Atanas Vladikov

Atanas Vladikov
Plovdiv University · Department of Marketing and International Economic Relations



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Atanas Vladikov - - currently works at the Department of Marketing and International Economic Relations, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski". Atanas does research in Economics of Europe and EU, Human Capital Theory, Public-Private Partnership /PPP/.
Additional affiliations
December 2017 - February 2018
Plovdiv University
  • Professor (Associate)
November 2015 - November 2017
Plovdiv University
  • Professor (Assistant)
December 2014 - October 2015
Plovdiv University
  • Project Manager


Publications (80)
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This paper is focused on presenting possible modes of introduction and implementation of bioeconomy and biotechnologies in the cosmetics and perfumery industry of Bulgaria. Financing of this paper is provided by the project-Vita Plus‖ (2021-2022)-a transdisciplinary project at University level in Bulgaria. The object of the paper is to investigate...
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This material discusses the possibility of full social inclusion of children and social entrepreneurship for persons with special educational needs. These categories of persons are one of the most vulnerable groups in Bulgaria and need specialized and qualified support for full integration and their acceptance as worthy and equal citizens of modern...
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"Arigato, Tokyo" is a 250-page colour book about my private trip to Tokyo in May, 2023. In this book I share short stories with pictures, composed in chapters about the modern daily life in Tokyo, Japan - in a popular language. I wish all, who have never been to Japan, to visit it at least once in their life.
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Настоящата студия дискутира, от една страна, основните тенденции при връчването на Нобеловата награда по икономически науки, а от друга страна – базисните тезиси в приносите на Нобеловите лауреати по икономически науки за 2022 г. – Бен Бернанке1 от институтa „Брукингс“, гр. Вашингтон – окръг Колумбия, САЩ, Дъглас Даямънд2 от Чикагската икономическа...
Conference Paper
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In this report, a comparison is made between the classical paradigm of welfare economics and its application in the European Union, based on the understanding of the Nobel laureate in Economic Sciences – Sir Angus Deaton. The report discusses the challenges facing the institutional establishment of the EU, positioned on the principles of federalism...
Conference Paper
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РАЗВИТИЕ НА БЪЛГАРСКАТА И ЕВРОПЕЙСКАТА ИКОНОМИКА – ПРЕДИЗВИКАТЕЛСТВА И ВЪЗМОЖНОСТИ. Том 6. Сборник с научни изследвания от годишната конференция на Стопанския факултет на ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, проведена на 27. – 28.05.2022 г. във Велико Търново /// DEVELOPMENT OF THE BULGARIAN AND EUROPEAN ECONOMIES – CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Vol....
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This paper illustrates behavior of elasticities of demand for food commodities in Bulgaria for the 7-year EU programming period: 2014 – 2020. More specifically, the paper investigates how price elasticity of demand (PED) for food commodities oscillate for food – generally considered “normal” and “inferior/staple”. Due to the large dataset of food c...
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In this report, a comparison is made between the classical paradigm of welfare economics and its application in the European Union, based on the understanding of the Nobel laureate in Economic Sciences – Sir Angus Deaton. The report discusses the challenges facing the institutional establishment of the EU, positioned on the principles of federalism...
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This is an international project of The Global Solutions Initiative, World Policy Forum! The papers are collected in Volume 9, September 2022, fit to download split papers or the whole Volume 9 at URL:
Conference Paper
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Understanding the concept of Human Capital is essential to introduce the new paradigm of modernizing Bulgarian economy and industrial landscape. In general, Bulgarian managerial cultural is based on the concept and mechanics of human resources management, presented in Bulgarian institutions of higher education in the form of academic-degree program...
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In the last decade, scientific and popular science literature on a global, European and national scale has begun to raise the issue of climate change more and more clearly as an integral part of general and specific analyzes of the market environment. In practice, defining the new climate component as a prerequisite for transformation of internatio...
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The first-of-its-kind University of Plovdiv transdisciplinary project “Vita Plus” is deemed to adopt some positive international practices to initiate and announce that there are researchers at the University of Plovdiv, interested in realizing tech transfers in the field of biotech innovations. Thus, the goal of the present paper is to explain wha...
Conference Paper
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The present paper is focused on describing the opportunities of functioning of the Regional Public Library "Petko R. Slaveykov", City of VelikoTarnovo as a structure with professional and organizational capacity to provide access to its library resources in compliance to European requirements for social inclusion of special needs individuals, inclu...
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This material is focused on presenting some attainable modelling for establishing public-private partnerships /PPPs/ to promote competitiveness of small-and medium-sized enterprises /SMEs/ in the Bulgarian cosmetics and perfume industry. The goal is to study the market performance of SMEs in this sector and to offer successful transition to PPP wit...
Conference Paper
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This paper structures and analyzes some of the most significant problems in opera performances at the Republic of Bulgaria, which occurred as a result of and evolved during the times of Covid-19. The article explains the changes in three central profiles of professional opera performers in practical, psychological and economic sense, due to Cov...
Conference Paper
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The present paper is deemed to present investigated options to suggest appropriate financial design in setting public-private partnerships in the sector of biotechnological innovations in Bulgaria. Financing of this paper is provided by the project “Vita Plus” (2021-2022) – the first transdisciplinary project at University level in Bulgaria. This U...
