Astrid LambrechtFrench National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Institut de physique (INP)
Astrid Lambrecht
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June 2018 - present
January 2016 - May 2018
September 2015 - December 2015
Publications (204)
We present a theoretical treatment of light scattering by an ensemble of N dipoles, taking into account recurrent multiple scattering. We study the intrinsic optical properties of collective dipolar systems without specifying a particular illumination condition. We apply this formalism to study the collective absorption modes for an ensemble of sma...
We present a theoretical treatment of light scattering by an ensemble of N dipoles, taking into account recurrent multiple scattering. We study the intrinsic optical properties of collective dipolar systems without specifying a particular illumination condition. We apply this formalism to study the collective absorption modes for an ensemble of sma...
We apply the scattering approach to the Casimir interaction between two dielectric half-spaces separated by an electrolyte solution. We take the nonlocal electromagnetic response of the intervening medium into account, which results from the presence of movable ions in solution. In addition to the usual transverse modes, we consider longitudinal ch...
We apply the scattering approach to the Casimir interaction between two dielectric half-spaces separated by an electrolyte solution. We take the nonlocal electromagnetic response of the intervening medium into account, which results from the presence of movable ions in solution. In addition to the usual transverse modes, we consider longitudinal ch...
We study the quantum reflection of ultracold antihydrogen atoms bouncing on the surface of a liquid helium bulk. The Casimir-Polder potential and quantum reflection are calculated and compared to the same quantities for other bulks. Antihydrogen can be protected from annihilation for as long as 1.3 s on a bulk of liquid ⁴He, and 1.7 s for liquid ³H...
The Big Gravitational Spectrometer (BGS) takes advantage of the strong influence of the Earth's gravity on the motion of ultracold neutrons (UCNs) that makes it possible to shape and measure UCN spectra. We optimized the BGS to investigate the "small heating" of UCNs, that is the inelastic reflection of UCNs from a surface accompanied by an energy...
We take dissipation into account in the derivation of the Casimir energy formula between two objects placed in a surrounding medium. The dissipation channels are considered explicitly in order to take advantage of the unitarity of the full scattering processes. We demonstrate that the Casimir energy is given by a scattering formula expressed in ter...
We study the quantum reflection of ultracold antihydrogen atoms bouncing on the surface of a liquid helium film. The Casimir-Polder potential and quantum reflection are calculated for different thicknesses of the film supported by different substrates. Antihydrogen can be protected from anni- hilation for as long as 1.3s on a bulk of liquid 4He, an...
We study the quantum reflection of ultracold antihydrogen atoms bouncing on the surface of a liquid helium film. The Casimir-Polder potential and quantum reflection are calculated for different thicknesses of the film supported by different substrates. Antihydrogen can be protected from anni- hilation for as long as 1.3s on a bulk of liquid 4He, an...
We study the spatial fluctuations of the Casimir-Polder force experienced by an atom or a small sphere moved above a metallic plate at fixed separation distance. We discover that unlike the mean force, the magnitude of these fluctuations dramatically depends on the relaxation of conduction electron in the bulk, achieving values that differ by order...
An ultracold atom above a horizontal mirror experiences quantum reflection from the attractive Casimir-Polder interaction, which holds it against gravity and leads to quantum levitation states. We analyze this system by using a Liouville transformation of the Schrödinger equation and a Langer coordinate adapted to problems with a classical turning...
An ultracold atom above a horizontal mirror experiences quantum reflection from the attractive Casimir-Polder interaction, which holds it against gravity and leads to an effective quantum levitation. We analyze this system by using a Liouville transformation of the Schr\"odinger equation and a Langer coordinate adapted to problems with a classical...
We study the energy spectrum of atoms trapped in a vertical one-dimensional optical lattice in close proximity to a reflective surface. We propose an effective model to describe the interaction between the atoms and the surface at any distance. Our model includes the long-range Casimir-Polder potential together with a short-range Lennard-Jones pote...
We study an effect of quenching of antihydrogen quantum states near material
surface in the gravitational field of the Earth by local charges randomly
distributed along the mirror surface. The quenching mechanism reduces the
quantum reflection probability because of additional atom-charge interaction
and nonadiabatic transitions to excited gravitat...
We performed precision measurements of the probability of small heating and spectrum of UCNs up-scattered on the surface of hydrogen-free oil Fomblin Y-HVAC 18/8 as a function of temperature. The probability is well reproducible, does not depend on sample thickness and does not evolve in time. It is equal (9.8+-0.2)10^(-6) at the ambient temperatur...
