Aysegul Kirca ToklucuÇanakkale Onsekiz Mart University | ÇOMÜ · Department of Food Engineering
Aysegul Kirca Toklucu
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Publications (23)
The main aim of the study is to investigate the thermal, textural and vaporization behaviors of turpentine oil (representing essential oils) organogels prepared with wax mixtures (beeswax, BW; shellac wax, SHW) instead of a single wax. The second aim was to determine the optimum level of wax addition to minimize vaporization of volatiles...
The fig fruit, which has a short seasonal availability due to its perishable nature, was subjected to a canning process, and the effects of canning on phenolics and antioxidant properties were evaluated. For this purpose, the most popular fig varieties grown in Türkiye, namely Sarilop (yellow coloured) and Bursa Siyahi (dark purple coloured), were...
Spontaneous fermentation may produce complex and unique wines with geographical designations due to the region-specific yeast flora and variations in must characteristics. The current study focused on the yeast diversity and changes in volatile compounds during the spontaneous fermentation of ‘Karasakız’ grapes from three sub-regions of Çanakkale p...
Bu çalışmada, ticari maya ve spontan fermantasyon teknikleri ve 6 ay şişede depolamanın Karalahna şaraplarının fenolik madde profilleri ve renk özellikleri üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ticari maya fermantasyonu ile elde edilen şarapların toplam monomerik antosiyanin miktarının, spontan fermantasyonla üretilen şaraplara göre istatistiksel açıda...
In this study, the effects of spontaneous and pure yeast fermentation techniques on anthocyanins and colorless phenolics of Cabernet Sauvignon wines were investigated at the end of alcoholic fermentation and after six months of storage in a bottle. After alcoholic fermentation, 43.55% and 49.58% losses were occurred in monomeric anthocyanin content...
In this work, microwave-assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD) technique was used to obtain lavender essential oil (LEO) with a yield of 5.5 %. Oil in water microemulsions of LEO were prepared with starch and soy protein by ultrasonic emulsification. Total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of the samples were evaluated. Microemulsions exhibited...
The purposes of the present study were to evaluate the volatile compounds and sensory characteristics of young red wines produced by spontaneous and inoculated fermentations of Karalahna (KL) and Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) grapes and to identify the yeasts responsible for spontaneous fermentation by molecular methods. A total of 28 volatile compounds...
Bu çalışmada, Karalahna ve Cabernet Sauvignon üzümlerinden elde edilen mayşeye uygulanan soğuk maserasyonun (7-8°C/4 gün) şıranın genel bileşimi, antosiyanin ve uçucu bileşenleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Şıraların antosiyanin kompozisyonları Yüksek Performanslı Sıvı Kromatografisi, uçucu bileşenleri ise Gaz Kromatografisi-Kütle Spektrometres...
In this study, functional fruit beverages were produced by mixing whey with fruit concentrates (apple and cherry) or pulp (apricot) at certain amounts, and some physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of the beverages were revealed during storage. While the highest total phenol content and antioxidant capacity (TEAC) were determined in bever...
The degradation of total monomeric anthocyanins and changes in the proportion of polymeric colour (% PC) as well as antioxidant capacity of grape juice were studied during heating at 70-90 degrees C. Anthocyanin degradation fitted to a first order reaction model, while the formation of % PC followed zero order reaction kinetics. High correlations (...
The effect of the UV-C light on quality characteristics (microbiological, physicochemical and sensorial) and microbial stability of orange juice (OJ) during storage (4 and 10 degrees C) were investigated and the results were compared with untreated and heat treated (at 90 degrees C, 2 min) juice. UV-C treatment (36.09 kJ/L dose) of OJ resulted in 2...
The formation of hydroxymethylfurfural, nonenzymatic brown coloured compounds and free sulphydryl groups in goat milk was studied during heating at 75–95 °C. Analysis of kinetic data suggested that formation of hydroxymethylfurfural and nonenzymatic brown coloured compounds followed zero order reaction kinetics, while formation of free sulphydryl g...
White and red grape juices (GJs) were subjected to ultraviolet C (UV-C) light as a non-thermal preservation technology using a coiled tube UV-C reactor with nine lamps. The effects of UV-C light on microbial (total aerobic count and yeast and mould count) and some chemical quality characteristics (total phenolics, antioxidant capacity, anthocyanin...
Pomegranate juice (PJ) was subjected to UV-C irradiation as a non-thermal technology and changes in major quality characteristics of juice such as anthocyanins, polymeric colour, antioxidant activity and total phenol content were determined. The results were compared with control (untreated) and heat treated (at 90 °C, 2 min) juice samples. UV-C tr...
SummaryA total of 28 different plants from different regions of Çanakkale, Turkey, were investigated for their antioxidant capacity and total phenol contents to find new potential sources of natural antioxidants. The antioxidant capacity of methanolic extracts prepared from various parts of plants was evaluated by both trolox equivalent antioxidant...
Anthocyanin stability of black carrots was studied at various solid contents (11, 30, 45 and 64° Brix) and pHs (4.3 and 6.0) during both heating, at 70–90 °C, and storage at 4–37 °C. Monomeric anthocyanin degradation fitted a first-order reaction model. Degradation of monomeric anthocyanins increased with increasing solid content during heating, wh...
Black carrot juice concentrate was added to enhance the color of strawberry jams prepared from two locally grown cultivars, Osmanlı and Kara. Compared to other cultivars processed to jams, these two cultivars are lightly colored but very aromatic. Color and pigment stability of colored and noncolored (control) strawberry jams were studied during st...
Abstract Blond orange juice was colored with black carrot concentrate as an alternative to blood orange juice. Thermal stability of anthocyanins from black carrots in orange juice was determined at 70, 80 and 90C. Anthocyanin degradation in colored blond orange juice followed to first-order reaction kinetics. As expected, the degradation rate was d...
Fruit juices (apple, grape, orange, grapefruit, tangerine and lemon) and nectars (apricot, peach and pineapple) were coloured with black carrot juice concentrate and stability of black carrot anthocyanins in these matrices was studied during heating at 70–90 °C and storage at 4–37 °C. Anthocyanin degradation, in all coloured juices and nectars, fol...
Grapevine leaves are used to prepare the dish called as “dolma,” i.e., a Turkish term for stuffed vegetable. Our study was undertaken to monitor the desirable colour changes from bright-green to olive-yellow in grapevine leaves stored under modified atmosphere (passive modification). We also determined whether microbial growth occurred after a prol...
Ascorbic acid degradation in orange, grape and pomegranate juices, and sour cherry nectar was studied at 20, 30 and 40 °C, with or without the addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Analysis of kinetic data suggested that the degradation fitted better to a zero-order model than a first-order model. Rate constants increased slightly in the presence o...
Thermal and storage stabilities of anthocyanins in blood orange juice and concentrate were studied over the temperature range 70–90 °C and 5–37 °C. Analysis of kinetic data suggested a first-order reaction for the degradation of blood orange anthocyanins with the half-lives of 6.3 to 1.5, 3.4 to 0.7 and 2.0 to 0.4 h for 11.2, 45 and 69°Brix samples...
The color change in dried apricots at various moisture contents was studied. Dried apricots originally at 19.32% moisture were first dried to 15.49% and then rehydrated to 20.10%, 25.21% and finally 30.20% moisture levels. The CIE L*, a*, and b* color variables were measured to determine the color of dried apricots, and C* (chroma) and h* (hue) val...