Asunción Romero DíazUniversity of Murcia | UM · Department of Geography
Asunción Romero Díaz
Professor of Physical Geography
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January 1981 - present
Publications (263)
Se hace un análisis de los efectos de la dinámica litoral, las intervenciones antrópicas y el cambio climáticos en las playas, dunas y salinas litorales.
Propuestas de gestión para reducir la erosión costera y la restauración de hábitas dunares
Durante los últimos 50 años se han producido cambios significativos en las cubiertas y usos del suelo, principalmente aquellos catalogados como artificiales. Este proceso, y su generalización a escala global, afectan de forma directa a las funciones básicas del suelo, acrecentando otros problemas como pueden ser la pérdida de biodiversidad, contami...
El sellado antropogénico constituye uno de los principales procesos de degradación física de los suelos y tiene como principal resultado su impermeabilización, con efectos negativos muy importantes. Los estudios sobre este tema son relativamente recientes, apareciendo las primeras investigaciones relevantes a finales del siglo XX. Sin embargo, no s...
Anthropogenic soil sealing is one of the most important types of soil degradation. It results in the loss of fertile soils, reduced water infiltration capacity, diminished recharging of aquifers and, when high-intensity rainfall occurs, increased runoff and flooding. In order to reduce the negative impacts on human activities and natural ecosystems...
The risk of flooding on the Spanish Mediterranean coast is a constant threat whose importance has progressively increased in recent decades despite the enormous efforts made to mitigate it. Of the two strategies practiced to reduce the effects of this danger, structural measures have prevailed to a great degree over non-structural ones during this...
Sustainable grazing land management (SGLM) is crucial to prevent land degradation and support food security and human well-being and may contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. To facilitate a wide-scale adoption of SGLM, further quantification of its multiple impacts and tradeoffs between ecosystem services is needed. The objective...
In September 2019 a DANA affected the Southeast of Spain with a special impact on the Segura Basin and the Region of Murcia. Heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding, very serious damage and generally affected the whole population. The main objective of this work was to analyse this episode through a follow-up of all the news published in two regi...
Abandoned lands occupy extensive territories in some Spanish regions, particularly in mountain areas and semiarid environments. These lands originate very diverse landscapes depending on the climatic conditions, the age of abandonment, the management before and after abandonment, and the disturbances that they suffer during the post-abandoned proce...
Rainfall is the key factor to understand soil erosion processes, mechanisms, and rates. Most research was conducted to determine rainfall characteristics and their relationship with soil erosion (erosivity) but there is little information about how atmospheric patterns control soil losses, and this is important to enable sustainable environmental p...
Los paisajes abarrancados, presentes en todo el mundo, en algunos lugares por sus particulares características, constituyen recursos turísticos y algunos de ellos han sido declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. Los objetivos principales de este trabajo han sido: analizar la importancia de las áreas abarrancadas en la Región de Murcia;...
Agricultural terraces have been widely used, throughout the world, since ancient times. Their scenic interest is undeniable and some are part of the UNESCO World Heritage. They are a very effective practice for soil and water conservation through the control of runoff and erosion, and provide farmers and society with important Ecosystem Services (E...
Soil degradation by water is a serious environmental problem worldwide, with specific climatic factors being the major causes. We investigated the relationships between synoptic atmospheric patterns (i.e. weather types, WTs) and runoff, erosion and sediment yield throughout the Mediterranean basin by analyzing a large database of natural rainfall e...
Soil degradation by water is a serious environmental problem worldwide, with specific climatic factors being the major causes. We investigated the relationships between synoptic atmospheric patterns (i.e. weather types, WTs) and runoff, erosion and sediment yield throughout the Mediterranean basin by analyzing a large database of natural rainfall e...
Traditional cultivation terraces are one of the most ancient and conspicuous agricultural landscapes in mountain and hilly regions of the Mediterranean basin. Spreading out from Asia, the first terraces in the Mediterranean region date from the Bronze Age and the classical Hellenic and Roman periods, reaching their greatest spatial extent during th...
Gully erosion causes severe damage to crops and infrastructures and affects the provision of ecosystem services worldwide. To assess the potential of gully control measures to protect ecosystem services and assess the conditions required for their large-scale implementation, this paper critically evaluates a range of gully control measures document...
