Azeddine Belakehal

Azeddine Belakehal
Université de Biskra · Department of Architecture

Head of the research team "Space, Conducts and Environment", LACOMOFA Laboratory.


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Azeddine Belakehal currently works at the Department of Architecture, Université de Biskra. Azeddine does research in Cultural History, History of Art and Environmental Engineering. Their most recent publication is 'Bilateral Central Core and an External Envelope and its Impact on the Thermal Behaviour of Individual Self-construction Housing in the City of Biskra'.


Publications (111)
Defining architectural space comes with multiple and diverse aspects. Our theoretical reflection aims at establishing the base for a new definition, in the sense that theoretical topology, like geometry, is an effective means to define the form of architectural spatiality based on the notion of ambiences. Topological definitions already developed b...
Conquered by the French army in 1844, Biskra was widely known as a notorious winter tourist destination during the colonial era. Characterized by a hot and dry climate, the ‘queen of the oases’ in the Ziban region was renowned for its numerous tourist facilities constructed using techniques imported from elsewhere, local materials, and apparent loc...
Often quoted as the queen of an oasian region, namely the Zibans, Biskra, a southern Algerian city, was a famous winter station renowned for its tourist character during the French colonization (1830-1962). This stimulated the colonizing authorities to build several hospitality buildings, the largest of which were edified using imported constructiv...
This study investigates architectural acoustics in heritage building that is the Ben Youssef Madrasa in Marrakech (Morocco). It aims to characterize the sound atmospheres in this place of learning and community life of el-Tolba (plural of el-Tãleb: student). For this purpose, the study is divided into three parts. The first is the literature review...
Récemment, nous avons assisté au basculement de l’approche patrimoniale, passée d’une patrimonialité centrée sur l’authenticité et la conservation à une approche intégrant la dimension ambiantale et la performance humaine. Néanmoins, sur le terrain deux défaillances surgissent, d’une part la séparation des sphères matérielle et immatérielle et d’au...
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Spatial characterization of lighting ambiances is very important for museology and is usually done through sequencing of architectural space; however, in this work, we adopted a characterization based on the spatial configuration and fields of view presented to museum visitors. We examined two museums located in the same environment but with very d...
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Given the considerable sums of money wasted on their creation, many museums are not well attended by the general public for a variety of reasons. The city of Bejaia museum, which is dedicated to the history and the Moudjahid (ancient Algerian soldiers of the liberation fight), has a lot of potential and it is now the only museum of city that provid...
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In the old traditional houses, the inner central courtyard was the focal point of the house. Most of the rooms, if not all of them, are directly connected to the courtyard. Privacy is the watchword for the courtyard as expressed by maximizing interior relationships and openness, while excluding the exterior. In addition to its socio-cultural role a...
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During the recent few decades, fully glazed facade system has been increasingly used in Algeria. While neglectingits climatic impacts, this design trend is always tangible especially for office buildings. This article presents the main resultsof a survey carried out for 49 selected office buildings. These latter are located in the three different c...
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En écoutant les rues de la médina, on peut entendre des fragments d’espace sonore émergeant du passé. Les effets sonores, qui en découlent, s’inscrivent dans l’imaginaire collectif et deviennent un patrimoine en soi. Le paysage sonore de la médina peut alors constituer un patrimoine autonome. En effet, la prise de conscience de l’importance patrimo...
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Cette recherche concentre sur l'exploration du patrimoine architectural contemporain de Fernand Pouillon en Algérie indépendante de point vu sensoriel. Il s'agit de tirer les différentes évocations des sens, du sensible et des phénomènes physiques visuel, corporel, tactile, et auditif. Au moyen d'une lecture subjective d'informations textuelles dan...
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Daylighting and outside view, as window design parameters, are often the main ambience-generating design factors that connect the users' sensorial relationship to their external environment. These relationships and their resulting ambiences vary by building type and carry a heightened value in some specific typologies of which, religious buildings...
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Au lendemain de l'indépendance, l'Algérie a connu une succession de plusieurs tendances et styles architecturaux. Ils ont façonné d'une part par la puissance coloniale qui a duré plus d'un siècle, et ayant légué des structures à plusieurs échelles dans une continuité de nombreux modèles durant la première période postcoloniale. D'autre part, ces co...
