B. G. Barthès

B. G. Barthès
Institute of Research for Development | IRD

PhD Habilitation


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Publications (165)
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Chlordecone is a toxic organochlorine insecticide that was used in banana plantations until 1993 in the French West Indies. This study aimed at assessing the potential of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for determining chlordecone content in Andosols, Nitisols and Ferralsols from Martinique. Using partial least square regression, chlo...
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Particle size fractionation enables a better understanding of soil organic carbon (C) dynamics since it separates fractions that differ in composition, residence time and function. However, this method is time-consuming and tedious; thus, its use has been greatly limited. Our objective was to evaluate the ability of an existing soil spectral librar...
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This data paper presents observations on soil organic carbon (SOC) gravimetric and volumetric contents (SOCg, in g kg ⁻¹ , and SOCv, in g dm ⁻³ , respectively) for 98 profiles at least 30 cm deep (1 m deep for 59 of them), in rural areas of the Martinique island, in relation to soil types and land uses and management. The paper also presents partic...
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Digital soil mapping has been increasingly advocated as an efficient approach to deliver fine-resolution and up-to-date soil information in evaluating soil ecosystem services. Considering the great spatial heterogeneity of soils, it is widely recognized that more representative soil observations are needed for better capturing the soil spatial vari...
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Assessing the different pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) improves our understanding of how and at what rate the different forms of carbon (C) are being formed or lost in soils. Physical fractionation of soil organic matter (SOM) has often been used to separate and quantify SOC pools, but this approach is very tedious and can rarely be performed o...
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Soil aggregate stability is an important indicator of soil condition and is directly related to soil degradation processes such as erosion and crusting. Aggregate stability is conventionally measured by testing the aggregate resistance to water disturbance mechanisms. Such measurements, however, are costly and time-consuming, which make them diffic...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a pillar of soil ecosystem services. However, SOC quantification, especially in terms of stock (in kgC m-2 for a given soil layer), or SOC fraction characterization, which helps understand SOC dynamics, are often tedious and/or costly. This article proposes an overview to show the value of IR spectroscopy to quantify SO...
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Purpose Urbanization is a major driver of land use change and can affect the soil organic carbon (SOC) pools. This study aimed to understand the urbanization impact on SOC stocks and pools at profile scale (0–100 cm). Methods The SOC was studied at 0–30 and 0–100 cm depths in park and sealed soils of three French cities (Marseille, Nancy, and Nant...
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Soil organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents have an essential role in soil fertility, but they may be affected by salinity, which is especially responsible for land degradation in arid and semiarid regions. The objective of this work was to study the ability of visible and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (VNIRS) to predict soil...
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Mid-Infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS, 4000–400 cm-1) is being considered to provide accurate estimations of soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents, based on prediction models when the test dataset is well represented by the calibration set, with similar SIC range and distribution and pedological context. This work addresses the case where the...
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There is increasing demand for data on soil organic carbon (SOC) stock (SSOC; kgC m−2), but the acquisition of such data, which relies on the determination of volumetric SOC content (SOCv; gC dm−3), is often tedious or complex. Visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (VNIRS) has proven useful for soil characterization, but has rarely bee...
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Eight years of studying coffee ecophysiology and monitoring ecosystem services (ES) in a large coffee farm in Costa Rica revealed several practical recommendations for farmers and policy makers. The cropping system studied within our collaborative observatory (Coffee-Flux) corresponds to a coffee-based agroforestry system (AFS) under the shade of l...
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In coffee, fruit production on a given shoot drops after some years of high yield, triggering pruning to induce re-sprouting. The timing of pruning is a crucial farmer’s decision affecting yield and labour. A reason explaining fruit production drop could be the exhaustion of resources, particularly the non-structural carbohydrates (NSC). To test su...
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Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS, 4000–400 cm⁻¹) is being considered to provide accurate estimations of soil properties, including soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents. This approach has mainly been demonstrated by using datasets originating from the same area A, with similar geopedological conditions, to bu...
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The functioning and productivity of pre-Columbian raised fields (RFs) and their role in the development of complex societies in Amazonian savannas remain debated. RF agriculture is conducted today in the Congo Basin, offering an instructive analogue to pre-Columbian RFs in Amazonia. Our study of construction of present-day RFs documents periodic ad...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an acknowledged indicator for land degradation, but conventional determination of SOC remains tedious, especially regarding SOC stock (in kgC m‐2 for a given depth layer), which is the product of SOC concentration (gC kg‐1) by volumetric mass (kg dm‐3). Diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIS) is a time‐ and cos...
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In the dataset presented in this article, sixty sugarcane samples were analyzed by eight visible / near infrared spectrometers including seven micro-spectrometers. There is one file per spectrometer with sample name, wavelength, absorbance data [calculated as log10 (1/Reflectance)], and another file for reference data, in order to assess the potent...
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Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS) is time- and cost-effective. It was used for quantifying soil inorganic carbon (SIC) concentration in France based on a national library, and performances were evaluated on an independent regional set. Our objective was to improve the accuracy of MIRS predictions based on common multivariate regression,...
