Bastián González-Bustamante

Bastián González-Bustamante
Bastián verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Bastián verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Leiden University | LEI · Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs

DPhil in Politics at the University of Oxford
Post-doctoral Researcher in Computational Social Science at Leiden University


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I am a post-doctoral researcher in Computational Social Science at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University, Netherlands. I hold a DPhil (PhD) in Politics from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. Before my DPhil, I earned an MA (1st) in Political Science and a BA (2:1) in Government, both from the Universidad de Chile.
Additional affiliations
March 2024 - present
Diego Portales University
  • Lecturer
July 2018 - March 2024
University of Santiago Chile
  • Instructor
October 2019 - November 2023
University of Oxford
  • DPhil (PhD) Researcher
October 2019 - November 2023
University of Oxford
Field of study
  • Politics
March 2010 - April 2013
University of Chile
Field of study
  • Political Science
March 2004 - October 2009
University of Chile
Field of study
  • Public Administration


Publications (82)
This article presents a case study of the Chilean executive, focusing on the civil service in the period after the Pinochet dictatorship and the country's transition to democracy. It provides synchronic and diachronic analysis of the organisation of the executive, public employment and the civil service. Both the qualitative description and statist...
This article analyses the evolution of COVID-19 and early government responses to the pandemic in eight South American countries. To this aim, this study explores indicators which trace the progression of the pandemic and analyses factors related of state capacity which impacted on the early response of governments of implementing restrictive polic...
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Where do appointments based on political trust end and meritocratic recruitments begin? This question dates to the end of the nineteenth century and is linked to civil service systems’ modernisation processes in the twentieth century. The Chilean civil service has been an example of modernisation in Latin America over the past decades, however, the...
This article studies determinants of political actors’ visibility in the news, and their stability over time, observing the press coverage received by Chilean politicians in the elite press since the beginning of the democratic transition in 1991 and until 2019. In dialogue with theories of news values, we test how political positions in a markedly...
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How do cabinet reshuffles affect the parliamentary opposition's use of no-confidence motions in the government? Opposition parties employ no-confidence motions as electoral signals to highlight government incompetence and to position themselves as a government in waiting. We argue that cabinet reshuffles – which prime ministers use to respond to po...
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This paper describes the creation of a novel dataset on ministerial turnover and resignation calls in 12 presidential cabinets in Latin America from the mid-1970s to the early 2020s. The indicators on resignation calls and reallocations of cabinet members are entirely novel. Both constitute a relevant empirical contribution not only to the study of...
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The TextClass Benchmark project is an ongoing, continuous benchmarking process that aims to provide a comprehensive, fair, and dynamic evaluation of LLMs and transformers for text classification tasks. This evaluation spans various domains and languages in social sciences disciplines engaged in NLP and text-as-data approach. The leaderboards presen...
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This article benchmarked the ability of OpenAI's GPTs and a number of open-source LLMs to perform annotation tasks on political content. We used a novel protest event dataset comprising more than three million digital interactions and created a gold standard that includes ground-truth labels annotated by human coders about toxicity and incivility o...
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The rule of law is a foundational concept of state governance, admired for its ideals but also subject to significant controversy, particularly concerning its precise definition. Given the complexity of this evolving field, both in theory and practice, our article systematically analyzes the existing academic literature on the rule of law, focusing...
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This proof-of-concept study addresses the multifaceted nature of the rule of law through two main objectives. First, it measures the concept’s meaning across different European jurisdictions using word embeddings (vectors) and tests various conjectures derived from discussions on legal traditions. Second, employing word vectors it recalibrates the...
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Significant scholarly effort has been dedicated to defining the rule of law. The prevailing view in the literature is that the rule of law is a highly multidimensional and, as some suggest, an essentially contested concept. In this study, we employ advanced text-as-data methods, specifically diachronic word embeddings, to shed light on what the rul...
