Badi Hasisi

Badi Hasisi
Hebrew University of Jerusalem | HUJI · Faculty of Law and Institute of Criminology



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Publications (108)
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Previous studies have identified diverse risk and protective factors of youth involvement in delinquency. However, less is known about the causes of this phenomenon in the context of political conflict. Drawing from theoretical frameworks emphasizing the notion of social resistance, in the current study we examine the risk and protective factors of...
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Introduction Youth involvement in violence and delinquency has received widespread attention in the literature. However, little is known about youth involvement in political violence, especially among youth who live in conflict areas. The current study examined the mechanisms that underlie youth involvement in serious physical and political violenc...
This paper describes a quasi-experimental evaluation of a reform in Israel (‘EMUN’), which attempted to institutionalize problem-oriented policing on a national scale. The current study examines the effect of this reform on tackling traffic disturbance and road bullying offences. We compared three police stations that chose to deal with traffic off...
When policymakers and officials conceive of some law or regulation designed to criminal, deviant, or socially undesirable behaviors, the best-case scenario is not that it works as intended but that it surpasses original expectations. Similarly, the worst-case scenario is not that the law fails to achieve its intended effect but that it does more ha...
Evidence-based policing (EBP) has become a key perspective for practitioners and researchers concerned with the future of policing. This volume provides both a review of where evidence-based policing stands today and a consideration of emerging trends and ideas likely to be important in the future. It includes comparative and international contribu...
Evidence-based policing (EBP) has become a key perspective for practitioners and researchers concerned with the future of policing. This volume provides both a review of where evidence-based policing stands today and a consideration of emerging trends and ideas likely to be important in the future. It includes comparative and international contribu...
Evidence-based policing (EBP) has become a key perspective for practitioners and researchers concerned with the future of policing. This volume provides both a review of where evidence-based policing stands today and a consideration of emerging trends and ideas likely to be important in the future. It includes comparative and international contribu...
Evidence-based policing (EBP) has become a key perspective for practitioners and researchers concerned with the future of policing. This volume provides both a review of where evidence-based policing stands today and a consideration of emerging trends and ideas likely to be important in the future. It includes comparative and international contribu...
Roni Alsheich, was appointed as Commissioner of the Israel National Police (INP) in 2015 after having served as the Deputy Head of the General Security Services. With the INP having suffered from increasing criticism in the preceding years, Alsheich's goal was to introduce broad evidence based reforms, especially in the areas of prevention and prob...
There is considerable evidence that evidence-based policing (EBP) can aid the police in becoming more effective in responding to crime and improving relationships with communities. However, there are many obstacles to institutionalizing such a policy. To overcome the obstacles in instituting EBP, Sherman (1998) suggested the role of the "evidence c...
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In recent years, yoga practices have been integrated into informal education programs of the Israel Prison Service (IPS), given rise to innovative criminological theories such as positive criminology that emphasize the development of offenders' strengths by facilitating rehabilitation and reintegration processes. The purpose of the present study wa...
Research summary There is growing evidence that some proactive policing strategies have shown promising results in reducing crime. Most of these strategies are generally applied separately to address specific components of criminal behavior, while the involvement in the crime itself may be caused by different factors. This raises the question of w...
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Youth involvement in radicalization and terrorism activity has increased over the last decade. The present study aimed to determine whether minor lone-actor terrorists feature unique individual characteristics, and identify situational factors related to these attacks. A comparative analysis was conducted with 83 minors and 82 mature lone-actor ter...
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Background Most national counter‐radicalization strategies identify the media, and particularly the Internet as key sources of risk for radicalization. However, the magnitude of the relationships between different types of media usage and radicalization remains unknown. Additionally, whether Internet‐related risk factors do indeed have greater impa...
Research Summary This study uses agent-based models (ABMs) to compare the impacts of three different types of interventions targeting recruitment to terrorism—community workers at community centers; community-oriented policing; and an employment program for high-risk agents. The first two programs are social interventions that focus on de-radicaliz...
This article addresses the gap between normative expectations of the right to protest in liberal democracies and the continued practice of repressive protest policing. The empirical literature has identified three types of factors explaining repressive policing: macro- or societal-level factors, meso-level factors relating to the police organizatio...