La prevención, remediación y mitigación de la desertificación apunta a la gestión con participación social. La ciencia posnormal o de la sustentabilidad y su filosofía, aportan herramientas conceptuales desde la inter y transdisciplina para afrontar el estudio y seguimiento de procesos ambientales de manera integrada. La pregunta que guía esta inve...
This contribution results from international collaborative efforts of different research groups around the Mediterranean basin focusing on soil conservation and water management. We will present the most complete database of runoff and soil erosion information and analyze the records from 68 locations, including more than 22458 detail events betwee...
Soil erosion by water in abandoned dry terraces is one of the most important environmental problems in semi-arid areas, enhancing biological degradation and reducing possible resources that can be obtained. However, little is known about the effects of the types of lithology and soil properties on the early stages of soil erosion. Therefore, the ma...
In recent decades, the region studied has experienced a significant urban expansion driven
by the residential tourism. This resulted in a considerable environmental impact. To study this process and its impacts, we have analyzed the types of housing and population,
urban surfaces digitized in three dates (1956, 1981 and 2011) and estimated the leng...
Spanish written communication presented in the Biogeographical Journeys celebrated in Teruel in June 2017. An example of the usage and efficiency of the LANBIOEVA methodology by real areas studied "in situ" using it.
Erosion processes and land degradation are recognized as one of the most significant environmental problems worldwide. In the Mediterranean region, intense erosion processes occur as a consequence of complex interactions between environmental conditions (e.g. climate, lithology) and human-related factors (e.g. history of human activity, land use ch...
Erosion processes and land degradation are recognized as one of the most significant environmental problems worldwide. In the Mediterranean region, intense erosion processes occur as a consequence of complex interactions between environmental conditions (e.g. climate, lithology) and human-related factors (e.g. history of human activity, land use ch...
Erosion processes and land degradation are recognized as one of the most significant environmental problems worldwide. In the Mediterranean region, intense erosion processes occur as a consequence of complex interactions between environmental conditions (e.g. climate, lithology) and human-related factors (e.g. history of human activity, land use ch...
El abandono de campos de cultivo es un fenómeno espacial que afecta a diferentes ambientes, asociado en general a la crisis agrícola tradicional y, en medios semiáridos, también a la intensificación de la agricultura. Las consecuencias geomorfológicas son importantes, en unos casos positivas (recuperación vegetal y edáfica) y, en otros, negativas (...
p>En la Comarca Oriental de la Región de Murcia, se analiza la superficie, distribución y
evolución de tierras de cultivo abandonadas, mediante análisis espacial con herramientas
SIG. Se observa un progresivo aumento del abandono en las últimas décadas, fomentado
tanto por factores ambientales como económicos. Alrededor de un 15% de la superficie
Compilation of References on Agricultural Terraces in Spain, by the Spanish members of the International Terraced Landscape Alliance
El abandono de cultivos es uno de los rasgos más característicos de la evolución de la agricultura en España desde finales del siglo XIX, afectando a grandes extensiones de tierras de montaña, pero también semiáridas, como es el caso de la Región de Murcia.
Un grupo de investigadores (geógrafos, biológos, ambientólogos, agrónomos y técnicos de la...
Resumen: Se evalúan y analizan las transformaciones de carácter urbanístico producidas en la Comarca del Campo de Cartagena Mar Menor (Sureste de España) como consecuencia de la expansión edificatoria y lo que ello repercute en forma de sellado artificial del suelo y aumento del riesgo de inundación. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto cómo el...
The rural environment accounts for more than half of the Spanish landscape and is formed mainly of agricultural land and forests, which support varied uses and economic activities. However, the abandonment of agricultural activities and rural areas, or agricultural modernisation and intensification, produces important population and territorial cha...
We evaluate and analyse urbanistic transformations that have occurred in Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor (southeast Spain) as a consequence of the expansion of new building and how flooding has increased in the area as result of artificial sealing of the soil. The results showed that the higher risk of flooding is closely related to the increase in so...
The culture by greenhouses has been one of the greatest agricultural transformations in the world, but especially in the southeastern Spanish. The main objective of this study was to analyze the transformation of the landscape and some of its environmental effects that, in the region of Cartagena-Mar Menor, have taken place in the recent decades as...
