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Publications (57)
Since the early 2000s, the use of analytics in Human Resources (HR) has become increasingly widespread. With the spread of analytical applications, it is thought that the Human Resources Department will contribute more to making effective decisions in organizations. This study investigates the fundamental differences between organizations that use...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities are carried out by managers to protect the interests of their organizations, as well as to develop and protect the general interests of the society. The perception related to the organization's practices and activities within the scope of CSR will increase organizational commitment (OC). Being one of...
Since the early 2000s, the use of analytics in Human Resources (HR) has become increasingly widespread. With the spread of analytical applications, it is thought that the Human Resources Department will contribute more to making effective decisions in organizations. This study investigates the fundamental differences between organizations that use...
The growing amount of data and the inventive solutions that arise from it create opportunities to construct and manage smart sustainable cities. Before attempting to establish appropriate solutions in this regard, it is crucial to clearly grasp what smart and sustainable cities are and the aspects around which they are built. The purpose of this st...
Understanding the behaviors and attitudes of different generations is crucial not only for individuals but also for the organizations. Utility Theory is a well-known and well-accepted behavioral economics theory that explains the human decision-making process, yet it has some limitations. Prospect Theory has improved Utility Theory by eliminating t...
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities are carried out by managers to protect the interests of their organizations, as well as to develop and protect the general interests of the society. The perception related to the organization's practices and activities within the scope of CSR will increase organizational commitment (OC). Being one of...
Asynchronous Video Interviewing (AVI) is considered one of the most recent and promising innovations in the recruitment process. Using AVI in combination with AI-based technologies enables recruiters/employers to automate many of the tasks that are typically required for screening, assessing, and selecting candidates. In fact, the automated assessm...
Faced with the increasing number of challenges that came with globalization, the developed countries have become aware of the insufficiency of traditional production systems and increased investments in technological developments in the production sector. With successive technological developments, the competition in the production sector has incre...
Transport systems significantly impact our environment, accounting for 29% and 25% of the global energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, respectively. Therefore, international efforts promote the use of electric vehicles (EVs) to reduce overall GHG emissions with the aim of achieving the energy transition from fossil fuels to renewab...
Teknolojinin artan bir hızla gelişmesi, günümüzde işletmelerin daha fazla çeşit ve miktarda ürünü, daha kısa sürelerde pazara sunabilmelerine imkân sağlamaktadır. Bu durum rekabet avantajı elde etmek isteyen işletmeler için bir fırsat yaratmakla beraber, arz miktarlarındaki yüksek artış oranlarına karşılık taleplerin aynı oranda artmaması ve tüketi...
To support a sustainable mobility transition and zero-carbon economy globally, important efforts are currently being made towards the use of sustainable transport, such as electric vehicles. In this context, the role of lithium is crucial for the manufacturing of electric vehicles powered by lithium-ion batteries. However, more than half of the glo...
Proje yönetimi; entegrasyon, kapsam, zaman, maliyet, kalite, insan kaynağı, iletişim, tedarik ve risk yönetimi konularına odaklanmaktadır. Proje karmaşıklığı bu başlıkların hiçbiri altında değerlendirilemeyen; ancak projelerin başarılı bir şekilde yönetilmesi ve sonuçlanmasında önemli bir etkiye sahip olan farklı bir konudur. Dolayısıyla proje karm...
The use of social media has risen dramatically over the past few years, and companies are spending more dollars than ever on social media. It has created great opportunities for users in terms of social interaction, knowledge sharing, entertainment, and online shopping. At the same time, social media has generated a new set of capabilities for mark...
The developments in information and communication technologies in the digital age have significant and varying effects on organizations. Changes in traditional business ecosystems have created new business environments called "digital business ecosystems." Digital transformation (DT) studies are continually being carried out in organizations to ada...
Organizations are complex systems made up of many different elements interacting with each other. One particular form of organizational design, emerging from the need to deal with organizational complexity and environmental uncertainty, is modularity. There are several studies in the literature dealing with organizational modularity. However, neith...