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Objectives Invasive security practices create resentment, especially when targeting minority groups. Many studies of homeland security as well as of general policing practices, emphasized the harm such security checks produce; however, they could not tell us what effect avoiding these practices had on perceptions of trust.Methods Our study follows...
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In this study we sought to identify whether risk and protective factors for radicalization can be classed as ‘universal’ factors or whether they have heterogeneous cross-regional effects. Specifically, we sought to identify whether there were factors which displayed significantly different effects in European contexts compared to other democratic c...
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מטרות: מטרת המחקר הנוכחי היא לבחון אם לארבע תוכניות החינוך הפועלות בשירות בתי הסוהר אותה השפעה על שיעור המועדות בקרב אסירים בעלי היסטוריה פלילית ועל זה שבקרב אסירים ללא היסטוריה פלילית. ממחקרים קודמים עולה כי אסירים בעלי עבר פלילי עשיר הנחשבים למצויים בסיכון גבוה למועדות מפיקים את התועלת הרבה ביותר מתוכניות המכילות מרכיב טיפול קוגניטיבי- התנהגותי....
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Objectives Despite popular notions of “filter bubbles” and “echo chambers” contributing to radicalization, little evidence exists to support these hypotheses. However, social structure social learning theory would suggest a hereto untested interaction effect. MethodologyAn RCT of new Twitter users in which participants were randomly assigned to a t...
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Background Two of the most central questions in radicalization research are, (1) why do some individuals radicalize when most of those from the same groups or exposed to similar conditions do not? and (2) why do radicalized individuals turn to radical violence while the majority remain inert? It has been suggested that the answer to both questions...
There is ample evidence that prison-based educational programs reduce the rate of recidivism among formerly incarcerated individuals and increase their employment prospects. However, little empirical research has focused on examining the mechanism that links correctional education with these two outcomes. Moreover, the versatile programs investigat...
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Objectives In this systematic review and meta analysis we will collate and synthesize the evidence on media‐effects for radicalization, focusing on both cognitive and behavioral outcomes. The goal is to identify the relative magnitudes of the effects for different mediums, types of content, and elements of human‐media relationships. Methodology Ra...
Objectives Social media platforms such as Facebook are used by both radicals and the security services that keep them under surveillance. However, only a small percentage of radicals go on to become terrorists and there is a worrying lack of evidence as to what types of online behaviors may differentiate terrorists from non-violent radicals. Most o...
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Objectives Despite the prevalence of religious-oriented rehabilitation programs, few studies have assessed the effects of these programs on recidivism. Prior studies have generally focused on Christian-based programs in the USA and also suffer from a range of methodological problems, making it difficult to draw sound conclusions. The current study...
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Objectives This systematic review seeks to collate and synthesize putative risk and protective factors for the different outcomes of radicalization. Methodology Drawing on an established theoretical framework, we will categorize putative risk and protective factors as they relate to the domains of radical attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. We w...
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Objectives This study examines the spatial characteristics of vehicular terror attacks in Israel from a “micro place” perspective at the street segment level. Utilizing data obtained from the Israel Security Agency, Israel National police, and open sources, the study analyzes the 71 vehicular attacks carried out in Israel between 2000 and 2017. In...
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Objectives The number of individuals incarcerated for terrorism offences in the West has grown considerably in recent years. However, unlike the extensive literature on recidivism for ordinary criminal offenders, little is known about recidivism for terrorism offenders. Given that many terrorism offenders are to be released in the coming years, the...
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Objectives This systematic review sought to collate and synthesize the risk and protective factors for different outcomes of radicalization. We aimed to firstly quantify the effects of all factors for which rigorous empirical data exists, and secondly, to differentiate between factors related to radical attitudes, intention, and behaviors. The goal...
Research Summary In 1979 Herman Goldstein proposed a radical reform—problem‐oriented policing (POP)—which has had tremendous impact on scholars and practitioners. Even though his paper and subsequent work led to a large body of literature on how to carry out problem‐oriented policing tactics, scholars have often ignored the question of how POP can...
