Barry Van Bakel

Barry Van Bakel
Oertijdmuseum Boxtel



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My research interests: * Fossil crabs (Brachyura) with emphasis on Primitive crabs (Podotremata); * Phylogenetic relationships within Brachyura; * Comparative morphology of ventral elements; * Fossil hermit crabs (Paguroidea); * Palaeoecology and biomechanics of extinct brachyurans


Publications (173)
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In addition to the type species, Binkhorstia ubaghsii, which is fairly common in the upper part of the Nekum Member (Maastricht Formation) in the wider vicinity of Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Binkhorstia euglypha, which appears to be restricted to the overlying Meerssen Member of the same formation (uppermost Maastrichtian), a third member, B....
In addition to the type species, Binkhorstia ubaghsii, which is fairly common in the upper part of the Nekum Member (Maastricht Formation) in the wider vicinity of Maastricht (the Netherlands) and Binkhorstia euglypha, which appears to be restricted to the overlying Meerssen Member of the same formation (uppermost Maastrichtian), a third member, B....
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Two decapod (Arthropoda: Malacostraca: Decapoda) assemblages from two newly discovered localities near Torreblanca (Castelló, Valencian Country, Spain), situated in the Orpesa Sub-basin of the Maestrat Basin, are described. The first assemblage exhibits a diverse fauna of lobsters, including erymoids, glypheoids and nephropoids representatives of f...
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Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum A new species of Distefania Checchia-Rispoli, 1917, is described from the upper Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) Picofrentes Formation, of the Iberian Inner Castilian Platform in Guadalajara Province (Spain). Distefania buerai nov. sp. represents the third formal record of fossil decapod crustacean, and the seco...
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Large-sized extinct crab specimens recovered from Waitoetoe beach, North Island, New Zealand form the basis for a new species of ‘Southern Giant Crab’, Pseudocarcinus karlraubenheimeri n. sp. The specimens originate from the upper Miocene Urenui Formation (approximately 8.8 myr) of the Taranaki Basin, in which a series of volcanoes of the Mohakatin...
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Palaeocene crabs are rare globally; crab faunules at this era are mostly described from reefal environments, and little is reported about non-reefal environments. A new raninoid crab is described and formally named from Thanetian (upper Palaeocene) non-reefal deeper water deposits of Boussens, southern France. The new species is assigned to the ge...
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A highly diverse decapod crustacean fauna is described from the classic Aptian outcrop of Cal Cassanyes (Castellet i la Gornal) in Catalonia. Although decapod crustaceans are a minor component of the rich invertebrate assemblages at that locality, the just over fifty specimens collected comprise sixteen taxa assignable to the Macrura, Anomura and B...
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Study of high-diversity Miocene decapod crustacean faunas has resulted in the recognition of several new species from a range of localities across Cyprus. Anomuran taxa collected comprise Paguristes joecollinsi, Dardanus cyprioticus sp. nov., Dardanus plevrotos sp. nov., Galathea weinfurteri, Palmunidopsis muelleri, Petrolisthes haydni, Petrolisthe...
Validation of Tanidromites maerteni Fraaije, Van Bakel, Guinot & Jagt, a species of crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) deposits of Maizet, Calvados, northwest France
Large chelipeds and cheliped fragments of brachyuran crabs associated with dinosaur (ornithopodan) remains from Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) continental deposits of Velaux and vicinity (southern France) were described and named as a new genus and species by Van Bakel, Hyžný, Valentin & Robin in Robin et al. (2019). However, the journal issue in whi...
In strata of Albian age in northern and northeastern France, paguroid anomurans are extremely rare. Here we add to the meagre record by erecting a new genus and species, Litorepagurus wissantensis, on the basis of a completely preserved left chela, inclusive of the moveable finger. This constitutes the third hermit crab taxon known to date from the...
