Bárbara I. Escobar-Anleu

Bárbara I. Escobar-Anleu
Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza Catie | CATIE

Master of Science
Guatemala Country Coordinator at Panthera. Doctoral student at CATIE.


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I am a Guatemalan biologist with a master's degree in conservation and wildlife management. Since 2018 I work at Panthera as the country coordinator in Guatemala. Currently, I am studying my PhD at CATIE and my interests are focused on ecology aspects of the five species of wild cats in the country. As a conservation biologist, I am also interested in finding feasible and science-based conservation and management actions that allow the coexistence of people and wildlife.
Additional affiliations
June 2018 - February 2023
  • Country Coordinator
January 2014 - February 2015
Asociación de Reservas Naturales Privadas de Guatemala
  • Coordinadora
July 2011 - June 2013
University of San Carlos of Guatemala
  • Auxiliar de Cátedra I
July 2021 - July 2024
Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigacion y Ensenanza Catie
Field of study
  • Management and conservation of tropical forests and biodiversity
January 2016 - May 2018
Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Field of study
  • Wildlife conservation and management
January 2008 - November 2012


Publications (23)
Roads are vital for the economic development of countries, but they are also known to be a major problem for wildlife. The road network is expanding in Central America, but information about wildlife-vehicle collisions is scarce. We compiled information about vertebrate wildlife-vehicle collisions from projects we created on the citizen science pla...
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Aim Planning conservation action requires accurate estimates of abundance and distribution of the target species. For many mammals, particularly those inhabiting tropical forests, there are insufficient data to assess their conservation status. We present a framework for predicting species distribution using jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), a...
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Este libro es muy especial porque cada científica escribió su propia aventura. Así es, leerás sus historias directamente de ellas. Es como si estuvieran aquí, contándote todo sobre sus viajes, sus luchas y cómo lograron hacer cosas asombrosas.
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The genus Metachirus has a wide distribution throughout the Americas, but there are significant gaps in its distribution in northern Mesoa-merica, having only been documented in a few localities in Honduras and México. During biological expeditions in northern and northeast Guatemala, we gathered evidence about the presence of the genus Metachirus...
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Agricultural practices can have detrimental impacts on biodiversity, but some studies have shown the benefits of agroforestry practices like shade-grown coffee to bird communities and, to a lesser extent, to mammal communities. To better understand whether shade-grown coffee plantations can contribute to the conservation of mammal communities, we d...
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The OWSD Guatemala National Chapter (NC) was established at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. It was in early 2020 when the OWSD NC was established, growing steadily since then. Currently it is the most active and numerous OWSD NC in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LAC) with 429 members. (as for Oct. 9th, 2021). The Chapter also sup...
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Resumen: Se recopiló toda la información disponible hasta el 2020 (notas, publicaciones, sitios web y consultas con expertos) de las especies del Orden Opiliones reportadas de Guatemala. Se determinó que hay 59 especies, de 26 géneros y 6 familias (Cosmetidae, Gonyleptidae, Samoidae, Stygnopsidae, Zalmoxidae, Sclerosomatidae). Una de estas especies...
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La taltuza mayor (Orthogeomys grandis) es la especie más grande de la familia Geomyidae y se distribuye desde la vertiente sur del Pacífico de México hasta el sureste de Honduras. Los hábitos de esta especie fosorial hacen que pueda tener un impacto notable en el paisaje, con beneficios a ciertos procesos, pero también hacen que sea percibida como...
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The jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) is a species of neotropical felid with diverse eating habits and it is present in different types of habitat. On February 6, 2018, we observed and recorded an individual of this species swimming in an area with seagrass, in Bahia la Graciosa, in the Punta de Manabique Wildlife Refuge, Izabal, Guatemala. In...