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جاء هدف البحث في التراث المادي واللامادي في منطقة الزاب الشرقي للحفاظ على الإرث الثقافي والتاريخي والإنساني للمنطقة، وذلك بهدف تعريف الأجيال الحاضرة بهذا الموروث الذي يعتبر حقيقة ملموسة تقربهم من تاريخ منطقتهم وتعرفهم على أبرز الحقب التاريخية التي مرت بها من العصور القديمة (ما قبل التاريخ) إلى العصر الإسلامي وعهد الفتوحات التي شملت إفريقيا (المغرب...
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Cet article présent les résultats d’une étude de terrain sur les dimensions humaines qualitatives de l’architecture hôtelière de Fernand Pouillon dans la période de l’indépendance en vue d’en faire des références pour l’architecture touristique actuelle en vise de références contemporaines. Dans cette étude, nous avons recueilli des perceptions des...
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This research presents a classification of office buildings during the colonial period by adopting a bibliographic and monographic approach. This classification has two objectives: the first is to identify the typologies of building materials used in each climate zone of Algeria; the second objective consists of an evaluation of the choices of thes...
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Research in the field of ambiences has clearly evolved in our era, the field of investigation lists all the typologies of space ranging from architectural to urban space. There are many researches but the relationships between them are minimal, so far we do not have a way to treat or perceive the space as a whole, which starts from the macro enviro...
Conference Paper
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Research in the field of ambiences has clearly evolved in our era, the field of investigation lists all the typologies of space ranging from architectural to urban space. There are many researches but the relationships between them are minimal, so far we do not have a way to treat or perceive the space as a whole, which starts from the macro enviro...
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Dans le cadre de cette recherche, l’étude a été menée en vue de mettre en exergue l'apport spécifique qui revient en matière de valorisation de patrimoine architectural local contemporain en soi. Ainsi que dans son rapport au contexte environnemental. Cependant, l’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser cinq œuvres qui ont été conçus par Fernand Poui...
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Daylight is currently at the centre of discourse on architectural space. The definition of architectural space takes essence from Euclidean geometry related to metric dimensions. The present study is an attempt to shed light on topology which is a non-Euclidean geometry. It can support non-metric components of space such as light to define architec...
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Museums are nowadays among the most popular projects for the public, the concept of thermal comfort in museums is often treated after the realization. Even if in the design, the architect shows a particular intention to work with daylight which is considered for these projects as main, the architect often considers certain elements that have an inf...
Dans l’Islam, la lumière occupe une place importante similaire à celle qui lui est accordée par les religions du Livre antérieures. Une sourate coranique entière est dédiée à la lumière et la valorise en tant que symbole divin : « Allah est la lumière des cieux et de la terre. Sa lumière est semblable à une niche où se trouve une lampe. La lampe es...
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The present work aims to demonstrate that a topological characterization of architectural space would amount to a presence and a participation of sound. In other words, the sound, itself and similarly to the human body, will be able to generate new spatiality that can be characterized 'topologically'. The museum considered as an architectural work...
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The main objective of this study is to evaluate the light and thermal comfort in a 'transparent' office. This last term designates a working space whose outer wall is entirely glazed by a simple transparent glazing in a first case, and a transparent double glazing in a second case, in the context of arid environments with a hot and dry climate and...
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This research explores the authentic luminous ambiences that characterized the medersa of El Eubbad in Tlemcen in Algeria. These atmospheres have been profoundly altered due to the different rearrangements that have affected this building. Based on historical evidence and an architectural analysis of the other medersa dating from the same dynasty (...
Conference Paper
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This work aims at demonstrating that like geometry or anthropology, topology can offer the architectural space a new form of dimensioning and spatiality, this would amount to a participation of daylight and sound ambiences. We will explore this new spatiality in the architectural space and especially the museum space. The definitions of topology he...
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The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of the orientation on the thermal environment in the works of Fernand Pouillon and its role in the reduction of the strong continuous and daily variations of the temperatures. In the region of Biskra, Fernand Pouillon, seems to show his mastery of the parameters related to the external phys...