We reply to the "Comment on 'The Lifshitz-Matsubara sum formula for the Casimir pressure between magnetic metallic mirrors'" [arXiv:1604.06432]. We believe the comment misrepresents our papers, and fails to provide a plausible resolution to the conflict between theory and experiment.
We reply to the "Comment on 'The Lifshitz-Matsubara sum formula for the Casimir pressure between magnetic metallic mirrors'" [arXiv:1604.06432]. We believe the comment misrepresents our papers, and fails to provide a plausible resolution to the conflict between theory and experiment.
The aim of the GBAR (Gravitational Behavior of Antimatter at Rest) experiment is to measure the free fall acceleration of an antihydrogen atom, in the terrestrial gravitational field at CERN and therefore test the Weak Equivalence Principle with antimatter. The aim is to measure the local gravity with a 1% uncertainty which can be reduced to few pa...
It has been increasingly becoming clear that Casimir and Casimir-Polder entropies may be negative in certain regions of temperature and separation. In fact, the occurrence of negative entropy seems to be a nearly ubiquitous phenomenon. This is most highlighted in the quantum vacuum interaction of a nanoparticle with a conducting plate or between tw...
Do the laws of quantum physics still hold for macroscopic objects - this is at the heart of Schrödinger’s cat paradox - or do gravitation or yet unknown effects set a limit for massive particles? What is the fundamental relation between quantum physics and gravity? Ground-based experiments addressing these questions may soon face limitations due to...
We present a time-dependent calculation of the velocity-dependent forces which act on an excited atomic dipole in relative motion with respect to ground state atoms of a different kind. Both, its interaction with a single atom and with a dilute atomic plate are evaluated. In either case, the total force consists of a conservative van der Waals comp...
The GBAR experiment will time the free fall of cold antihydrogen atoms
dropped onto an annihilation plate to test the universality of free fall on
antimatter. In this contribution, we study the quantum reflection of the
anti-atom resulting from the Casimir-Polder attraction to the plate. We
evaluate the Casimir-Polder potential and the associated q...
We investigate in detail the Casimir torque induced by quantum vacuum
fluctuations between two nanostructured plates. Our calculations are based on
the scattering approach and take into account the coupling between different
modes induced by the shape of the surface which are neglected in any sort of
proximity approximation or effective medium appr...
Liouville transformations of Schr\"odinger equations preserve the scattering
amplitudes while changing the effective potential. We discuss the properties of
these gauge transformations and introduce a special Liouville gauge which
allows one to map the problem of quantum reflection of an atom on an attractive
Casimir-Polder well into that of reflec...
We examine the conditions of validity for the Lifshitz-Matsubara sum formula
for the Casimir pressure between magnetic metallic plane mirrors. As in the
previously studied case of non-magnetic materials (Guerout et al, Phys. Rev. E
90 042125), we recover the usual expression for the lossy model of optical
response, but not for the lossless plasma m...
We explore the statistical properties of the Casimir-Polder potential between
a dielectric sphere and a three-dimensional heterogeneous medium, by means of
extensive numerical simulations based on the scattering theory of Casimir
forces. The simulations allow us to confirm recent predictions for the mean and
standard deviation of the Casimir potent...
Liouville transformations map in a rigorous manner one Schrodinger equation into another, with a changed scattering potential. They are used here to transform quantum reflection of an atom on an attractive Casimir-Polder well into reflection of the atom on a repulsive wall. While the scattering properties are preserved, the corresponding semiclassi...
Negative entropy has been known in Casimir systems for some time. For
example, it can occur between parallel metallic plates modeled by a realistic
Drude permittivity. Less well known is that negative entropy can occur purely
geometrically, say between a perfectly conducting sphere and a conducting
plate. The latter effect is most pronounced in the...
The GBAR project (Gravitational Behaviour of Anti hydrogen at Rest) at CERN, aims to measure the free fall acceleration of ultracold neutral anti hydrogen atoms in the terrestrial gravitational field. The experiment consists preparing anti hydrogen ions (one antiproton and two positrons) and sympathetically cooling them with Be
+ ions to less than...
We study the coherent effect of the Casimir-Polder interaction on the
oscillations of two-photon driven atoms. We find that, for oscillations between
two degenerate states in lambda-configuration, shifts on the Rabi frequency may
be induced by non-additive level shifts. For oscillations between two Rydberg
states in ladder-configuration, shifts on...