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Two new species of hermit crab are recorded from the upper Miocene (Tortonian) St. Marys Formation of Maryland, named Pagurus hazenorum n. sp. and Paguristes timoni n. sp. and assigned to the families Paguridae Latreille, 1802, and Annuntidiogenidae Fraaije, 2014, respectively. Both new species are morphologically close to present-day congeners, bu...
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Representatives of the family Synaxidae, commonly referred to as furry lobsters, are rare constituents of modern-day marine communities, while their fossil record suggests that they were more common in the past, in reefal settings during the Late Jurassic across Europe, from where at least three species have been recorded to date. An overview of al...
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A highly diversified fauna of hermit crabs associated with reef environments from the Serraduy Formation (lower Eocene) in the southern Pyrenees (Huesca, Spain) is described. Other European Eocene outcrops have yielded paguroids associated with a single environment; however, the studied association represents one of the highest paguroid diversities...
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A new necrocarcinid crab, Necrocarcinus christinae, is described from the Cenomanian deposits (Woodbine Formation) of Irving, Texas. Only a handful of decapod species are known from this formation but N. christinae sp. nov. remarkably represents the third palaeocorystoid crab. The size of the sole specimen known is much larger than usual for the ge...
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Two new species of viaiid crabs, Viaia brinae sp. nov. and Viaia tisae sp. nov., are recorded from an olistolith of reefal limestone of late Aptian to middle Albian age at Velika Strmica (Slovenia), detailing their unique carapace morphological characters. The new taxa improve current knowledge of the monotypic genus Viaia Artal, Van Bakel, Fraaije...
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Lower and upper Aptian decapod crustacean faunules from the Isle of Wight, UK, are described and compared.
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Research on the extensive Miocene decapod faunas from Cyprus is still ongoing. During several fieldwork campaigns (between 1991 and 2021), diverse assemblages have been collected at six localities in Cyprus. Few specimens have been already published (Fraaije 2014, Wallaard et al. 2020) while most material still remain for further study.
Over the past fifteen years, numerous new Mesozoic paguroid assemblages have been described. Here we add a new, diverse hermit crab faunule comprising members of the families Gastrodoridae, Paguropsidae, Pilgrimchelidae, Pylochelidae and Schobertellidae, as well as a single symmetrical tergite from Upper Jurassic (middle Oxfordian) limestones in Sz...
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A highly diverse fauna of dromioid brachyurans from the Serraduy Formation (lower Eocene) in the western Pyrenees (Huesca, Spain) is described and illustrated. Recorded taxa are Mclaynotopus longispinosus new genus new species, Torodromia elongata n. gen. n. sp., Basidromilites glaessneri n. gen. n. sp., ? Basidromilites sp., Sierradromia gladiator...
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In our ongoing studies of both extinct and extant hermit crabs (Paguroidea Latreille, 1802), we have observed and recorded a number of morphological changes that have taken place between Early Jurassic times (c. 185 million years ago) and the present day. Species compositions of paguroid assemblages from marine Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous r...
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Both partially articulated specimens and dissociated marginal ossicles form the basis for erection of two new species of Late Cretaceous goniasterids from the Mons and Liège-Limburg basins (Belgium) and the Hannover area (Germany). Chomataster breizh sp. nov., which recalls the type species, Chomataster acules Spencer, 1913, but differs in several...
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Palaeocorystid crabs with a special focus on Joeranina
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Ferry across the North Sea - Joe’s collecting of fossil cirripedes and crabs in the Low Countries
A new species of the primitive crab genus Bucculentum Schweitzer & Feldmann, 2009 is recorded from the Mörnsheim Formation (Upper Jurassic, lower Tithonian, hybonotum ammonite Zone) at Mühlheim, near Solnhofen. The new species is one of the largest members of the genus known to date. It can be distinguished from congeners in particular on the basis...
A new, carapace-based species of paguroid is recorded from lower Kimmeridgian (Planula ammonite zone) limestones exposed at the Plettenberg quarry (Dotternhausen). The calcified posterior carapace, the mesogastric process with a median ridge, the pronounced rostrum and coarse ornament are indicative of placement in the genus Daciapagurus Franţescu,...
