Bart Schweitzer

Bart Schweitzer
Amsterdam University Medical Center | VUmc · Department of General Practice and Elderly Care Medicine



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Publications (24)
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Background: PaTz (palliative care at home) is a method to improve palliative care in the primary care setting in the Netherlands. PaTz has three basic principles: (1) local GPs and DNs meet at least six times per year to identify and discuss their patients with a life-threatening illness; (2) these meetings are supervised by a specialist palliativ...
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Background: Palliative care should be holistic, but spiritual issues are often overlooked. General practitioners and nurses working together in PaTz-groups (palliative home care groups) consider spiritual issues in palliative care to be relevant, but experience barriers in addressing spiritual issues and finding spiritual caregivers. This study ev...
Palliatieve Thuiszorg (PaTz) is een methode om de palliatieve zorg in de eerste lijn te verbeteren via regionale registratie- en gespreksbijeenkomsten van huisartsen en wijkverpleegkundigen. Uit dit retrospectieve vragenlijstonderzoek blijkt dat PaTz-deelnemers betere samenwerking en deskundigheid in de palliatieve zorg ervaren. PaTz-deelname is ge...
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Background: The PaTz-method (acronym for Palliatieve Thuiszorg, palliative care at home) is perceived to improve coordination, continuity and communication in palliative care in the Netherlands. Although important for further implementation, research showing a clear effect of PaTz on patient-related outcomes is scarce. This study aimed to examine...
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Background: Spiritual care is an important aspect of palliative care. In the Netherlands, general practitioners and district nurses play a leading role in palliative care in the primary care setting. When they are unable to provide adequate spiritual care to their patient, they can refer to spiritual caregivers. This study aimed to provide an over...
Background: Discharge from hospital to home can be a stressful experience for patients and carers. Contact with the GP is important to ensure continuity of care. Objectives: To investigate timing of contact with the GP and locum after the last hospitalization in the last year of life and to investigate patient and care characteristics related to...
Background: In PaTz (PAlliatieve Thuis Zorg, palliative care at home), modelled after the Gold Standards Framework, GPs and community nurses meet on a regular basis to identify patients with palliative care needs (the PaTz register), and to discuss care for these patients. Aim: To study the effects of the implementation of PaTz, and provide addi...
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Objective: The aim was to evaluate the effect of the implementation of an information handover form regarding patients receiving palliative care. Outcome was the information available for the out-of-hours GP co-operative. Design: We conducted a controlled trial. Setting: All GPs in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Intervention: The experimental g...
Veel mensen willen in de laatste levensmaanden thuis verzorgd worden en ook thuis sterven. Toch wordt ongeveer de helft van de patiënten die niet onverwacht sterven, in de laatste drie levensmaanden in het ziekenhuis opgenomen.1,2 Ria de Korte-Verhoef deed bij het VU medisch centrum promotieonderzoek naar het vermijden van ziekenhuisopnames aan het...
To describe how hospitalisation at the end of life can be avoided, from the perspective of general practitioners (GPs), nurses and family carers. Qualitative study with open interviews. We interviewed 26 GPs, 15 nurses and 18 family carers of 30 patients who had died non-suddenly. 20 of the patients had been hospitalised in the last three months of...
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Although many patients prefer to stay and die at home at the end of life, many are hospitalised. Little is known about how to avoid hospitalisations for patients living at home. To describe how hospitalisation at the end of life can be avoided, from the perspective of the GPs, nurses and family carers. A qualitative design with face-to-face intervi...
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PaTz (an acronym for 'PAlliatieve Thuis Zorg'; palliative care at home) is an intervention to improve palliative care provision and strengthen the generalist knowledge of palliative care. In PaTz general practitioners and district nurses meet on a regular basis to identify patients with palliative care needs and to discuss care for these patients....
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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a new palliative care 'availability, current issues and anticipation' (ACA) training programme to improve communication skills of general practice trainees (GPTs). In a controlled trial among third-year GPTs, we videotaped one 20-min consultation between each GPT and a simulated palliative care pati...
Many patients are hospitalised during the final phase of life, even though most prefer to receive care at home until the end. This study aimed to explore the reasons and characteristics of hospitalisation in the final 3 months of life for patients who died non-suddenly, with a comparison between cancer patients and non-cancer patients. This study u...
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While effective general practitioner (GP)-patient communication is required for the provision of good palliative care, barriers and facilitators for this communication are largely unknown. We aimed to identify barriers and facilitators for GP-patient communication in palliative care. In a systematic review seven computerized databases were searched...
Doel De zorg buiten kantooruren is in Nederland gereorganiseerd, net als in Engeland en Denemarken. Huisartsen werken nu vanuit grootschalige huisartsenposten. Patiënten reageren in het algemeen positief, maar spreken soms ook hun bezorgdheid uit over de kwaliteit van zorg die patiënten in de palliatieve fase tijdens de diensten krijgen. In de pall...
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In the Netherlands, out-of-hours primary care has been re-organized from small on-call rota groups to large-scale GP co-operatives. However, out-of-hours palliative care is an area of concern. According to studies in the UK, the transfer of information about terminally ill patients to GP co-operatives seems to be poor, resulting in care that is oft...
Questions regarding information transfer. This file contains all questions used from the questionnaire regarding information transfer.
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In the Netherlands, the increase in of out-of-hours care that is provided by GP co-operatives is challenging the continuity of care for the terminally ill in general practice. Aim of this study is to investigate the views of general practitioners (GPs) on the transfer of information about terminally ill patients to the GP co-operatives. GPs were as...
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Out-of-hours GP care in England, Denmark and the Netherlands has been reorganised and is now provided by large scale GP co-operatives. Adequate transfer of information is necessary in order to assure continuity of care, which is of major importance in palliative care. We conducted a study to assess the availability, content and effect of informatio...
Achtergrond en doelstelling. In veel westerse landen maakt ongeveer 40% van de patiënten, die niet onverwacht sterven, in de laatste drie levensmaanden één of meer overplaatsingen mee van thuis naar het ziekenhuis, terwijl de meeste patiënten de voorkeur hebben om thuis te sterven. De discontinuïteit van huisartsenzorg buiten kantooruren kan van in...


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