We present a time-dependent quantum calculation of the van der Waals
interaction between a pair of dissimilar atoms, one of which is initially
excited while the other one is in its ground state. For small detuning, the
interaction is predominantly mediated at all distances by the exchange of
doubly resonant photons between the two atoms. We find th...
Different experiments are ongoing to measure the effect of gravity on cold neutral antimatter atoms such as positronium, muonium, and antihydrogen. Among those, the project GBAR at CERN aims to measure precisely the gravitational fall of ultracold antihydrogen atoms. In the ultracold regime, the interaction of antihydrogen atoms with a surface is g...
We show that the Casimir-Polder interaction may induce coherent oscillations
between degenerate atomic states. We illustrate this effect by computing the
Casimir-Polder induced Rabi frequency on a $^{87}$Rb atom as it interacts with
a reflecting surface and oscillates between two Zeeman sublevels of its ground
state. This phenomenon is accompanied...
We study the statistical fluctuations of the Casimir potential felt by an
atom approaching a dielectric disordered medium. Starting from a microscopic
model for the disorder, we calculate the variance of potential fluctuations in
the limit of a weak density of heterogeneities. We show that fluctuations are
essentially governed by scattering of the...
Negative values of the Casimir entropy occur quite frequently at low
temperatures in arrangements of metallic objects. The physical reason lies
either in the dissipative nature of the metals as is the case for the
plane-plane geometry or in the geometric form of the objects involved. Examples
for the latter are the sphere-plane and the sphere-spher...
Different experiments are ongoing to measure the effect of gravity on cold
neutral antimatter atoms such as positronium, muonium and antihydrogen. Among
those, the project GBAR in CERN aims to measure precisely the gravitational
fall of ultracold antihydrogen atoms. In the ultracold regime, the interaction
of antihydrogen atoms with a surface is go...
Kelvin probe force microscopy at normal pressure was performed by two
different groups on the same Au-coated planar sample used to measure the
Casimir interaction in a sphere-plane geometry. The obtained voltage
distribution was used to calculate the separation dependence of the
electrostatic pressure $P_{\rm res}(D)$ in the configuration of the Ca...
We carefully re-examine the conditions of validity for the consistent
derivation of the Lifshitz-Matsubara sum formula for the Casimir pressure
between metallic plane mirrors. We recover the usual expression for the lossy
Drude model, but not for the lossless plasma model. We give an interpretation
of this new result in terms of the modes associate...
The Casimir force is a spectacular consequence of the existence of vacuum
fluctuations and thus deserves a place in courses on quantum theory. We argue
that the scattering approach within a one-dimensional field theory is well
suited to discuss the Casimir effect. It avoids in a transparent way
divergences appearing in the evaluation of the vacuum...
We study a method to induce resonant transitions between antihydrogen
($\bar{H}$) quantum states above a material surface in the gravitational field
of the Earth. The method consists of applying a gradient of magnetic field,
which is temporally oscillating with the frequency equal to a frequency of
transition between gravitational states of antihyd...
The Einstein classical Weak Equivalence Principle states that the trajectory of a particle is independent of its composition and internal structure when it is only submitted to gravitational forces. This fundamental principle has never been directly tested with antimatter. However, theoretical models such as supergravity may contain components indu...
In the GBAR experiment, cold antihydrogen atoms will be left to fall on an
annihilation plate with the aim of measuring the gravitational acceleration of
antimatter. Here, we study the quantum reflection of these antiatoms due to the
Casimir-Polder potential above the plate. We give realistic estimates of the
potential and quantum reflection amplit...
GBAR is a project aiming at measuring the free fall acceleration of gravity
for antimatter, namely antihydrogen atoms ($\overline{\mathrm{H}}$). Precision
of this timing experiment depends crucially on the dispersion of initial
vertical velocities of the atoms as well as on the reliable control of their
distribution. We propose to use a new method...
Strongly coupled organic systems are characterized by unusually large Rabi splitting, even in the vacuum state. They show the counter-intuitive feature of a lifetime of the lower polariton state longer than for all other excited states. Here we build up a new theoretical framework to understand the dynamics of such coupled system. In particular, we...