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Guatemala es considerado uno de los países megadiversos a nivel mundial. En conjunto, estos países albergan más del 70 % de biodiversidad del planeta, en tan sólo alrededor del 10 % de su territorio. Debido a la diversidad de recursos naturales, no resulta extraño que la economía del país dependa principalmente de estos. El ser una potencia mundial...
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During January-February 2019 we made casual observations and documented birds with macroscopic lesions suspicious of avian pox or some type of tumor on their head. The individuals were from eight species (five migratory and three resident) and were observed in three different locations of Guatemala. The migratory species were Painted Bunting (Passe...
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Entrevista sobre el trabajo que la organización internacional Panthera ha hecho en Guatemala.
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El 29 de mayo de 2003 a las 18h45 un macho de Carollia sowelli fue capturado en el Parque Nacional Tortuguero (10°25ʼ24ˮN, 83°29ʼ48ˮW) que tenía el extremo del ala derecha de color blanco (aproximadamente la mitad del área de la membrana entre los dedos III y IV). No se pudo tomar fotografías de este individuo antes de liberarlo. El 20 de abril de...
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Rojasianthe superba Standl. & Steyerm. (Asteraceae) is an endemic species, limited to a few localities in Mexico and Guatemala. Here we report a new occurrence point at a departmental scale in Guatemala; it also extends its known distribution by 40 km to the northeast. We ran species distribution models (SDM) to evaluate the potential spatial distr...
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The Neotropical Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) is a widely distributed aquatic bird that is usually found in shallow, clear waters. The species occupies a wide variety of habitats and has been reported from several localities in Guatemala, both in the coastal areas and the interior of the country. On 15 December 2016, we observed two cormora...
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Caracteriza la interacción humano-nutria en la comunidad Santa Cruz Quixayá, en Sololá, Guatemala. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a los 15 productores de tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) en el área y se determinó que la percepción que tienen sobre la nutria es principalmente negativa.
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RESUMEN. Se documentan 25 especies de mamíferos en las reservas naturales privadas de Guatemala, principalmente usando cámara trampa, desde mayo 2010 a octubre 2015. Las especies pertenecen a los órdenes Carnivora (13), Rodentia (3), Didelphimorphia (3), Artiodactyla (2), Lagomorpha (2), Cingulata (1) y Pilosa (1). De las especies registradas, 21 s...
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We report the first observation of a nocturnal perch site for both Norops oxylophus and Bassiliscus plumifrons on river rocks in Costa Rica.
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Para caracterizar las especies de mamíferos presentes en tres reservas naturales privadas (Santo Tomás Pachuj en San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá; San Jerónimo Miramar-Quixayá en Patulul, Suchitepéquez y Pampojilá-Peña Flor en San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá) de la Reserva de Usos Múltiples de la Cuenca del Lago de Atitlán –RUMCLA- se utilizaron 14 cámaras tram...
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Se determinó si la producción de frutos de Rhamnus capreafolia varía tanto altitudinal como temporalmente, durante distintos meses de la época lluviosa. Se encontró diferencia significativa en la producción de frutos entre los meses.


Questions (4)
I am making an analysis to select the best model based on AIC, but one of my models gets a value of 1 in the AICcWt. I understand this basically means that this model has a power explanation of 100% and I am not sure if this is normal, since in most of the examples I have found the AICcWt values are often divided between different models.
I have been reading papers to determine the best way to evaluate dietary overlap for three small wild cat species (ocelots, jaguarundis and margays). In some papers about other species have used Pianka's index but I would like to know what other options would you recommend for this?
I am writing a short note about bats diversity in two sites (the sampling period for one site is of two days and in the other site is of six days) but besides the species and abundances, I also have information about the sexes of individuals. Any recommendations of papers or about what could I do with the sex information of the species?
I want to use R to make regional climate models to analyze changes in Holdridge's life zones. I haven't used R in a long time so I'm kind of outdated and would like to read some references that may help me to do what I want, and also some recommendations of packages or any other information anyone can give me regarding this topic.


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