Beninese smallholders associate food crops and cash crops with immature oil palms to reduce field maintenance costs and gain income before the palms reach productive phase. Little is known about the effects of these crops on the nutritional status and growth of the palms in their immature phase even though the yield of adult palms can be affected b...
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In southern Benin, oil palm is mainly cultivated by smallholders who associate it with successive crops over the three first years when the trees are immature. There is little information available on the diversity of the practices used in these young plantations and their socio-economic background, although this information is essential for propos...
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Urban soils, like other soils, can be sink or source for atmospheric carbon dioxide, and due to urban expansion, are receiving increasing attention. Studying their highly variable attributes requires high-density sampling, which can hardly be achieved using conventional approaches. The objective of this work was to determine the ability of visible...
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Miniaturized near infrared spectrometers are now available, at more affordable prices than conventional spectrometers, but their performances have been poorly studied to date. This paper aimed at comparing the performances of the JDSU MicroNIR 2200 spectrophotometer (weight < 0.1 kg) with those of a conventional bench-top instrument for predicting...
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Huit ans de travaux de recherche sur les services écosystémiques dans une grande ferme caféière du Costa Rica (observatoire collaboratif Coffee-Flux, en système agro-forestier à base de caféiers sous de grands arbres d'Erythrina poeppigiana, surface projetée de couronne de l'ordre de 16 %) ont suggéré plusieurs applications pour les agriculteurs et...
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Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element of the Earth's crust, and its terrestrial cycle depends on soil, vegetation, and human activities. The spatial extent of terrestrial Si perturbation is poorly documented since maps of Si concentration in soils are rare. In addition, Si content is rarely measured in non-paddy soil databases. Here we d...
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Restoring degraded soils to support food production is a major challenge for West African smallholders, who have developed local innovations to counter further degradation. The objective of this study was to evaluate a local farmer's technique that uses ramial wood (RW) as soil amendment (Piliostigma reticulatum shrub species). Three treatments wer...
L'application de la connaissance des services écosystémiques rendus par les sols passe par leur meilleure connaissance dans des contextes divers. La Guyane cherche à allier un développement local à un maintien des services environnementaux rendus par les écosystèmes. La déforestation, lorsque pratiquée hors de cahiers de charges bien établis, condu...
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Depuis le milieu du XX e siècle, du fait de la forte croissance démographique, les sols et la végétation des zones tropicales et méditerranéennes subissent d'importantes dégradations. Actuellement, plus de 20 % des terres cultivées sont dégradées chimiquement, physiquement et biologiquement. En effet, malgré la mise en oeuvre de grands projets tels...
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Black Carbon (BC) in soil is considered a stable or resistant form of carbon, and thus it is important to determine its amount relative to the Total C (TC). As measurement of BC is quite time-consuming, involving chemo-thermo-oxidation at 375o C, decarbonation, and elemental analysis, it is anticipated that BC can be predicted using a rapid sensing...
Conference Paper
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Eight years of monitoring ecophysiology and ecosystem services (ES) in a large coffee farm of Costa Rica yields a range of practical applications for the farmer and stakeholders, thanks to numerous scientific actors and disciplines contributing to our collaborative observatory (Coffee-Flux). • A lot of ecosystem services depend on the soil properti...
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Introduction: Agroforestry systems are land use management systems in which trees are grown in combination with crops or pasture in the same field. In silvoarable systems, trees are intercropped with arable crops, and in silvopastoral systems trees are combined with pasture for livestock. These systems may produce forage and timber as well as provi...
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Near infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (mid-IR) reflectance spectroscopy are time- and cost-effective tools for characterising soil organic carbon (SOC). Here they were used for quantifying (i) carbon (C) dioxide (CO2) emission from soil samples crushed to 2 mm and 0.2 mm, at 18°C and 28°C; (ii) physical C protection, calculated as the difference bet...
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Soil provides ecosystem services, supports human health and habitation, stores carbon and regulates emissions of greenhouse gases. Unprecedented pressures on soil from degradation and urbanization are threatening agro- ecological balances and food security. It is important that we learn more about soil to sustainably manage and preserve it for futu...
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Soil provides ecosystem services, supports human health and habitation, stores carbon and regulates emissions of greenhouse gases. Unprecedented pressures on soil from degradation and urbanization are threatening agro-ecological balances and food security. It is important that we learn more about soil to sustainably manage and preserve it for futur...
Near infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (mid-IR) reflectance spectroscopy are time- and cost-effective tools for characterising soil organic carbon (SOC). Here they were used for quantifying (i) carbon (C) dioxide (CO2) emission from soil samples crushed to 2 mm and 0.2 mm, at 18°C and 28°C; (ii) physical C protection, calculated as the difference bet...
De la mise en place d’indicateurs pour la planification urbaine à la mesure des stocks de carbone, en passant par les instruments juridiques et économiques pour la protection des sols, cet ouvrage, issu du programme Gessol, synthétise les dernières connaissances biotechniques et sociétales sur le sujet. Il souligne l’importance d’une gestion durabl...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: Agroforestry systems, i.e., agroecosystems combining trees with farming practices, are of particular interest as they combine the potential to increase biomass and soil carbon (C) storage whilst maintaining an agricultural production. However, most present knowledge on the impact of agroforestry systems on soil organic carbon (SOC) st...