Este documento de trabajo describe el Análisis de Componentes Principales (PCA, por sus siglas en inglés) como técnica estadística exploratoria y reductiva, así como su aplicación con correlaciones policóricas. Estos modelos bivariados operan como técnica auxiliar y permiten un mejor ajuste con variables ordinales/cuasi-cuantitativas, lo que es bas...
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This article analyses the development of open e-government between 2019 and 2021 in Chile’s 345 municipalities. We aggregated an e-government index (EGi) to measure the provision of local digital services for citizens. We then combined this with indicators of transparency and access to public information to create an open e-government index (OEGi)....
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This article analyses the development of open e-government between 2019 and 2021 in Chile’s 345 municipalities. We aggregated an e-government index (EGi) to measure the provision of local digital services for citizens. We then combined this with indicators of transparency and access to public information to create an open e-government index (OEGi)....
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Este trabajo metodológico discute aplicaciones prácticas, ventajas y desventajas del análisis histórico de eventos o de supervivencia en comparación con estrategias econométricas clásicas en ciencias sociales como las regresiones logísticas binarias. En consecuencia, se analiza cuándo el enfoque de supervivencia es conveniente en comparación con mo...
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This article analyses the effect of ministers’ exposure to periods of low presidential approval in Brazil and Chile between 1990 and 2014. Approval is explored with quarterly estimates using a dyad-ratios algorithm and merged into a time-dependent cabinet data set to evaluate individual ministerial terminations ( N = 4245). The empirical strategy c...
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Este trabajo metodológico discute aplicaciones prácticas, ventajas y desventajas del análisis histórico de eventos o de supervivencia en comparación con estrategias econométricas clásicas en ciencias sociales como las regresiones logísticas binarias. En consecuencia, se analiza cuándo el enfoque de supervivencia es conveniente en comparación con mo...
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This paper analyses the effect of ministers’ exposure to periods of low presidential approval in Brazil and Chile between 1990 and 2014. Approval is explored with quarterly estimates using a dyad-ratios algorithm and merged into a time-dependent cabinet data set to evaluate individual ministerial terminations (N = 4,245). The empirical strategy com...
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Este artículo presenta un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN), el centro de estudios más importante durante la dictadura y transición democrática en Chile. El análisis se realiza sobre un conjunto de registros bibliográficos (n = 145), referencias (n = 4.055) e información bi...
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Este artículo presenta un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN), el centro de estudios más importante durante la dictadura y transición democrática en Chile. El análisis se realiza sobre un conjunto de registros bibliográficos (n = 145), referencias (n = 4.055) e información bi...
Data set on Chilean undersecretaries between 1990 and 2022 in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format with Unicode encoding (UTF-8). The data collection was carried out based on official sources such as archives of Congress and ministries, the National Library, and press archives.
Data set on Chilean ministers between 1990 and 2014 in Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format with Unicode encoding (UTF-8). The data collection was carried out based on official sources such as archives of Congress and ministries, the National Library, and press archives.
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Este número 28 de Pléyade, Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, titulado “Élites políticas en América Latina: Socialización, trayectorias y capitales” está compuesto por trabajos que se enfocan en el estudio de las élites en la región desde distintas aproximaciones y perspectivas de análisis. De cierta forma este dossier puede ser comprendid...
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Este documento de trabajo analiza la consistencia de la medición de sofisticación política como predictor de participación y compromiso político con la ola del Barómetro de las Américas 2016/17 en 19 países de América Latina (N = 31.285). Se evalúan la participación electoral, en protestas, eficacia política, identificación partidaria, interés en l...
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Este trabajo ofrece una aproximación exploratoria del consumo de medios tradicionales, digitales y el uso de redes sociales en Argentina, Chile y Uruguay. En primer lugar, se ofrece una breve teorización que contextualiza el avance de las nuevas tecnologías de información. Posteriormente, con datos de International Telecommunication Union (ITU) y e...
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En los últimos treinta años, el campo de la administración pública en América Latina ha girado en torno a cómo introducir reformas en el sector público inspiradas por la Nueva Gestión Pública. En efecto, la mayoría de las administraciones públicas se han enfocado casi exclusivamente en introducir este tipo de reformas, ignorando una serie de altern...
