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Publications (25)
The management of recycling wastes is one of the most important issues because of the increasing production rates. The collecting and recycling of waste are also becoming more crucial for economic and environmental reasons because landfill space is becoming more and more limited. Automatic sorting systems are defined as systems that separate recycl...
Classification of signals that are received from the human body and control systems is one of the most important subjects of the machine learning application. In this study, classification algorithms were used to classify electromyography and depth sensor data. First, electromyography and joint angle data were obtained from software developed in Py...
Wearable and non-contact sensor technologies have spread to many diverse areas with their ease of use and application, and the variety of applications has been increasing rapidly thanks to technological develeopments in the recent years. This work ensures the usability of wearable and non-contact sensor technologies in various industrial fields. In...
Human activity detection is a machine learning problem that has recently become more popular. Estimations can be done using image processing by means of accelerometer, gyroscope, sensor or camera to detect movement. The data obtained from the individuals through sensors is pre-processed and classified with classification algorithms to determine whi...
With the recent advances in technology, sensors that can detect signals in the human body are being developed. Various systems can be controlled by processing the signals received from the sensors. In the study, the control of the industrial robot arm was analyzed by using the MYO Armband device produced by Thalmic Labs, EMG (Electromyography) and...
This work deals with the likelihood of merging a 3D sensor into a robotic manipulator, with an objective to automatically detect, track and grasp an object, placing it in another location. To enhance the flexibility and easy functionality of the robot, MATLAB, a versatile and powerful programming language is used to control the robot. For this work...
Gelişen teknoloji ile giyilebilir cihazlar üzerine geliştirme çalışmaları devam etmekte ve ticari ürünler piyasaya çıkmaya devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmaların önemli bir kısmı insan vücudundaki hareketleri algılayabilen giyilebilir sensörler üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Thalmic Labs tarafından üretilen Myo Armband ürünü ile insan kol hareket...
Betonarme yapı elemanları çeşitli yüklemeler etkisinde kalmaktadır. Bu yükleme tiplerinden biri de darbe yüklemesidir. Darbe yüklemesi, betonarme yapı elemanına
oldukça kısa bir zaman diliminde etkiyen ve davranışı en az
bilinen dinamik bir yükleme tipidir. Betonarme yapı elemanlarına etkiyen bu yüklerin analizinde, dinamik veri toplama
This study is based on measuring the Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals from the human body in real-time with the help of the software called NI LabVIEW. Not only the raw ECG signals, the digital filtered version of the ECG signals can also be displayed in real-time by processing the signals using the digital filtering tools of the program. The ECG it...
The application of the Miller cycle into the internal combustion engines is proposed to decrease NOx emissions, in the recent years. Another NOx control technique is the steam injection method (SIM). In this study, the application of these methods together into a single cylinder, direct injection diesel engine is experimentally and theoretically pe...
Determining the structural behavior using neural network (NN)-based approach is becoming common since it is found as a quicker and an easier method. The objective of this study was to investigate whether NN-based model can be used to determine the interaction diagram of confined and unconfined reinforced concrete (RC) columns. In the application of...
Steam injection technique newly proposed with EGR (exhaust gas recirculation) is applied into a direct injection diesel engine to decrease NOx emissions for the objective of reaching the new emission regulations. Experimental and combustion model as a theoretical methodology has been done. Steam injected diesel engine with EGR has been performed us...
Accurate tests and performance analysis of engines are required to minimize measurement errors and so the use of the advanced test equipment is imperative. In other words, the reliable test results depend on the measurement of many parameters and recording the experimental data accurately which is depended on engine test unit. This study aims to de...
ZET Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakların içerisinde yüksek bir potansiyele sahip olan rüzgar enerjisi, hızla büyüyen enerji ihtiyacını karşılayabilecek bir kapasiteye sahiptir. Bu potansiyelin değerlendirilmesi, sınırlı olan yenilenemeyen enerji kaynaklarına bağımlılığın azalmasını ve aynı zamanda ekolojik denge açısından da olumlu sonuçlar getirecekti...
Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakların içerisinde yüksek bir potansiyele sahip olan rüzgar enerjisi, hızla büyüyen enerji ihtiyacını karşılayabilecek bir kapasiteye sahiptir. Bu potansiyelin değerlendirilmesi, sınırlı olan yenilenemeyen enerji kaynaklarına bağımlılığın azalmasını ve aynı zamanda ekolojik denge açısından da olumlu sonuçlar getirecektir. Ü...
In this study, the electronically controlled water steam injection (ESI) system was introduced as a new method to reduce NOx emissions. In this system, the energy required for obtaining steam was supplied from exhaust gases. Throttling by injector, pressured and heated water, which is in the form of saturated liquid, becomes superheated steam; thus...
H. I. Eskikurt, B. Boru. A New Method for Video Parsing of Uncompressed Digital Video Streams // Electronics and Electrical Engineering. - Kaunas: Technologija, 2011. - No. 10(116). - P. 89-94. Today, the use of digital videos instead of analog ones has become much popular due to their easy recordability and low-cost storage. Hence, huge amount of...
In this study, the effect of steam injection on a indirect injection diesel engine to reduce NOx emissions was investigated. For this purpose, injection of water steam method into inlet air for a water-cooled, indirect injection diesel engine has been tested. Steam is obtained from the waste heat of exhaust gas and it is injected through an electro...
In this study, a computer and microcontroller based fuel control system for four-cylinder internal combustion engines has been designed and some applications have been implemented. Fuel control system designed for real time control the amount of fuel in alternative fuel applications. System is suitable to use with both diesel and petrol engines. A...
Pistonlu motorlarda çalışma esnasında optimum yakıt hava karışımı açısından alternatif ve çevre dostu yakıtların motorlarda kullanılması (püskürtülme veya karışım şeklinde), performansı arttırmak, yakıt maliyetini düşürmek ve emisyonları azaltmak gibi olumlu sonuçlar vermektedir. Literatürde bu alanda yapılan birçok çalışma yer almaktadır. Pistonlu...
Today, the use of digital videos instead of analog ones has become most popular in terms of their easy recordability and low-cost storage. Hence, huge amount of digital video archives have come out dramatically. The meaningful search in a video has been an important demand in order to access the video database very fast. While the standard picture...