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Four new brachyuran species, assigned to two new genera and one existing genus, are recorded from Lower and Upper Cretaceous strata of Moscow Oblast (Moskovskaya Oblast) and Dagestan, Russia. Three new taxa, Personadorippe levashiensis gen. et sp. nov., Levashidromites cornutus gen. et sp. nov. and Vectis collinsi sp. nov., were recovered from Apti...
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The earliest known brachyurans, or true crabs, are of Early and Middle Jurassic age. In general, they are rare and known from either a single or a few specimens only. Here we record a new genus and species of homolodromioid crab of Bajocian (early Middle Jurassic) age from Calvados (northwest France), based on a unique dorsal carapace. On the basis...
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Recent fieldwork has yielded new decapod crustacean material from Upper Jurassic–lowest Cretaceous bioclastic limestones at Kotouč quarry near Štramberk (Moravia, northeastern Czech Republic). Two specimens in this lot can be ascribed to the superfamily Palaeocorystoidea and represent the oldest gymnopleuran crabs known to date. A new genus and spe...
A new species of the box crab Calappilia A. Milne-Edwards in de Bouillé, 1873 from lower Burdigalian (Lower Miocene) strata at Penedo Norte (Aldeia do Meco, Setúbal, Atlantic Coast of Portugal) is described and named. This new record increases the known diversity and palaeo-geographical distribution of the genus and sheds additional light on its mi...
One new genus and two new species of fossil frog crabs from the Eocene to Oligocene deposits of Washington State (USA) and Vancouver Island (British Columbia, Canada) of the north-eastern Pacific are described, based upon several well- preserved specimens. The studied specimens are herein described as Amphoranina blandi n. gen., n. sp. and A. multi...
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A new genus and new species of decapod brachyuran, Cuchiadromites jadeae, is recorded and described herein from the Lower Aptian (Early Cretaceous) Patrocinio Formation (Deshayesites forbesi Ammonite Zone) of the coastal cliffs near Cuchía (Cantabria, Spain). Cuchiadromites jadeae gen. et sp. nov., is the fourth species of brachyuran recovered in t...
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The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) has recently circulated a letter, dated 21st April, 2020, to more than 300 palaeontological journals, signed by the President, Vice President and a former President of the society (Rayfield et al. 2020). In this letter, significant changes to the common practices in palaeontology are requested. In our pr...
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The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) has recently circulated a letter, dated 21st April, 2020, to more than 300 palaeontological journals, signed by the President, Vice President and a former President of the society (Rayfield et al. 2020). In this letter, significant changes to the common practices in palaeontology are requested. In our pr...
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Recently, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) has sent around a letter, dated 21st April, 2020 to more than 300 palaeontological journals, signed by the President, Vice President and a former President of the society (Rayfield et al. 2020). The signatories of this letter request significant changes to the common practices in palaeontology....
Lodged within the body chamber of the schloenbachiid ammonite Schloenbachia varians (J. Sowerby, 1817) from lower Cenomanian strata in the Besakty section (Mangyshlak Mountains, western Kazakhstan) are the heavily ornamented carapace with partial chelipeds and abdomen of a nephropid lobster which is here described as a new species, Hoploparia tectu...
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The name for the brachyuran subfamily Dasygyiinae Holmes, 1900, recently recognised by Guinot & Van Bakel (2020) in the majoid family Inachoididae Dana, 1851, cannot be used as it is a junior synonym of Collodinae Stimpson, 1871. The present note diagnoses a new name, Paradasygyiinae subfam. nov., for the monotypic genus Paradasygyius Garth, 1958.
A new genus and species of achelatan lobster, Palaeopalinurellus culocervus, from the "Calcaire crayeux de Maxey" limestones (middle Oxfordian, Transversarium Zone) at "Le Cul du Cerf", near Orquevaux (Haute-Marne, northeastern France), are described. The new taxon constitutes the earliest record to date of a furry lobster worldwide and extends the...
