Arved Vain

Arved Vain
University of Tartu · Institute of Physics

PhD, Dr. Habil. Biol


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September 2015 - September 2020
University of Tartu
  • Assoc Professor in biomechanics
January 1992 - December 2008
University of Tartu
  • Biomechanics of skeletal muscle
  • Research on the phenomenon of mechanical stress transmission in skeletal muscles
December 1965 - January 1970
University of Tartu
Field of study
  • biomechanics


Publications (51)
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Chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) is a severe complication in long-term survivors of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. This disease is challenging to manage clinically due to a lack of validated tools to quantitatively measure skin sclerosis. The current gold standard for measuring skin sclerosis is the NIH Skin Score whic...
Background Several pathological conditions (atrophy, dystrophy, spasticity, inflammation) can change muscle biomechanical parameters. Our previous works have shown that dexamethasone treatment changes skeletal muscle tone, stiffness, elasticity. Exercise training may oppose the side effects observed during dexamethasone treatment. The purpose of th...
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Background: There are non-invasive methods of correcting genu valgum (GV), but to date, there is no method to evaluate mechanotherapeutic intervention that does not restrict child's natural movements while the process is on-going so that timely decisions could be made on effectiveness of intervention. The aim of study was to develop and assess the...
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Skin biomechanical parameters (dynamic stiffness, frequency, relaxation time, creep, and decrement) measured using a myotonometer (MyotonPRO) could inform management of sclerotic disease. To determine which biomechanical parameter(s) can accurately differentiate sclerotic chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD) patients from post-hematopoietic ce...
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An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.
INTRODUCTION Skin sclerosis is a significant cause of morbidity in chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD). The current accepted standard for response assessment is the NIH skin score (0-3 scale) which is based on extent of skin involvement and clinician assessment of degree of sclerosis (superficial vs. deep; movable vs. hidebound). There is an...
INTRODUCTION There is an unmet need for quantitatively measuring skin sclerosis to track the progression of sclerosis in chronic cutaneous graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD). Two candidate technologies are the Myoton, a noninvasive device to assess soft tissue biomechanics, and the durometer, an industrial device measuring surface hardness. Both dev...
Background Clinical assessment of skin stiffness is unreliable in many applications. The durometer, an industrial device to measure hardness, has previously been applied in scleroderma. The Myoton is a noninvasive handheld device for assessing soft tissue biomechanical parameters. Materials and Methods We evaluated the reproducibility of both devi...
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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to estimate the state of tension (tone) and the biomechanical and viscoelastic properties of skeletal muscle in aging rats during the administration of different doses of dexamethasone and to find the relationships among the state of muscle atrophy, muscle strength, and the abovementioned muscle properties...
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BACKGROUND: Gymnasts’ spine bears high repetitive stress and frequently prone to injuries and low back pain (LBP). Therefore it is important to find indicative and noninvasive markers for monitoring LBP in young sportsmen. In this context we characterize function of musculoskeletal system (MSS) in rhythmic gymnasts with and without LBP. We presume...
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The association between muscle tone and postural sway characteristics during standing was investigated in 27 healthy men aged 17–31 years. Frequency of muscle oscillations as an indicator of the tone, logarithmic decrement of the dampening of muscle oscillations as an indicator of the elasticity, and stiffness of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscl...
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Viscoelastic properties of skeletal muscle are associ- ated with a complex network of cytoskeletal proteins where titin and nebulin play a substantial role. The need for evaluation of muscle viscoelastic properties is widely accepted in clinical use to evaluate the effect of treatment or progression of muscle pathology (at- rophy). We tested the hy...
Leiutise objektiks on seade (müomeeter) ja meetod pehme bioloogilise koe mehaanilist pingeseisundit, elastsust, dünaamilist jäikust, roomavust ja mehaanilise pinge relaksatsiooniaega iseloomustavate parameetrite samaaegseks mõõtmiseks reaalajas.
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A device and method for simultaneous recording, in real time, of the parameters characterising the mechanical tension, elasticity, dynamical stiffness, creepability and mechanical stress relaxation time of soft biological tissue is provided.
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Loengumaterjalid biomeditsiinitehnika ja meditsiinifüüsika magistriõppe üliõpilastele
The present study compares the tone of tibial muscles in the evening, late at night, and in the morning in idiopathic RLS patients. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensorimotor disorder associated with the circadian cycle. RLS patients (10 patients, aged 42–68 years) and normal subjects (5 patients, aged 40–65 years) participated in the study. Co...
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The aim of this study was to compare spinal curvature and muscle tone characteristics in elite female rhythmic gymnasts (n = 32) and untrained controls (n = 48). Results showed that the angles of lumbar lordosis (LL) and thoracic kyphosis (TK) were lower (p < 0.001) in gymnasts in comparison with the control group. It was evident that the vertebral...
Conference Paper