Terrorism research has become a field of increasing interest and importance over the last few decades. Since the events of 9/11, the number of publications in the field has increased exponentially. Despite the explosion in terrorism research, reviews of the literature have consistently bemoaned the dearth of empirical evidence (Silke 2001, 2007, 20...
The potential of terrorists to re-offend after their release from prison is of much concern in many countries around the world. Yet, there is little research on terrorist recidivism, and risk factors that might contribute to it, as data concerning released offenders of terrorism is scarce. In this chapter, we investigate terrorist recidivism using...
In recent years, yoga practices have been integrated into formal prison rehabilitation programs of the Israel Prison Service (IPS), as part of the informal education system, giving rise to innovative criminological theories such as positive criminology that emphasize the development of offenders’ strengths by facilitating rehabilitation and reinteg...
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Background: Religion with its religious institutions has played a key role in shaping punishment and rehabilitation of offenders throughout history. The aim of these programs is to transform a person spiritually and lead them to intrapersonal changes on the religious level by prompting repentance or the reaffirmation of one's faith. Objectives: We...
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This current qualitative study analyzed treatment-staff perceptions of the advantages and weaknesses of Israeli’s primary prison-based drug rehabilitation program, as implemented in Hermon Prison in Israel. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 social workers and recovery mentors who worked as therapists in Hermon Prison during the rese...
In recent years, yoga practices have been integrated into informal education programs of the Israel Prison Service (IPS), given rise to innovative criminological theories such as positive criminology that emphasize the development of offenders’ strengths by facilitating rehabilitation and reintegration processes. The purpose of the present study wa...
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מטרת המחקר הנוכחי היא לבחון האם תכנית השיקום הקבוצתי הפועלת בשרות בתי הסוהר, ואשר נמצאה זה מכבר יעילה בהפחתת שיעורי הרצידיביזם, משפיעה באפו שווה על אסירים יהודים וערבים. בתכנית רב-ממדית זו, האסירים החיים במסגרת של קהילה טיפולית יוצאים לעבוד מחוץ לכתלי הכלא בשעות היום ועם חזרתם משתתפים בקבוצות טיפוליות שונות וכן עוברים טיפול פרטני. הנתונים אודות האס...
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This volume provides insights on how recruitment patterns develop for two related types of criminal networks: organized crime and terrorism. It specifically explores the social, situational, psychological, and economic drivers of recruitment. Although organized crime networks and terrorism networks can differ in underlying goals and motivations, th...
This article compares the ideology of Hilltop Youth in Judea and Samaria to that of Salafi-Jihadis in the West. It first demonstrates that there are significant and far-reaching similarities between the two groups’ world views. It then explains why, despite profound ideological similarities, there are vast differences in the type of violent acts ea...
This study examines whether there is variability between the effects of three different drug rehabilitation programs operating in the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) on completers’ recidivism. By performing comparative analysis, this study attempts to address the problem of assessing the role of participants’ motivation. The study uses a rich administ...
Technical Report
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PROTON D5.1 presents two agent-based models (ABMs), one on recruitment in organised crime network and the other on radicalisation and terrorist recruitment. The report presents each model in sequence, addressing the design of the models including their theoretical framework, state of the art, and model overview. It then outlines the calibration, va...
Technical Report
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This deliverable presents the reports of T5.3 as part of WP5. It focuses on presenting the policy recommendations based on the results of the PROTON-S simulations. Since the consortium agreed on the development of separate models for the recruitment into organised crime and terrorist networks, the report is divided in two sections.
In the last two decades, democratic countries have had to contend with a growing and evolving terrorist threat. Many of the counter-terrorism policies that have been introduced during this period have been criticized for having been made hastily and without a solid evidentiary basis. Critics argue that as a result, many policies not only fail to gu...
קרימינולוגיה ישראלית, כרך ח המאמר הנוכחי מתאר את החלק האיכותני מתוך מחקר הערכה משולב כמותי ואיכותני של תוכנית הטיפול באסירים שהורשעו בעבירות אלימות במשפחה. מאמר זה מתאר את תפיסות אנשי הצוות הטיפולי והניהולי כלפי תוכנית הטיפול המרכזית בעברייני אלימות במשפחה הפועלת במסגרת מחלקת "בית התקווה" בכלא חרמון. מטרת המחקר האיכותני הייתה לזהות על פי תפיסות הו...