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Agroforestry is a land use type where crops and trees are grown together in the same place and at the same time. Agroforestry systems have the advantage of providing multiple products (e.g. wood, fruits) or services (e.g. biodiversity enhancement, erosion control) whilst maintaining agricultural production. If they are known to store carbon into th...
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In a warmer world, soil CO2 emissions are likely to increase. There is still much discussion about which soil organic C (SOC) pools are more sensitive to increasing temperatures. While the temperature sensitivity of C stabilized by biochemical recalcitrance or by sorption to mineral surfaces has been characterized, few studies have been carried out...
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The soil science community is facing a growing demand of regional, continental, and worldwide databases in order to monitor the status of the soil. However, the availability of such data is very scarce. Cost-effective tools to measure soil properties for large areas (e.g., Europe) are required. Soil spectroscopy has shown to be a fast, cost-effecti...
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Agroforestry is a land use type where crops and trees are grown together in the same place and at the same time. Agroforestry systems have the advantage of providing multiple products (e.g. wood, fruits) or services (e.g. biodiversity enhancement, erosion control) whilst maintaining agricultural production. If they are known to store carbon into th...
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In Sudano-Sahelian agriculture, organic amendments are often limited by resource availability. Small branches (ramial wood, RW) represent an organic resource found in many landscapes but little is known about their effects. This field trial (2007-2009) studied the effects of RW or straw at low application rate (0.69 Mg C ha-1 yr-1) on topsoil carbo...
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Diffuse infrared reflectance spectroscopy is considered a promising approach for addressing soil quality, and its use directly in the field might be an achievable challenge. The present work aimed at optimizing the acquisition procedure of visible and near infrared reflectance (VNIR) spectra of topsoils (0-20 cm) in the field, in order to predict u...
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Nowadays, near infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (mid-IR) reflectance spectroscopy are recognised useful approaches for quantifying soil properties, cost and time effectively. The aim of this work was to compare predictions of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content, C/N ratio, substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and denitrifying enzyme activity (DE...
Conference Paper
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16th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, La Grande-Motte, FRA, 02-/06/2013 - 07/06/2013
Models, as CENTURY or RothC, developed to analyze the dynamic of soil organic carbon require introduction of initial conditions such as the amount of organic matter present in different pools. Each is characterized by a specific turnover rate that is linked to particular stabilization mechanism of organic matter. Four mechanisms of stabilization ex...
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Raw, mixed and composted organic materials (OM) from agricultural and urban wastes were subjected to biochemical analyses, near infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy and laboratory incubations. Respiration during incubations was accurately predicted using a decomposition model [transformation of added organic materials, (TAO)] of very labile, int...
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This work aimed to evaluate the potential of mid‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS) to predict soil organic and inorganic carbon contents with a 2086‐sample set representative of French topsoils (0–30 cm). Ground air‐dried samples collected regularly using a 16 × 16‐km grid were analysed for total (dry combustion) and inorganic (calcimeter) c...
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Cette étude vise à tester l'effet de systèmes de culture en semis direct sous couverture végétale permanente (SCV) pour contrôler l'érosion hydrique et améliorer le rendement de cultures pluviales sur versant des Hautes-Terres de Madagascar. L'essai a été entrepris sur un dispositif expérimental d'érosion à Andranomanelatra, sous pluies naturelles....
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Introduction Les nématodes sont des vers ronds menant une vie libre ou parasite, qui se rencontrent dans la majorité des milieux, notamment dans les sols. L'abondance et la diversité des nématodes en font des indicateurs précis de l'état et du fonctionnement du sol, mais leur caractérisation conventionnelle est coûteuse en main d'oeuvre et nécessit...
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Studying soil nematofauna provides useful information on soil status and functioning but requires high taxonomic expertise. Near infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy (NIRS) has been reported to allow fast and inexpensive determination of numerous soil attributes. Thus the present study aimed at assessing the potential of NIRS for determining the...
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This study tests the potential of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) for predicting soil fertility and management history from topsoil (0–10 cm deep) spectra. Soil fertility was assessed by measuring the growth of a test plant, and soil management history was determined through inquiries with farmers. Moreover, NIRS predictive value was...
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We studied the black carbon (BC) content of ca. 405 samples from French topsoil and artificial soil and carbonate mixtures. Our protocol involved three main steps: (i) decarbonation by HCl, (ii) elimination of non-pyrogenic organic carbon in a furnace at 375 °C, and (iii) quantification of residual carbon by CHN analysis. BC content increased for c...
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In addition to total organic carbon and nitrogen, potential organic carbon mineralization under controlled laboratory conditions and indicators such as the indicator of remaining organic carbon in soil (IROC), based on Van Soest biochemical fractionation and short-term carbon mineralization in soil, are used to predict the evolution of exogenous or...