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En los últimos treinta años el debate en el campo de la administración pública en América Latina ha girado en torno a cómo introducir reformas en el sector público inspiradas por la Nueva Gestión Pública. En efecto, la mayoría de las administraciones públicas se han enfocado casi exclusivamente en introducir este tipo de reformas, ignorando una ser...
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n los últimos treinta años el debate en el campo de la administración pública en América Latina ha girado en torno a cómo introducir reformas en el sector público inspiradas por la Nueva Gestión Pública. En efecto, la mayoría de las administraciones públicas se han enfocado casi exclusivamente en introducir este tipo de reformas, ignorando una seri...
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Este artículo presenta un conjunto de datos novedoso de altos directivos públicos chilenos durante el período 2009-2017. El foco de este artículo metodológico es demostrar cómo el uso de procesos de minería de datos y aprendizaje automático pueden ser útiles para la creación del conjunto de datos y sus potenciales aplicaciones. Primero, presentamos...
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Este documento de trabajo prueba un algoritmo alterantivo para los períodos legislativos analizados por González-Bustamante y Cisternas (2016) en Chile entre 1990 y 2014. Se utiliza específicamente ForceAtlas2, el cual es un algoritmo de diseño gráfico continuo desarrollado por Jacomy et al. (2013) basado en un diseño dirigido por fuerza. Se analiz...
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Esta sección analiza los nuevos desafíos, enfoques analíticos y metodologías para el estudio de diferentes élites políticas. En base a la literatura existente y la revisión de casos de América Latina, los presentes artículos reflexionan sobre las diferentes perspectivas investigativas considerando como variables dependientes o fenómenos a explicar...
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Resumen: se analiza el nivel de gobierno electrónico y sus determinantes en las municipalida-des de las cinco regiones más pobladas de chile. se trabaja con una base de datos con 188 municipios que concentran más de 71 por ciento de la población nacional estimada en 2016. se calcula, describe y georreferencia un índice e-valor 2016 para evaluar el...
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Este artículo discute brevemente algunas dificultades teóricas y caracteriza el panorama reciente, así como las principales agendas de investigación en el marco del estudio de las élites gubernamentales en América Latina. Posteriormente, se abordan de forma general algunos desafíos metodológicos y se presentan unas breves reflexiones finales.
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Open government has become one of the concepts that most recently attracted professionals and academics dedicated to public administration. Likewise, it is possible to notice the appearance of a growing volume of academic works dedicated to analyzing the concept and experiences of open government in the region. This paper analyzes the academic prod...
In the context of the global debate about the revolving door between private and public sectors, the case of Chile, a country in which the State has been considerably weakened, is of great interest. First, we describe the career paths of a universe of 386 individuals who held the posts of minister, undersecretary (vice-minister) and superintendent...
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Este artículo analiza tres dimensiones de la congruencia élite-ciudadanía en Chile y Uruguay: a) ideológica; b) temática, respaldo y satisfacción con la democracia; y c) preferencias del rol del Estado en la economía. Se utilizan datos de encuestas nacionales probabilísticas y encuestas de élites financiadas por IDRC de Canadá y realizadas entre 20...
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En este capítulo buscamos responder a estas interrogantes, explorando en el uso de redes sociales en campañas electorales y en conversaciones políticas en la esfera digital. Para esto, usamos como caso de estudio a Chile entre 2009 y 2015. Para facilitar la exposición del tema, dividimos el capítulo en tres apartados. En el primero, abordamos de fo...
This chapter examines the concept of public service models with special emphasis on the Latin American reality. The following section deals with the subject from an historical perspective, its ties to the patronage systems, and the main milestones which have shaped the evolution of the civil services. Subsequently, the next section deals with the c...
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Este artículo analiza tres dimensiones de la congruencia élite-ciudadanía en Chile y Uruguay: (a) ideológica; (b) temática, respaldo y satisfacción con la democracia; y (c) preferencias del rol del Estado en la economía. Se utilizan datos de encuestas nacionales probabilísticas y encuestas de élites financiadas por IDRC de Canadá y realizadas entre...