This article deals with the manner in which family and community in Mandate Palestine attempted to keep the criminal justice system from intervening in cases defined as ‘Family Honour Killing’. Drawing on criminal court cases, we argue that the familial, domestic and communal features of this crime and its social, predominantly rural, context were...
There is agreement amongst scholars regarding the lack of a unique profile for lone wolf actor terrorists. Therefore, this study focuses on the characteristics of the lone attack, which has rarely been studied. The study seeks to fill these gaps, examining the element of opportunity and situational conditions by focusing on the offence/attack rathe...
In the aftermath of 9/11, aviation security has become a central component of counterterrorism. To mitigate threats whilst maintaining flight schedules, airport security officers require the cooperation of all passengers, but especially of ethnic minorities perceived as posing a potential threat to homeland security, often referred to as “suspect c...
There has been a growing trend in recent years towards the adoption of evidence-based policy in a variety of fields, including criminal justice. The purpose of evidence-based policy is to guide the activities of organisations based on scientifically verified facts, enabling the development of effective and efficient policies. In this article, we in...
בבתי הכלא בישראל פועלות כמה תכניות לגמילה מסמים ומאלכוהול, שאחת ממטרותיהן היא להפחית את ההסתברות שאסירים מכורים ישובו לאחר שחרורם למעגל ההתמכרות ולמעורבות בפשיעה. מחקר זה בוחן את יעילותן של ארבע תכניות גמילה המיושמות בשירות בתי הסוהר (להלן שב"ס): מחלקת הגמילה מסמים בכלא חרמון, מחלקת הגמילה מאלכוהול בכלא חרמון, תכניות מג"ש (מרכז גמילה ושיקום) לגמילה...
This qualitative study is part of a mixed methods research project that examined the effectiveness of the primary rehabilitation program for domestic violence offenders in the Israeli Prison Services—the “House of Hope.” The quantitative part of the study showed that the “House of Hope” program was effective in reducing recidivism among participati...
Lone actor terrorism has become a significant challenge for Western democracies. Previous studies have failed to point out a comprehensive profile of lone terrorists, and suggested that examining more specific sub-groups of lone actors, sharing contextual factors or ideology, may produce such a profile. The current study examines the sub-group of V...
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Objectives We present findings from an evaluation of a large work release program in the Israeli Prison Service. The Israeli program uses an integrative therapeutic approach which combines work release with a series of other program elements. Our main question is whether this integration of multiple program elements leads to strong benefits in term...
The study’s purpose was to assess the contribution of the Work Release Program of the Israel Prison Service (IPS) to the processes of prisoners’ rehabilitation. We interviewed 22 serving and released prisoners who participated in the program at two prisons in central Israel. Most respondents were positive toward the core components of the program,...
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Despite the great importance of prison vocational programs, studies have pointed to a wide variety of barriers that inhibit the released prisoner's chances to integrate into the labor market. The present qualitative investigation was designed to crack the "black box" behind six vocational programs implemented in the Israel Prison Service (IPS). Our...
This chapter introduces and reviews the ten most effective and proven counterterrorism strategies, tactics, and practices. These strategies and practices which are mostly situational crime prevention techniques, are not much different from those that law enforcement deploys against "ordinary" criminals. Through offensive and defensive measures, pro...
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The study's purpose was to assess the contribution of the Work Release Program of the Israel Prison Service (IPS) to the processes of prisoners' rehabilitation. We interviewed 22 serving and released prisoners who participated in the program at two prisons in central Israel. Most respondents were positive toward the core components of the program,...
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Objectives Although there are many evaluations of domestic violence rehabilitation programs, it is still unclear “what works” in this field, especially when it comes to programs within prison walls. Today, most studies indicate that domestic violence programs based on cognitive behavioral treatment, or psycho-educational models show small positive...
What affects perceptions of hostile treatment by police, characterized by feelings such as humiliation and intimidation? Is it what the police do to the citizen, or is it about how they do it? The important effects of procedural justice are well documented in the policing literature. Yet, it is not clear how highpolicing tactics, coupled with proce...