Competence-Based Management (CBM) theory and research suggest that a firm's competence building and leveraging processes are key factors influencing its competitive success. To achieve sustained competitive success, a firm's competence building processes must continuously renew and extend the competences a firm has and can leverage. However, the ab...
Assessment of project risks generally requires dealing with vague and imprecise information as well as highly subjective judgments of a group of experts. Therefore, it is often unrealistic and impractical to acquire exact judgments in project risk assessment. Several precision- and fuzzy-based methods, addressing this issue, have been suggested in...
Bu çalışmada, organizasyonların geçmişte yaptıkları seçimlerin, bugün ve gelecekte yapacakları seçimlerini de etkilediğini iddia eden yol bağımlılık kavramı irdelenmiş ve literatürde kavramın ölçümüne yönelik eksikliğin giderilmesine katkı sağlamak üzere bir model geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen modelde, yol bağımlılığına yol açacağı öngörülen “koor...
The multidimensional nature of risks as well as substantial uncertainties and subjectivities inherent in the risk assessment process led a growing number of researchers to develop alternative approaches for failure mode and effects analysis
. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive review of the multi-criteria approaches proposed...
Organizational modularity allows organizations to improve their reconfigurability, and
thereby, to adapt to fast changing environmental conditions. Although, organizational modularity is
frequently mentioned in the literature of organization theory, apart from product modularity, neither a
common definition nor a measurement model exists for this c...
Today, free trade, internet, and mobile technologies have given rise to global markets with high levels of change. In order to survive in such fluid environments, firms need to be able to quickly adapt themselves to rapid changes. The concept of “dynamic capabilities” deals with the organizational capacity to understand the need for change, plan re...
Supply chain risk management is a frequently addressed topic in supply chain management research and can be defined as the identification, assessment and management of risks in the supply chain. The risks in the supply chain are caused by various sources, e.g. environmental, supplier, demand and operational risks. The assessment of these risks gene...
Today, free trade, internet, and mobile technologies have given rise to global markets with high levels of change. In order to survive in such fluid environments, firms need to be able to quickly adapt themselves to rapid changes. The concept of “dynamic capabilities
” deals with the organizational capacity to understand the need for change, plan r...
Organizational modularity is a common but not well-defined term in organizational research literature. There isn’t any consensus or common model in literature in order to identify and measure the organizational modularity in organizations. Properties of organizational modularity and its relationship with the organizational design haven’t been resea...
In this study, a fuzzy Multi-Criteria Group Decision Making (MCGDM)
approach is proposed that effectively models the project risk assessment process involving
uncertain information characterized by interval type-2 fuzzy sets. The approach captures at
least two types of uncertainties associated with judgments elicited from a group of subjects:
This chapter describes the Analytical Network Process (ANP), a multi-criteria prioritization method to support decision making in complex and uncertain environments and suggests a fuzzy analytic network process (FANP) approach for prioritizing decision elements. The proposed fuzzy set theoretic method accommodates fuzziness in the supermatrix compu...
This paper presents an approach to the identification of an organization’s strategic management concepts (SMCs) – mission, vision, values and competences. The highly qualitative relationships among these concepts are operationalized using the Analytic Network Process (ANP). As ANP captures the outcome of dependence and feedback between components o...
In a world characterized by durable products, stable customer needs, well-defined national and regional markets, and clearly identified competitors, competition was a “war of position” in which companies occupied competitive space like squares on a chessboard, building and defining market share in clearly defined product or market segments. The key...
This paper presents a fuzzy approach to the identification of organizational values and culture. The proposed approach has been developed from crisp assessment methods in the literature and has been applied to the Industrial Engineering Department (IED) at a state university in Turkey. Highly subjective judgments and ambiguity regarding the presenc...
Question (1)
Which methods can be used to analyze similarities between a reference set and a request set of paragraphs for classification purposes that considers not only word frequencies but also the meaning (i.e., syntax, semantic, …) of the sentences under investigation?