Artur Colom-Jaén

Artur Colom-Jaén
Autonomous University of Barcelona | UAB · Departamento de Economía Aplicada

Ph. D. Economics (UB)


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Publications (22)
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South-South cooperation is on the rise in the developing world, and Senegal is not an exception. In this contribution we present the features of the South-South cooperation frameworks in the country, focusing mainly in the presence of Chinese and Indian companies and aid programmes. We assess the developmental effects of this presence from a struct...
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HIV/AIDS policies have become a significant and controversial issue in Mozambique in recent years. The extent of the disease, along with a massive involvement of the donor community and a committed response by Mozambican authorities, are the main drivers of these policies. In the framework of the new aid architecture, donors are expected to encoura...
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Trade agreements have proliferated between countries and regional groups with unequal levels of development and highly asymmetrical trade and productive specialisations in recent decades. Successive US governments promoted the first of these through the signing of free trade agreements (FTAs) with economies in their area of influence in Latin Ameri...
Megaprojects in aluminium production, coal and natural gas extraction, and hydropower generation play a key role in the Mozambican economy. Based on the concepts of global value chains and linkages, this chapter shows that remarkable transformations are taking place in these sectors, including the expansion of production, the attraction of FDI and...
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As a consequence of a series of recent geological discoveries, in the space of a few years, Mozambique has gone from being a country with scarce natural resources to being potentially one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of coal and gas. This is attracting numerous transnational corporations from the extractive sector who are ready to...
Conference Paper
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T imes are changing in Africa. After two decades of poor developmental records, since the beginning of this century the prospects for many African countries are improving in terms of growth and development, although the challenges ahead remain huge. Another emerging aspect of the African inter-national political economy is the growing influence in...
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Africa has historically been regarded as a continent rich in raw materials, in particular, energy resources. Consequently, the role of many African economies has been as primary exporters, meaning that they occupy a dependent position in the world economy as primary producers. An important part of the literature on this theme adopts the notion of ‘...
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This article aims to show the changes and potential consequences in the economic relations between the EU and Southern Africa, that the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) scheme is promoting. The main arguments for changing the previous model, and for the deployment of a new discourse and practice by the EU, clash with the approaches and propos...
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BRICS are on the rise in the world economy, and indeed this fact has a reflection on Africa in terms of growing engagement with the region. The effects of these increasing trade, investment, and aid flows on the development prospects of Africa are a key issue in the political economy of the continent. This article pays attention to a specific case...
The exploration and extraction of oil in the territorial sea of Equatorial Guinea and Chad’s southern region of Doba have led to certain socio-economic and political dynamics among their populations. The literature developed around the concept of ‘resource curse’ is helpful in understanding how oil stimulates the governments’ rentier behaviour and...
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The significant increase in foreign investment in the African extractive sector in the last decade has refuelled the debate on the effects on development of the rents generated in this sector. From the resource curse theory it is argued that the negative effects of these rents on development rents have to do basically with internal disfunctions, ge...
The significant increase in foreign investment in the African extractive sector in the last decade has refuelled the debate on the effects on development of the rents generated in this sector. From the resource curse theory it is argued that the negative effects of these rents on development rents have to do basically with internal disfunctions, ge...
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El modelo chadiano de reducción de la pobreza fue presentado como una gran oportunidad para superar la �maldición de los recursos�. Un complejo diseño institucional liderado por el Banco Mundial perseguía que los ingresos petroleros fueran aplicados al crecimiento y la reducción de la pobreza. Sin embargo, en muy poco tiempo el mecanismo se reveló...
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Desde finales de los 90 se observan notables cambios en la agenda del sistema internacional de cooperación para el desarrollo. Al cambio de estrategia del Banco Mundial desde 1995, hay que añadir el compromiso del sistema con la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio; un aumento más que notable de los recursos financieros puestos a...
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En los actuales debates sobre el camino hacia el desarrollo en el continente africano, se reproduce en gran medida la vieja discusión entre los teóricos del desarrollo sobre la dicotomía entre modelos extravertidos y autocentrados. Por otro lado, las notables transformaciones económicas y políticas a nivel internacional y continental acaecidas en l...
The ongoing debates about development paths on the African continent reproduce the same old discussion among development theoreticians, as to the dichotomy between outward-oriented and self-reliant models. Concurrently, in recent years Africa has witnessed dramatic economic and political transformations, at the both international and continental le...
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En este artículo se estudian las oportunidades de reducción de la pobreza en África Subsahariana surgidas a raíz de la propuesta de condonación de deuda del G-7, el Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional, la llamada Iniciativa PPAE, encaminada a aliviar la carga de la deuda de los países pobres altamente endeudados. Tras un repaso históri...
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El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las nuevas conceptualizaciones de lucha contra la pobreza surgidas recientemente, al amparo de la iniciativa de condonación de la deuda para los países más pobres, impulsada por el Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional. Desde mediados de los años 90, ambas instituciones vienen operando un cambio d...


Question (1)
Since the 90s there has been a growing literature about the socioeconomic effects of natural resources exploitation in developing countries. The mainstream view is that it usually harms growth (see Dutch disease approach), prompts corruption (see rentier-state approach) and even conflict (see the Collier-Hoeffler approach). There are alternative views to that, stating that in the long-run it doesn't harm (see Di John's works) and sometimes natural resources are 'red herrings' (see Brunschweiler and Bulte works). There is yet another view, in which natural resources can help to boost economic transformation. This view is put forward by several works of Morris and Kaplinsky. Which proxies would you use to test the contribution to economic transformation of natural resources exploitation in a specific country or region? I am particularly interested in Africa.


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