Attilio Cavezzi

Attilio Cavezzi
Eurocenter Venalinfa, San Benedetto del Tronto,Italy



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Current biomedical research interests: translational medicine, longevity medicine, hormesis, psychoneuroendocrineimmunology, mitochondria, resilience, vascular surgery, angiology, phlebology lymphology, covid-19


Publications (135)
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L'analisi della variabilità della frequenza cardiaca (heart rate variability, HRV) è un esame diagnostico e prognostico di grande utilità nella medicina della longevità e, più in generale, nella gestione dei pazienti affetti da malattie croniche degenerative. Con il test HRV si esamina il sistema nervoso autonomo, quindi anche la resilienza psico-f...
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Terapia endovenosa "anti-aging": un approccio innovativo nella medicina della longevità ANNO XXIV-periodico di informazione scientifica a diffusione mirata LA DOMUS M E D I C A DEL TERZO MILLENNIO 72 n. 72 settembre-dicembre 2024, anno XXIV-Aut. Tribunale Bologna n. 7071 del 05/12/2000-Sped. a.p. 45% art. 2 comma 20/b legge 662/96-Poste Italiane Di...
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Il linfedema degli arti costituisce una patologia piuttosto frequente, di riscontro più comune di quanto generalmente ritenuto, il cui approccio diagnostico e terapeutico appare tuttora non sufficientemente efficace e quindi passibile di miglioramenti. La stasi della linfa, alla base del linfedema appunto, configura un eccesso di fluidi (e macromol...
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Limb phlebolymphedema (PLE) is characterized by an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space and it is caused by an impairment of venous and lymphatic flow. From the pathophysiology point of view, PLE may be of primary and (more frequently) secondary type; it mostly occurs in post-thrombotic syndrome, after trauma, in varicose veins with dysf...
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Background: Sclerotherapy is a non-invasive procedure commonly used to treat superficial venous disease, vascular malformations and other ectatic vascular lesions. While extremely rare, sclerotherapy may be complicated by serious adverse events. Objectives: To categorise contraindications to sclerotherapy based on the available scientific eviden...
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Biomedical science is experiencing a reassessment of its practices of healthcare management where more appropriate cost-benefit profiles are being combined with improvements in knowledge, effectiveness, and safety of diagnostic/therapeutic procedures to drive the advances in medicine. This review aims to assess: (a) possible biases of the scientifi...
Aims: To highlight the relationship among compression therapy (CT), the autonomic nervous system (ANS) (parasympathetic and sympathetic system), and the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. Background: Beyond the typical analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of CT in patients affected by venous and/or lymphatic diseases, some literature abou...
Objectives To assess the immediate/short-term outcomes of a maqui berry-based nutraceutical (MBN) supplementation on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), resilience level, metabolism and body composition. Patients and Methods A randomized controlled single-blind study was performed on healthy subjects. Throughout 30 days, one group took 1,000 mg/da...
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Background: Both natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity to COVID-19 may be useful to reduce the mortality/morbidity of this disease, but still a lot of controversy exists. Aims: This narrative review analyzes the literature regarding these two immunitary processes and more specifically: (a) the duration of natural immunity; (b) cellular i...
Psycho-biological resilience is considered one of the most important factors in the epigenetics of aging. Cell senescence exhibits a series of possible biochemical derangements concerning mitochondria, proteasome, genome and membranes. Research has shown that resilience can be acquired through hormesis, a set of conservative and adaptive processes...
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Background: Both natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity to COVID-19 may be useful to reduce the mortality/morbidity of this disease, but still a lot of controversy exists. Aims: This narrative review analyzes the literature about: a) the duration of natural immunity; b) cellular immunity; c) cross-reactivity; d) the duration of post-vaccinat...
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This article, in Italian language, describes the potentials of nutraceuticals in longevity medicine
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The recent research on chronic degenerative diseases (CDD), such as obesity, diabetes, neurodegeneration, atherosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, cancer and aging itself, has shown that Venous and Lymphatic Diseases (VLD) may play an important role in their development, de facto pushing phlebology and especially lymphology under a spotlight in biomed...
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Almost two years have passed since the outbreak reported for the first time in Wuhan of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV-2 coronavirus, rapidly evolved into a pandemic. This infectious disease has stressed global health care systems. The mortality rate is higher, particularly in elderly popula...
