the late nineteenth century, most of the Mapuche were compelled to migrate towards large regional urban areas in central Chile. This process has continued to increase over the last century to the extent that Mapuche society has become mainly urbanised. To examine the territorial...
Ce numéro de L’Information géographique aborde le concept de différence en tant qu’il participe à la construction des espaces urbains. La différence peut aussi bien être attribuée de façon négative que revendiquée de façon positive. Dans tous les cas elle entraine des usages de l’espace différenciés.
This paper focuses on the management of protected areas in transboundary contexts and centres on the contemporary evolution of the border between Chile and Argentina in Northern Patagonia, which is a region that has witnessed the creation of numerous protected areas that are currently claimed by Mapuche organisations and communities as part of thei...
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Este capítulo indaga en el rol y las funciones de las áreas protegidas en la conformación y (re)articulación de la frontera entre Chile y la Argentina. El análisis se centra, para tal efecto, en el caso de los Andes australes, en el tramo correspondiente a las regiones de La Araucanía, Los Ríos y Los Lagos por el lado chileno, y a las provincias de...
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Hypergéo - Encyclopédie électronique, en accès libre, consacrée à l’épistémologie de la géographie /
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Hypergéo - Encyclopédie électronique, en accès libre, consacrée à l’épistémologie de la géographie /
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For many indigenous peoples, the city was historically constructed as a space of exclusion and domination that relegated them to the confines of the very idea of modernity. However, the current construction of collective spaces enables them to renegotiate their position within the urban fabric. This article aims at understanding the territorial rec...
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Revue Interdisciplinaire de Travaux sur les Amériques 6 /
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This article pays attention to the Indigenous territorial question through the analysis of the Mapuche case in Chile. Three types of territorialities are confronted: a) the ones created by the State’s Indigenous policies, b) the ones claimed by Indigenous leaders, and c) the experienced territorialities of the Mapuche civil society. The usefulness...
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The current rise of international indigenous movements has produced emerging territorial claims questioning the legitimacy of the State and its territory. The possibility of framing territorial autonomy tends to percolate through discourses of indigenous leaders. This paper analyzes such claims focusing on the specific case of the Mapuche people of...
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Through a presentation of a localized case study, this paper aims to analyze the identity and territory questions of emerging Pentecostalism in the Mapuche’s territory where many denominations related to this movement implanted over the last decades. If, on one hand, many Mapuches subscribe today with great ardor to the Pentecostalism cult, they te...
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Au Chili, depuis deja plus d’une decennie, l’organisation autochtone Consejo de Todas las Tierras soutient des communautes mapuches de divers secteurs d’Araucanie dans la recuperation d’aires protegees qu’elles revendiquent comme partie integrante de leurs territoires traditionnels. Cet article propose d’analyser ce processus a partir d’une etude d...
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Sin pretender ser exhaustiva, esta selección bibliográfica presenta un primer balance de la producción geográfica sobre la cuestión territorial mapuche. Por “producción geográfica”, se entienden no solamente los trabajos directamente escritos por geógrafas y geógrafos, sino también aquellos que, publicados por colegas procedentes de diversas formac...
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Since a few decades, indigenous urbanization process is one of the most striking dynamics in Latin America. In Chile, more particularly, migrations towards urban areas have emptied out the southern Mapuche lands. Beyond exploring the illustrative factors of this process, this paper pays particular attention, on the one hand, to the identity rebuild...
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Menée à partir d’enquêtes réalisées chez les Mapuches du Chili, cette thèse propose une approche géographique de la question autochtone et sa résurgence dans le débat public en Amérique Latine. Elle s’intéresse aux différentes formes de contestation de l’Etat auquel les dirigeants des mouvements indianistes s’adressent en revendiquant un territoire...
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After the conquest of their territory by the Chilean army in the late nineteenth century, the Mapuche people had to submit to a vigorous migratory process which led most of them towards the major urban areas of Chile. This phenomenon never decreased over the last century, to such an extent that the majority of Mapuche society has now became urban....
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Cuadernos Interculturales, Año 9, Nº17, 2011
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En América Latina, los movimientos indígenas buscan revertir el orden colonial establecido en sus territorios e incidir en la construcción de una sociedad que reconozca y asuma su diversidad cultural. En forma paralela a este proceso, surgió en los últimos años en las esferas académicas una nueva generación de intelectuales que, desde lo indígena,...


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