Barbara Ksit

Barbara Ksit
Poznań University of Technology · Instytut Budownictwa

Doctor of Engineering


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Wilgoć, diagnostyka, konstrukcje i uszkodzenia,


Publications (58)
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Rectangular tanks are commonly used in various industries for storing materials and products. The design of reinforced concrete liquid tanks, which must be preceded by a static analysis, is a complex issue requiring specialized knowledge and engineering experience. All types of actions, design situations, and resulting load combinations must be con...
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Screens used in modernizations of buildings to diversify the facade also provide shade on the walls. The article presents a comparison of the effectiveness of shades with different degrees of shading in terms of energy savings. On summer days, especially when there is a lot of sunlight and air temperatures are above 30°C, the covers reduce the temp...
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These days, the use of natural materials is required for sustainable and consequently plus-, zero- and low-energy construction. One of the main objectives of this research was to demonstrate that pelite concrete block masonry can be a structural and thermal insulation material. In order to determine the actual thermal insulation parameters of the b...
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This article presents guidelines for moisture and mycological diagnosis procedures for buildings after flooding. This paper proposes a division of the diagnostic procedure according to the medium of action and collects and presents methods for drying building elements. 54 companies dealing with drying were analyzed. The task of dehumidification is...
This study introduces an innovative algorithm that leverages Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) for the optimization of building repair methodologies. Focusing on multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM), it showcases a methodology for evaluating and selecting the most effective repair strategy for buildin...
Conference Paper
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Rectangular tanks are commonly used in various industries for storing materials and products. The design of reinforced concrete liquid tanks, which must be preceded by a static analysis, is a complex issue requiring specialized knowledge and engineering experience. All types of actions, design situations, and resulting load combinations must be con...
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In contemporary literature, there are not many analyses taking into account changing heat transfer coefficients over the years and examining and comparing the variability of insulation thickness in different thermal standards. The article presents the evolution of energy demand taking into account the requirements of the Green Deal. The analysis wa...
Idea budownictwa zrównoważonego prowadzido realizacji programów ochrony środowiska poprzez ograniczaniezużycia energii i zwiększenie trwałości budynku. W przypadkuprac związanych z wykonaniem elewacji obiektu wiążę się to z nałożeniemodpowiednich powłok malarskich na powierzchnię przegrody.Materiały do warstw wykończeniowych w budynku powinnyzapewn...
W pracy omówiono systemy kominowe nowej generacjistosowane w budownictwie jednorodzinnym i zamieszkaniazbiorowego oraz ich wpływ na środowisko. Podano wadyi zalety poszczególnych rozwiązań oraz kryteriów decydującycho wyborze odpowiedniego rozwiązania. Analizę oparto o normypolskie
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This paper deals with issues related to the diagnosis of dampness and mycological tests in historic buildings. The selection of appropriate diagnostic procedures in the case of historic buildings undergoing modernisation, revitalisation or renovation is an important element of properly conducted works aimed at the preservation of cultural heritage....
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This manuscript provides an overview of the most commonly-produced bitumen roofing sheets, focusing on the types of reinforcements used for their production and the reinforcements’ effects on the durability of tensile mechanical properties of roofing sheets under thermal loads. The paper includes the analysis of working conditions of roof coverings...
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The principle of sustainable development imposes an obligation on societies to manage natural resources rationally and to care for the quality of the environment, by, among other things, reducing CO2 emissions. Alternative ways of stabilising building substrates by increasing their shear strength (cu) are increasingly being sought. This paper prese...
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The use of layered or hollow floors in the construction of buildings obviously reduces the self-weight of the slab, and their design requires some expertise. In the present work, a sensitivity analysis and numerical homogenization were used to select the most important characteristics of bubble deck floors that have a direct or indirect impact on t...
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Current trends towards saving energy and designing sustainable buildings result in most designers focusing on achieving the best thermal parameters, thereby neglecting a careful moisture analysis. Excessive moisture content in building partitions degrades the mechanical properties of materials, reduces thermal insulation properties (which leads to...
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Wood is one of the basic building materials. It is a completely biodegradable raw industrial commodity, the resources of which, with proper forest management, are virtually inexhaustible. Additionally, its acquisition and processing does not require large inputs of fossil fuels. At the same time, forest areas which we obtain wood from neutralize th...
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The non-linear analysis of hollow-core concrete slabs requires the use of advanced numerical techniques, proper constitutive models both for concrete and steel as well as particular computational skills. If prestressing, cracking, crack opening, material softening, etc. are also to be taken into account, then the computational task can far exceed t...
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The work concerns issues related to the diagnostics of moisture in historic buildings. Moisture content is one of the basic physical properties of materials. Excessive and undesirable growth of moisture in masonry causes considerable damage to masonry wall assemblies. It reduces the load-bearing capacity of structural elements, causes difficulties...
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This article presents different types of commercially available roof waterproofing membrane systems used on roofs with large surface area. It deals with the causes of deterioration of such membranes due to environmental factors and describes the tests used to detect leaks and determination of the severity of deterioration of polymeric membranes tak...
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The article presents a current view on the issue of supplying utilities to land regarded differently than merely technical solutions. The authors offer an insight to the issue of the technical supplying of urbanized areas, treating such infrastructure as a determinant of the coexistence of buildings and transfigurations of the urban fabric. Using s...