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Background: iron and calcium dysmetabolism, with hyperferritinemia, hypoferremia, hypocalcemia and anemia have been documented in the majority of COVID-19 patients at later/worse stages. Furthermore, complementary to ACE2, both sialic acid (SA) molecules and CD147 proved relevant host receptors for SARS-CoV-2 entry, which explains the viral attack...
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Background: iron and calcium dysmetabolism, with hyperferritinemia, hypoferremia, hypocalcemia and anemia have been documented in the majority of COVID-19 patients at later/worse stages. Furthermore, complementary to ACE2, both sialic acid (SA) molecules and CD147 proved relevant host receptors for SARS-CoV-2 entry, which explains the viral attack...
Conference Paper
By calculating the centrality measures of the nodes of the SARS-CoV-2 protein interactome network, we have identified the viral proteins of potential greatest interest for further experimental investigation to understand the mechanisms by which SARS-CoV-2 attacks cells and to identify possible therapeutic targets. The proteins identified in this st...
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La medicina integrata della longevità vede nel miglioramento della resilienza psico-biologica dell’individuo uno degli approcci fondamentali al benessere psico-fisico umano e quindi a una longevità in salute.
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Il processo di invecchiamento dipende orientativamente per il 25% dal patrimonio cromosomiale e per il restante 75% dalla nutrizione, dallo stile di vita e dalla gestione dello stress, quindi in definitiva dalla epigenetica
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More than one year has passed since the first cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV-2 coronavirus were reported in Wuhan (China), rapidly evolving into a global pandemic. This infectious disease has become a major public health challenge in the world. Unfortunately, to date, no specific...
La formazione scientifica biomedica approccia oggi in modo carente la fisiopatologia delle malattie e il ruolo determinante dell’epigenetica, dedicando invece grande attenzione al trattamento tecnico-farmacologico dei sintomi delle malattie.
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COVID-19 is a complex, multi-organ disease where lungs are primarily affected, resulting in a form of ARDS in the later stages. In fact, a relevant role has been attributed to iron dysmetabolism and series of literature data highlight a clear-cut alteration in a few related parameters; significantly high figures of ferritin, hepcidin, red blood cel...
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Literature concerning the causative factors of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease shows complex and sometimes contrasting evidence. Most guidelines suggest a strategy aimed at lowering circulating low density lipoproteins (LDL) and ApoB lipoprotein levels. The use of statins and of cholesteryl ester transfer protein inhibitors has led to a numb...
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Abstract: Biomedical science is undergoing a reappraisal of its scientific advancement process and of the related health care management. Progress in medicine should combine an improvement of knowledge, efficacy and safety of diagnostic/therapeutic procedures, with an adequate cost-effectiveness profile. This narrative review is aimed at assessing...
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The aim of this study was to investigate if compression therapy (CT) can be safely applied in diabetic patients with Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU), even when a moderate arterial impairment (defined by an Ankle-Brachial Pressure Index 0.5-0.8) occurs as in mixed leg ulcers (MLU). Materials and methods: in one of our previous publications we compared the...
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Il ruolo del drenaggio cerebrale nella patogenesi delle malattie neuroinfiammatorie/ neurodegenerative rimane in gran parte sconosciuto. Molto recentemente è stato identificato un vero e proprio sistema linfatico del sistema nervoso centrale (SNC). Una componente rilevante è costituita dal cosiddetto sistema g-linfatico (nomenclatura derivata dal r...
Aims To assess (a) immediate/short-term outcomes of intensive complex decongestive treatment of lower limb lymphedema, by means of bioimpedance spectroscopy and tape measurement-based volumetry, and (b) correlation between these two methods. Patients and methods Cohort study on patients affected by unilateral primary or secondary lymphedema, stage...
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Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) has been regarded as an infective-inflammatory disease, which affects mainly lungs. More recently, a multi-organ involvement has been highlighted, with different pathways of injury. A hemoglobinopathy, hypoxia and cell iron overload might have a possible additional role. Scientific literature has pointed out two po...
Lymphology is evolving in search of a better management of lymphedema patients, both as to the diagnostic pathway and as to the therapeutic options. Similarly, lymphatic system is involved in a wide spectrum of pathophysiologic processes of most chronic degenerative diseases. Translational medicine integrates the interdisciplinary scientific knowle...
Aging has been considered a progressive decrease of a living organism homeodynamics , which indicates a reduction of the psycho-biological resilience. This narrative review provides an overview on the available literature related to the holistic approach of integrative medicine, psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (PNEI) and hormesis in aging process. O...