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In Bulgarian (2019): A Concept on Applying European Standards in the Policy of Governance of the Water Capital of the Republic of Bulgaria on National, Basin, and Regional Levels
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(Силабъс / Syllabus) относно академичния курс по ИКОНОМИЧЕСКА И СОЦИАЛНА ПОЛИТИКИ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ СЪЮЗ за студентите от магистърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
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Ръководство за студента (Силабъс / Syllabus) относно академичния курс по ОБЩА ТЪРГОВСКА ПОЛИТИКА НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ СЪЮЗ за студентите от магистърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
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Ръководство за студента (Силабъс / Syllabus) относно академичния курс по ПОЛИТИКИ НА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ СЪЮЗ за студентите от бакалавърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
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Ръководство за студента (Силабъс / Syllabus) относно академичния курс по БИЗНЕС СРЕДА И КОНКУРЕНТОСПОСОБНОСТ за студентите от магистърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
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Ръководство за студента (Силабъс / Syllabus) относно академичния курс по ИКОНОМИКА НА ТРУДА за студентите от бакалавърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
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Ръководство за студента (Силабъс / Syllabus) относно академичния курс по УПРАВЛЕНИЕ НА ЧОВЕШКИЯ КАПИТАЛ за студентите от магистърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
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Ръководство за студента (Силабъс / Syllabus) относно академичния курс по ПУБЛИЧНО-ЧАСТНО ПАРТНЬОРСТВО за студентите от бакалавърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
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Ръководство за студента (Силабъс /Syllabus) относно академичния курс по ЕВРОПЕЙСКА ИКОНОМИКА за студентите от бакалавърските програми на Факултета по икономически и социални науки на Пловдивски университет "Паисий Хилендарски" гр. Пловдив 2018 г.
Technical Report
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EC Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (2007 - 2013): PROGRESS - CHALLENGE - VS/2008/0470, GREEN PAPER - Employment Strategies for Social Inclusion: Challenges and Key Words for Local Employment Initiatives; Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus
Technical Report
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Technical Report
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EU Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity "Progress", Project "CHALLENGE" - Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus
Technical Report
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EC Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (2007 - 2013): PROGRESS - CHALLENGE - VS/2008/0470, HANDBOOK FOR OPERATORS - Employment Strategies for Social Inclusion: Challenges and Key Words for Local Employment Initiatives; Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus
Сп. "Панорама на труда", бр. 8-9, 2009, стр. 63-73, ISSN: 1312-305X, Изд. къща "Шанс" АД
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Разработката се базира на изследване (2014-2016), което е проведено от автора относно ефектите на трудовия пазар в рамките на ЕС-28, с основни репери - общите модели, обясняващи поведението на набора от равновесни точки на еластичностите при пресичането на кривите на търсене и предлагане на труд. В разработката е използвана доктрината "заетост на с...
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Предварителни разчети на МВФ показват, че възстановяването на икономиката е преустановено през 2011 г.; най-вероятно, през 2012 г., и дори през 2013 г., ще се запази негативния тренд. Тази прогноза беше потвърдена през пролетта на 2012 г. от Европейската комисия. Международните експерти уточняват, че ако има все пак някакъв икономически подем, той...
The International Labour Office welcomes such applications. Libraries, institutions and other users registered with reproduction rights organizations may make copies in accordance with the licences issued to them for this purpose. Visit to find the reproduction rights organization in your country. Trade unions and social dialogue in t...
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This paper discusses both theoretical paradigms and applications of labour market elasticities within the European Union of 28 member states. The paper is based onto a recent research (2014-2016), conducted by the author upon the effects on the EU-28 labour market, based on general models, explaining behaviour of elasticities of labour supply-deman...
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This paper discusses both theoretical paradigms and applications of labour market elasticities within the European Union of 28 member states. The paper employs the doctrine of Employment-at-Will (EAW Doctrine), and therefore, the main theoretical framework for reasoning and explaining the effects on the EU labour market is an adapted Nash Bargainin...
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The International Labour Office welcomes such applications. Libraries, institutions and other users registered with reproduction rights organizations may make copies in accordance with the licences issued to them for this purpose. Visit to find the reproduction rights organization in your country. Trade unions and social dialogue in t...
Technical Report
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EC Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (2007 - 2013): PROGRESS - CHALLENGE - VS/2008/0470, FINAL CONFERENCE SUMMARY NOTES - Employment Strategies for Social Inclusion: Challenges and Key Words for Local Employment Initiatives; Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus
Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Regional Project "Labor Relations and Social Dialogue in South-East Europe"
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This artical is about Thorstein Veblen - Father of Institutionalism; the article discusses Veblen's life and carrer achievements. This article is a part of the Annual Collected Works (ACW/2008) of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The ACW/2008 is distributed free of charge! Citation is required!
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Научен превод на официалната лекция, която произнася проф. Гари Бекер през 1992 г., когато получава Нобеловата награда по икономически науки


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