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The non-linear analysis of hollow-core concrete slabs requires the use of advanced numerical techniques, proper constitutive models both for concrete and steel as well as particular computational skills. If prestressing, cracking, crack opening, material softening, etc. are also to be taken into account, then the computational task can far exceed t...
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W artykule przedstawiono dawne popularne zabezpieczenie drewna konstrukcyjnego ze względu na wilgoć i owady. Ekotoksyczny olej kreozotowy jest do dnia dzisiejszego stosowany jako środek zabezpieczający konstrukcje, które stykają się z gruntem, wodą i powietrzem. Kreozot, stosowany do impregnacji podkładów kolejowych, podrozjazdnic oraz mostownic, a...
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As climate changes progress we are dealing with violent and excessive environmental actions. However, the impacts of loads acting on a building object caused by unlikely phenomena such as: fire, explosion, flood, vehicle impact, plane impact, excessive snowfall, and excess wind gusts are still being ignored when analyzing the structure of building...
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W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe przepisy regulujące politykę energetyczną w Unii Europejskiej oraz dochodzenie do aktualnego stanu certyfikacji energetycznej. Zwrócono również uwagę na aktualne akty prawne regulujące tę kwestię w Polsce. Przedstawiono także najbardziej charakterystyczne świadectwa energetyczne obowiązujące w wybranych krajach w...
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Streszczenie: Biorąc pod uwagę pojęcie płynnych folii z tworzyw sztucznych, należy pomyśleć jednoskładnikowe lub dwuskładnikowe polimeryczne lub polimerowe mieszaniny bitumiczne. Płynne folie z tworzywa sztucznego muszą spełniać wymagania dotyczące izolacji hydroizolacyjnej, co oznacza na przykład: muszą chronić dach przed uszkodzeniami mechaniczny...
Conference Paper
In the article, a comparative analysis of the effects of selected substances applied to create secondary horizontal damp proof courses of masonry walls by means of the chemical injection method on the properties of masonry mortar was carried out. Particular attention was given to the influence of impregnation on the hygric properties of mortar. The...
Conference Paper
The determination of mutual correlation between thermal and humidity-related parameters at locations with difficult geometry is still a challenge for designers. External partitions operating in adverse environmental conditions must exhibit specific parameters protecting against condensations and destruction, in order to ensure the operation safety...
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Reinforced concrete structures are frequently designed and executed in such facilities as: halls, warehouses, factories, multi-family buildings, single-family buildings, tanks, silos and many others. For this type of structures, it is particularly relevant to provide an appropriate thickness of concrete lagging, which aims at protecting reinforceme...
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Wind action belongs to loads that are environmentally variable. Wind action is included in the basic combination of loads, whereas hurricane wind action is classified as a unique combination. Due to large gusts of wind, the roof coverings of large-scale buildings are exposed to detachment of their cover layer. The article presents the effects of ov...
Examples of repairs and the renovation of industrial floors Damage to concrete floors concerns their topcoat mainly and it is possible to divide them in a few groups: of crack, breaking off, the loosening, shelling and the change of the equality. The repair system is making a perfect match depending on the scale of becoming dilapidated and laying...
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The 2000 Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the 2007 Floods Directive (FD) have forced the member states of EU to introduce specific regulations and rules related to the development of flood plains. An important assumption of the introduced regulations is the gradual postponement of buildings from areas endangered by flooding. This is a rational a...
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Dampness in basement walls caused by capillary rise of water from the ground, as well as possible resulting damage, is very unfavourable phenomenon. This problem mainly concerns historical buildings and other structures erected before 1920, and the destruction is caused by lack, damage or technical wear of insulation. However, it can also arise in...
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t. The article was based on the diploma thesis taking part in the competition "For the best diploma thesis using polyurethanes" organized by the Polish Association of Engineers and Construction Technicians Circle No. 4 at the Poznan University of Technology and the Polish Association of PUR and PIR manufacturers and processors "SIPUR". The main obj...
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Abstract. This article present a assessment of the technical condition of the antique water tower in Jarocin with the proposed repairs and maintenance and exemplary materials at realization. Keywords: water tower; revitalization; historic building; polyurethane foam.
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The moisture content in historical masonry walls, particularly on the ground floor, caused by i.e. lack of damp insulation, is a phenomenon of common occurrence. It is usually analysed in terms of mycological changes, thermal insulation and frost damage. The paper discusses the influence of the increased moisture content on the weight and load bear...
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The article contains an analysis of selected systems for thermorenovation of vertical partitions in protected buildings. Historical buildings often require thermo-renovation, but in practice their "insulation" can be applied only internally on partitions without decorations. Internal thermorenovation methods can be classified according to heat exch...
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Modern materials and construction solutions draw more and more attention to ecology and building certification. Among the criteria appearing in revitalization, an important element is bringing plants back into heavily urbanized areas. In its natural form, this is not possible to carry out everywhere, often requiring large amounts of space. Nowadays...
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Szacuje się, że co czwarte uszkodzenie budynku dotyczy części budynków stykających się z gruntem [3], w większości przypadków uszkodzenia te spowodowane są przez nadmierne zawilgocenie. Obiekty takie wymagają napraw-wykonanie nowych tynków jest jednym z wielu prac renowacyjnych zasolonych i zniszczonych murów. W takich wypadkach zalecane jest stoso...
The paper presents the role of a bond layer in the repair process of concrete and reinforced concrete elements as well as the place of its laying. For the purpose of a detailed analysis of the above problems two series of tests were carried out. In the first series of the tests, the influence of the state of the surface under repair (wet, oiled) on...


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