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Se analiza el nivel de gobierno electrónico y sus determinantes en las municipalidades de las cinco regiones más pobladas de Chile. Se trabaja con una base de datos con 188 municipios que concentran más del 71% de la población nacional estimada en 2016. Se calcula, describe y georreferencia un índice e-valor 2016 para evaluar el suministro de servi...
Scatterplots año de publicación y cantidad de documentos referenciados en artículos sobre gobierno abierto en América Latina y España entre 2009 y 2015
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Este trabajo evalúa un algoritmo alternativo para las legislaturas analizadas por González-Bustamante y Cisternas (2016). Específicamente se utiliza ForceAtlas2, un algoritmo de diseño gráfico continúo desarrollado por Jacomy, Venturini, Heymann y Bastian (2014) con base en un diseño dirigido por fuerza (force-directed).
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Este trabajo evalúa un algoritmo alternativo para las legislaturas analizadas por González-Bustamante y Cisternas (2016). Específicamente se utiliza ForceAtlas2, un algoritmo de diseño gráfico continúo desarrollado por Jacomy et al. (2014) con base en un diseño dirigido por fuerza (force-directed). Si bien el algoritmo Fruchterman y Reingold (1991)...
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Este trabajo, aún en desarrollo, analiza la pertinencia y consistencia de la medición de sofisticación política como predictor de participación y compromiso político con la ola del Barómetro de las Américas 2016/17 en 19 países de América Latina (N = 31.285). Se evalúan como formas de participación y compromiso político: participación electoral, en...
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This article analyses the political opinion of the journalist who lead, manage and edit written digital media (MDE for its acronym in Spanish) in Chile. Based on data from a non probabilistic survey carried out in 2014, the journalist’s opinion on some public issues and the mass media conditions are addressed. Furthermore, comparisons are made with...
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We analyze the political careers of the ministers in the Chilean cabinets from 1990 to 2010. We consider data from a survey of 386 members of the political elite who held top positions within Chilean government during the mentioned period. Considering this sample, only 108 cases were appointed as ministers, which represents more than 60 per cent of...
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En este capítulo buscamos responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿qué perfil tienen los ministros que logran sobrevivir a los cambios de gabinete y permanecer con éxito en el campo político? Para esto, en el siguiente apartado realizamos un recorrido teórico sobre élites políticas y estudios de gabinetes. Posteriormente, presentamos un apartado metodológ...
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This chapter is focused on electronic participation and its relation with the growing of social networks through Internet. The e-government and its difference with other emerging ways of digital participation is addressed in detail. Based on a theoretical scheme and a case of study that tells experiences of technological innovation and the usage of...
Working Paper
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El presente informe entrega un primer panorama empírico sobre el fenómeno de la circulación público-privada en Chile, demostrando la existencia del fenómeno y esbozando un primer análisis de sus determinantes. Tomando un universo de 386 personas, que ejercieron los cargos de ministro, subsecretario y superintendente durante los gobiernos de Ricardo...
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This article analyses the social composition of political elites in the Chilean legislative branch, specifically in the Chamber of Deputies between 1990 and 2014. The personal characteristics and re-election rates of deputies in that period (n = 720) are analysed. The degree of homogeneity in educational background for each legislature is complemen...
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Presentación Dossier (Special Issue) "Élites políticas, económicas e intelectuales". Coordinado por Bastián González-Bustamante.
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This article analyzes cabinet turnoverand factors that had an influence on the survival of 180 ministers in Chilebetween 1990 and 2010. With survival analysis, specifically, proportional hazards models and Cox regressions with shared-frailty, the individual characteristics of ministers, such as survival/risk predictors and the influence of institut...
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Este artigo analisa a rotatividade e sobrevivência dos subsecretários no Chile durante os governos da Concertación (1990-2010) e durante o governo de Piñera (2010-2014). Na última década, gabinetes ministeriais receberam grande atenção por parte dos acadêmicos concentrados em estudar o funcionamento do presidencialismo e/ou as elites políticas. Nes...