A diminutive paguroid shield from Lower Eocene strata in the Lessini Mountains (northern Italy), recorded several years ago as Paguristes sp. (sensu BESCHIN et al. 2016), is here transferred to the family Calcinidae FRAAIJE, VAN BAKEL & JAGT, 2017, on the basis of the presence of an intragastric Y-linea. The new genus and species, Joecalcinus bolce...
A new species of galatheoid from the upper Albian (Gault Clay Formation) of Folkestone, Kent (England) described herein, represents the first squat lobster on record from the highly fossiliferous Gault strata in the Anglo-Paris Basin. Normally, squat lobsters are commoner in reef settings of this age. The new species is assigned to the genus Hispan...
A recent revision of historical collections at the Museo Geológico del Seminario de Barcelona has resulted in the discovery of a new extinct genus of xanthid crab, Collinscarcinus n. gen., which is characterised by a subelliptical carapace outline, lateral margins with arched lobes with notches, an extremely downturned front, large, gently swollen...
To reflect the nearly 65 years of active research into extinct decapod and thoracican crustaceans (Pleocyemata, Anomura, Brachyura and Cirripedia) by the late Joe Collins, a varied array of papers on polychelid lobsters, paguroid and galatheoid anomurans, brachyurans and scalpellomorph and balanomorph cirripedes is compiled in the present memorial...
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A rare small species, Esopus crassus A. Milne-Edwards, 1875, recently collected by KARUBENTHOS Expedition 2015 in Guadeloupe, is re-examined. The genus Esopus A. Milne-Edwards, 1875, currently included in the Epialtidae MacLeay, 1838, must be assigned to the Inachoididae Dana, 1851, a rather basal family within the Majoidea Samouelle, 1819, but dev...
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Subsequent to a preliminary report on a handful of paguroid remains from the Tithonian (uppermost Jurassic) to lower Berriasian (Lower Cretaceous) Štramberk Limestone in Moravia (eastern Czech Republic), published in 2013, several field campaigns were organised by our research team during the summers of 2012–2015 and 2018. These resulted in the rec...
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For the first time, a paguroid shield is recorded from upper Miocene reefal strata (Koronia Member, Pakhna Formation) that crop out along the northern margin of the Troodos Massif, north of the village of Mitsero, Cyprus. Described here as Paguristes joecollinsi sp. nov., it constitutes the first paguroid shield known from Miocene deposits. The pau...
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During recent decades, decapod crustacean faunas from middle Danian (lower Paleocene) strata at Faxe (Sjælland, Denmark) have been studied in detail. However, paguroid anomurans have not yet been described formally. Two new species of hermit crab have lately been recognised in the collections of the Geomuseum Faxe. Percentages of total paguroid ass...
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With approximately 1,500 extant species, freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) are among the most diverse decapod crustaceans. Nevertheless, their fossil record is extremely limited: only Potamidae, Potamonautidae and Trichodactylidae are reported up to the Eocene of the Neotropics so far. This work documents unusually large decapod claws from the...
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With approximately 1,500 extant species, freshwater crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura) are among the most diverse decapod crustaceans. Nevertheless, their fossil record is extremely limited: only Potamidae, Potamonautidae and Trichodactylidae are reported up to the Eocene of the Neotropics so far. This work documents unusually large decapod claws from the...
Conference Paper
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During several fieldwork campaigns (the first in 1991), diverse reef-associated decapod crustacean faunules have been found at six localities in Cyprus where Miocene rocks crop out. With uplift of the island during the Miocene reefs developed locally, in two phases. At three localities with Lower Miocene and three with Upper Miocene strata, we have...
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Since our latest listings of decapod crustacean taxa from Campanian-Maastrichtian strata (Collins et al., 1995; Jagt et al., 2014), new material has been recovered, generally by ‘citizen scientists’, that allows stratigraphical ranges of various species to be refined and includes new, still undescribed forms.