The goal of this paper is to investigate the difference of muscle tone and visco-elastic properties (elasticity and stiffness) characteristics between the standing, sitting, supine rest position and while being horizontal in partial posterior neck level thermo-neutral water immersion (WI), and to discuss the results' implications for WI and sedenta...
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This research work is dedicated to occupational health problems caused by ergonomic risks. The research object was road building industry, where workers have to work very intensively, have long work hours, are working in forced/constrained work postures and overstrain during the work specific parts of their bodies. The aim of this study was to eval...
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The nature of the mechanical stress transmission in the skeletal muscle in the motion of living organism is of principal importance. It forms the basis for understanding the mechanics of the contraction process, effective usage of the biomechanical properties of muscles and also muscular tone estimation. Available publications describing biomechani...
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The aim of the study was to characterize the electromechanical properties of skeletal muscle during isometric loading as well as to assess the potential of estimating intramuscular pressure by electrical and mechanical methods. Simultaneous electromyography (EMG), mechanical myotonometry (MYO, frequency and decrement of decay) and intramuscular pre...
Upper airway dilator muscles are important in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). The present study compares changes of tissue properties between the soft palate and tongue in different age groups of apnea patients and healthy subjects. Materials and methods: OSAS patients diagnosed by polysomnography (15 patients – aged 30...
Upper airway dilator muscles are important in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). The present study compares changes of tissue properties between the soft palate and tongue in different age groups of apnea patients and healthy subjects. Materials and methods: OSAS patients diagnosed by polysomnography (15 patients - aged 30...
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Upper airway dilator muscles are important in the pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Previously, soft palate and tongue muscles of patients with OSA have been studied from a histological point of view. Electromyographic studies revealed increased activity of upper airway dilator muscles. We used computerized endopharyngeal myotonometry...
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Usage of the methods of preventive medicine makes it possible to avoid pathological conditions caused by overloads. 15 female gymnasts, going in for artistic gymnastics (age from 10 to 14 years), were under observation during a five-year time period. Changes in linear dimensions of the vertebral column and the biomechanical characteristics of perip...
Unlabelled: We compared the tissue tone of the soft palate in 10 young (18-29 years) and 15 middle-aged (30-70 years) apnoeics with 10 young and 10 middle-aged non-snorers and healthy volunteers of the same ages. The obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) was diagnosed by means of the self-reported questionnaire about the medical history of the...
This study compared the tissue tone of the soft palate in nonsnoring subjects and patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) during wakefulness. Here, tissue tone means the biomechanical property of the tissue which can be characterized by two main parameters: stiffness and elasticity. Tissue tone includes both structural and neural com...
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On the elasticity of the skeletal muscle depend the prevention of muscle traumas as well as the economy consumption in the process of active movements and posture maintenance by the muscular tone. The aim of this study is to setablish the elastic properties of skeletal muscles in the state subtonic tension. We can conclude that the passive elastici...
The aim of this study was to investigate which muscle characteristics of oscillation of the lower extremities have influence on trunk forward flexion and knee extension. The frequency and the decrement of damped oscillation of the muscles m. rectus femoris, m. biceps femoris, m. semitendinosus and t. semimembranosus in relaxed, contracted or stretc...
Myotonometry was used to detect breaking of rigor mortis. The myotonometer is a new instrument which measures the decaying oscillations of a muscle after a brief mechanical impact. The method gives two numerical parameters for rigor mortis, namely the period and decrement of the oscillations, both of which depend on the time period elapsed after de...
Using in computer simulation the analytical solution of skeletal muscle by Nossal and Lecar [5] based on the functional model of skeletal muscle by Hill (1938) and the analytical solution based on the new biomechanical model of skeletal muscle [6,8] by Vain the corresponding sets of numerical solutions were calculated for the values of parameters u...
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It is nearly impossible to overrate the importance of the functional state of the skeletal muscles as a component of the state of the organism as a whole. One of the significant criteria determining the functional state of a skeletal muscle is its tone. The measurement of the muscular tone is complicated, since the measurement procedure must not af...
Myotonometry has been applied to grade rigor mortis. The myotonometer is a hand-held instrument which gives a mechanical impact against the muscle. The muscle responds with a damped vibration which is registered and treated mathematically. The period and the logarithmic decrement of decay of the vibrations were found to change with the development...
Biomechanical qualities of muscles characterize the work-capacity and functional condition of the neuro-muscular system.
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A new method and equipment to carry out biomechanical diagnostics of the functional state of skeletal muscles have been designed at the University of Tartu. The idea of the method lies in using an acceleration transducer to registrate the reaction of peripheral skeletal muscle or its part to mechanical impulse and the following analysis of the resu...


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