Colonial regimes tended to change existing legislation and judicial structures, and to introduce new legal systems. When the previous legal system was partly upheld, and especially when a number of legal systems were already in effect, a complex and plural system would emerge, often with contradictory principles and normative assumptions. As a resu...
Policing in Israel: Studying Crime Control, Community, and Counter-Terrorism presents important advances in Israeli police science during the past decade. It demonstrates how empirical research in countries outside the traditional research domains of the US, Europe, and Australia can provide comparative legitimacy to key concepts and findings in po...
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Suicide terrorism is the most violent and horrifying form of terrorism in the world today. This kind of terrorism causes many fatalities and can throw an entire nation into a state of panic. We usually attribute this kind of terrorism to altruistic motivation, assuming that bombers are willing to sacrifice themselves for a higher cause. The current...
Since the terror attack of September 11, 2001, counterterrorism has become a major responsibility for police agencies in the Western world. This relatively new and unique task raises new problems and questions for democratic police agencies, yet most of what we know to date about the implications of policing terrorism, in terms of both crime-contro...
The legitimacy literature suggests that the strongest antecedent of police legitimacy are evaluations of “procedural justice,” or the fairness embedded in police processes and behavior, followed by assessments of police performance, which are concerned with police accomplishments. In this chapter we raise the question of applicability of these mode...
How do majority communities in Israel perceive the potential, unintended outcomes of policing terrorism? It is often assumed that these citizens desire and support harsh responses to terrorism threats. But at the same time, do they also consider the costs? In this chapter we address these question using survey data and in-depth interviews with non-...
Having learned that the public acknowledges at least some of the potential costs of policing terrorism, in this chapter we focus on whether the police recognize them as well, and how, more generally, security roles and their implications have been perceived by the Israel National Police (INP) over the years. We examine the annual reports issued by...
In this chapter we are concerned with the effects of police involvement in counterterrorism on public perceptions of the police. We examine terrorism threat levels in Israel over time and the views of Jewish adults concerning the Israeli police. The results reveal a relationship between terrorism threats and public evaluations of the police in nume...
Do terrorist threats impact police performance in fighting crime? In this chapter we provide a systematic quantitative examination of the impacts of terrorist threats on the ability of police to “solve,” or “clear” cases. We take advantage of the unusually high terrorist threats in Israeli communities during the Second Palestinian Intifada in Israe...
What are the implications of having local police in a democratic country take on security or counterterrorism responsibilities? What are the effects of this unique role on the ability of the police to attend to its classic obligations and on the relationship between the police and the public? These issues have become critical ones for Western democ...
While tense relationships often exists between police and minority groups, such relationships become even more vulnerable in situations where the police engage in counterterrorism and the minority group has ethnic, cultural, or national affiliation with the source of the terrorism threat. Using survey data, in this chapter we examine how Israeli Ar...
Since the terror attack of September 11, 2001, counterterrorism has become a major responsibility for police agencies in the Western world. This relatively new and unique task raises new problems and questions for democratic police agencies, yet most of what we know to date about the implications of policing terrorism, in terms of both crime-contro...
Police involvement in counterterrorism has special ramifications on minority groups that may be viewed as presenting high risk to homeland security. Our public survey shows that the Jewish respondents in our sample expressed positive attitudes toward police involvement in mission of counterterrorism, while Israeli Arabs expressed more concern with...
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We interviewed a random sample of 918 passengers—308 Israeli Jews, 306 Palestinians who are Israeli citizens (Israeli Arabs), and 304 non-Israelis—post check-in, at Ben-Gurion Airport, in an effort to learn about the individual and social cost incurred by the Israeli Arabs going through the security process. The article discusses what we learned fr...
Today, passengers at every major Western airport are subjected to heightened levels of security screening that not only are inconvenient, but also raise important questions about the treatment of members of specific groups that are seen as presenting special security risks. Our study examines the importance of ethnic identity in explaining percepti...
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This paper examines the role of levels of threat on the newspaper coverage of public order policing. We distinguished between macro/national and micro/local types of protest involving the Arab minority in Israel, and tried to illustrate how threat was constructed differently by the media. Following the protest paradigm and the threat hypothesis, we...