Aging has been considered a progressive decrease of a living organism homeodynamics , which indicates a reduction of the psycho-biological resilience. This narrative review provides an overview on the available literature related to the holistic approach of integrative medicine, psychoneuroendocrineimmunology (PNEI) and hormesis in aging process. O...
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Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a parameter used to investigate the autonomous neural system (sympathetic and parasympathetic system). Reduced HRV is a risk factor which correlates with physical and psychological stress, psychoneuroendocrineimmunology dysregulation as well as with aging. HRV is considered a reliable parameter to investigate psycho-...
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Guidelines are fundamental in addressing everyday clinical indications and in reporting the current evidence-based data of related scientific investigations. At the same time, a spatial and temporal issue can limit their value. Indeed, variability in the recommendations can be found both among the same nation different scientific societies and amon...
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L’invecchiamento è un processo naturale che contraddistingue tutti gli esseri viventi ed è la somma di tutte le modificazioni psico-organiche che caratterizzano l’individuo nel corso della vita. La senescenza cellulare comporta ricadute negative su efficienza, omeostasi, riserve funzionali, adattamento psico-fisico del soggetto.Gli autori passano i...
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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a multicomponent nutraceutical (MCN) on facial skin. Methods: A randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blind trial was conducted involving two groups of female subjects affected by facial skin photoaging. For two months, volunteers took a daily dose of MCN containing 20...
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Nutrition is considered a basic component in the management of any vascular disease. Lymphedema is characterised by an increase of interstitial fluid due to a lymphatic system morphological and/or functional alteration. Therapeutic management of lymphedema includes a multi-faceted approach based on compression and physiotherapy mainly. Weight contr...
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Aim To extrapolate and discuss the scientific data on compression in lymphedema treatment, so to review old and innovative concepts about pressure, stiffness and other interplaying factors related to its efficacy and comfort. Material and methods Narrative review based on search in Medline/Google Scholar through key-words related to compression in...
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Background Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a parameter used to investigate the autonomous neural system (sympathetic and parasympathetic system). Reduced HRV is a risk factor which correlates with physical and psychological stress, psychoneuroendocrineimmunology dysregulation as well as with aging. HRV is considered a reliable parameter to investig...
Objectives: To compare two different medical compression stockings after varicose vein treatment. Patients and methods: A randomized single-blind controlled study on two compression regimes after saphenous catheter foam sclerotherapy + phlebectomy was performed. After pads and 5 mmHg contention sock, 23 mmHg (group A, Struva 23®) or 35 mmHg (gro...
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Background: To date, no document comprehensively focused on the complex issue of the rehabilitation of chronic venous diseases of the lower limbs. Method: This article overviews and summarizes current strategies concerning venous rehabilitation of lower limbs. Results: Venous rehabilitation is based on four main strategies: (1) lifestyle adapt...
Diagnosis of lymphedema (LYM) of upper and lower limbs currently relies upon the clinical assessment and upon lymphoscintigraphy in most cases. Color-duplex ultrasound (CDU) is an extremely reliable diagnostic technology for arterial and venous investigation, and the application of ultrasound investigation in LYM diagnostics has been reported since...
Phlebolymphoedema (PLE) is characterised by an accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissues which is caused mostly by a combination of venous (primarily) and of subsequent lymphatic diseases. More rarely also limb lymphedema (LYM) may be considered as a PLE, due to concomitant vein abnormalities.
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Objectives: This was a prospective observational study to assess the short- to mid-term efficacy and safety of catheter foam sclerotherapy (CFS) of the great saphenous vein (GSV), including peri-saphenous tumescence infiltration (PST) and intra-saphenous saline irrigation (ISI), in combination with phlebectomy of the varicose tributaries. Methods...
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To assess short-term efficacy and safety of a multicomponent nutraceutical (MCN) on dysmetabolism and oxidative stress, a pilot prospective observational study was performed on 21 individuals (12 men and 9 women) who took, for 60 days, 2 tablets per day of an MCN based on antioxidants and metabolism regulators: hydroxytyrosol (15 mg), maqui (300 mg...
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Aims: to assess short-term efficacy of supplementation with Maqui (Aristotelia Chilensis (Mol.Stuntz)), a polyphenol with antioxidant power, and EPA/DHA concerning metabolism, oxidative stress and mental/physical state. Patients and Methods: a pilot prospective observational clinical/laboratory study was performed on 17 apparently healthy subjects...