Two galatheoid anomurans, Gastrosacus raboeufi n. sp. and G. sp., the earliest members of the genus Gastrosacus von Meyer, 1851 known to date, are recorded from upper Bathonian strata in Calvados (Normandy, France). In this respect, we consider the enigmatic Palaeomunidopsis moutieri Van Straelen, 1925 from the middle Bathonian of Giberville (Norma...
Mid-Cretaceous (upper Albian) strata of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin in northern Spain are renowned for their highly diverse crustacean assemblages from reef settings. From the Koskobilo quarry, two small, enrolled specimens of a sphaeromatid isopod, Cymodoce (?) scopula sp. nov., and the posterior part of a carapace of a palinurid achelatan, Palaeo...
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A new genus and species of raninoid crab, Doraranina manleyi, is described from the lower Eocene Lookingglass Formation, Oregon. Doraranina manleyi n. gen., n. sp. fits best within the family Lyreididae, based upon similar characteristics of the dorsal carapace and thoracic sternum seen within this family. The new crab possesses a distinctive combi...
Xylopagurids constitute an enigmatic group of marine paguroid anomurans that comprises both extinct and extant genera, such as the middle Eocene (Lutetian) Pacific and Indo-West Pacific oceans. The first appearance and subsequent radiation of xylopagurids during the middle and late Eocene parallels the origin and rapid global expansion of larger gr...
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Following several studies of anomuran (galatheoid) and brachyuran decapod crustaceans during recent years, we here present the first account of hermit crab carapaces and/or shields (Paguroidea) that are contained in the extensive Ernstbrunn Limestone collections at the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (Vienna, Austria). These comparatively small-sized...
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During fieldwork in the early 1990s at the then still active quarry near Nasiłów, on the left bank of the River Vistula (Wisła), accompanied by Professor Andrzej Radwański, some lobster remains were collected. A fragmentary anterior portion of a decapod crustacean carapace, recovered from a level about 2 m below the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K/Pg) boun...
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Two palaeocorystoid crab species, Cenocorystes libbyae n. sp. and Cenomanocarcinus cf. robertsi Feldmann, Schweitzer, Baltzly, Bennett, Jones, Mathias, Weaver and Yost, 2013, are recorded from the Maastrichtian (Upper Cretaceous) Peedee Formation at Rocky Point in Pender County (North Carolina). The new species of Cenocorystes represents the first...
In the extended type area of the Maastrichtian Stage, the erymid lobster Enoploclytia leachii is rare, being known exclusively from the Zeven Wegen Member (Gulpen Formation; lower upper Campanian, Belemnitella mucronata and Belemnitella woodi coleoid zones), as exposed in two large working quarries near Haccourt and Lixhe (province of Liège, northe...
During fieldwork in a small outcrop of the lower Aptian Margas de Forcall Formation at La Cova del Vidre, hitherto known as the type locality of the anomuran Pagurus avellanedai, new decapod crustacean material has been recovered. In this newly recovered lot, two undescribed species of brachyuran have been recognised; there are here described as Ra...
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A nineteenth century record of a palaeocorystid crab from the Lower-Middle Coniacian of Březno (Czech Republic) has been reassessed; the single, well-preserved dorsal carapace with conspicuous cuticular morphology (e.g., fungiform nodes, distinct trilobate post-frontal terrace, medially defined cervical groove with V-shaped medial portion) favours...
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Major radiation events amongst a range of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic microbiota such as calcareous nannofossils, calpionellids, diatoms, dinoflagellates, planktonic foraminifera and radiolarians are characteristic of the time interval between the Late Jurassic (c. 160 Ma) and Late Cretaceous (c. 100 - 66 Ma). Both directly and indirectly, th...
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Kerguelen Islands are predominantly volcanic lands, thus fossil references are very uncommon. However, its Miocene fossils are of specific interest for understanding migration routes of some taxa during the Cenozoic, given the intermediary position of Kerguelen with various continents. Despite this fossil rarity, we studied herein hundreds of nodul...