Slips are little known mud-coated structures several centimeters thick, produced by gravity-driven flows on free vertical surfaces. We have differentiated a sequence formed by three main morphologies: mud drips, slips and pseudo-stalactites. This study, located in the badlands of the Guadix and Baza basins (SE Spain), suggests that formation of mud...
This chapter presents erosion data obtained using several different techniques and methods originally initiated in the Region of Murcia by Professor John Thornes, with the aim of establishing a comparison of their results. Each method measures different processes at different scales, but they all contribute to the understanding of the causes of the...
Agricultural policies and socioeconomic drivers, reinforced by climate change, promote the spontaneous abandonment of large areas critical for soil, water and biodiversity conservation. Natural reconstruction can be a cost-effective management option, alternative to reforestation policies. We present a framework for assessing the potential for ecos...
Land abandonment is a global phenomenon whose environmental consequences are difficult to asses. Murcia Region is one of the most arid regions in southern Europe and also one of the most prone to land abandonment. This study researches which environmental features are more relevant to explain abandonment at agricultural plot scale. Geomorphometric...
RESUMEN En la presente investigación: (i) se caracteriza el régimen de precipitaciones y la evolu-ción pluviométrica durante el último medio siglo en las Cordilleras Béticas Litorales, sus tendencias y ciclos, (ii) se utiliza el método de reproducción de situaciones análogas en un gradiente pluviométrico, como una buena alternativa para el estudio...
RESUMEN: El abandono agrícola es un fenómeno global cuyas consecuencias ambientales son difíciles de evaluar. La Región de Murcia es una de las regiones más áridas del sur de Europa y también una de las más propensas al abandono. Este estudio trata de descubrir qué variables medioambientales (incluyendo variables climáticas y geomorfométricas, uso...
In the present research have been: (i) characterized the regime of rainfall and rainfall evolution during the last half-century in the Bethic coastlines mountains, trends or cycles included, (ii) used the method of reproduction of similar situations in a rainfall gradient, as a good alternative to the comparative study of soil degradation and deser...
El abandono agrícola es un fenómeno global, cuyas consecuencias pueden ser positivas (regeneración
natural de la vegetación) o negativas (incremento de erosión). Para conocer las dimensiones de este fenómeno en la
Región de Murcia, cuya agricultura ha experimentado un fuerte proceso de modernización en las últimas décadas, se ha
elaborado una carto...
En el Sureste peninsular son constantes las situaciones de inestabilidad convectiva alimentadas en niveles altos atmosféricos por irrupciones de masas de aire ártica/polar. Bajo estas condiciones, debido al desplazamiento de los núcleos convectivos, las cuencas y valles fluviales intrabéticos son bastante proclives a los meteoros severos, tales com...
Las inundaciones han sido y son un riesgo climático, con efectos catastróficos, siempre presente en la Región de Murcia. Las esporádicas, pero recurrentes, lluvias torrenciales han sorprendido en cualquier época histórica a sus habitantes, provocando graves daños a infraestructuras, viviendas y campos de cultivo, así como gran número de pérdidas de...
The intensification of agricultural activity in the area of Marina de Cope (Murcia), since the eighties of the last century, manifested in the transition from a traditional rain-fed agriculture to a modern market, intensive agriculture, resulted in the occupation of spaces traditionally unproductive as the foothills and the numerous sides to this c...
In recent years the investigation of soil erosion in semiarid environments has concentrated on the controls on runoff and sediment production on hillslopes. A key facter in these controls is vegetation. In this research proyect we seek to establish the relationships between vegetation cover and erosional processes through the effects of interceptio...
Erosive processes of soil by water have always showed serious problems, mainly in those areas such as the Mediterranean environment, where the vigour of the surface, frequently low resistence of materials, little vegetation cover or bare ground, hard rainfalls and deficient management of resources, have led to favourable conditions for soil degrada...
Los diques de correccion hidrologica tienen como finalidad principal retener sedimentos y laminar las puntas de avenidas. No obstante, los sedimentos retenidos en ellos constituyen una fuente de informacion muy valiosa para poder cuantificar la erosion de sus cuencas vertientes y estimar tasas. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido utilizar los sedim...
The processes of sub superficial erosion or piping have a wide development in semiarid environment when the suitable characteristics for it happen. In the Region of Murcia 67 areas have been located where the presence of piping concerns a notable surface and whose evolution degree is very advanced. These areas often coincide with neogene-quaternary...