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BACKGROUND: The aim of our paper was to assess effectiveness and safety of supplementation with a nutraceutical composed of melilotus extract (coumarin), rutin and bromelain in patients with phlebolymphedema (PLE) of the lower limbs. METHODS: A prospective observational clinical and instrumental study has been performed on a cohort of 100 patients,...
Objective/background: Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) is reported in about 15-20% of patients with venous leg ulcers (VLU). In such cases arterial recanalization is often recommended, and compression therapy is considered a contraindication when the ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) is < 0.8. The aim of this study was to compare th...
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There are excellent guidelines for clinicians to manage venous diseases but few reviews to assess their hemodynamic background. Hemodynamic concepts that evolved in the past have largely remained unchallenged in recent decades, perhaps due to their often complicated nature and in part due to emergence of new diagnostic techniques. Duplex ultrasound...
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The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy and comfort of inelastic bandages (IBs) and adjustable Velcro(®) compression devices (AVCDs) in reducing venous leg edema in the initial treatment phase. Forty legs from 36 patients with untreated venous edema (C3EpsAsdPr) were randomized to two groups. Patients in the first group received IBs...
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Amigos de Salud and Vene e Linfatici Foundation took part in a volunteer medical trip in Nicaragua. A detailed description of the provided healthcare is reported.
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A prospective comparative observational study was performed to assess the short--term efficacy and safety of the peri-saphenous infiltration of tumescence solution (PST) in great saphenous vein (GSV) long catheter foam sclerotherapy (LCFS) combined with phlebectomy of the varicose tributaries. Since November 2006 through November 2010 fifty-one con...
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Application of microcurrents of bioresonance may allow protein aggregates lysis and a related enhancement of lymphatic drainage. Combining bioresonance with transcutaneous passage of active principles, by means of skin electroporation, microcirculation and clearance of connective tissues may be theoretically activated. A pilot study on an electro-m...
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The aims of this study were to assess extemporaneous in vivo binding between 99mTcO4- and two sclerosant detergents in foam sclerotherapy, and subsequently to control any possible damage in lungs and other organs related to sclerosant foam passage. A prospective comparative pilot study was performed on two male patients (62 and 56 years old) affect...
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Aim: Sclerotherapy is the targeted chemical ablation of varicose veins by intravenous injection of a liquid or foamed sclerosing drug. The treated veins may be intradermal, subcutaneous, and/or transfascial as well as superficial and deep in venous malformations. The aim of this guideline is to give evidence-based recommendations for liquid and foa...
Aim: Sclerotherapy is the targeted chemical ablation of varicose veins by intravenous injection of a liquid or foamed sclerosing drug. The treated veins may be intradermal, subcutaneous, and/or transfascial as well as superficial and deep in venous malformations. The aim of this guideline is to give evidence-based recommendations for liquid and foa...
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Before foam introduction, sclerotherapy effectiveness in saphenous reflux treatment was too small whenever compared to the other therapeutic options. Conversely, nowadays in the international literature it's possible to find many evidences pointing out the overlapping outcomes obtained by a foam sclerotherapy treatment, in a mid-term comparison wit...
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Sclerosing agents (SA) are blood inactivated. Nevertheless, investigations concerning the interaction among SA and blood components have never been deeply investigated. Aim of the study is to precisely identify SA blood ligands, to determine their binding time and to highlight the clinical consequences. Thirty-one blood samples were collected from...
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Aim: The aim of the study was to assess efficacy and safety of a new medical device, based on electric microcurrents and vacuum mechanism, on lymphedema of the lower limbs. Methods: This was an observational clinical and instrumental study was performed on eight patients (2 males and 6 females, mean age 40.5 years), affected by secondary (3) or...
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Aim: Sclerotherapy is the targeted chemical ablation of varicose veins by intravenous injection of a liquid or foamed sclerosing drug. The treated veins may be intradermal, subcutaneous, and/or transfascial as well as superficial and deep in venous malformations. The aim of this guideline is to give evidence-based recommendations for liquid and fo...
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Recurrent varicose veins remain a common problem after varicose vein treatment. With the widespread use of duplex ultrasound and increasing experience in the field of ultra-sound-guided procedures, the impact of both tactical and technical failure is likely to dimin-ish. Progression of the disease and neovascu-larization, in particular after surger...