Aslı Vatansever

Aslı Vatansever
Bard College Berlin | ECLA

Doctor of Philosophy
Ongoing research project at Bard College Berlin on varieties of academic labor activism in Europe


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February 2007 - January 2010
Hamburg University
Field of study
  • historical sociology


Publications (35)
A comprehensive review of the feminization discourse within labor studies reveals a great diversity of conceptions. The term “feminization” is connected to multiple intersectional issues in labor, including gender inequality, labor devaluation, gendered notions and divisions of work, shifts in the composition of the workforce, and persisting power...
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This volume consists of narratives of migrant academics from the Global South within academia in the Global North. The autobiographic and autoethnographic contributions to this collection aim to decolonise the discourse around academic mobility by highlighting experiences of precarity, resilience, care and solidarity in the academic margins. The au...
Looking back on a disturbing past experience, 'Survival in Silence' reflects upon gender inequality, rank hierarchy, precarity, and foreignness in European academia from the perspective of an exiled female researcher. In view of her own conflicting feelings and actions during and after the incident, the author confronts the predicaments of resistan...
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Restrictions on academic freedom, persecution and armed conflict have forced many scholars into exile. So far, the professional trajectories of these scholars and their contributions to knowledge exchange have not been studied comprehensively. The contributors to this volume address the situations and networks of scholars in exile, the challenges t...
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With contributions from six leading scientific countries of the Global North and from the general European Higher Education Area, this book questions the predominant view on academic freedom and pleads for a holistic approach. While academic freedom has been a top agenda point for the global scientific community in recent years, the public and acad...
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Restrictions on academic freedom, persecution and armed conflict have forced many scholars into exile. So far, the professional trajectories of these scholars and their contributions to knowledge exchange have not been studied comprehensively. The contributors to this volume address the situations and networks of scholars in exile, the challenges t...
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War and anti-democratic pressure impose unprecedented impacts on freedom in academia, once again reminding us that academic freedom is an indispensable part of human rights. Since 2015, first the migration crises because of the war in Syria, then the coup attempt in Turkey and its discriminative domestic politics, and finally with the aggregation o...
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Despite its chronic shortage on permanent positions and structural exclusivity toward Bildungsausländer, Germany represents one of the favorite destinations for displaced scholars within the EU due to the excess of third-party-funding opportunities. However, what appears as a blessing at first sight turns out to be a curse, for the plethora of exte...
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This article investigates the political potency of 'precarity' as an organising axiom in contingent workers' grassroots organisations. It studies a nationwide network of precarious researchers in Germany and deploys Frame Analysis to illuminate how the Network articulates diverse criticisms as parts of a coherent struggle against precarious academi...
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‘Feminization’ is used either quantitatively to indicate an increased female labor market participation or qualitatively to refer to labor devaluation and to types of work that supposedly require “feminine” skillsets. This article cautiously hews to the qualitative interpretations but suggests an affirmative reconstruction of the concept in the con...
Covering a broad spatial and temporal span, stretching from the early 19th Century to the Cold War era and the neoliberal times, from Eurasia to China and to the US, this edited volume offers an illuminating panorama of the political and structural challenges that scientific production and critical thinking continue to face.
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Since the Academics for Peace Petition became public in January 2016, academic freedoms have been under a massive attack in Turkey. While the AKP era represents a renewed authoritarian intervention into the sphere of intellectual production, reinforced by neoliberal populism, state control over universities and the oppression of dissident scholars...
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For almost two decades now, higher education in Germany has been undergoing a significant transformation, driven to a great extent by business imperatives to keep up with the ever intensifying international academic competition. Major milestones of this process in the sphere of policy making have been the Exzellenzinitiative that promoted a financi...
At the Margins of Academia offers a broad approach to the challenge of academic labor precarity and the ever-growing academic migration from Turkey to European academic labor markets, based on the author’s own experiences and on in-depth interviews with the exiled Peace Academics. To this aim, it provides a detailed analysis of the systemic backgro...
Seit der Veröffentlichung des Friedensaufrufes der “ Akademiker für den Frieden ”-Initiative im Januar 2016 wurde die Wissenschaftsfreiheit in der Türkei einem massiven Angriff ausgesetzt. Obschon die AKP-Ära einen erneuten autoritären Eingriff in die Sphäre der intellektuellen Produktion darstellt, der durch den Aufstieg des neoliberalen Populismu...
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In addition to the economic destabilization of academic labour markets in neoliberal times, intellectual labour also experiences ideologically motivated repressions in a number of countries. One of the most recent examples of the latter has been the AKP government's attack on dissident scholars, which started following the Academics for Peace Petit...
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Geçtiğimiz 1-1,5 sene zarfında işten çıkarma, zorunlu emeklilik, uzaklaştırma ve KHK ile ihraç yoluyla 460 barış akademisyeni işsiz bırakıldı. Hakkında kanun hükmünde kararname çıkmadan evvel yurtdışına çıkabilenler, kısa vadeli burslarla ve geçersiz bırakılmış pasaportlarla an itibarıyla bulundukları ülkelerde hayatlarını idame ettirmenin geçici y...
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The ongoing witch-hunt in Turkish universities adds a political dimension to the economic precarization of the academic labour force, and should be seen as part of a wider, distinctly neo-liberal attempt on the part of the state to eradicate rational agency. By eliminating qualified oppositional cadres en masse on false accusations, the government...
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Säkularisierung ist nach wie vor ein Streitthema in der Türkei. Ideologisch wird sie als unentbehrlich für die lang ersehnte Modernisierung betrachtet, politisch wird sie als ein Sicherheitsproblem behandelt. Dabei wird ganz nach der essentialistischen Tradition der Islam zum Sündenbock gemacht und die Frage der Säkularisierung als Kampffeld der au...
Conference Paper
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Along with a series of social changes that the increasing flexibility of production has generated since the 1970s, the nature of labor and class relations have underwent a major transformation. The white-collar workers who are confronted with an ever decreasing security at all levels, and who also seem to have lost the capacity to organize as a cla...
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Along with a series of social changes that the increasing flexibility of production has generated since the 1970s, the nature of labor and class relations have underwent a major transformation. The white-collar workers who are confronted with an ever decreasing security at all levels, and who also seem to have lost the capacity to organize as a cla...
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Die These, dass die türkische Adakt ve Kalhnma Partisi (Partei für Gerechtigkeit und Entwicklung; folgend: AKP) für den muslimischen Mittleren Osten ein “neues Vorbild” darstellen kann, hat gerade höchste Konjunktur. Zusätzlich zu den berühmten und einflussreichen Befürworter/Innen dieser Anschauung wie Hillary Clinton und Tariq Ramadan hat sich se...
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So far mankind has undergone two global revolutions in the socioeconomic sense of the term. Both the Neolithic Revolution and the Industrial Revolution have changed the relationship between man and nature as well as between oneself and fellow human beings. They both provided an escape from the constraints of the previous economic order and were bro...
Conference Paper
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Does the current period of economic and politico-social upheaval indicate just another cyclicaldownturn or a major structural transformation? Drawing on diverse anti-systemic reactions such as theOccupy movements in various core and semi-peripheral countries, the unfinished Arab Spring, andelectronic civil disobedience as a way of turning the table...
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"Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, die seiner Entwicklung innewohnende ideologische Schwäche des Kemalismus in der Türkei, der zufolge die gegenwärtige Situation manchen Theoretikern wie eine konjunkturelle 'Autoritätskrise' aufgrund der islamistischen Kritik erscheint (Sayyid 1997, S. 66), erkennen zu lassen. Meines Erachtens bedarf die krisenähnliche...


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