Barbara HingerUniversity of Graz | KFU Graz
Barbara Hinger
Dr.phil, Mag.phil, MA
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October 2020 - present
June 2012 - September 2020
April 1997 - June 2012
Publications (96)
Nella ricerca acquisizionale sull’italiano L2/LS i processi di acquisizione sono stati analizzati a vari livelli linguistici. Tuttavia, gli studi che analizzano la produzione e la comprensione e che si occupano delle loro possibili interfacce, risultano scarsi. Questo contributo presenta uno studio empirico sull’acquisizione grammaticale produttiva...
"Die vorliegende Broschüre präsentiert daher in Theorie und Praxis einen aufgabenorientierten Lehr- und Lernansatz, der nicht nur die oben angeführten Desiderata erfüllt, sondern auch die Lehrplanforderungen nach einer Vielfalt von Themenstellungen, Lehr- und Lernmethoden und authentischen Kommunikationsanlässen. Wichtig ist dabei, die Vielfalt der...
In science, subject-specific languages have a communicative and epistemic function. Thus, in science education learners need to both learn the language of science and learn through this specific language. Based on the assumption that learning subject-specific languages can be compared to second language acquisition, the study transfers Task-based L...
In order to compare the state of the verbal system’s acquisition in the second year of learning, the present study examines written productions of two groups of learners in secondary schools in Austria. One group consists of learners of French as foreign language (n = 140), the second of learners of Spanish as foreign language (n = 56). Both groups...
Prefazione Nel libro di testo "Facciamo bella figura! 8 task fraseodidattici per studenti di italiano L2/LS" gli autori collegano la fraseologia dell'italiano basata su corpora con l'approccio didattico per task (Task-based Language Learning). I materiali didattici si basano quindi su dati concreti della ricerca e permettono agli studenti di impara...
The Innsbruck Model of Foreign Language Teacher Education (IMoF) stands for a cross- linguistic and multilingual pre- service teacher- training program implemented in 2002 at Innsbruck University, Austria, and modified in 2015. In line with current demands for multilingual education and the preparation of teachers for linguistic and culturally dive...
This overview of seven years of research on language learning and teaching in Austria reflects a period of steady growth for the language teaching and learning research community, a development due to a national policy agenda aiming for a stronger research base in teacher education. The target languages of the teaching and learning processes invest...
Verbindung zwischen Sprachwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik: Erste Grammatik einer Vulgaersprache (Antonio Nebrija, 1492: Gramatica de la lengua castellana); 20. Jahrhundert: Strukturalismus, Audiolinguale, Behaviorismus, Kognitive Wende, Pragmatische Wende; ausgewaehlte Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie, die im schulischen Spanischunterricht vermit...
Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Klaus-Börge Boeckmann & Barbara Hinger (Hrsg.) 2017. ÖGSD Tagungsberichte Vol. 2.1.: Symposium Sprachlehr/lernforschung in Österreich. 10 Jahre ÖGSD. 19. Mai 2017, Universität Wien, (170 Seiten). Graz: ÖGSD.
Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Klaus-Börge Boeckmann & Barbara Hinger (Hrsg.) 2017. ÖGSD Tagungsberichte Vol. 2.1.: Symposium Sprachlehr/lernforschung in Österreich. 10 Jahre ÖGSD. 19. Mai 2017, Universität Wien, (170 Seiten). Graz: ÖGSD.
Dieser Band legt die überarbeitete und aktualisierte Fassung der Habilitationsschrift der Autorin vor. Die empirisch ausgerichtete Fallstudie untersucht zwei Lernjahre im Spanischunterricht an einer österreichischen Sekundarstufe II im Zeitraum eines Schulhalbjahres. Anhand von drei Datensätzen (Unterrichtsbeobachtungen, schriftliche Klassenarbeite...
Der Band umfasst ausgewählte Beiträge der Zweiten Tagung der Fachdidaktik an der Universität Innsbruck. Die drei Plenarbeiträge beziehen sich auf das Thema Sprachsensiblen Unterrichts in Sach-Fachfächern und im Sprachfach Deutsch. Die weiteren Beiträge zeigen unterschiedliche empirische Forschungsstudien, die am Institut für Fachdidaktik der Univer...
Keynote presentation on Language Testing and Assessment from an action- and competence-oriented approach.
This paper argues for the influence of the distribution of instructional time on group cohesion in the foreign language classroom and postulates that concentrating classroom time enhances group cohesion. To test the hypothesis, a comparative classroom study of two groups of Spanish learners in their second year of learning, one following an intensi...
The present paper will discuss results in the progression and regression of language production and language reception in school context in a multilingual group of Spanish learners. The learners were provided with a twelve-hour-a-week intensive course for twice a period of two weeks respectively: intensive course 1 took place at the beginning of th...
The Council of Europe has forty-five member states, covering virtually the entire continent of Europe. It seeks to develop common democratic and legal principles based on the European Convention on Human Rights and other reference texts on the protection of individuals. Ever since it was founded in 1949, in the aftermath of the second world war, th...
This paper makes a linguistic approach to the “Memorias de Leonor López de Córdoba”, an interesting document, wrote in the 15th century, considered the first autobiography in castilian language.