Working Paper
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This paper analyses whether digital alternative media foster pluralism on the political agendaof Chilean media. It considers a data set collected by tracking the two major written digitalmedia in Chile, which belong to the biggest media holdings, during June 2013, and a non-probabilistic sample of alternative written digital media. Both, content an...
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This article analyses the main factors that affect the election of a high civil servant in the first level of hierarchy in Chile, according to a sociological perspective using the capital species concept. This paper provides a theoretical and descriptive travel on State modernization and professionalization of public management in Chile. Later, wit...
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This article analyzes the rotation and the survival of undersecretaries in Chile during the governments of the Concertación (1990-2010) and the government of Sebastián Piñera (2010-2014). During the last decade cabinets as an object of study have earned centrality among scholars who study the presidential functioning and those who study political e...
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This work analyses if Twitter is an effective public opinion indicator. It works with a data set that gathers up two weeks activity of the main users that interact upon the Michelle Bachelet’s arrival last march 2013 for the Chilean presidential election. It presents a general description of the case, sentiment analysis and social network analysis....
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Electoral success and campaign spending in elections of senators and deputies in Chile 2013 Campaign spending is one of the most relevant factors for the electoral success of a political player. This situation shows how important it is to regulate the relationship between politics and money, in order to avoid problems of representation, entry barri...
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Este artículo analiza la primera elección directa de consejeros regionales en Chile, cargo que antes del año 2013 se elegía de forma indirecta por representantes de los gobiernos locales. Se trabaja con datos electorales y biográficos de los candidatos que compitieron (N = 1.382), lo cual se contrasta con información de una base de datos de todas l...
This article analyses the first popular election of regional councilors in Chile, a post which, prior to 2013, was chosen by local government representatives. The database used contains electoral and biographical information for each candidate (N = 1,382), which is compared to similar information for candidates in all Chilean elections between 1989...
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This article analyses the first popular election of regional councilors in Chile, a post which, prior to 2013, was chosen by local government representatives. The database used contains electoral and biographical information for each candidate (N = 1,382), which is compared to similar information for candidates in all Chilean elections between 1989...
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This paper analyses the main factors that allow access to Michelle Bachelet’s cabinet (2006-2010) and to Sebastián Piñera’s cabinet (2010-2014) in Chile, with focus on the influence of participation in think tanks to access the cabinet. We work with a database of 102 cases corresponding to 90 people who were appointed ministers in the mentioned per...
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El presente documento es un escrito que complementa el trabajo de Millaleo y Cárcamo, por lo cual no se desarrolla en base al esquema clásico de un artículo de investigación, su estructura obedece más bien al formato de un ensayo, estructurándose en una serie de apartados que constituyen un reflejo del recorrido teórico-descriptivo desarrollado por...
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This article analyzes the factors affecting access and permanence of thegovernmental political elite in Chile from 1990 to 2010, utilizing data from a survey of 386 members of the elite who entered the political field. Only 199 cases from the survey qualify as part from the governmental elite. It presents a description of the group, a relevant perm...
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The study of the elites has been a very relevant topic for social sciences, with the political and economic elites as focus of interest for the political science and sociology. Despite of this, the study of the Chilean elites was somewhat stagnant in past decades; however, that situation is changing. This paper presents a synthesis of research whic...
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Este artículo analiza los factores de acceso y permanencia de la élite política gubernamental en Chile para el período 1990-2010. Se trabaja con datos de una encuesta de 386 miembros de la élite quienes fueron parte del campo político. Sólo 199 casos de la encuesta califican como parte de la élite gubernamental. Se presenta una descripción del grup...
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Although television has been traditionally the main channel of mass communication between candidates and electors, social media has emerged as a new channel, becoming a relevant platform where a dynamic fux of information is shared by electors and candidates. The role of social media can be considered from a classical perspective, in other words, a...


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