Conference Paper
Parler de Méditerranée ne pourrait se limiter à penser uniquement à la mer ; il y est également question d'invoquer l’ensemble des styles architecturaux, qualités spatiales et ambiances qui caractérisent le patrimoine urbain et architectural méditerranéen. Tout cet inestimable legs constitue un composant incontournable du paysage des villes côtière...
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The essence of architectural design rests upon in kind of manipulation between dualism central core and external envelope of any architectural composition; there are some compositions that are concerned with the external envelope,while other compositions the outer shell is result of the interned division. Besides there are other compositions that b...
Les questionnements épistémologiques, théoriques et méthodologiques sur les corpus, notamment de textes, irriguent les humanités et les sciences humaines et sociales. Au sein de cette réflexion, les trois étapes essentielles de la composition, de la mesure et de l’interprétation des corpus sont distinguées même si, en pratique, elles sont imbriquée...
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In Algeria, after independence, the urbanisation tendency dictated by political choice, excluded the colonial city centre from the whole development of the town. This led to its marginalisation, taking numerous forms and generating many problems. However, despite the fact, that today this marginalisation is recognised, the inherited situation of th...
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This study investigates daylighting design in Tunisian and Algerian mosques from the Ottoman era. It aims to constitute a daylight based architectural design knowledge which might serve the built heritage preservation as well as supports contemporary environmentally friendly mosques’ and building design. An intensive literature review and a field w...
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The analysis of these dwellings facades, constructed during the French colonial era in Biskra, an Algerian southern town, aims to identify not only the characteristics of this largely mistreated architectural heritage, but also, to grasp the co-occurrence of its morphological characteristics. Hence, a morphological approach was applied to a represe...
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ABSTRACT More and more, Ambience is shown as a notion which is building up as a particular field of the urban and architectural research. It gives more importance to the user and situated him inside a place centred problem without loosing the place spatial and technical aspects. Ambience emphasizes the sensorial living of a space and associates the...
Conference Paper
Considérés comme de grands bâtisseurs, les Aghlabides nous ont légué un patrimoine bâti thématiquement très varié (structures militaires, édifices religieux, ouvrages hydrauliques et autres). Ces ensembles ont été investis en tant qu’objets d’études de la part de plusieurs chercheurs affiliés à différentes disciplines (historiens de l’art et du Mag...
L’Algérie a récemment connu l’émergence de mouvements associatifs impliqués dans divers domaines tels que la culture, la société et le sport. Ce phénomène n’a pas été suffisamment investi et demeure encore inconnu sur un bon nombre d’aspects. L’objectif de la présente recherche est d’explorer l’impact du mouvement associatif sur la sauvegarde du pa...
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In hot arid regions, sunlighting is an essential consideration to achieve an environmentally conscious architecture. This paper aims to identify the sunlighting strategies and their resulting typology in some urban spaces, different types of buildings and constructional details as they have been developed in the hot and arid regions of the Islamic...
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Abstract: In the Maghreb, the toponyms of many human settlements refer to their founders. These latter's names are preceded by the qualifier 'Sidi' which could be literally translated as 'Master' and which would have a meaning of holiness. This article relates the emergence and the first stages of evolution of an oasis in the south-east of Algeria...
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The objective of this paper is to reconcile two of the facade's function: (1) the solar radiation control as the energy related function, (2) the aesthetic expression on its design. The approach adopted is to maximize the shading on the facade though an optimization of its components.Then, using experimental aesthetic these facade's components are...
Sunlighting is an essential consideration in order to achieve an architecture, which is environmentally conscious in hot arid regions. The aim of this chapter is to identify the sunlighting strategies and their resulting typology in some urban spaces, and different types of buildings and constructional details, as developed in the traditional hot a...
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SYNOPSIS This paper describes the methods and the findings of experimental research assessing the quantitative and the qualitative efficiency of shading and shadowing as a direct solar control strategy. The case study is the contemporary individual urban dwelling facade in arid regions. The investigated facade component is the canti-levered volume....
