Bahadir Erman Yüce

Bahadir Erman Yüce
Bahadir Erman verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Bahadir Erman verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Bursa Uludağ Üni̇versi̇tesi̇ · Vocational School of Yenisehir Ibrahim Orhan



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February 2020 - April 2024
Bitlis Eren University
  • Professor (Assistant)


Publications (35)
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We present a method that can be used to optimize CFD analyses of ventilation performance in buildings; the method was successfully applied in other disciplines. In the method, three statistical methods are used - the Taguchi method, ANOVA, and Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) to achieve optimization. We then model the risk of draft and the mean age o...
Conference Paper
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COVID-19 hastalığı SARS-CoV-2 virüsünün neden olduğu bulaşıcı bir hastalıktır. Küresel ölçekte vakaların artması ile 11 Mart 2020'de Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından küresel salgın ilan edildi. Nefes alıp verme, konuşma, öksürme, hapşırma veya şarkı söyleme gibi solunum aktiviteleri yoluyla yayılan enfekte damlacık dağılımı sebebiyle kapalı ortamlard...
In optimizing thermodynamic cycles, selecting the objective function is crucial, and including advanced methods in addition to classical approaches can provide significant advantages to the optimization process. In this study, the condenser temperature, evaporator temperature, and turbine inlet pressure are considered as variables to be optimized i...
This study analyzed the effect of the refrigerant selection, condenser, and evaporator temperature on thermal efficiency, net-work output, second law efficiency, and exergy destruction values obtained with an advanced approach to exergy analysis. The thermal source was considered a low-temperature geothermal resource at 90℃. R11, R123, and R245ca w...
This study investigated the Stirling cycle's thermodynamic parameters using the Taguchi and Taguchi-based grey relational analysis methods. The Taguchi analysis identified the most crucial parameters for each objective (net work output, thermal efficiency, second law efficiency, charge pressure, irreversibility, entropy production), quantifying the...
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This study proposes a novel methodology for optimizing the Kalina Cycle System-34, providing new insights into the existing literature on the cycle. The research highlights the cycle's key variables and identifies the most critical parameters that require improvement while proposing a practical and effective optimization method. The effects of para...
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The novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak has spread worldwide, and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic in March 2020. The transmission mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 in indoor environments has begun to be investigated in all aspects. In this regard, many numerical studies on social distancing and the protection of surgical ma...
This study aimed to investigate the multi-objective optimization of a Stirling cycle with a mathematical model that takes into account the dead volumes, effects of regenerative losses, and internal irreversibilities on the thermodynamic performance of the cycle. The optimization was carried out using the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm, which is a...
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The coronavirus pandemic has caused many deaths and affected societies with social and economic problems as a consequence of its effects. Many different measures were taken to stop or reduce the spread of the virus, like wearing a face mask and reorganizing school activities, transportation, and meetings. As an alternative to these measures, ventil...
Ensuring the thermal satisfaction of people with their environment increases both the quality of life and productivity. In addition, providing the thermal conditions is important to keep energy consumption at an optimum level. Skin temperature is one of the most appropriate parameters to understand the thermal relationship of the human body with th...
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In this study, the effect of coating thickness and thermal property on the temperature distribution of an internal combustion diesel piston was investigated numerically. A piston was modeled in three-dimensional, and then a gird independency test was performed. The optimum element number was selected without losing computational accuracy. The thick...
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There is no study that investigates triangular guide protrusions including their systematical geometrical changes together with the effects of channel height in the open literature in the context of the authors’ knowledge. Moreover, the number of laminar studies is less than turbulent studies, whereas low velocity or natural convection cases are st...
The coronavirus pandemic has spread all over the world and has greatly affected societies. During the pandemic, closed environments have become a major risk factor. As a result of many studies, it is understood that the small indoor space and insufficient ventilation create a favorable environment for the spread of the virus. In this study, the dis...
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z Küresel olarak enerji talebi sürekli olarak artmaktadır ve bu durum hane başına olan enerji tüketimini arttırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Bitlis ilinde optimum yalıtım kalınlığı değeri ve bu değere bağlı olarak hesaplanan enerji tasarrufu, yıllık enerji kazancı ve geri ödeme süresi kullanılan farklı yakıtlar, farklı yalıtım malzemeleri ve farklı duvar...
In this study, COP and heat capacities of evaporator and condenser were calculated by artificial intelligence and machine learning method in a vapor compression mechanical refrigeration cycle using well-known R134a as a refrigerant. Dataset was obtained with CoolPack software to train the model. Evaporating, condensing, superheating and subcooling...
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Air conditioning systems use about 40% of global energy. These systems are widely used in office rooms and it is known that their performance directly affects the productivity of employees. In this study, air distribution, indoor air quality based on carbon dioxide and thermal comfort are investigated numerically by using a breathing thermal manneq...
Conference Paper
In this study, thermal comfort by means of percent dissatisfaction (PD) in an office room is predicted by computing airflow and temperature fields in an office room with a table and a sitting person. The office room is ventilated with a wall type air conditioning unit for winter condition and the flow is considered to be turbulent, steady, incompre...
Conference Paper
İklimlendirme ve ısıtma sistemleri enerji tüketiminin önemli bir kısmını oluşturmaktadır. Bu sistemlerdeki hız ve sıcaklık dağılımlarıyla bunların ısıl konfor üzerine etkilerinin anlaşılması çalışan veriminin arttırılması ve enerji tüketiminin azaltılması açısından son derece önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, hem radyatör ve hem de klima bulunan bir ofis od...
In this study, some well-known experimental studies related to forced, natural, and mixed convections were used for validation of k-ε and k-ω turbulence models. For this purpose ANSYS-Fluent 16.0 is used. International Energy Agency IEA Annex20 room, a tall differentially heated rectangular cavity, and a mixed convective air flow within a square ch...
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Bu çalışmada bir ofis hacmi içerisindeki hava akışı, sıcaklık ve türbülans kinetik enerjisi dağılımları havalandırma verimliliğini tahmin edebilmek adına incelenmiştir. Oda duvar tipi bir klimayla kış koşulları dikkate alınarak ısıtılmıştır. Akış türbülanslı, sürekli, sıkıştırılamaz ve üç boyutludur. Korunum denklemleri hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinam...
Conference Paper
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In this study, airflow and temperature fields in an office room with a table and a sitting person are computed to predict the thermal comfort by means of percent dissatisfaction (PD). The office room is ventilated with a wall type air conditioning unit for winter condition and the flow is considered to be turbulent, steady, incompressible, and two-...
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Strawberry drying was investigated experimentally and numerically in this study. In the experiments, samples of strawberry slices with 1 cm thicknesses were used to investigate the effect of the drying air velocity. 5-hour experiments were conducted for three different velocities (0.5, 1 and 2m/s) at 70°C air temperature. It was observed that incre...
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Bu çalışmada IEA (International Energy Agency) Annex20 odasının havalandırılmasında ısıl konfor Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) metodu kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Oda içerisindeki hava akışı iki boyutlu, sıkıştırılamaz ve türbülanslıdır. İlk olarak oda içerisindeki akış ve sıcaklık dağılımları k-ε ve k-ω tabanlı türbülans modelleri kullanıl...
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Bu çalışmada elektronik sistemlerin soğutulması hakkında kısaca bilgi verildikten sonra iki ve üç boyutlu olarak elektronik devre kartını simüle eden dört adet yonganın zorlanmış taşınımla soğutulmasının hız ve sıcaklık dağılımları Fluent programında nümerik olarak incelenmiştir. Sürekli rejimde ve sıkıştırılamaz akış kabulü ile yapılan analizlerde...


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