I'll review recent calculations for Casimir interactions between
nanostructured surfaces both at thermodynamic equilibrium and out of
equilibrium in the framework of the scattering theory. I'll emphasize on
the interplay between the thermal Casimir force and the geometry of the
surfaces. We predict an enhancement in the heat transfer between
We study quantum reflection of antihydrogen atoms from matter slabs due to
the van der Waals/Casimir-Polder (vdW/CP) potential. By taking into account the
specificities of antihydrogen and the optical properties and width of the slabs
we calculate realistic estimates for the potential and quantum reflection
amplitudes. Next we discuss the paradoxic...
We study quantum reflection of antihydrogen atoms from nanoporous media due
to the Casimir-Polder (CP) potential. Using a simple effective medium model, we
show a dramatic increase of the probability of quantum reflection of
antihydrogen atoms if the porosity of the medium increases. We discuss the
limiting case of reflections at small energies, wh...
We present detailed calculations for the Casimir force between a plane and a
nanostructured surface at finite temperature in the framework of the scattering
theory. We then study numerically the effect of finite temperature as a
function of the grating parameters and the separation distance. We also infer
non-trivial geometrical effects on the Casi...
We study the lateral dependence of the Casimir energy for different corrugated gratings of arbitrary periodic profile. To this end we model the profiles as stacks of horizontal rectangular slices following the profiles' shape and evaluate numerically the Casimir energy between them for different relative lateral displacements of the two corrugated...
We investigate the error made by the pairwise summation (PWS) approximation
in three geometries where the exact formula for the Casimir interaction is
known: atom-slab, slab-slab and sphere-slab configurations. For each case the
interactions are calculated analytically by summing the van der Waals
interactions between the two objects. We show that...
Analyzing new experiments with ultracold neutrons (UCNs) we show that
physical adsorption of nanoparticles/nano-droplets, levitating in high-excited
states in a deep and broad potential well formed by van der
Waals/Casimir-Polder (vdW/CP) forces results in new effects on a cross-road of
fundamental interactions, neutron, surface and nanoparticle ph...
Physical adsorption of atoms, molecules and clusters on surface is known. It
is linked to many phenomena in physics, chemistry, and biology. Usually the
studies of adsorption are limited to the particle sizes of up to ~10^2-10^3
atoms. Following a general formalism, we apply it to even larger objects and
discover qualitatively new phenomena. A larg...
The Casimir effect is a crucial prediction of Quantum Field Theory which has fascinating connections with open questions in fundamental physics. The ideal formula written by Casimir does not describe real experiments and it has to be generalized by taking into account the effects of imperfect reflection, thermal fluctuations, geometry as well as th...
We present a theoretical study of radiative heat transfer between dielectric
nanogratings in the scattering approach. As a comparision with these exact
results, we also evaluate the domain of validity of Derjaguin's Proximity
Approximation (PA). We consider a system of two corrugated silica plates with
various grating geometries, separation distanc...
We study the influence of finite conductivity of metals on the Casimir effect. We put the emphasis on explicit theoretical
evaluations which can help comparing experimental results with theory. The reduction of the Casimir force is evaluated for
plane metallic plates. The reduction of the Casimir energy in the same configuration is also calculated....
We compute the radiative heat transfer between nanostructured gold plates in
the framework of the scattering theory. We predict an enhancement of the heat
transfer as we increase the depth of the corrugations while keeping the
distance of closest approach fixed. We interpret this effect in terms of the
evolution of plasmonic and guided modes as a f...
We study the Casimir interaction in the plane-sphere geometry in the
classical limit of high temperatures. In this limit, the finite conductivity of
the metallic plates needs to be taken into account. For the Drude model, the
classical Casimir interaction is nevertheless found to be independent of the
conductivity so that it can be described by a s...
We present calculations of the Casimir interaction between a sphere and a
plane, using a multipolar expansion of the scattering formula. This
configuration enables us to study the nontrivial dependence of the Casimir
force on the geometry, and its correlations with the effects of imperfect
reflection and temperature. The accuracy of the Proximity F...
We consider theoretical motivations to search for extra short-range fundamental forces as well as experiments constraining their parameters. The forces could be of two types: 1) spin-independent forces; 2) spin-dependent axion-like forces. Different experimental techniques are sensitive in respective ranges of characteristic distances The technique...
The Casimir effect results from the optomechanical coupling between field
fluctuations and mirrors in quantum vacuum. This contribution to the 20th
International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy (ICOLS 2011) discusses the
current status in the comparison between theory and experiments.