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Skills and Expertise
Publications (24)
Studies report a relatively high prevalence of childhood abuse experiences (CAE) among adult homeless people. Within homeless populations, people with CAE appear to be worse off than homeless people without such experiences. This study compares a broad set of factors influencing the quality of the daily lives of Dutch homeless people with and witho...
News media coverage can influence support for and implementation of tobacco control policies. This research aims to analyse and compare newspaper coverage of newly implemented policies: a substantial tobacco tax increase, point-of-sale display ban and plain packaging.
We conducted a content analysis of articles covering the three...
Introduction: Cervical cancer is the fourth most common form of cancer among women. Smoking tobacco seems to be a risk factor for the development of cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical cancer, but the exact role of smoking in the process of cervical carcinogenesis is not known. The aim of this study is to investigate the relation...
Smokers from vulnerable groups, such as smokers with a low socioeconomic position, often have more difficulty quitting smoking and often are more difficult to recruit for smoking cessation programs. It is important to know how vulnerable groups can be recruited and motivated to participate in a smoking cessation program and what part...
To reduce homelessness, it is important to gain a better understanding of the differences between homeless people who remain in institutions and those who gain and can sustain independent housing. This longitudinal study explores differences in housing transitions and differences in changes in health and self-determination between form...
The number of older homeless people with a limited life expectancy is increasing. European studies on their health‐related characteristics are lacking. This study compared self‐reported health, healthcare service use and health‐related needs of older and younger homeless people in the Netherlands. It is part of a cohort study that followed 513 home...
Jeugdzorginstelling Schakenbosch ging vanaf 2018 een integrale samenwerking aan met de FACT-teams in de regio Rijnmond. De gemeente Rotterdam vroeg onderzoeksinstituut IVO een onderzoek uit te voeren naar deze samenwerking. Doel is het in kaart brengen van de eerste ervaringen van professionals met de nieuwe werkwijze. De resultaten bieden input vo...
The aim of this study was as follows: (a) to study the relation between alcohol advertisement exposure and the initiation of (binge) alcohol drinking among secondary school students, and (b) to identify subgroups of students that may be more vulnerable for the influence of alcohol marketing than others.
A longitudinal survey...
Although homelessness is inherently associated with social exclusion, homeless individuals are rarely included in conventional studies on social exclusion. Use of longitudinal survey data from a cohort study on homeless people in four major Dutch cities (n = 378) allowed to examine: changes in indicators of social exclusion among homeless people ov...
We explored whether changes in the perceived health of homeless people after entering the social relief system (SRS) in The Netherlands were predicted by housing, income, hours of work, social support, unmet care needs, arrests, physical and mental health, substance use, and experiences of autonomy, competence and relatedness, in additio...
Very little is known about the personal goals of homeless people and how these relate to their quality of life (QoL). By using survey data on 407 homeless adults upon entry to the social relief system in 2011, we examined the personal goals of homeless adults and the association between their perceived goal-related self-efficacy and their QoL. A hi...
Dit artikel beschrijft de resultaten van een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de situatie van mensen met schulden en verslavingsproblematiek. Door het vergroten van inzicht in hun kenmerken en problematiek kan de hulpverlening aan deze doelgroep verbeterd worden. Het onderzoek laat zien dat er sprake is van een wederkerige relatie tussen schulden en vers...
Housing stability is an important focus in research on homeless people. Although definitions of stable housing differ across studies, the perspective of homeless people themselves is generally not included. Therefore, this study explored the inclusion of satisfaction with the participant's current housing status as part of the definition of housing...
Cognitive impairment is a prevalent problem among the homeless and seems related to more psychosocial problems. However, little is known about the care needs of the subgroup of homeless people with an intellectual disability compared to those without an intellectual disability and how their care needs develop over time. This study explores self-rep...
Previous studies have shown that substance use among homeless people is a prevalent problem that is associated with longer durations of homelessness. Most studies of substance use among the homeless were carried out outside Europe and have limited generalizability to European countries. This study therefore aimed to address the prevalence of substa...
Objective: Homeless people generally experience a lower quality of life compared to the general population. The aim of the Strategy Plan for Social Relief in the four major cities of the Netherlands (G4; Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht) is to prevent and reduce homelessness and to improve the quality of life of homeless people. At the r...
Being homeless is apart from the lack of housing, related to a number of additional problems such as mental health problems and substance use problems. A recent topic of interest in the field of research on homelessness is the prevalence of intellectual disability (ID). There is a higher prevalence of intellectual disability (ID) among...
Een cohortstudie naar daklozen in de vier grote steden (Coda-G4) volgt 410 volwassenen (≥ 23 jaar) en 103 jongeren (18-23 jaar) gedurende 2,5 jaar vanaf het moment dat ze zich in 2011 bij de maatschappelijke opvang in een van de vier grote steden meldden. Het cohort bestaat voor het merendeel uit mannen, alleenstaanden, allochtonen en laagopgeleide...
In the last decade, so-called hard-core smokers have received increasing interest in research literature. For smokers in general, the study of perceived costs and benefits (or 'pros and cons') of smoking and quitting is of particular importance in predicting motivation to quit and actual quitting attempts. Therefore, this study aims to gain insight...
There is a higher prevalence of intellectual disability (ID) among homeless people than in the general population. However, little is known about the additional psychosocial problems faced by homeless people with ID. We describe the prevalence of ID in a cohort of homeless people in the Netherlands, and report relationships between ID and psychosoc...
Uit cijfers van het Nibud blijkt dat onder jongeren sprake is van een toenemende schuldenproblematiek. Een kwart van de Nederlandse jongeren heeft moeite financieel rond te komen, vooral als ze laagopgeleid zijn en zelfstandig wonen. De kwetsbare jongeren onder hen zijn extra gevoelig voor het maken van (problematische) schulden. In oktober jl. org...
(Overmatig) gebruik van alcohol en/of drugs komt relatief veel voor onder mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking (LVB), evenals schadelijke gevolgen van dit gebruik. Er is steeds meer aandacht voor de zorgbehoeften van mensen met een LVB die middelen gebruiken. Zo heeft het IVO recent onderzoek gedaan naar ondermeer de aard en omvang van mid...